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Lesson Title: Materials:

Paper, pen, Research textbook (any will

Chapter 1: The Introduction do), hand-outs (given by your instructor
Chapter 2: Background if you have enrolled the subject)

Lesson Objectives: Walonick, D. (2005). Elements of a
research proposal and report. Research
At the end of the module, the student must be able to finalize the research Library. Statpac Inc.
paper Chapter 1: The Introduction and Chapter 2: Background Bennett, W. (2010). Five Chapters Of A
Thesis. CSUSB.

Productivity Tip:

Start strong! Train your brain to shift to work mode by setting a regular time during the day for
your lessons. Set an alarm and stick to your working hours.

1) Introduction (2 mins)

Statement of the Problem, Significance of the Thesis, Research Question(s), Limitations and Delimitations, Assumptions,

Schumacher, 2010).

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

1. What is the Chapter 1 of a research

2. How do you formulate the Chapter 1

of a research paper?

1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Chapter I - Introduction
Introductory paragraphs
Chapter I begins with a few short introductory paragraphs (a couple of pages at most). The primary goal of the introductory
paragraphs is to catch the attention of the readers and to get them "turned on" about the subject. It sets the stage for the paper
and puts your topic in perspective. The introduction often contains dramatic and general statements about the need for the
study. It uses dramatic illustrations or quotes to set the tone. When writing the introduction, put yourself in your reader's position
- would you continue reading?

Statement of the Problem

The statement of the problem is the focal point of your research. It is just one sentence (with several paragraphs of elaboration).
You are looking for something wrong.
....or something that needs close attention
....or existing methods that no longer seem to be working.

Example of a problem statement:

"The frequency of job layoffs is creating fear, anxiety, and a loss of productivity in middle management workers."
While the problem statement itself is just one sentence, it is always accompanied by several paragraphs that elaborate on the
problem. Present persuasive arguments why the problem is important enough to study. Include the opinions of others
(politicians, futurists, other professionals). Explain how the problem relates to business, social or political trends by presenting
data that demonstrates the scope and depth of the problem. Try to give dramatic and concrete illustrations of the problem. After
writing this section, make sure you can easily identify the single sentence that is the problem statement.
The purpose is a single statement or paragraph that explains what the study intends to accomplish. A few typical statements are:

The goal of this study is to...

... overcome the difficulty with ...
... discover what ...
... understand the causes or effects of ...
... refine our current understanding of ...
... provide a new interpretation of ...
... understand what makes successful or unsuccessful

Significance of the Study

This section creates a perspective for looking at the problem. It points out how your study relates to the larger issues and uses a
persuasive rationale to justify the reason for your study. It makes the purpose worth pursuing. The significance of the study
answers the questions:

Why is your study important?

To whom is it important?
What benefit(s) will occur if your study is done?

Research Questions and/or Hypotheses and/or Null Hypotheses

Chapter I lists the research questions (although it is equally acceptable to present the hypotheses or null hypotheses). No
elaboration is included in this section. An example would be:

The research questions for this study will be:

1. What are the attitudes of...

2. Is there a significant difference between...
3. Is there a significant relationship between...

Chapter II - Background

Chapter II is a review of the literature. It is important because it shows what previous researchers have discovered. It is usually
quite long and primarily depends upon how much research has previously been done in the area you are planning to investigate.
If you are planning to explore a relatively new area, the literature review should cite similar areas of study or studies that lead up
to the current research. Never say that your area is so new that no research exists. It is one of the key elements that proposal
readers look at when deciding whether or not to approve a proposal.

Chapter II should also contain a definition of terms section when appropriate. Include it if your paper uses special terms that are
unique to your field of inquiry or that might not be understood by the general reader. "Operational definitions" (definitions that
you have formulated for the study) should also be included. An example of an operational definition is: "For the purpose of this
research, improvement is operationally defined as posttest score minus pretest score".

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)
I. Create an essay of not less than 7 sentences interrelating each terms in the content notes. Preferably add practical
examples relating each of the terms.

The following terms must be interrelated:

1. Introductory paragraphs
2. Statement of the problem
3. Purpose
4. Significant of the Study
5. Research Questions
6. Background

II. Finish chapter 1 of your research paper with the correct format, parts and content as stated in content notes. The
actual content varies depending on your chosen research topic.

Key to Corrections

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

Based on the content notes in activity 2, complete column 3 of the table in activity 1. Use your own words. Never copy
any terms used in the content notes. Preferably, complete the table without looking at the concept notes or if not
entirely possible, based your answer on your essay in activity 3. Answer each question completely and in detail.

