Q2 Week 4 MAPEH
Q2 Week 4 MAPEH
Q2 Week 4 MAPEH
Grade Level:
DAILY LESSON LOG School: School Four
Teacher: Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and
Time: October 21-25, 2024 Second
October 21, 2024 October 22, 2024 October 23, 2024 October 24, 2024 October 25, 2024
A.Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of a healthy family, the
roles and responsibilities of family members, and invasion games in
promoting family wellness for active and healthy living.
B.Performance The learners participate in daily life activities and invasion games to
Standards promote family wellness for active and healthy living.
C.Learning Learning Competency
Competencies / 1. Perform physical activities using invasion game concepts with
Objectives agility, balance, and coordination for active living:
a. Locomotor skills by avoiding an object or obstacle. Learning
1. Define locomotor movements
2. Identify the various locomotor movements.
3. Perform the locomotor movements with agility, balance, and
4. Apply the locomotor movements in playing invasion games.
II.CONTENT Locomotor Skills Movement Agility, Balance, Coordination, Speed
Invasion Games
1.Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B.Other Learning
A.Reviewing previous 1. Short Review
lesson or presenting Activity: “Modified
Catching the Ball
Game” The goal of
this game is not to
catch the ball once the
music stops.
Procedure: ● Divide
the class into two
groups with an equal
number of students. ●
The members of each
group shall stand
opposite each other at
a distance of 5
meters. ● While
tossing and catching
the ball, the students
need to
execute/perform in
place the locomotor
movements (skipping,
hopping, running, etc.)
that will be announced
by the teacher. ●
Once the music stops,
the students need to
freeze and the one
holding the ball will be
out of the game. ●
After 5 minutes, the
team with the highest
number of non-
eliminated members
will be declared the
B.Establishing a 1. Lesson Purpose •
purpose for the lesson What are manipulative
skills? • What are the
fitness concepts
needed in performing
the manipulative
skills? • What
manipulative skills are
present in the game?
Activity 1: Drills
Procedure: • Divide
the class into two
groups. • Let the
students do the
following drills: a.
Throwing and
Catching - The first
group will toss the ball
overhead and the
other group will catch
the ball. The teams
take turn in tossing
and catching the ball.
b. Kicking and
Catching - The first
group will kick the ball
on the floor/ ground to
allow it to roll and the
other group will catch
the ball. The teams
take turn in kicking
and catching the ball.
c. Serving and
Catching- The first
group will serve the
ball and the other
group will catch the
ball. The teams take
turn in serving and
catching the ball. d.
Dribbling- Catching-
Throwing and
Catching – The first
group will dribble the
ball 2x catches the
ball and throws to the
other team. The other
team catches the ball,
dribbles the ball 2x,
catches the ball, and
throws back to the
other team. The teams
take turn in dribbling,
catching, throwing and
catching the ball. •
After the drill, let the
students be seated
with their group mates
and find their partner.
Give the students 5
minutes to share to
their partners their
answers to the
following questions: 1.
How did you feel after
doing the drills? 2.
How did you perform
in the drills? 3. What
do you think one
needs to do to
perform the drills well?
C.Presenting Feedback (Optional)
examples/ instances After the dance
of the new lesson presentation of all the
groups, ask the
children the following
questions: • How does
doing household
chores help in
attaining good health
and fitness? ● What
are the benefits to
your health when you
do your assigned
household chores? ●
What are the benefits
to your family when
you do your assigned
household chores? ●
How did you feel
about your dance
• After 5 minutes, ask
volunteers to share to
the whole class the
results of their
discussion with their
partner. • After the
sharing to the class
the results of their
activity, the teacher
lets the students go
back to their proper
places to solve a
crossword puzzle. The
teacher flashes the
jumbled letters on the
screen/ board. 1.
Manipulative skills 2.
Throwing 3. Catching
3. Kicking 4. Serving 5.
Dribbling • After
solving the crossword
puzzle, the teacher
asks the students the
following questions: 1.
Based on the drills
that you did in class;
how do you define
manipulative skills? 2.
What are the
examples of
manipulative skills? 3.
Why is it important for
us to develop our
manipulative skills?
D.Discussing new 2. Unlocking Content
concepts and Area Vocabulary •
practicing new skills Manipulative Skills –
#1 refer to skills that
require the use of the
hands, feet or other
body parts to move or
manipulate or move
an object. These skills
require the control of
the BODY and the
OBJECT. This is the
foundation of all
sports skills (Purnomo,
2019). • Throwing –
refers to propelling
object away from your
body accurately
towards chosen target
(Aricheta, et al., 2015)
• Catching - Catching
is the act of receiving
and securing an object
that is thrown or
tossed, typically using
the hands (Aricheta, et
al., 2015). • Kicking -
refers to the act of
striking a ball with the
foot or leg (Aricheta,
et al., 2015). • Serving
– hitting the ball with
the hand or with a
racket (Aricheta, et al.,
2015). • Dribbling –
using the fingers of
the hand to control
the ball as the player
moves from one place
to another (Balaso, et
al., 2015).
To apply what the
students learned
during the lesson, an
activity will be given.
See the worksheet for
the activity which
students will
accomplish. Kindly
refer to Activity 1.
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F.Developing Mastery DAY 2 SUB-TOPIC 1:
Manipulative Skills
1. Explicitation
• What are the
basic manipulative
• Throwing
• Catching
• Kicking
• Serving
• Dribbling
• How do you
execute the
manipulative skills?
Worked Example
Manipulative Skills
G.Finding practical
application of
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about the
I.Evaluating learning
J.Additional Activities
for application or
A.No. of learners who
earned 80% in
B.No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C.Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D.No. of learners who
continued to require
E.Which of these
strategies work well?
Why did this work?
F.What difficulties dis I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G.What innovation or
localized materials did
I use / discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
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