01.03 ¿A Qué Hora Te Despiertas

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01.03 ¿A qué hora te despiertas?

Instructions: Print or save this note guide (it will download as a word doc).
Remember to complete the tables and answer the questions. This will help you
review for the exam.

Spanish English Spanish English

comenzar to start; to dormir to sleep


me visto I get dressed servir to serve

el cepillo to brush quitas you remove

el peine to comb finalmente finally

el maquillaje makeup la crema cream

el acondicionador conditioner el perfume perfume

los productos de beauty la colonia cologne

belleza products

la crema de afeitar shaving cream me preparo I prepare


el jabón soap la loción lotion

el secador de pelo hairdryer los lentes de contact lens


la toalla towel me pinto las uñas I paint my nails

el cepillo de dientes toothbrush los lentes glasses

la pasta de dientes toothpaste querer want

los dientes teeth la ropa interior underwear

Big Ideas
Write each ordinal number in Spanish:

1st Primerio/Primera 5th Quinto/Quinta

2nd Segundo/Segunda 6th Sexto/Sexta

3rd Tercero/Tercera 7th Septimo/Septima

4th Cuarto/Cuarta

You sometimes need to drop the -o when using primero or tercero because:

Me, te, and se are placed _before__ the conjugated verb.
Write the subject pronoun used with each:
me: yo
te: tú
se: él/ella/usted or ellos/ellas/ustedes

What is a stem-changing verb?
One type/form of stem-changing verb is e → i. The three other types/forms of stem-
changing verbs are:

Conjugate the following stem-changing verbs:

comezar (to start/to begin) e → ie

yo (I) comienzo nosotros/

nosotras (we) comenzamos

tú (you) comienzas vosotros/ comenzáis

vosotras (you all)

él/ella/usted comienza ellos/ellas/ comienzan

(he/she/you ustedes (they,
formal) you all)

pedir (to ask for) e → i

yo (I) pido nosotros/nosotras (we) pidemos

tú (you) pides vosotros/vosotras (you pedís


él/ella/usted pide ellos/ellas/ustedes (they, piden

(he/she/you formal) you all)

poder (can/be able to) o → ue

yo (I) puedo nosotros/nosotras (we)


tú (you) puedes vosotros/vosotras (you podéis


él/ella/usted puede ellos/ellas/ustedes pueden

(he/she/you formal) (they, you all)

jugar (to play) u → ue

yo (I) juego nosotros/nosotras (we) jugamos

tú (you) juegas vosotros/vosotras (you jugáis


él/ella/usted juega ellos/ellas/ustedes (they, juegan

(he/she/you formal) you all)

Write the reflexive pronoun that is used with each of the following subject pronouns:

yo me nosotros/nosotras nos
(I) (we)

tú te vosotros/vosotras os
(you) (you all)

él/ella/usted se ellos/ellas/ustedes se
(he/she/you formal) (they/they formal)

A huipil is a ___traditional blouse_____.
Are huipils common? ___No, they are custom made and require lots of materials and
A corte is a ___dress_____.
Rodilleras are __wool kilt-like wraparound worn over the pants____.
What are the benefits of wearing traditional clothing? What are the disadvantages?
It helps with expressing identity and art. It could be uncomfortable and may cost

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