01.03 ¿A Qué Hora Te Despiertas
01.03 ¿A Qué Hora Te Despiertas
01.03 ¿A Qué Hora Te Despiertas
Instructions: Print or save this note guide (it will download as a word doc).
Remember to complete the tables and answer the questions. This will help you
review for the exam.
Big Ideas
Write each ordinal number in Spanish:
4th Cuarto/Cuarta
You sometimes need to drop the -o when using primero or tercero because:
Me, te, and se are placed _before__ the conjugated verb.
Write the subject pronoun used with each:
me: yo
te: tú
se: él/ella/usted or ellos/ellas/ustedes
What is a stem-changing verb?
One type/form of stem-changing verb is e → i. The three other types/forms of stem-
changing verbs are:
Write the reflexive pronoun that is used with each of the following subject pronouns:
yo me nosotros/nosotras nos
(I) (we)
tú te vosotros/vosotras os
(you) (you all)
él/ella/usted se ellos/ellas/ustedes se
(he/she/you formal) (they/they formal)
A huipil is a ___traditional blouse_____.
Are huipils common? ___No, they are custom made and require lots of materials and
A corte is a ___dress_____.
Rodilleras are __wool kilt-like wraparound worn over the pants____.
What are the benefits of wearing traditional clothing? What are the disadvantages?
It helps with expressing identity and art. It could be uncomfortable and may cost