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DLL - Science Q2 Week 4

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GRADES 1 to 12 School: Bulacnin Elemetary School Grade Level: Four

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Sherina M. Linang Learning Area: Science

Teaching Dates and October 14-18, 2024 Quarter:
Time: ( 8:05-8:50, 8:50-9:35, 9:55-10:40, 10:40-11:25, 11:25-12:10) Second


October 14, 2024 October 15, 2024 October 16, 2024 October 17, 2024 October 18, 2024
A.Content Standard Learners learned that animals and plants live in habitats that meet their basic needs.
B.Performance By the end of the Quarter, learners identify that plants and animals have systems whose function is to keep them alive. They
Standards observe, describe, and create representations to show how living things interact with their habitat, survive, and reproduce in
specific environments. They use flowcharts to show the feeding relationship among different organisms within a given
C.Learning Learning Competency
Competencies / The learners use a drawing or diagram to classify some Philippine animals and plants, based on their habitat: some live on land
Objectives (terrestrial), live in water (aquatic) or fly in the air (aerial).
II.CONTENT Plants and animals and their habitats.
a. Terrestrial Habitat
b. Aquatic Habitat, and
c. Aerial Habitat

• SDG#6 Clean Water and Sanitation

• SDG#11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
• SDG #14 Life Below Water
• SDG #15 Life on Land
• Environmental Conservation/Preservation
• Pollution
• Philippine Endangered species
• Philippine Flora and Faun
1.Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
B.Other Learning ● Delos Reyes Jr, R. L., Balabat, F. P., Quicho, K. L., & Rex Book Store. (2023). Science Links: Worktext for Scientific and Technological Literacy (Revised Edition).
Resources Rex Book Store. pp. 194-201.
● Department of Education. (2019). National Science Textbook, Grade 4, First Edition (pp. 133-1146). Papua New Guinea.
● Department of Education. (2019). Science Teacher Manual, Grade 4, First Edition (pp. 122-152). Papua New Guinea.
● Department of Education. (Year). MATATAG Curriculum in Science. DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines.
● Exploring Habitats." (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2023, from https://letstalkscience.ca/educational-resources/lessons/exploring-habitats
● Republic of the Philippines. (2013). Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. Retrieved from https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/2013/05/15/republic-act-no-10533/
● Terrestrial Habitats." (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2023, from https://www.vedantu.com/biology/terrestrial-habitat
A.Reviewing previous Ask the following. Fill in the blanks. In the Venn diagram, write
lesson or presenting • What are the basic needs the things that plants and
for survival of all living Animals find what they animals need to live and
organisms? need to _____ in their_____. grow.
• Why is it important to All animals need _____to
understand where different breathe. They need to
plants and animals find Unlocking Content Area drink All animals need
their survival needs? Vocabulary _____ to eat. Some animals
• Can you give examples eat _____. Some animals
of living organisms and Habitat eat other _____. All animals
their specific survival Terrestrial need _____ to keep them
needs? Aquatic warm and safe. They need
• How do these needs vary Aerial _____ to live and move
among different plants and around.
animals in different
places? The physical space
where an organism lives is
called its habitat. An
Unlocking Content Area organism can only live in a
Vocabulary habitat where its basic
home needs are met. It includes
abode sunlight, air, water, food,
territory and ideal temperature.
B.Establishing a purpose Ask the following A.Draw a line to match Rearrange the scrambled
for the lesson questions: each plant need to the words inside the
• What are your favorite parts of the plant that parenthesis to answer the
animals? What is the most helps it meet that need. following questions.
amazing plant you know? 1. It lives in the garden. It
• Where do they live? has wide red colored
