Employability Skills Enhancement Module (ESEM) Model Student Handbook
Employability Skills Enhancement Module (ESEM) Model Student Handbook
Employability Skills Enhancement Module (ESEM) Model Student Handbook
Enhancement Module
Learning Modules
1. Communication Essentials
2. Interview Essentials
3. Body Language and Etiquette
4. E Mail Writing
5. Presentation Skills
6. Intra Personal Skills
7. Interpersonal Skills
8. Resume & Cover Letter
9. Social Responsibility
10. Growth dynamics & Job Opportunities in AP
Module 1
Communication Skills Essentials
What is Communication Skills?
Effective spoken communication requires being able to express your ideas and
views clearly, confidently and concisely in speech, tailoring your content and style
to the audience and promoting free-flowing communication.
1. Assertiveness
Assertiveness is a skill regularly referred to in social and communication
skills training. Being assertive means being able to stand up for your own or
other people's rights in a calm and positive way, without being either
aggressive, or passively accepting 'wrong'.
2. Authenticity
Communicating authentically means being honest, open and thoughtful in
what you say -– and in how you listen and respond to what you hear.
3. Open Mindedness
An effective communicator should be open to varied point of views and
sometimes a contrarian view. Open-mindedness is the readiness or
preparedness to engage in and with the situation and the other person and
culture. In communication and interaction with other people, open-
mindedness is required from both sides.
4. Empathy
The feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and
emotions. But most importantly, Empathy essentially means taking up action
towards making a bad situation better. Sympathy on the other hand only
means expression of sorrow, solace through words wherein Empathy means
action with words.
5. Clarity
Clarity in effective communication means both in terms of though and
speech. Clarity of thought is important for both articulation and
comprehension wherein clarity of speech is critical for articulation.
6. Listening skill
The critical component of effective communication is Listening. Listening is
a process of receiving → comprehending → responding to spoken or non
verbal message. It essentially involves element of willingness to pay
attention to what we hear.
• Make effective use of body language and speech. Be sensitive to the
other person’s body language and focus on what they are trying to
communicate : eye contact , gestures, appropriate humour and analogies
• Listen Attentively
• Good listening builds a rapport and understanding with the speaker and
allows them to freely express their views. It motivates them to say more.
• Poor listening makes assumptions, creates resistance and hostility,
demotivates the speaker, inhibits their development and creates
dependence on the listener.
Types of Communication
Nonverbal communication refers to communication that occurs through means
other than words, such as body language, gestures, and silence.
Visual communication like signs, maps etc. These typically reinforce verbal
communication, and they help to make a point. Visual aids can help a speaker
remember important topics, give the audience something to look at, and generally
help convey the message being presented.
1. Articulation
2. Comprehension
The issues that we face is mainly attributed to ‘Articulation’ and hence rather than
‘Comprehension’. Hence, it’s essential to focus on Oral Communication.
Question types to avoid
• Closed Questions
• Leading Questions
• Negative Questions
Good Conversations
1. Should be both way with both the parties equally involved and interested
2. Build them around respect
3. Talk about mainly positive things
4. Willingness to be open
5. A good conversation makes a difference; something useful happens and it
has a satisfying conclusion.
6. Leave Spaces
7. Nod your Head
8. Summarize regularly
9. Make description specific
Bad Conversations
Begin with light topics such as the weather and later move onto more serious
1. Light conversation/small talk
2. Humour
3. Friendly gossip
4. Affection
5. Support
6. Discussing deep subjects
Just A minute session or Just A Minute session is a session where the person should
select a topic and speak about it just for 1 minute. In most of the cases
Interviewer decides the Just A Minute topics Job speaker should speak on. In the
process of recruitment Just A Minute session plays a major role.
Sample Topics
This sentence raises frustrating questions: When did this extreme weather
occur? What does "of an extreme nature" mean? Where on the West Coast
did this take place?
Concrete: Mumbai and adjoining areas had unusually cold weather last
Rule 2. Use active voice whenever possible. Active voice means the subject is
performing the verb. Passive voice means the subject receives the action.
Notice that the party responsible for the action—in the previous example,
whoever hit the ball—may not even appear when using passive voice. So
passive voice is a useful option when the responsible party is not known.
Rule 3. Avoid overusing there is, there are, it is, it was, etc.
Example: There are some revisions that must be made.
Rule 4. To avoid confusion, don't use two negatives to make a positive without
good reason.
Rule 5: Use consistent grammatical form when offering several ideas. This is
called parallel construction.
Incorrect: I admire people who are honest, reliable, and have sincerity.
Rule 6: Word order can make or ruin a sentence. If you start a sentence with an
incomplete phrase or clause, such as While crossing the street or Forgotten by
history, it must be followed closely by the person or thing it describes.
Furthermore, that person or thing is always the main subject of the sentence.
Breaking this rule results in the dreaded, all-too-common dangling modifier, or
The problem: his autograph shouldn't come right after history, because he was
forgotten, not his autograph.
Example: Born in Chicago, my first book was about the 1871 fire.
The problem: the sentence wants to say I was born in Chicago, but to a careful
reader, it says that my first book was born there.
Correct: I was born in Chicago, and my first book was about the 1871 fire.
Example: While crossing the street, the bus hit her. (Wrong: the bus was not
• Think carefully about what you are going to write.
• Collect facts related to your paragraph or essay topic
• Write down your own ideas
• Find the main idea of your paragraph or essay
• Organize your facts and ideas in a way that develops your main idea
• Write the topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence.
• Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning.
• Focus on the main idea of your paragraph.
• Use the dictionary to help you find additional words to express your ideas.
Module 2
Interview Essentials
What is a job interview?
Interview Types
• Face-to-Face
• Telephonic
• Video Conference
Interview Category
• Technical
o One-o-One
o Panel
• HR
o One-o-One
o Panel
Interview Checklist
• Send your interviewer a thank you email
• Follow up a week after the interview to ask for feedback
• Be positive
• Be persistent – you may not get the first role you interview for, but
maintaining the right attitude will increase your chances of success
Skills that employers look for when recruiting. Some key competencies include:
• Teamwork
• Responsibility
• Communication skills
• Decision making
• Leadership
• Problem-solving
• Organisation
• Goal orientation
• Dress Code
• Body Language
• Answering Top 10 common questions
Inappropriate for Men?: Casual dressing – T-shirt – Jeans – shirt tucked out.
Appropriate belt for Men? Formal belt made of Leather/Foam leather
Rule: The colour and shade of the belt should match with the colour and shade of the shoes. If
you wear a black belt, the shoes should be back and vice-versa.
Appropriate watch for Men/Women
Interview Questions
Questions in an interview can be categories into 4 stages
A. D1 - About yourself (Education, Family, Strength, Weakness, Hobbies etc)
B. D2 – More details about answers given on D1 (If hobby is ‘reading books’ –
then “Who is your favourite author”... “Explain the last book you read”
C. D3 – Any question that cannot be anticipated or prepared for. In this stage n
the questions are asked to determine the confidence level of the candidate
in varied subjects.