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)
1. Finalize chapter 2 of your research paper. This does not require a very long transcript. The content would
depends on your chosen research topic.

Key to Corrections

1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
{*The students mark their place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work they
have accomplished and how much work there is left to do. This tracker will be part of the student activity sheet}

Mark your place in the work tracker.

Some learning questions.

1. Did you find the module fun? If not, how can you make it enjoyable while you are answering?
2. Are there typographical errors such as wrong spelling, misplacement of diagrams or wrong grammar in this
module? Enumerate them. You might have some bonus points if you find one.

1. What does research paper Chapter 1: The Introduction do in real life? It provides a quick outlook on the research paper.
The subsections provide the general summary and significance of the study.

Rubrics for the essay:
subject-predicate reversals, using synonym terms and connecting each concepts coherently. No terms were copied from
the internet nor other research material otherwise properly cited.
2. Accuracy (10 pts): The terms are properly defined according to the content notes with real life practical experiences in
each terms.
3. Completeness (10 pts): All the terms are used and interrelated properly. A corresponding score deduction would be
made for each terms missed. If there are too many missing terms, a negative score in this part is possible.

Guidelines for no. 2

It must follow the correct format as stated in the previous modules. The subsections must be complete and precise depending on
the research topic chosen. The subsection are: introductory paragraphs, statement of the problem, purpose, significance of the
study and research questions/hypothesis/null hypothesis.

The succeeding key to correction is for the quiz, activity 5. Preferably, do not add this to the student activity sheet, SAS.

Answers vary depending on the research topic chosen. The content must be 100% precise as stated in the content notes of the

Name: Class number:
Section: Schedule: Date:

Lesson Title: Materials:

Paper, pen, Research textbook (any will
Chapter 3: Methodology do), hand-outs (given by your instructor
if you have enrolled the subject)

Lesson Objectives: References:

Walonick, D. (2005). Elements of a
At the end of the module, the student must be able to finalize the research research proposal and report. Research
paper Chapter 3: Methodology Library. Statpac Inc.
Bennett, W. (2010). Five Chapters Of A
Thesis. CSUSB.

Productivity Tip:
Start strong! Train your brain to shift to work mode by setting a regular time during the
day for your lessons. Set an alarm and stick to your working hours.

1) Introduction (2 mins)

detail about your experiment to enable readers to evaluate its appropriateness or to replicate your study should they

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

1. What is the Chapter 3 of a research

2. How do you formulate the Chapter 3

of a research paper?

1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Chapter III - Methodology

The methodology section describes your basic research plan. It usually begins with a few short introductory paragraphs that
restate purpose and research questions. The phraseology should be identical to that used in Chapter I. Keep the wording of your
research questions consistent throughout the document.

Population and sampling
The basic research paradigm is:
1) Define the population
2) Draw a representative sample from the population
3) Do the research on the sample
4) Infer your results from the sample back to the population

As you can see, it all begins with a precise definition of the population. The whole idea of inferential research (using a sample to
represent the entire population) depends upon an accurate description of the population. When you've finished your research
and you make statements based on the results, who will they apply to? Usually, just one sentence is necessary to define the
population. Examples are: "The population for this study is defined as all adult customers who make a purchase in our stores
during the sampling time frame", or "...all home owners in the city of Minneapolis", or "...all potential consumers of our product".

While the population can usually be defined by a single statement, the sampling procedure needs to be described in extensive
detail. There are numerous sampling methods from which to choose. Describe in minute detail, how you will select the sample.
Use specific names, places, times, etc. Don't omit any details. This is extremely important because the reader of the paper must
decide if your sample will sufficiently represent the population.

If you are using a survey that was designed by someone else, state the source of the survey. Describe the theoretical constructs
that the survey is attempting to measure. Include a copy of the actual survey in the appendix and state that a copy of the survey is
in the appendix.

Procedure and time frame

State exactly when the research will begin and when it will end. Describe any special procedures that will be followed (e.g.,
instructions that will be read to participants, presentation of an informed consent form, etc.).

Analysis plan
The analysis plan should be described in detail. Each research question will usually require its own analysis. Thus, the research
questions should be addressed one at a time followed by a description of the type of statistical tests that will be performed to
answer that research question. Be specific. State what variables will be included in the analyses and identify the dependent and
independent variables if such a relationship exists. Decision making criteria (e.g., the critical alpha level) should also be stated, as
well as the computer software that will be used.