Where can you find them? petals. Insects
• Why do they live there? keep on visiting it.
Why does that plant grow What plant is it?
in that area? ________________
• Will that animal be able (umalameg)
to live in some other area 2. It lives in water. It has
or location? Will that plant light and spongy stalks
grow in some other area or that enable it to float.
location? What plant is it?
• How can we group the ____________
animals and plants you all ( inthayhc)
mentioned based on where 3. It is the national
they live? fruit of the Philippines.
B. Matchy Column A with
• Why do we need to What plant is
Column B.
classify plants and animals it.____________
based on the place where (onamg)
they live? 4. It has a bitter taste but
• Why is it important for nutritious. What plant is it?
scientists and _____________
environmentalists to (paamyala)
understand and classify 5. People call this as a
different types of habitats? “tree of life” because all of
• How might knowledge of its parts can be
these habitat-related used for different
terms help us protect and purposes. What plant is it?
conserve ecosystems and _______________
the species that live in (ococunt)
C.Presenting examples/ Do the Activity: Study: Do the Activity: Do the Activity:
instances of the new lesson Activity Title: Habitat Hunt Terrestrial plants are Activity Title: Aquatic Activity Title: Sky High
and Animal Match plants that grow on land. Habitat Adventure Scavenger Hunt
I. Objective(s): I. Objective: I. Objective:
Some terrestrial plants are • To help students
• To help students • To help students
understand the concept of small, others are big. understand the concept of understand the concept of
terrestrial habitats and There are plants with big aquatic habitats and their aerial habitats and their
their characteristics by trunks while others have characteristics by characteristics by
exploring different plant soft stem. Other plants exploring different plant exploring different plant
and animal species found and animal species found and animal species found
bear flowers while others in these habitats.
in these habitats. in these habitats.
• To develop an do not. • To develop an • To develop an
appreciation for the unique Terrestrial plants grow in appreciation for the unique appreciation for the
characteristics of different places. There are characteristics of aquatic unique characteristics of
terrestrial habitats plants that grow directly habitats aerial habitats and
• To introduce the concept • To introduce the concept skydwelling organisms
on the soil while others
of UNESCO’s Sustainable of UNESCO’s Sustainable • To introduce the
grow on rocks. Other concept of UNESCO’s
Development Goal - SDG Development Goals - SDG
plants cling to the fence Sustainable Development
#15: Life on Land. #6 (Clean Water and
while the most number of Sanitation) and SDG #14 Goals - SDG 15: Life on
plants are found in the Land and SDG 13: Climate
II. Materials Needed: (Life Below Water).
field. Action
• Pictures of animals and
plants from various Plants living in different II. Materials Needed:
II. Materials Needed:
terrestrial habitats places are exposed to • Pictures or drawings of
• A list of clues or riddles
(forests, grasslands, varied conditions however, aquatic animals and plants (prepared by the teacher)
deserts, and mountains) from various aquatic describing organisms
their structures are suited
• Large posters or habitats (oceans, rivers, found in aerial habitats.
drawings of each habitat to particular needs. For lakes, and ponds) • Images or illustrations of
• Markers and labels example, forest plants • Large posters or aerial habitat organisms.
tend to grow tall and drawings representing • Small prizes or stickers
III. Instructions: sturdy. each aquatic habitat (optional).
In this activity, you will Shapes and sizes of the • Markers and labels III.
work in small groups to leaves are also important Instructions: In this III. Instructions:
explore different terrestrial activity, you will explore 1. In this scavenger hunt,
for survival. Plants like
habitats and match different aquatic habitats you will be given a list of
animals and plants to their bananas produce big, and the plant and animal clues or riddles. Each clue