D. D4 – Shuffling between D1-D2-D3 to determine the focus and stress levels of
the candidate
1. Tell me more about yourself [Self Introduction]
State your name, where you are from, education background, family
background in brief.
1. Hard working
2. Smart
3. Confident
4. Team player
5. Disciplined
6. Punctual
7. High Performer – This is for students, who have excellent
academic performances
8. Consistent
9. Flexible
10. Adaptable
11. Leader
12. Solution Oriented
13. Multi-tasker
14. Helpful
15. Responsible
16. Quick Learner
4. What is your Weakness?
Speak about personality traits that you need to work on. Also state the
action plan to convert the weakness into strength.
My weakness are
• I feel nervous when I have to interact with a group of people
• Straight forward attitude
• Trusting others
• Stubborn
• Laziness
• I come from non-English medium background, hence am a little
hesitant, when I have to interact quickly –but am working on it
• Am not a multi tasker, I take up one activity at a time
• Am a little impatient – but am working on it
• I trust people easily
But if you are not aware of the job role, you can focus on your qualities
which are strength.
6. Tell me more about this company
Go through the website of the company. Speak about the
• Values the company stands for
• Their products & innovations
• How they have helped people build their career
• Their CSR contributions
• Company founder
• Company current CEO
• How many branches
• How many employees
10. Why is your percentage in academics fluctuating?
1. If, your percentage is low only in your graduation, but it’s good during
school and intermediate, then tell them, during school and intermediate
days, there were few subjects and a lot of time and you focussed on
education more, but in graduation, you also wanted to participate in other
things like NCC or any other activities, because you wanted to build on your
personality not just score marks
2. If, your percentage is low throughout your education, then you can say, I
study well, but I find writing exams a little challenging, however I worked
on my exam fear, and during my graduation I scored much better
3. Or you can be very genuine at answering, tell them it was a genuine mistake
of not being to score, but now you have realized being focussed is very
important, hence you have enrolled yourself in some course, so that you can
make you sure, you have acquired all the skills required for a successful
professional life.
4. Some of you who come from Telugu Medium background, but changed your
medium later at graduation level, tell them you found it difficult to adjust
to medium as entire terminology while writing an exam is very different.
But you wanted to learn and be professional ready hence you took a risk,
now you are comfortable with the medium.
5. If, you come from uneducated background (both your parents are not
educated), you can answer them by saying, I come from an uneducated
background hence, I did not have enough guidance, but however though my
percentage might not be high, but my hard work is definitely high.
You should share an experience in your life and how that experience helped you
become better
Example :
• I worked quite hard during my tenth, I did not become topper but I
really enjoyed working hard. From then I have always worked hard.
• I trusted my friends and when they betrayed me I was hurt, but that
experience though painful, helped me become tough and now am good
at handling any stressful situation
• I come from a farming family, hard work and never give up attitude is a
part of our upbringing, which has always helped me.
12. What is your dream company?
If you are attending your dream company, say the company name and why,
but if you are not attending your dream company, tell them you don’t have a
dream company, all of you have a dream job, where you can contribute to
the company’s growth.
13. What was the most challenging situation you ever faced?
Share any personal or professional experience from your life, and how did
you manage to overcome it.
Always say yes, even if they ask you remote or unsafe places, still say yes, as
they are just checking your attitude.
Group interview tips: Do’s and Don’ts
To help you make the right first impressions, here’s our list of group interview:
do’s and don’ts…
1. Arrive early
2. Remember the icebreaker
3. Sit up straight
4. Prepare questions
5. Include everyone/be inclusive
Other things to do: Praise others’ ideas, take notes, dress appropriately, smile.
1. Be fake
2. Talk over people
3. Get lost in the group
4. Become too
5. Lose concentration
Other things not to do: Make too much eye contact, insult the other interviewees,
insult the interviewers, Panic.
To start with, every candidate is different, in their own self. Please make sure all
your answers are not mugged up and also make sure you speak about your
experience rather than your friends.
P : Preparation
P : Presentation
Presentation includes
1. Dressing
2. Other general etiquette
Dressing :
• Knock the door, while you walk in. Greet the interviewer with a smile.
Shake hands only if your hands are not sweaty or if the interviewer offers a
• Keep a copy of resume handy, give them your resume and ask them if you
can sit, if you have not already sat.
• Don’t shake legs or play with fingers on table
• Sit straight , make good eye contact
• Also carry some extra copies of resume, in case there are more people
• After the interview, say thank you with a smile and walk out confidently
• Close the door behind slowly(Don’t bang the door).
P: Performance
Performance is everything now. After making sure you follow two P’s(Preparation
and Presentation).
In performance, the way you speak is very important. Students who prepare are
usually confident to answer the questions. Choose your words carefully, sound
confident. Listen to the question entirely.
Never leave a question you are good at. And your preparation will ensure, you can
reduce the number of questions you don’t know.
Students despite all the preparation, make few mistakes. Please read the below
list, to make sure you don’t make those.
Success tips
1. Explore internet about your previous year papers and questions of the
company you were appearing for, most of the times similar questions might
2. Learn about the company before appearing.
3. Reach the interview venue, at least an hour prior, so that you can interact
with candidates who have attended interview and can take tips from them.
4. Never fumble in the question you are good at.
Interviews - Questions You Shouldn’t Be Asking
Module 3
Body Language & Etiquette
What is Body Language?
• Smile politely
• Eye contact
• Relax
• Firm body posture
• Let the hand movements be confident
• Crossed legs or firm legs
Do Not’s:
• Slouching
• Shaking hands and legs
• Leaning
• Lock your hands
• Bite nails
• Touching hair
• Tap your feet
• Tap your fingers on table
• Keep your hands out of pocket
The intent
• Voluntary/Intentional movements - Usually called "Gestures". These are
movements you intended to make, like shaking a hand, giving the finger,
blinking with one eye
• Involuntary movements - Any body movement you have no cotrol over falls in
this category.
The Body Language of Gestures
• Waving of hand to indicate good bye or draw the attention of a person
• Shaking Hands display the greeting
• Shrugging of shoulders indicates indifference & unconcern
The Body Language of Posture
Facial Expression
Eye Contact
• Always maintain eye contact with the person you are speaking with
• Eye contact has very much in face-to-face communication
• Absence of eye contact shows lack of interest & understanding
• We look faster than listen or talk
• Eyes are human windows except them there is no life
• The speaker must look in to the eyes of the audience from right to left & left to
right this will built up the confidence & eliminate the nervousness
• It build the rapport between the speaker & the listener
Hand Shake
When you are at a job interview or you are about to engage in a negotiation, you
can let others know that you are a confident person by extending your hand first.
For an audience that is more conservative or one which the individual is of much
higher status than you, it’s better to wait to show that person respect.
Important Points for Hand Shake
• The Grip: Apply same strength as other person
• Time: Wait for appropriate time. Do not initiate a handshake when the
other person is eating, on a phone call etc.
