ARAMENGL Three Friends Full Past

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'Three friends‘ Aramaic anecdote:


1. Aramaic version
wa: past tense marker (from ‚to be‘ hwa)

in blue: new past tense verbs


(1) ʾəθ-wa l-Dŏ̀hokˈ xa-ṭùraˈ mux ṭurət dàxxaˈ d-Kàstel.ˈ

(2) ʾàxxa… ʾiθ… hə̀nna wewa… ʿaskar dət ʾenglèzi.ˈ
(3) l-dŏ̀hokˈ ʾəθwa mux dòha,ˈ ʾaval[h] ʿàdəl wewa.ˈ rəš ṭura ʿàdəl wewa.ˈ
(4) g-ezi-waˈ mərri-laxˈ yomət šàbθa,ˈ yomanət ʾèða,ˈ g-ezi-wa škàrro,ˈ bnaθa
g-yasqi-wa rəš ṭura g-raqðì-wa,ˈ
(5) u-bnòne,ˈ bnone u-bnàθaˈ u-yəmmàθaˈ ʾaxni doqax-wa nunyàθa,ˈ u-
yəmmaθa gə-mbašlì-wa.

Main story 00:52

(6) θele (keθe) xa-waʿăda,ˈ g-əmri wuḷḷa ʾoha ṭura ṛaba ḅā̀š=īle,ˈ
(7) b-qemax banax xa-[h]misʿadà[h].ˈ xa-čeyxàna.ˈ
(8) banax xa-čeyxana rəš do ṭùra.ˈ rəš ʾaw ṭura do < d-aw
(9) bnèlu (kbane III-he) xa-čeyxana rəš do ṭura,ˈ ,ˈ
(10) u-naše g-ezi u-kèθe.ˈ
(11) ʾəθ-wa ṭḷaha xurawàθa,ˈ
(12) g-emri wuḷḷa ʾaxni ži b-yasqax rəš do ṭura, b-xazax ma ʾiθ go de
(13) g-əmri [h]ʾaval[h] čeyxànaˈ gəbe yawetun pàre.ˈ
(14) g-əmri yalla ʾàna,ˈ ʾàna b-yawən-nox (<lox),ˈ ʾàna b-yawən-nox,ˈ ʾàna
(15) kud ṭḷàhu.ˈ
(16) (yĭ)səqlu (yasəq) rəš ṭùra,ˈ ʾe ma čeyxana sqə̀lta,ˈ
(17) yĭʾəllu (k-yaʾəl < ‫ )עלל‬go čeyxàna,ˈ θele măre čeyxana g-yawəl-lu
(18) xə̀llu (kexəl/axəl),ˈ xlə̀ṣlu.ˈ
(19) g-emər-ru hal-li pàre,ˈ g-emər ʾe, ʾ àhət mərrox (<mir-lox) qamaye,ˈ
(20) ʾawa g-emər ʾ àhət mərrox qamaye,ˈ hàl-le.ˈ
(21) g-emər ʾ àhət mərrox qamaye,ˈ hàl-le.ˈ
(22) măre čeyxana g-əbe pàre!ˈ
(23) g-emər ʾana ma waji-le mằni mərre là mərre,ˈ ʾana g-əbən pàre.ˈ
(24) ʾawa g-emər là,ˈ ṭamắ ʾawa mərre qamaya? ṭamắ mərra qamaya? ʾawa
xet g-emər ṭamắ mərre?
(25) g-emər k-iʾetun ma b-òðax?ˈ ʾoða > ‫ > עבד‬gewəð
(26) ʾə̀ltəxˈ go ‘škàrroˈ ʾiθən xa bərke ʾamùqta.ˈ xa-ṃaye ʾamùqa.ˈ
(27) sawun (gezəl) sxawun tàma,ˈ tmùšū-le réšoxun,ˈ kud moṛəmle reše
qamaye ʾàwa bə-mšaləm[h].
(28) pədla (payəð) [h]beʿayà[h].
(29) zəllu (gezəl) k-sàxe,ˈ ʾaw qamàya,ˈ g-emər ʾana ṭamằ mabqər reši?ˈ
(30) gəbe ʾana yawən.ˈ
(31) ʾaw də-tre g-emər ṭamằ mabqər reši?ˈ ʾàna b-yawən.ˈ
(32) la, šud ʾàwa yawəl.ˈ šwuq d- ‫שבק‬
(33) ʾaw xaraya g-emər ʾàna la…ˈ ʾana ṭamằ b-yawən?ˈ
(34) bentayim[h] pəšlu (payəš) go ṃaye xnə̀q-lu.ˈ
(35) kùd ṭḷahu xnəqlu.ˈ
(36) xzèlu (xaze)ˈ ṭarme dòhunˈ welu rəš ṃàye.ˈ
2. English translation
(1) There was in Dohok (lit. Dohok had) a mountain like the mountain here,
the Kastel Mountain.
(2) Here, there is… there was this… the English army.
(3) In Dohok, it was like this one, but it was flat. The top of the hill was flat.
(4) they would go—I told you—on Shabbat, on feast days, they would go to
the river, girls would climb the mountain (and) dance,
(5) And boys and girl with mothers… we (children) would catch fish, and
(our) mothers would cook.
(6) A time came when they said ‘look, this mountain is very good,
(7) We will start building a restaurant.
(8) We will build a restaurant on top of this mountain.
(9) (so) they build a restaurant on the top of this mountain, a nice restaurant,
(10) and people would pass through it (lit. come and go).
(11) There were three friends,
(12) they said ‘look, we will also climb up this mountain, we will see what's
inside this restaurant.’
(13) But (in a) restaurant, you have to pay (them) money.
(14) (But) they say ‘well then, I, I will pay’, ‘I will pay,’ ‘I will pay.’
(15) All three of them.
(16) They went up the mountain and said ‘this one—what a nice
(17) They entered the restaurant, the owner of the restaurant came and
served them food.
(18) They ate, finished. The owner of the restaurant came asking for
(19) He says to them ‘pay me (now).’ (one of them) says ‘oh, you had said
(it) first, (you) pay him.ˈ
(20) (But) he says ‘you had said it first, (you) give him.;
(21) He says ‘you had said it first, (you) give him.;
(22) (Meanwhile), the owner of the restaurant demands payment.ˈ
(23) he says ‘I don’t care who had said or who hadn’t said, I demand
(24) (But) he says ‘no, why ??? he said before?’ ‘Why had he said (that)
before?’ That other one also says ‘why had he said (it)?’
(25) (The owner of the restaurant) says ‘do you know what we shall do?’
(26) In the river down below, there's a deep pool. A deep water.
(27) Go immerse yourselves there, immerse your head, whoever raises their
head first, he (is the one who) will pay.
(28) Problem solved.
(29) They went to swim, the first one says ‘why would I raise my head?’
(30) I (will) have to pay.
(31) The second one says ‘why would I raise my head? I will pay.
(32) No, let him pay.
(33) The last one says ‘not me… why will I pay?’
(34) HIn the meantimeH, they remained under the water and drowned.
(35) All three drowned.
(36) They saw their corpses—they were floating on water.

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