respective habitats. Use broad leaves to efficiently species that live in them. will describe an organism
your knowledge of each trap more energy. Work in your assigned that inhabits aerial
habitat's characteristics to Plants with waxy leaves groups and use the habitats, such as the sky,
make informed decisions. help to protect themselves provided images to decide trees, or other high
1. Animal/Plant: which aquatic habitat each places. Your task is to
from dehydration as a
• Habitat: species belongs to. Write identify and match each
• Explanation: result of too much the name of the species organism with the
2. Animal/Plant: exposure to the sunlight. and the habitat on the corresponding images or
• Habitat: Some plants have also lines provided. illustrations provided.
• Explanation: developed structures to Aquatic Species: 2. Work with your partner
3. Animal/Plant: store water especially in 1. Seahorse or group to find the
• Habitat: the desert. Cactus is the • Habitat: organisms described in
• Explanation: best example of desert _______________________ the clues. You can search
4. Animal/Plant: 2. Trout for information in books or
plant. materials provided by
• Habitat: • Habitat:
• Explanation: Roots of the plants adapt _______________________ your teacher, or you can
themselves too to their 3. Coral explore the classroom to
habitat. They differ in sizes • Habitat: find images of the
and shapes too. These _______________________ organisms.
characteristics are 4. Lily Pad 3. Read each clue
determined by their • Habitat: carefully and look at the
functions. _______________________ images. Try to identify the
5. Dolphin organism that matches
• Habitat: the description. Write the
name of the organism
next to the corresponding
6. Algae
clue number.
• Habitat:
4. Once you have
completed the scavenger
7. Crocodile hunt and identified all the
• Habitat: organisms, return to the
_______________________ class as a group.
8. Clownfish
• Habitat: Clues:
_______________________ 1. I am known for my
9. Seaweed bright colors and can
• Habitat: often be seen fluttering
_______________________ among flowers. People
10. Water Lily love to watch me in their
• Habitat: gardens. Who am I?
_______________________ Organism:
IV. Group Presentation 2. I am a majestic bird
known for my large
Answer the questions wingspan and soaring
below: flights in the sky. People
• What do you think an often associate me with
aquatic habitat is? Is it just freedom. What am I?
like any home we live in? Organism:
How is it different? _______________________
• What makes a river or an 3. I am a small, buzzing
ocean a good home for fish insect that collects nectar
and plants? from flowers. You might
• Do you think a fish from hear my distinctive sound
the ocean would like living when I fly by. What insect
in a lake? Why or why not? am I? Organism:
• What do you notice _______________________
about shapes or body 4. I am a type of primate
parts that might help them that loves to swing from
live in their special water tree to tree in the forest
home? canopy. I have a
• What was the most prehensile tail that helps
interesting thing you found me with this. Who am I?
out while sorting the Organism:
pictures? _______________________
5. I am a flying mammal
• Did you see any picture
that comes out at night.
placements by other
Some people call me a
groups that made you
"flying fox" because of my
think differently about the
large wings. What kind of
water homes? creature am I? Organism:
• Why do you think it’s _______________________
important for us to know 6. I am a reptile that
about where water animals glides from tree to tree in
and plants live? tropical forests. My skin
• What are some ways we has a unique pattern, and
can help take care of the I'm known for my bright
aquatic habitats of these colors. What kind of
water creatures so we reptile am I? Organism:
could contribute to SDG _______________________
#6 -Clean Water and 7. I am a small, songbird
Sanitation and SDG #14 - that builds intricate nests
Life Below Water? high in trees. People enjoy
listening to my melodious
singing. What kind of bird
am I? Organism:
8. I am a large, predatory
bird with sharp talons and
keen eyesight. I'm often
associated with strength
and power. What kind of
bird am I? Organism:

1. In your group, discuss

the organisms you
identified during the
scavenger hunt. Share
interesting facts or
characteristics about each

2. Why do you think it's

important to learn about
organisms that inhabit
aerial habitats? How do
these creatures contribute
to the balance in the

3. How do we protect
aerial habitats to
conserving the
ecosystems and preserve
biodiversity and
contribute to SDG #15:
Life on Land and SDG
#13: Climate Action?

D.Discussing new concepts IV. Group Presentation

and practicing new skills
#1 Answer the questions
• When determining the
habitat, what clues or
observations helped you
make your choices?
• Did your group
encounter any species that
were challenging to
classify or assign to a
habitat? How did you
resolve such challenges?
• Did you encounter any
interesting facts or
surprises about the
species you studied?
• Are there any common
themes or patterns in the
choices made by different
groups when assigning
species to habitats?
• Were there any species
you had difficulty
classifying? Why?
• Did any group present
information that made you
see a species or habitat in
a new way?
• What are the key
features that distinguish
terrestrial habitats from
aquatic and aerial
• Can you summarize the
types of plants and
animals typically found in
terrestrial habitats, based
on what you've learned
during this activity?
• How might
understanding these
habitats and their
inhabitants be important in
the real world, such as in
protection, preservation
and conservation efforts in
relation to SDG #15 Life
on Land?
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1
F.Developing Mastery Circle the terrestrial Classify the plants Describe the parts of the Classify the animals below
animals according to terrestrial or aquatic plants. into their correct habitat.

Activity 2
Match each animal to its
Activity 2
Activity 2 Characteristics of Aquatic
Draw a happy face if the Plants
statement is correct and a
sad face if is incorrect.
___1. Desert plants lose Activity 2
very little water through Trace on the dotted lines
transpiration. to put each animal in the
____2. Grassland has correct group.
strong roots and flexible
stems so that they cannot
be pulled or broken by Guide Questions:
strong winds. They have 1. What plants did you
small leave to ensure observe?
B. reduced water loss. _______________
___3. Terrestrial plants 2. What are the parts of
grow in different places, each plant that you
there are plants that grow observed?
directly on the soil while _______________
other grow on rocks. 3. What are the parts that
____4. Shapes and size of are common among the
the leaves are not plants?
important for survival. ________________
____5. Plants with waxy 4. What can you say about
the characteristics of Activity 3
leaves help to protect
aquatic plants that Identify the plant belong to
themselves from
you have observed? terrestrial or aquatic plant.
5. What are the similarities
in characteristics between
terrestrial and
aquatic plants?
6. What new things have
you learned today?

Activity 3
Compare and contrast
aquatic plants from
terrestrial plants
using the Venn diagram
below. Activity 4
Identify the given plants
and which habitat they
belong. Write T for
terrestrial, AE for aerial,
and AQ for aquatic plant.

Activity 4
Draw a HAPPY ( ) face if
the statement is CORRECT
and a SAD
( ) face if it is NOT.
1. All plants that grow in
water are called aquatic Activity 5
plants. Classify the following
2. The broad leaves and plants according to their
soft bodies allow them to habitat. Write
float in water. TR in the blank if the plant
3. Aquatic plants can also isterrestrial, AQ if it is
grow on land. aquatic, and AE if it is
4. Stem, roots, flowers and aerial.
leaves are common parts _______ 1. Langka
among aquatic and _______ 2. kangkong
terrestrial plants. _______ 3. Seaweed
5. Woody stems of aquatic _______ 4. Green ivy
plants become soft when _______ 5. Chico
growing in water. _______ 6. squash
_______ 7. Orchid
Activity 5 _______ 8. lotus
Choose the letter of the _______ 9. Lanzones
correct answer. _______ 10. Corn
1. Which of these plants
are aquatic? Activity 6
A. Bougainvillea Classify the following if the
B. Gumamela plants/ animals live in
C. Lotus land, water, or in air.
D. Santan
2. What characteristic
makes the water hyacinth
float on water? Land Water Air
A. Light weight of the
B. Light rounded waxy
C. Spreading, feathery root
D. Leaf stalk with air filled
with air (bulbous system).
3. What are the
SIMILAR characteristics
between terrestrial and
aquatic plants?
A. They have stem,
flowers, and roots.
B. Both need air, and
C. A and B
D. None of the above
4. Instead of putting
flowers in a clear and wide
mouth flower vase,
you decided to make
use of an aquatic
plant. Which of the
following plants would you
A. Onion
B. Orchids
C. Rosal
D. Water lily
5. In which of the
following, aquatic plants
differ from terrestrial
A. Roots of aquatic plants
do not touch the ground.
B. Terrestrial plants do not
need water.
C. The leaves of aquatic
plants are not green.
D. Aquatic plants cannot
do photosynthesis.