• Eye Contact: Maintain eye contact while shaking hand
• Greetings: Greet the person while shaking hand ‘Good Morning’, ‘Good
Evening’, ‘How are you doing’
• Duration: 3-6 seconds
• Motion: Up and down
• The Other Hand: Do not place the other hand in your pocket, do not pat
the shoulder of the other person
Social Manners
As one of the old saying says,” treat others like how you want them to treat you”.
Politely greet people with a smile. Always dress to the occasion.
Introduce yourself by stating your name and which department you work. Never
encourage or initiate any negative conversations. Don’t ever raise sensitive issues
especially, region or religion related.
Do put forward your opinions which you think will not hurt or sound provoking to
Do not engage yourself with your mobile, as this is a serious concern off late.
GD and interview rounds are example where interviewers usually test the
conversation skills.
Telephonic Etiquette
1. Greeting
Just like a face to face conversation, the other party in the telephonic
conversation expects you to open the conversation with a nice greeting.
It is suggested that you begin the phone call with an appropriate greeting like
Good morning/Afternoon depending on which time of the day you are calling.
A polite word or two always helps in bringing warmth into the conversation.
While it is very important to take permission to speak to the person you have
intended to call, one should always remember to use a polite tone.
Try to record your own conversations. You will then hear how your sound to others.
The most common mistake that people make during a phone is call not identifying
It is considered inappropriate and can also lead to miscommunication, always
introduce yourself before getting into any conversation; telephonic or face to face
-- that's the thumb rule!
4. Clarity
Think through exactly what you plan to say and practice before you place the call.
Writing down the items you want to discuss and questions you want answered can
help in making a smooth conversation
Filler words -- like um and uh -- are never written into a speech, and add nothing
when a speaker utters them.
During a telephonic conversation, a filler word sends a signal to the other person
which says "I'm still thinking, and I'm not willing to pass the conversation back to
you just yet."
This only conveys that you are confused and still thinking of what to say next.
Communicating over the telephone is much more effective when both parties can
hear each other clearly without background noise.
Plan to make your call, whether it's for work or just to catch up with an old friend,
at a time in which you are not required to attend to any other business and ensure
that there is no disturbance around.
Blaring noises, such as the television or road traffic can interfere with both your
listening and communication skills, making it difficult for a conversation.
There are various benefits of summarising and paraphrasing, it helps you to
reaffirm what was discussed during the phone call.
Always end the call with a pleasantry like -- "It was pleasure speaking with you" or
"You have a nice day."
Social Manners
Man is a social animal and rightfully so he or she must follow certain social
etiquettes that are appreciated by one and all. Everyone wants to be socially
accepted and hence all of us want to engage in social conversations. But many of
us either become nervous, shy or find ourselves paralyzed in front of a large group
of people. Due to this, we curl inwards and do not make any conversations with
people. In yet another scenario, there are times when people do not realize of
their inappropriate behavior in social circuit. Social etiquette tips help us to be
correct with our mannerisms, communication and our behavior in general.
While conversing with a group of people, you need to be polite, humble and
sophisticated. Also, use language effectively and do not forget saying basic polite
words like thank you, please, welcome, sorry etc wherever necessary. When a
group of people are talking, always allow others to talk and only when they finish,
make your point. In case you interrupt someone by mistake, apologize and request
him or her to complete their conversation.
Letting Others Go First
Always ask relevant and appropriate questions. It is assumed that you are socially
aware and hence asking questions that reveal that you do not know about a
common topic in news may not make a good impression about you. Hence, read
newspapers regularly and keep yourself aware of what I happening socially and in
the world in general. In case if there is an awkward silence that you may want to
avoid, comment on the ambience of the place, on music that may be playing or on
weather in general just to keep the conversation going. Remember to not pass any
personal remarks on anybody you avoid any displeasure in the group. Also, do not
pass any mean or sarcastic comments on people.
While conversing with people make an eye contact with everyone. Making
everyone feel involved in a conversation is an art in itself. Your body language
should also be polite and respectful. Also, remember personal hygiene is also an
important part of social etiquette. Always carry a handkerchief with you. Smell
good and present yourself well by dressing appropriately. Social etiquette is
important because it creates an impression about your personality that in turn
affects the perception and treatment of other people towards you.
Module 4
Resume & Cover Letter
What is a Resume?
Most often than not, we find the terms “C.V.”, “resume” and “bio-data” being
used interchangeably. However, it does make a little sense to learn how these
documents are different from one another.
Bio Data: A “bio-data” (short for “biographical data”) is a document that contains
all your personal information. Perhaps, you may be required to add the details of
your last salary, your height and weight, your parents’ names, your blood group,
your caste, your religion, marital status, validity of driving license, passport, PAN
Your resume is a kind of tool with which you market your skills and abilities (and
experience, should you have any). The purpose of a resume is, obviously, help you
land an interview (and, of course, ultimately, a job). What with the number of
job-seekers increasing every passing day, it is vital that you create a resume that
stands out from the bunch of resumes that a recruiter might handle.
Remember, that you have hardly a few seconds to impress upon the recruiter that
you could be a good prospective candidate for any post. Here are a few pointers on
what to include in your resume and how you can present them to make this
Name and Contact Details: The first detail you ought to put down on your resume
is your name. After this, come your residential address, e-mail id and phone no.
Including photo is optional.
The problem with this is that it doesn’t help the recruiter understand what skills
you have and / or what role you are looking for and how you will be useful to him.
It might even put him on the defensive against you, “Is my company not
progressive?” It is easy to look past a profile which has such an objective
statement. If, on the other hand, you were to write something like “A first-class
Computer Engineering graduate seeking an entry-level position in the field of
Software Development”, it will induce the recruiter to browse further through your
profile. Remember that your objective statement is your “only” chance you get to
create a “first impression” and you better make an indelible one!
Work Experience:
If you have some work experience even as you finish your graduation, include that
in your resume. Spell out the company name in full and state the position you had
held and the duration for which you were there. Avoid internal jargon.
Suggested template:
Co-curricular Activities:
Mention the certifications you had obtained, the trainings and workshops you had
attended, etc. in reverse chronological order. Be sure you talk about your
internships and project work also. If it is a mini project, merely state what the
project is about. If it is a major one, mention details of the project name, a
sentence or two on what it is about, how you did it and what the final output was
like. You could also talk about some seminar you had attended or conducted.
The next item you should have in your resume is your professional areas of
interest. For example, if you are a computer science or b.com Graduate, this could
be botany, physics, accounts, computers, economics, Flash Games Design. This
will help your recruiter know how / where to test you and ultimately decide if you
will fit his needs or not.
Computer Proficiency:
This is one another item which would help you inch towards landing a job. You are
trying to make your recruiter know the list of computer languages, packages and
technologies that you are aware of.
Extra-curricular Activities:
Under this heading, if you are learning an additional language, undergoing music
training, or if you are a part of some NGO, you can put them down here.
The term “general interests” include the kind of books / authors you would like to
read; the kind of music that interests you; your leisure activities like gymming,
swimming, riding, trekking; the places you would like to visit and the like.