Validity and reliability

If the survey you're using was designed by someone else, then describe the previous validity and reliability assessments. When
using an existing instrument, you'll want to perform the same reliability measurement as the author of the instrument. If you've
developed your own survey, then you must describe the steps you took to assess its validity and a description of how you will
measure its reliability.

Validity refers to the accuracy or truthfulness of a measurement. Are we measuring what we think we are? There are no statistical
tests to measure validity. All assessments of validity are subjective opinions based on the judgment of the researcher.
Nevertheless, there are at least three types of validity that should be addressed and you should state what steps you took to
assess validity.

Face validity refers to the likelihood that a question will be misunderstood or misinterpreted. Pretesting a survey is a good way to
increase the likelihood of face validity. One method of establishing face validity is described here.

Content validity refers to whether an instrument provides adequate coverage of a topic. Expert opinions, literature searches, and

pretest open-ended questions help to establish content validity.

Construct validity refers to the theoretical foundations underlying a particular scale or measurement. It looks at the underlying
theories or constructs that explain phenomena. In other words, if you are using several survey items to measure a more global
construct (e.g., a subscale of a survey), then you should describe why you believe the items comprise a construct. If a construct has
been identified by previous researchers, then describe the criteria they used to validate the construct. A technique known as
confirmatory factor analysis is often used to explore how individual survey items contribute to an overall construct measurement.

Reliability is synonymous with repeatability or stability. A measurement that yields consistent results over time is said to be
reliable. When a measurement is prone to random error, it lacks reliability.

There are three basic methods to test reliability: test-retest, equivalent form, and internal consistency. Most research uses some
form of internal consistency. When there is a scale of items all attempting to measure the same construct, then we would expect a
large degree of coherence in the way people answer those items. Various statistical tests can measure the degree of coherence.
Another way to test reliability is to ask the same question with slightly different wording in different parts of the survey. The
correlation between the items is a measure of their reliability.

All research studies make assumptions. The most obvious is that the sample represents the population. Other common
assumptions are that an instrument has validity and is measuring the desired constructs. Still another is that respondents will
answer a survey truthfully. The important point is for the researcher to state specifically what assumptions are being made.

Scope and limitations

All research studies also have limitations and a finite scope. Limitations are often imposed by time and budget constraints.
Precisely list the limitations of the study. Describe the extent to which you believe the limitations degrade the quality of the

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)
I. Create an essay of not less than 7 sentences interrelating each term in the content notes. Preferably add practical
examples relating each of the terms.

The following terms must be interrelated:

1. Population and sampling
2. Instrumentation Purpose
3. Procedure and time frame
4. Analysis plan
5. Validity and reliability

Key to Corrections

Name: Class number:
Section: Schedule: Date:

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

Based on the content notes in activity 2, complete column 3 of the table in activity 1. Use your own words. Never copy
any terms used in the content notes. Preferably, complete the table without looking at the concept notes or if not
entirely possible, based your answer on your essay in activity 3. Answer each questions completely and in detail.

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

1. Finalize chapter 3 of your research paper. The content would depends on your chosen research topic but the
format must follow the content notes and the previous modules.

Key to Corrections

1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
{*The students mark their place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work they
have accomplished and how much work there is left to do. This tracker will be part of the student activity sheet}

Mark your place in the work tracker.

Some learning questions:

1. Did you find the module fun? If not, how can you make it enjoyable while you are answering?
2. Are there typographical errors such as wrong spelling, misplacement of diagrams or wrong grammar in this
module? Enumerate them. You might have some bonus points if you find one.

1. What does research paper Chapter 3: Methodology do in real life? It provides a triangulation or the reproduction of the
research project which increases its reliability.

Rubrics for the essay:
subject-predicate reversals, using synonym terms and connecting each concepts coherently. No terms were copied from
the internet nor other research material otherwise properly cited.
2. Accuracy (10 pts): The terms are properly defined according to the content notes with real life practical experiences in
each terms.
3. Completeness (10 pts): All the terms are used and interrelated properly. A corresponding score deduction would be
made for each terms missed. If there are too many missing terms, a negative score in this part is possible.

The succeeding key to correction is for the quiz, activity 5. Preferably, do not add this to the student activity sheet, SAS.

Answers vary depending on the research topic chosen. The content must be 100% precise as stated in the content notes of the


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