Activity 6
True or False.
1.All plants that grow in
water are called terrestrial
2. The broad leaves and
soft bodies allow them to
float in water.
3. The common specialized
structure among roses and
bougainvilleas are thorns.
4. Stem, roots, and leaves
are common parts among
aquatic and terrestrial
5. Stems of aquatic plants
become soft when growing
in water
G.Finding practical Reflection on Learning
application of concepts and Habitat guide concepts:
skills in daily living 1. New Knowledge: Think
about what you've learned
about habitats for plants
and animals, like where
they live and how they
2. Caring for Earth:
Consider how you now
value taking care of our
planet and the plants and
animals that live here.
3. Self-Check and Goals:
Look at what you know well
and what you'd like to
learn more about. Set
goals to guide your future
4. Amazing Discoveries:
Remember the cool things
you've found out about
habitats and how they
5. Growing Up: Think about
how you've become a
better learner and nature
H. Making generalizations What are terrestrial What are terrestrial In what way aquatic parts What are aerial Encourage students to
and abstractions about the plants/animals? plants/animals? different from terrestrial plants/animals? actively participate in
lesson Give examples. Give examples. plants? Give examples. completing the concept
map by providing guiding
I have learned that I have learned that Give one example of 1. I have learned that questions that lead to the
terrestrial plants/animals terrestrial plants/animals an aquatic plant that aerial plants/animals differ desired answers. This will
are __________ are __________ is found from terrestrial/aquatic help them engage more
because ____________ because ____________ growing in your plants/animals effectively with the
community. Identify because ____________ material and construct a
the specialized 2. Aerial plants are _____. comprehensive concept
structure that made map.
the plant adapt to Concept Map for Habitat