Languages known:
Under this heading, you tabulate the set of languages that you know and specify at
what level (whether it is “beginner’s, intermediary or fluent) you know the
language you possess each of the skills of Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Font Style: While there are numerous fonts to choose from, for a professional
document as a resume, it is best to choose one of Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial
and Verdana. Make your titles bold and underline them.
Font Size: The first ever item on your resume, (your name, if you remember!),
should be in the largest font size. Ideally, this should be in 14 pt. All the headings
(like company names, names of educational institutions, the words “grade
obtained” / “percentage scored” etc.) should be 12 pt. and all the other content
matter in 11 pt.
Bullets and Numbering: Use professional looking bullets and avoid fancy bullets at
all costs. For the amount of job experience and qualifications you are likely to
possess at this stage, there wouldn’t be much of a need to use bullets and
numbering much. Thus, a heavily formatted resume is likely to get on the nerves of
a recruiter.
Email ID: ****@gmail.com
Contact No. +91-*******
Career Objective
• Completed training on Basic Life Support and First Aid Skills.
• Completed training on Basic Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Extra Curricular Activities
Ranjth Kumar
Contact no: 87757575757
E-mail: [email protected]
Career Objective:
To be a dedicated human resource professional who is consistent and reliable with
a belief in Professionalism and career development
Pursuing Master in Business Administration (MBA) HR and Marketing as my
specialization, from Andhra University
Educational Qualification:
2006 12th
2004 10th
Computer Proficiency:
PGDCA (MS-Office, FOXPRO, C, C++, Oracle, VB, Tally)
Well conversant & confident with the Internet applications.
Industrial Exposure:
Undergone summer internship for 8weeks at CMC Ltd, Hyderabad on the topic
“Applicability of HR policies &Factory Act”.
Participated in an extensive study on Indiana Bank as a part of Academic Industry
Interface programme.
Participated in a Socio Economic Survey..
Done project for finish regarding sanitation for rural people of Andhra Pradesh
Sincere and Hard Working
Strong determination & positive attitude
Personal Particulars:
Name :
Father’s Name :
Date of Birth :
Sex :
Marital Status :
Language known:
Cover Letter
What is a Cover Letter?
Cover letters are one page documents that you send with your resume when
applying for a job. It is meant to introduce yourself to the recruitment manager.
Cover letters are one page documents that you send with your resume when
applying for a job. It is meant to:
• Introduce yourself to the hiring manager
• Argue why you’d be a good fit for the job
• Fill in places your resume cannot describe
• Further explain other aspects of your resume
Make sure your first impression is a good and lasting one by avoiding these common
mistakes below when writing your cover letter.
➢ Overusing “I” to address yourself
➢ Using a weak opening
o Weak: Please consider me for your sales representative opening.
o Better: Your need for a top-performing sales representative is an
excellent match to my three-year experience as Sales Lead.
➢ Missing out on critical skills: A cover letter is a sales letter that sells you as
a candidate. Just like your resume, it should be compelling and give the
main reasons you should be called for an interview. Winning cover letter
tips include emphasizing your top accomplishments or creating subheadings
from the job posting
o Your ad specifies: Communication skills
I offer: Five years of public speaking experience and an extensive
background in executive-level report.
o Your ad specifies: The need for a strong computer background
I offer: Proficiency in all MS Office applications with additional
expertise in website development and design
➢ Making it too long: It should not exceed half a page
➢ Repeating your resume word for word
HR Manager
HCL Limited
Hello Sir/Ma’am
Please find enclosed a copy of my Resume in response for the open position in your
organisation for the role of ‘Software Development Engineer’. I am currently
pursuing my final year of B.Tech in Computer Science from JNTU Hyderabad.
As you can see from my Resume, my academic background with technical skills are
focussed in software development. Besides that, I have also participated in various
seminar and discussions on role of youth in social transformation.
I am available for interview at any time and should you require any further
information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Ranjith Kumar
Success Tips:
Resume is also otherwise known as “Face of the candidate”. Even before candidate
reaches the venue, a lot of times resume reaches prior. Candidates apart from the
regular format can also try creative formats.
Most of the interview questions are based on what’s written in the resume.
Job Portals are one of the best places to look for jobs. Whenever there is a new
job position available in a company they would advertise regarding the
requirement using advertisement feature in job portals along with making the job
posting active on their company websites.
How to apply jobs using a job portal
• Click on Jobs – Search Jobs -To view the list of companies that are hiring
• Click on the company you would like to apply for. View the available
positions and apply for the position that is suitable for your Qualification,
Location, Desired Salary Range and Experience (If applicable). Click on
register and apply
Once you register with a portal from next time you can directly login using the
login button available in the home page of the site, to view the available positions
by the company and apply for the relevant jobs available.
Module 5
Presentation Skills
Common rules and etiquettes
For any presentation usually the following are the general rules and etiquettes:
• Arrive early
• Dress formally
• Smell good
• Carry your own water bottle
• Check if all the necessary equipment is in place and working viz., mike,
projector, markers, chargers etc.,
• Check if all the audio and video devices are in place
• Take someone along, your buddy may be, ask him/her if you are audible
• Be prepared, just in case you have power outrage or any other unexpected
fluctuations, you should still be able to continue
• Visualize your interaction with audience
• Greet people who arrive early with a pleasant smile
• Strike a little conversation with people who arrive early, they will like you
better throughout presentation
Body Language
• Smile
• Make eye contact
• Don’t lock your shoulders
• Don’t show them your back – (Prepare so well, you don’t have to look at
your content)
• Move – walking a bit helps you ease your nervousness
• Don’t lock your knees
• Strong posture
• Voice modulation
How to articulate ideas
• Clarity of Thought
• Creative
• Confidence
• Content
• Communication
• Co-work
• Continuity
• Contradiction
• Comfort Zone
• Crisp
Clarity of Thought:
You should have a clarity on what do you want your audiences to take away from a
meeting or presentation.
Being creative makes your entire presentation very effective. You can make your
presentation creative by either using softwares like Microsoft power point or either
some cue cards to distribute.
Confidence as we know is the key for success. It’s okay if you forget some points as
no one else knows what you wanted to say, don’t lose your confidence if you
forget few points.
Thanks to internet, on any topic, you will have loads of information, hence it is
important to churn the content to your abilities and your audience.
Do prepare well ahead, how do you want to interact with your audience, may be
walk to them sometime, sometime just show them some slides and ask them to
Once audience start to participate, your confidence will also increase. And they
will remember you and your presentation for a long time.
Use tone fluctuations. As tone can help you connect to your audience.
Working with a team, also means a lot of learning. Whenever you are co-working
make sure, you distribute the work base on your strengths.
Continuity can be challenge. But while preparing have an order in mind or power
point presentation.
Comfort Zone:
If the speaker is not in the comfort zone, despite a wonderful content, you might
not pull off your presentation well.
Keep the entire presentation crisp. Crispy presentations usually end up grabbing
audience attention much more.
Chart of presentation
There is a popular statement in English, “Think Globally, act locally..” Some of the
best speakers at times end up having a pretty bad day at work.
That’s typically because usually a presenter forces their ideas, their entire
knowledge onto the audience.
