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7: (Town Planning Deptt.)

PermitNo. T. (c....) NM.CH.... Date- 4 n200
To, 1126

With reference to your Applicantion /Plan No. 6 I R ( . . dated..O6
for the grant of sanction of Commencement Certificate under Sections 45 of Maharashtra
Regional and Town Plagning Act, 1966 and under section -274 of corporation of the city of
Nagpur Act 1948, to carry out development work / to erect building on House No. 20.6/33Ó
Plot No. ..3.aS..Kh. No. 5..s6..53/3.. Ward No....!
City Survey No. 422 Sheet No. .of Village (Mouza) ..
situated at Road /Street.k.8ed.L.Ahae Nagpur, the commencement Certificatel/
Building permit is granted subject to the following conditions :
The land vacated in consequence of theenforcement of the set-back rule shall form part
ofthe public street.
2 Thispermission does not entitle you to develop the land which does not vest in you.
3 The commencement certificate/building permit shall remain valid for a peried of
onc year commencing from the date of its issue. Before lapse of this period, com
mencement certificate/building permit shallhave to be renewed. The renewal may be
granted for three years.
The notice for commencement of the work shall be given to N.M.C. in the form
prescribed in Appendix'F
The information of còmpletion of work upto plinth levelshall be given to N.M.C. in
Appendix 'G' and after having certified the work by N.M.C. engineer, in appendix 'H'
you may proceed with the rest of the wvork.
6 Nonewbitdimg or part thereof shall be occupancy certificate bas been granted. Other
wise, for unauthorized occupation, appliçant and architect shall be liable for action.
For occupation certificate, application by owner and architect shall be submitted to
N.M.C. in appendix 'J' along with three copies of completion plan.
7 The building shall be used for the purpose shown in the approved plans.
8 Shopping shall not be allowed on the plots vwhich are located on no shopping frontage
streets listed in Development Control Regulations.
9 No departure from the sanctioned plan should be made without obtaining previous
sanction of N.M.C. It should be noted that if any construction is carried out in contra
vention of the sanctioned plan it should be treated as unauthorized. The owner and
the architect shall be liable for action under M.R. & T. P. Act- 1966 and the corpora
tioni ofthe city of Nagpur act 1948.
10. All drainage work slhallbe got done through licenced plumber approved by N.M.C.
11 Allsanitary requiremeni shall be completed as stipulated in sanctioned Development
Control Regulations for Nagpur city.
12. Rain water harvesting as shown on the plan are required to be provided as per the
directions issued by Govt. of Maharashtra, Urban Development Dept., Mantralaya,
Mumbai vide Circular No. TPB 432001/2 133/CR-230/01/UD/I ldt. 10/03/200S. The
authority impose a levy of not exceeding Rs. 1000/- per annum for every 100 sq. mt. of
built up area for the failure of theowner of any building to provide or to maintain Rain
Water Harvesting structures as required under these byelaws.
13. During the course of construction of building, the sanctioned plan shall always be kept
available at the site for inspection by officials of N.M.C.
14. All he provisions in sanctioned Development Control Regulations for Nagpur city
shall be binding on you.
15. Necessary arrangementfor rain water barvesting shall be done.
16 The applicant shall plant and grow S.. shady trees in vacant land of plot.
17. The svater connection and sewage disposal is not guaranteed by N.M.C.
18. Dust bins of suitablesizes should be provided within the plot boundary and should be

19. Suitable letter delivery boxes should be installed at easily accessible place on ground
20 If any mistake /error is found in calculations shown on plan which contravenes the
provisions of Development Control Regulations, then such portion of the building/
construction which does not fit into regulations, shall be treated as unauthorized. The
decision this regard shall be final.
21. The sanction is subject to condition of agreement executed by party on dt.
22. Existing construction in marginal spaces shall be demolished by you. Moreover, this
permit does not approve any existing construction which is not approved earlier by
23. Building material should be stacked in such a manner that it will not cause obstruction
to drain, water & traffic etc., failing which, action will be taken by N.M.C.
24. Breach of any of the condition may lead to revocation of this permit.
25. Touching construction is given at the risk and responsibility of the party.


Enclosure :- One copy /set of sanctioned plan.

Town Planning Dept.

Nagpur Municipal Corporation

Copy forwarded to -
1. The Assessor Nagpur Municipal Corporation for informaion
.a.(..ASA M4.ngI). Zone.
2. The Sub Divisional Engineer / Officer Zone No. -for
N.M.C. along with one copy of sanctioned plan necessary action. He should
see that work is carried out according to sanctioned plan.

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