1. I have learned that

aquatic plants differ from
terrestrial plants
because ____________
2. Aquatic plants are
similar to terrestrial plants
because ________
I.Evaluating learning Answer the following Choose the letter of the Choose the letter of the Choose the letter of the
questions. Write only the correct answer. correct answer. correct answer.
corresponding letter of 1. What type of habitat do 1.What type of habitat is a
1. It has fleshy stems to plants and animals living coral reef considered?
your chosen answer. conserve water for a long
in the ocean belong to? (a) Aquatic
1.Plant adaptations for time.
A. bitter gourd (a) Terrestrial (b) Terrestrial
survival in desert climates B. hyacinth (b) Aquatic (c) Aerial
include all of the following C. banana (c) Aerial (d) Arboreal
EXCEPT D. cactus (d) Arboreal 2.Where would you most
A.long deep roots likely find animals with
2. Which of the following 2. Which habitat includes gills and fins?
B. small leaves plants lives in water for forests, grasslands, and (a) On land
C. wide leaves thicks survival? deserts?
A. lotus (b) (In the air
D. water storing stems (a) Aquatic (c) In water
B. durian
2. Which is NOT true about C. santol
(b) Aerial (d) Underground
plants? D. sampaguita (c) Terrestrial 3.What is the primary
(d) Subterranean habitat of a polar bear?
A. All plants are terrestrial.
3. What would happen if the 3. Where can you typically (a) Terrestrial
B. All plants need air, plant did not get enough find a penguin?
water, and sunlight. (b) Aerial
water, nutrients, sunlight, and (a) In the air (c) Aquatic
C. All plants have roots, an appropriate temperature? (b) In the trees
A. The plant would bear more (d) Arboreal
stems and leaves. (c) In the ocean
fruit. 4.What habitat type
D. All plants interact with (d) In a desert
B. The plant becomes includes animals like
4. Which of the following
their environment. healthier. eagles and hawks?
C. The plant is still growing.
animals is best suited for
3. Which of the following (a) Aerial
D. The plant would die. a terrestrial habitat?
special structures can help (b) Terrestrial
(a) Dolphin
(b) Kangaroo (c) Aquatic
protect from animals? 4. Which of the following
plants has fleshy stems as (c) Penguin (d) Subterranean
A. A thick barks and rough 5.Where would you expect
their specialized structure to (d) Seagull
conserve water a long time? 5. What type of habitat to see a camel in its
B. Aerial roots A. cactus would you associate with natural habitat?
C. Thorns and spines B. cogon a butterfly? (a) In the forest
C. pineapple (a) Terrestrial (b) Underwater
D. Strong deep roots D. strawberry (b) Aquatic (c) In the desert
4. Bananas cannot grow in
(c) Aerial (d) In the treetops
a desert place because 5. Which plant grows in
water? (d) Arboreal 16. What type of habitat
_____. A. Banana 6. Frogs are commonly includes lakes, rivers, and
A. they have short roots B. Coconut tress found in which type of oceans?
B. their leaves are not C. Water Lily habitat? (a) Aerial
waxy D. Mango Tree (a) Aerial (b) Terrestrial
(b) Aquatic (c) Aquatic
C. desert animals do not 6.Why do plants grow best in (c) Terrestrial (d) Polar
eat banana their natural habitat? (d) Polar
A. They have bigger place to 7.Which habitat type
D. wide leaves water 7. What kind of habitat includes plants like lily
live in.
evaporate very fast B. They need a cooler
includes ponds, lakes, and pads and animals like
5. Why do plants grow best environment to live. rivers? frogs?
C. They don’t need the (a) Terrestrial (a) Terrestrial
in their natural habitat?
resources in other places. (b) Aerial (b) Aquatic
A. They have a wider place D. Their structures are (c) Aquatic
to grow in (c) Aerial
adapted to their natural (d) Arboreal
(d) Subterranean
B. They are in the 8. Where would you find
7. Peter found out that some 18. Which of the following
company of other plants. animals like squirrels and
plants can bear flowers but do animals is best suited for
C. They die when rabbits?
not bear fruits. Which of these an aerial habitat?
(a) In the ocean
transferred to another terrestrial plants bears flowers (a) Crocodile
but do not bear fruits? (b) In the sky
habitat. (c) On land (b) Albatross
A. Avocado (c) Kangaroo
D. They have structures B. Gumamela (d) Underground
fitted to their natural 9. What habitat is (d) Grizzly bear
C. Calamansi
D. Malunggay characterized by a lack of 9.What type of habitat do
8. Kalabasa, ampalaya, and trees and very little you associate with a
6. Which of the following hermit crab?
upo are all Karen’s favorite precipitation?
statements is TRUE? vegetables. They have soft, (a) Terrestrial
(a) Aerial
A. Waxy leaves of gabi small, and fleshy stems. What (b) Terrestrial (b) Aerial
protects if from being characteristics of the plants (c) Aquatic
(c) Aquatic
do they belong? (d) Subterranean
eaten by animals. A. Vines (d) Subterranean
10. Which habitat is 10. Where do you find
B. Cact1`uses have thick B. Shrubs
C. Herbs primarily associated with animals that breathe
stems because they grow through gills and live in
D. Grasses birds and insects?
near rivers. 9. Alona observed that her (a) Terrestrial the water?
C. The roots of orchid indoor plant has spines that (b) Aerial (a) On land
plants get water from the serve as protection from (c) Aquatic (b) In the air
ground. enemies. Which is the best (d) Arboreal (c) Underground
D. Wide leaves help example of a plant that has (d) In water
capture more energy from A. Rosal
the sun. B. Guava
C. Cactus
D. Sampaguita
10. Which characteristics
describe a shrub and make it
different from an herb?
A. Having a woody or a hard
B. Having seeds in the fruit.
C. Having many leaves.
D. Presence of flowers.
J.Additional Activities for
application or remediation
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in
B.No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C.Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D.No. of learners who continued to
require remediation
E.Which of these strategies work well?
Why did this work?
F.What difficulties dis I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G.What innovation or localized materials
did I use / discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher III
Checked by:


Master Teacher I


Principal III

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