Your audience is not looking for information in any presentation; your audience is
looking for structure. Structuring of that huge information into slices that are
useful for them or that is though provoking for them.
Every audience is different, some of them are enthusiasts and some of them are
You need to always have a clear idea about who your audience is. Once you are
very clear which age group and what’s the purpose of giving them a presentation,
all you need to is structure your presentation.
No matter who the audience is, in the beginning everyone will listen to you. You
need to use that time to create a great impression.
Once you quickly introduce yourself and give them agenda of your presentation,
audience will connect better.
Be audible, if it’s a larger audience, make sure you reach well ahead and test your
mike and speaker settings.
If you don’t want your audience to use their mobiles or talk to each other, then
your presentation has to be creative, you need to constantly interact with your
audience, make your presentation, fun, informative and interactive.
There is a term “Reptile behavior” i.e., reptiles, they attack other beings because
they believe other creatures are attacking them. Snake is an example of a reptile.
Every human also has certain reptile behavior in them. Nervousness is a result of
such behavior.
This word could be repetitive but preparation helps. A day prior to your
presentation, keep visualizing how you want your presentation to be, practice it on
a couple of friends or colleagues.
Dress well, well dressed people in themselves are much more confident.
If you notice, world’s best speakers walk or have certain hand gestures on dais to
beat their nervousness.
You need to understand your strength and set your benchmark accordingly. It’s
okay, if you forget a point or two. Nobody knows how many points you prepared.
Module 6
E-Mail Writing Etiquette
In the information age, email has become the dominant form of communication.
Being able to write a polished, professional email is now a critical skill both in
college and the workplace. Below are some key distinctions between formal and
informal writing, as well as some guidelines to follow when composing a formal
email to a superior or someone who does not know you.
Hi Anita,
How are you doing? I hope your trip was superb. I miss you so much! Can’t
wait to see you on Friday!! It’s been so long since we met
Take care
can meet before the important meeting so that we can discuss about any
Email Components
1. Subject Line
• Keep it short
• Be specific
• Eliminate redundancy or unwanted words
• Create interest to make the receiver open the email and read it
Structure of Email Body
The main structure of the email should ONLY contain must know & need to know
Anything which is Good to know can be added. However, please remove any
information which is not needed in the email.
• Never make spelling mistakes
• Never make grammar mistakes
• Beware of common punctuation usage – [Apostrophe]
• Avoid uncommon acronyms and abbreviations
• Do not use email for any illegal or unethical purpose
You are a job aspirant for the role of Quality Analyst in Victory Technologies.
You recently saw a job posting for an open position. Write and email the HR
Manager, Vinod Singh asking for details about the eligibility and interview.
Poor email
• No proper salutation
• Poor structure
• Spelling mistakes
• Grammar mistakes
• Poor content in the body
• Lack of respect for the receiver
• No proper closing
Good email
Why is this a good email
• Respectful salutation
• Introduction
• Main body has detailed content
• No mistakes with grammar, spellings and punctuation
• Summary
• Respectful tone for the receiver
• Proper closing
Module 7
Intrapersonal Skills
Understanding Self:
Just like our finger prints, we are all unique. They key is understand yourself, how
you are different. Working on oneself is the biggest assignment.
Especially, job aspirants, you cannot be busy copying others. There are certain
protocols which are expected to be uniform, example the way you dress formally.
Apart from those protocols, you should work hard to understand yourself. In the
interview room, it is all about playing with your strengths.
Some of the applicants might not be great with the language but they can be
amazing at their respective academic specialization, as an aspirant your focus
should be to showcase that skill as much as possible.
Before attending any interview, kindly make a small chart, and as per the
requirement of the job, spend some time on what are the qualities in you, which
will push them to hire you.
Once you understand yourself better, you will be able to present yourself better.
How to build Confidence
Some of us are born confident, while the rest of us progress gradually to become
Usually people who are scared, they lose their confidence, Hence they find It
difficult, even to start the work.
Taking an example of Sachin Tendulkar, He scored Zero in his first three matches,
but what’s important is, he didn’t leave just because he scored a zero. Today
when we see, in India, he is a role model for every cricket aspirant.
Start preparing for your interviews, start believing you’ll crack the next interview
you attend.
Once you start either good or bad, you have experienced now, you know how it is
going to be next time.
All you need to do is, maintain a journal, and keep track of all your performance.
What was good about your performance, how many people attended, did you
deliver at least half of what you planned etc.,
Next job interview you attend, you need to have a complete control your progress,
and turn it into amazing performance.
Thousands of books have been written on habits of successful people. They have
the immense confidence to tackle any situations in life let it be personal or
professional life.
They are organized, they take time to talk to themselves, and they do not have
any kind of addictions.
They spend their time wisely in their line of work, which helps them focus and
perform better, in turn making them feel confident.
Some of the effective habits have been, reading different books (might sound
boring, but once you get into the zone, you will never stop), waking up early
(again this could be tricky to listen to, but waking up early morning usually clears
your head, you will be able to focus on yourself), having a mentor (could be
father, mother, family member, a good teacher) etc.,
Instead People born after 1990, their entire life majorly is about spending time in
social networking. Talking to people face and face, striking some good
conversations etc., is on a decline. Suddenly when you have to be in real world,
you are nervous; your general confidence is down.
Make sure to build right habits to develop great confidence going forward.
Importance of Motivation
Motivation is the word derived from the word ’motive’ which means needs,
desires, wants or drives within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating
people to actions to accomplish the goals.
Motivation it does wonders to each one of us. Other way to speak of motivation is
to call it as magic.
There is nothing more beautiful than a positive energy that flows through us.
We all understand science. Why young people can perform better than older
people. Why kids are so vibrant in every home. The answer is simple, it is all
science. Science is all about energy.
Young age is all about absolutely being energetic. We learn an entire language i.e.,
mother tongue without anyone teaching us, only by observation we have learnt an
entire language. That is the beauty of sharp and focussed energy.
Using all our energy in one direction:
Energy without a direction, we will just end up being lost, as they say “Jack of all,
master of none”. Rite motivation helps us focus on one idea. As Swami
Vivekananda Says “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it,
dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of
your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the
way to success. “
To stay focussed on one idea until you enjoy the ultimate happiness and success,
it’s not just about hard work, it’s more of about your desire to stick to it, believe
in it, excel in whatever you do, and it requires that you stay motivated.
People, who underestimate the value of motivation, usually give up anything must
Few of us do what we love and rest of us should learn to love what we do. Career
or personal life, if there is no heart in what we do, we never will be able to enjoy
or reach the peak of our efficiency.
As long as you are not skilled, you cannot expect great efficiency, as long as you
are doing any efficient work, you will not love what you do.
Being good at something and being efficient at something are two different
entities. Being good will give you motivation to perform better. But being efficient
requires hours and days of effort.
Concentration is not as scary as it looks. Rite from school days, we always heard
different people say concentrate on what you do, well! all those people are either
successful because they concentrated well enough or they could never reach their
full potential in terms of efficiency because their level of concentration was bad.
