DLL - Science Q2 Week 4
DLL - Science Q2 Week 4
DLL - Science Q2 Week 4
3. How do we protect
aerial habitats to
conserving the
ecosystems and preserve
biodiversity and
contribute to SDG #15:
Life on Land and SDG
#13: Climate Action?
Activity 2
Match each animal to its
Activity 2
Activity 2 Characteristics of Aquatic
Draw a happy face if the Plants
statement is correct and a
sad face if is incorrect.
___1. Desert plants lose Activity 2
very little water through Trace on the dotted lines
transpiration. to put each animal in the
____2. Grassland has correct group.
strong roots and flexible
stems so that they cannot
be pulled or broken by Guide Questions:
strong winds. They have 1. What plants did you
small leave to ensure observe?
B. reduced water loss. _______________
___3. Terrestrial plants 2. What are the parts of
grow in different places, each plant that you
there are plants that grow observed?
directly on the soil while _______________
other grow on rocks. 3. What are the parts that
____4. Shapes and size of are common among the
the leaves are not plants?
important for survival. ________________
____5. Plants with waxy 4. What can you say about
the characteristics of Activity 3
leaves help to protect
aquatic plants that Identify the plant belong to
themselves from
you have observed? terrestrial or aquatic plant.
5. What are the similarities
in characteristics between
terrestrial and
aquatic plants?
6. What new things have
you learned today?
Activity 3
Compare and contrast
aquatic plants from
terrestrial plants
using the Venn diagram
below. Activity 4
Identify the given plants
and which habitat they
belong. Write T for
terrestrial, AE for aerial,
and AQ for aquatic plant.
Activity 4
Draw a HAPPY ( ) face if
the statement is CORRECT
and a SAD
( ) face if it is NOT.
1. All plants that grow in
water are called aquatic Activity 5
plants. Classify the following
2. The broad leaves and plants according to their
soft bodies allow them to habitat. Write
float in water. TR in the blank if the plant
3. Aquatic plants can also isterrestrial, AQ if it is
grow on land. aquatic, and AE if it is
4. Stem, roots, flowers and aerial.
leaves are common parts _______ 1. Langka
among aquatic and _______ 2. kangkong
terrestrial plants. _______ 3. Seaweed
5. Woody stems of aquatic _______ 4. Green ivy
plants become soft when _______ 5. Chico
growing in water. _______ 6. squash
_______ 7. Orchid
Activity 5 _______ 8. lotus
Choose the letter of the _______ 9. Lanzones
correct answer. _______ 10. Corn
1. Which of these plants
are aquatic? Activity 6
A. Bougainvillea Classify the following if the
B. Gumamela plants/ animals live in
C. Lotus land, water, or in air.
D. Santan
2. What characteristic
makes the water hyacinth
float on water? Land Water Air
A. Light weight of the
B. Light rounded waxy
C. Spreading, feathery root
D. Leaf stalk with air filled
with air (bulbous system).
3. What are the
SIMILAR characteristics
between terrestrial and
aquatic plants?
A. They have stem,
flowers, and roots.
B. Both need air, and
C. A and B
D. None of the above
4. Instead of putting
flowers in a clear and wide
mouth flower vase,
you decided to make
use of an aquatic
plant. Which of the
following plants would you
A. Onion
B. Orchids
C. Rosal
D. Water lily
5. In which of the
following, aquatic plants
differ from terrestrial
A. Roots of aquatic plants
do not touch the ground.
B. Terrestrial plants do not
need water.
C. The leaves of aquatic
plants are not green.
D. Aquatic plants cannot
do photosynthesis.
Activity 6
True or False.
1.All plants that grow in
water are called terrestrial
2. The broad leaves and
soft bodies allow them to
float in water.
3. The common specialized
structure among roses and
bougainvilleas are thorns.
4. Stem, roots, and leaves
are common parts among
aquatic and terrestrial
5. Stems of aquatic plants
become soft when growing
in water
G.Finding practical Reflection on Learning
application of concepts and Habitat guide concepts:
skills in daily living 1. New Knowledge: Think
about what you've learned
about habitats for plants
and animals, like where
they live and how they
2. Caring for Earth:
Consider how you now
value taking care of our
planet and the plants and
animals that live here.
3. Self-Check and Goals:
Look at what you know well
and what you'd like to
learn more about. Set
goals to guide your future
4. Amazing Discoveries:
Remember the cool things
you've found out about
habitats and how they
5. Growing Up: Think about
how you've become a
better learner and nature
H. Making generalizations What are terrestrial What are terrestrial In what way aquatic parts What are aerial Encourage students to
and abstractions about the plants/animals? plants/animals? different from terrestrial plants/animals? actively participate in
lesson Give examples. Give examples. plants? Give examples. completing the concept
map by providing guiding
I have learned that I have learned that Give one example of 1. I have learned that questions that lead to the
terrestrial plants/animals terrestrial plants/animals an aquatic plant that aerial plants/animals differ desired answers. This will
are __________ are __________ is found from terrestrial/aquatic help them engage more
because ____________ because ____________ growing in your plants/animals effectively with the
community. Identify because ____________ material and construct a
the specialized 2. Aerial plants are _____. comprehensive concept
structure that made map.
the plant adapt to Concept Map for Habitat
Prepared by:
Teacher III
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