Sappho 1 Commentary
Sappho 1 Commentary
Sappho 1 Commentary
6 ἐμός, ή, όν my
αὐδή (ἡ) voice, speech
ἀίω to hear, listen to + gen. or acc. (nom. sg. fem. pres. act. partic.)
πήλοι = τηλοῦ from afar, long ago
12 διὰ through
μέσ(σ)ος, η, ον the middle
ϝὰν = ἁν her. The manuscript here is unclear; see Page 1955, 9 and Annis 2005. Campbell follows
Edmonds' ϝὰν; Lobel-Page and Voigt prefer σάν (= σήν your). Raynor 2014, 98 helpfully suggests
there may have been two different versions of the song, one that went "Whom do I persuade to
lead back to your affection," and another that went "... to lead you back to her affection."
23 φιλέω to love