Reduce distractions
Internet initially was invented for the purpose of sharing work of scientists
throughout the world. Gradually, internet was used by military, intelligence,
doctors and other highly deserving/qualified people.
Over a period of time internet spread across the world so rapidly, that today every
single adult and in some cases children have a mobile on their own.
All our life, we have trained to get distracted than to concentrate on anything.
Though internet has both good and bad, as the human nature goes we get
attracted to bad easily as good things requires effort, morale, positive attitude
Social networking if used in rite way, can get us some amazing contacts, while
onto other end, addiction to anything beyond necessary can make us weak. As per
a research a common man on an average looks every 12 minutes. That’s a
staggering data. As we can clearly see with the data, the level of distraction is
quite high.
Don’t let anything take over human mind, for your mind is capable of doing some
wonderful things.
As we have already seen, capacity of a human mind is high. Just like you’ll have a
great body, if you work hard on it, even mind needs to be trained for it to be in its
best form.
If you really want to take your efficiency to peaks, never forget why you started.
You started something because you found your mind and heart there. Every time
you want to procrastinate or push things away, remember why you started.
Nobody in this world every regretted finishing a thing, that was important.
Your primary goal is to crack an interview and see yourself placed, don’t get
discouraged just because you dint crack one interview, don’t get discouraged
because you din’t crack one, may be you are just one interview away before you
step into big professional world.
Each one of us is scared of something or the other. Never stop saying it to your
mind, there are things you can control and there are things you cannot control.
Things that you can control, you can definitely wipe the fear away. Things you
cannot control, well there is no point in getting scared.
In the interview room, a lot of candidates are scared, hence they do not perform
to the level expected.
Imagine, if all our freedom fighters were scared how we would never be able to
enjoy the hard earned freedom.
Fear will not go away in a day. It’s a gradual process but it will go away.
Write down your biggest fear, make a plan to conquer it into possible short term
For example if you have a fear of attending interview, take one step at a time.
Once you have done these basic steps. Before you attend your interview, tell
yourself, you are just interacting with strangers, and they will not remember you
after the interview, it’s okay to make mistakes.
Tell me about yourself, is going to be the definite question in any interview, hence
prepare it so well and talk to the interviewers.
Remember ? every friend was one day a stranger. And Interviewers were also
fresher’s one day.
Just like our school days, when we were excited to show the teacher, if we’ve
done our homework and if we were ready with the chart work. Likewise don’t
think of cracking interview as the first step, take one step at a time.
Job aspirants, usually forget the fact that they are young and vibrant and they
have immense potential to unleash amazing things in their life.
Education and degree should give us confidence and power to understand ourselves
better, and keep pushing ourselves to the best of our abilities.
For example, Inner strength can be qualities like your leadership, team player,
ability to deal with pressure.
Until you participate in activities, you might not even know, you have these
qualities within you.
For example, “When a Canon engineer rested his hot iron on his pen by accident,
ink was ejected from the pen’s point a few moments later. This principle led to
the creation of the inkjet printer. “
Sometimes, you might not even know, your participation could lead to something
Penicillin, Microwave Oven, Pacemakers, X-Ray machine, Coca Cola,, Potato chips,
they all came to world because they were continuously working.
Now it’s your turn, you might perform better than you know, you might turn out to
be a great team lead with amazing leadership qualities going forward.
Remember participation is the key, as job aspirants, you should not be scared.
SWOT analysis
For the different jobs that you are applying kindly check what skills are they
looking at, and how many you possess and how many more you need to work on,
you need to keep updating your SWOT chart regularly Every time you update your
SWOT chart, you should make sure to get over your weakness by working on it.
Module 8
Interpersonal Skills
Importance of Interpersonal Skills
People with strong interpersonal skills are often more successful in both their
professional and personal lives.
Interpersonal skills include a wide variety of skills, though many are centered
around communication, such as listening, understanding body language, being good
with EI(Emotional Intelligence), ability to respond smartly/sensitively.
• Listening
• Verbal Communication
• Non-verbal Communication
• Team Work
• Patience
• Negotiation
Job aspirant, at times, do not listen to the question properly and answer quickly.
For example, tell us something about yourself, which is not there in the resume?
Candidates do not listen to the “not there in the resume”, and continue to answer.
Also, as a fresher, your ability to listen, take down the notes etc., helps you
quickly solve others notice.
Verbal Communication:
Ability to speak relevant and grammatically rite sentences is the requirement for
all the job aspirants.
What you think is not important, what you speak matters in public life. Especially
in interview rooms or after getting job, the way you put forward your points, the
way you continue to use absolutely clean language even after being put in
pressure, all of this has a high impact where ever you are.
Non-verbal Communication
Body language, facial expressions, general gestures, they fall under the category of
non-verbal communication.
As you can see in the above picture, non-verbal communication is 65%. The way
you want into interview cabin, the way you make yourself comfortable, the way
you confidently smile while greeting your interviewers, the way you politely
answer, the way you thank them while leaving the room, the way you gently close
the door on your way back, all of this makes a high impact.
Team Work
Especially for your project based questions, most the students end up answering “I
was the team lead in the project, I did everything in the project” etc., Companies
don’t appreciate the tone of I, A good leader is the one who shares credit but
takes the blame alone.
And also, as a fresher you might not be hired for a lead position, so good team
member is the requirement of the day.
Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you’re waiting.
Patience in the interview room, patience in the job is not an obligation, rather it’s
an expectation.
People who are patient have a long way to go. This is the biggest strength anyone
can possess. If you already have fantastic, otherwise it’s time to work on.
Negotiation is not an art to get the best price for everything, negotiation is an art
to slip through your idea into others head and convince them.
For example, why should I hire you is a classic case of negotiation. You are helping
them understand, how the qualities in you will add value to their organization.
In the interviews, when the candidates say, “am a good team player”, Interviewer
might ask a follow up question, “can you demonstrate where you showed your
team player skills”.
This is where candidates are a little lost, suddenly, they do not know, what to
answer exactly; hence they give very random answers.
Instead you need to structure your answer properly. For example, During my
college fest, we organized an event, We had to deal with people in position of
power (Principal, HOD etc.,), we had to talk to sponsors, we had to sit through
every day in the night to measure our progress and work on details to conduct a
successful event.
Usually companies check your ability to work with people, when they ask a
question are you willing to relocate, their intention behind that will be, how
comfortable are you working with people who you never met before, or how
quickly you can appreciate different cultures etc.,
Working with people is both fun and challenging in its own way. If you are working
with like-minded people, it is fun but if you are working with different mind-sets
you might find it little challenging.
Working with people, you should learn to build the following things:
Importance of Feedback
Feedback both good and bad, help us become better. Feedback especially in this
generation is taken as criticism, feedback is not criticism, and it is constructive
Positive feedback not only instills confidence, but also motivates us to perform
even better next time.
If the interviewer says, that’s a good answer that is also a feedback which will help
Sometimes, you might think, you are very good at something but you got a
negative feedback on the same, for example you prepared best of your resume,
and you are very impressed with it, however your interviewer shows displeasure on
the same, you are either furious or you end up thinking interviewer is just being
unfair. None of that is true, we all take reference to make resume from someone
or the other, and the interviewer might not like it, for certain reasons, so that
next time you will have a better resume.
The choice of words for giving a feedback is important, if you really want someone
to grow. Likewise, if you receive a negative feedback, it doesn’t mean you are
bad, it just means you haven’t focused on certain aspects, which others could
easily identify.
Unless ego doesn’t go away from us, we will never be able to enjoy or live our life
to the fullest, let it be, personal or professional life.
Kids who are about 3 years old, these days, we often hear the word “bored”. Some
parents immediately react to that and either give them a gadget or play some
cartoon for them. Child is happy and parents think they have done a good job as
well. Instead of reacting may be they respond, they ask the child
”why are you bored?”, “It’s okay to be bored at times” child might crib and cry for
some time, but they will soon find a toy and play.
Usually a clash of ego occurs, when two or more people have this fanatic urge to
be right. As some researchers say ego is a result of “Jealousy, lack of proper
communication, lack of long term vision”
Example, you have a thief, but we cannot call him thief, until proven everyone is
innocent. There is a lawyer who wants to prove he is thief, and there is lawyer,
who wants to prove he is innocent, at the end of the day, only one wins, the one
who has better negotiation skill, the one who has put forward facts.
There is a statement, “If everyone is thinking alike, there is someone who is not
thinking”, difference of opinions is healthy, they give us a new perspective. When
we aggressively react to it, we end up taking it to our ego, even if we realize we
are wrong, we don’t want to politely apologize, as you believe you will damage
your image.
Work on the following so that, you don’t ever push things hard enough to arise an
ego conflict:
Team building
• Coming together
• Thinking together
• Performing together
• Succeeding Together
Coming together
Right people rite time, is all we need for success. But it rarely happens, rite
people don’t just walk in rite time. Hence group of people once they come
together, we need to form a team out of it.
Thinking together
Brain storming is the word; people have to discuss the ideas before narrowing
down on the executing.
Performing together
Once we have assessed our team, prepare an execution plan, now it’s time to work
on it.
If everything goes as per the plan there is nothing to worry about, as each
individual has a different skill set, it become challenging to implement, but never
the less, this is where your team player skills, leadership skills come into the
How well, you can go that extra mile to help your team members, how well you
can train your colleagues, how quickly you can learn from others, how well you can
take responsibility.
Succeeding Together
Billions worth projects with some great minds, failed to execute because people
were running for individual success.
Leadership skills
A leader is someone who takes both responsibility and risk. Ordering others to do
their work is just being boss but helping your team succeed is being a leader.
Leader who shares responsibility
If you have the following qualities you can become a great leader:
• Competent – Skilled
• Responsible
• Shares the credit
• Ability to take risk
• Confident
• Emotionally matured
• Ability to handle pressure
• Ability to work on feedback
• Decision maker
• Great listener
• Highly patient
• Never letting others down
• Ability to put ego aside
• Ability to resolve conflicts in a smart way
• Not in-secured by team members growth
• Team goals first and personal goals next
• Enthusiastic
• Solution oriented
• Trust worthy
• First person to come and last person to leave
• Ability to nurture others
Module 9
Social Responsibility
Moral values that are inherent in society create a distinction between right and
wrong. In this way, social fairness is believed (by most) to be in the “right”, but
more frequently than not this “fairness” is absent.
ISR or individual social responsibility refers to our awareness of how our actions
affect the community as a whole. ISR can include volunteering time, giving money,
and standing up for issues that affect the rights of others.
Individual Social Responsibility (ISR):
So, in summary, then we can perhaps see Individual Social Responsibility as “The
continuing commitment to behave ethically and contribute to people’s
development while improving the quality of life of other individuals, groups, teams
as well as society at large”
Some examples of the lack of individual social responsibility and the possible
consequences are as follows:
➢ Cyclists dressed in black and with no lights on at night = little visibility for
others = accidents/personal injury
Overall, not thinking about the effect our behaviour has on others
By not challenging outdated rules and procedures that we know are wrong, we
merely “continue to row the boat we know” yet “if we always do, what we have
always done, then we will always get, what we always have got”.
a) Community Building:
• Community building is a field of practices directed toward the creation or
enhancement of community among individuals within a regional area or with
a common interest.
Example: participate in activities that enrich or enhance the opportunities for
learning, service / Entertainment among people etc.,
b) Service:
• Doing something without compensation to help others experiencing stress,
personal loss, or discomfort.
Example: Donating blood and Organize a community blood drive, For your next
birthday, ask for charitable donations instead of gifts, Help register people to
vote etc.
c) Teaching/Training:
• Assisting another person to change or learn new skills, knowledge, and
Example: Tutor children during or after school etc., Sponsor a child etc.,
d) Empathy:
• The ability to experience the feelings of someone else as if they were your
e) Multicultural Understanding
• Morality refers to the social norms and values that guide both individuals
and their interaction with their fellow human beings and communities, and
with their environment.
g) Caregiving
• Doing something on a regular, sustained basis to nurture and sustain another
j) Cleanliness
• The cleanliness leads to a healthy and happy life. Besides keeping safe our
body from the various diseases, it also develops the positive vibes for the
spirit. Everyone needs to develop the habit of a regular cleaning.
Name and discuss at least two companies you believe to be socially
responsible. Address each of the four areas of social responsibility in your
Team activity for listing out ISR they have abided so far/ will take up in the
Module 10
Growth dynamics & Job Opportunities in AP
The Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) envisions remoulding the State of
Andhra Pradesh (AP) as “A Happy and Globally Competitive Society”. It proposes to
do this by becoming one among the three most developed states in India by 2022,
when India celebrates its 75th year of independence.
While the objective is to achieve the status of a developed state by the year 2029,
it is envisioned that Andhra Pradesh will become a leading global destination by
the year 2050.
Overview of AP’s Economy
Andhra Pradesh is the 8th largest state of India with 13% of India’s coastline.
Andhra Pradesh clocked ₹ 6,07,388 Crores GSDP in FY 2017-18, Andhra Pradesh’s
GSDP is currently growing at more than 11% and more than 10% growth across
agriculture, manufacturing and services sectors.
At the current rate of growth (business as usual), the projected size of Andhra
Pradesh’s economy is estimated to grow by 2029 to around INR 12.5 Lakh Crore (at
2014-15 prices), roughly three times the size of the current economy. The per
capita income during the same period is projected to grow by about 2.5 times to
about Rs.1.12 lakhs (at 2014-15 prices).
Andhra Pradesh has been the national leader in Ease of Doing Business (EODB),
enacting reforms consistently for the last two years. It was ranked second in 2015
and was the leading state in 2016 and 2018.
Further 12 airports and 14 ports are being developed in Andhra Pradesh as India’s
gateway to the east.1
Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP), in collaboration with the Confederation of
Indian Industry (CII) and the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP),
has organised three Partnership Summits in Visakhapatnam, one each in 2016, 2017
and 2018, showcasing investment opportunities and highlighting investor friendly
The Summits resulted in 1,594 MOUs have been signed, with an investment
potential of Rs.15.21 lakh crores and creation of 32.53 lakh jobs. In fact, the
conversion rate of MOUs in AP has been 30–40%, whereas in other states it is 10–
Focus Sectors
Andhra Pradesh has identified 10 focus sectors to drive industrial growth, i.e.
Aerospace &Defence, Agro& Food processing, Automobile, Electronics, Energy, Life
sciences, Leather, Mineral based industries, Petroleum & petrochemicals, Textile
and apparel. Focused industrial policies have been developed in the sectors of
Aerospace and Defence manufacturing, Biotechnology, Automobile and Auto
Components, Electronics, Food Processing, Retail, Textile and Apparel, Solar
manufacturing with a major emphasis on Industrial development and MSME sectors.
From 2014−18, GoAP has finalized 512 projects in the manufacturing sector, with a
committed investment of Rs.4,32,384 crores and creation of 10,86,361 jobs. Of
them, 171 projects are underway, with an investment of Rs.44,299 crores,
employing 95,639 persons. 3
Table 1: Marque Investments in Andhra Pradesh
During the last four years, 29,020 MSMEs have been established with an investment
of Rs.13,053 crores, generating employment for 3,36,811 persons. From June 2014,
the Government has allocated Rs.3,001 crores towards industrial incentives, out of
which Rs.1,364 crores has been released. There is a dedicated MSME Corporation,
with a corpus fund of Rs.100 crore, to focus on the development of this sector.
GoAP also has an M-Parks Policy focusing on establishing 175 state of-the-art MSME
Parks with plug and-play facilities. 8,926 cents of land has already been identified
in 96 assembly constituencies. 4
The efforts of GoAP has produced creditable results, with the growth of the
industrial sector, in 2016−17, in AP, touching 10.16% − higher than the national
average of 8.31%.5
Industry ecosystem in Andhra Pradesh
3.1 Automotive sector overview
India’s largest auto 1. Jawaharlal Nehru Auto
entrants in the last two Nagar – Asia’s biggest Auto
years have invested in Industrial Estate & South
Andhra Pradesh India’s largest truck body
building cluster
2. 2000+ Automobile servicing/
1. Forge – India’sUnits
BharatManufacturing largest
exporter of Auto Components
to set up Auto Components
Anantapur Chittoor
1. Kia Motors along with 1.
Sri City - One of India’s largest
subsidiaries & vendors auto hubs with presence of Auto
– Production plant is & Auto component
live and recruitment is manufacturers
ongoing 2. ISUZU – rolled out its first pick
up truck in April’16 from its
facility in Sri City
3. Hero MotoCorp – Facility for 2-
Vijayawada, Nellore, Chittoor and Anantapur are poised towheelerbecome a strong
manufacturing hub
set to
start civil works
for Automobile & Auto Components. Vijayawada is home to Asia’s biggest Autond
4. Amara Raja Group – India’s 2
Industrial Estate and South India’s largest truck body building cluster
largest in Jawaharlal
automotive brand, will
Nehru Auto Nagar. There are more than 2000 automobile servicing/manufacturing
expand its operations in Chittoor
5. Apollo Tyres – One of India’s
units. Nellore is home to Bharat Forge, India’s largest largestexporter of Auto
tyre manufacturers will
Components. set up a tyre mfg plant in
Anantapur is home to KIA Motors and its subsidiaries, who have invested
approximately USD 2 Bn. Chittoor is home to ISUZU, Hero MotoCorp, Amara Raja
Group, Apollo Tyres. Chittoor also hosts Sri City, One of India’s largest auto hubs
and Electronics Parks with presence of Auto & Auto component manufacturers and
Electronic R&D, design, manufacturing and assembly operations.
Andhra Pradesh is one of the front runners for the prestigious INR 300 billion (USD
462 million) Coastal Economic Zone (CEZ), to be implemented by the centre in
partnership with the state government to attract globally competitive industries
and create large scale employment opportunities6.
3.2 Aerospace and Defence sector overview
Kurnool Visakhapatnam
1. Upcoming DRDO Missile Testing 1. Eastern Naval Command HQ
Project near Orvakal 2. World class MRO facility, air
cargo complex at proposed
Bhogapuram Mega Aerotropolis
West Godavari Bhogapuram 3. Hindustan Shipyard in
1. VEM Technologies’ Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam
Rambilli 4. Upcoming naval shipbuilding
Weapons integration
facility facility by RelianceDefence at
5. MoU signed between GoAP and
Machilipat United ShippingCorporation
Orvakal nam (Russia)
1. BEL’s Advanced Night Vision
1. Upcoming BEL Defence Gudipalli
products unit at Machilipatnam
Systems Integration 2. Missile launch testing station at
Complex at Tirupati Sriharikota Nagayalanka
2. Vittal Innovation City to
Nellore, Chittoor
set up a dedicated A&D
Park near Palasamudram 1. ISRO Main Satellite Launch
3. Upcoming multimodal Station at Sriharikota
manufacturingfacility 2. National Atmospheric Research
by Bharat Forgenear Laboratory near Tirupati
Figure 3: Food processing clusters in AP
AP is India’s largest producer of fruits, eggs, and a top state in marine exports
₹23,846 crore Foreign Direct Investment inflow to the sector during 2013-14, AP is
1st in the world in production of banana, mango, papaya, chickpea, garlic, ginger,
and okra. AP is 2nd in the world in production of sugarcane, rice, potatoes,
groundnut, dry onion, green pea, pumpkin, gourds, cauliflower, tea, tomatoes,
lentils, wheat and cow milk. 42 mega food parks are being set up with an
investment of Rs 9,800 crore.
• Concentrated spinning Weaving, SRIKAKULAM
8 in & around
Processing &
• Coastline suitable for Made ups VIZIANAGARAM Readymade
processing Garments &
93 VISAKHAPATNAM Technical Textiles
Readymade KRISH • Existence of 2 Apparel
Andhra Pradesh is famous for Dharmavaram silk, Venkatagiri sarees, Chirala sarees,
and Ponduru khadi etc. 25 lakh bales (provisional) production of cotton in 2015-16.
₹6,000 crore of new investments envisaged in the sector by 2020. 9
Operational Textile and Apparel parks in AP:
a) Brandix India Apparel City (BIAC) - A unique, integrated apparel supply
chain city spread over 1,000 acres in the port city of Visakhapatnam.
b) Integrated Textile Park (ITP) coming up at Edlapadu on Guntur-Chennai
National Highway is expected to give fillip to textile industry.
c) Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC): An industrial hub is
proposed in the Krishnapatnam node encompassing textiles and apparel
d) Gandrajuaplli- Chittoor Silk and Garments Cluster coming up at Chittoor
district in Andhra Pradesh in 100 Acres is expected to give fillip to Silk and
Garments clusters
e) Piler – Chittoor District Silk and Garments Cluster – Piler in Chittoor
district in envisaged to host another Silk and Garments cluster
f) Raidurg- Anantpur Garment Cluster – Raidurg- Anantpur Garments cluster
is envisaged to be developed as one the leading garment clusters in the
3.6 Mineral based industries overview