ECPE2 2021 Writing Models
ECPE2 2021 Writing Models
ECPE2 2021 Writing Models
General Comments
The new 45-minute time limit means that more will be expected of you in the writing part of the ECPE. It
is suggested that you write about two pages, which means approximately between 350 to 550 words. This
extended length makes planning and brainstorming even more crucial than before. A well-planned essay
almost writes itself and produces a much better piece of work. In the case of proposals and articles, do
your best to imagine the situation is real, so as to come up with realistic suggestions and examples. Draw
on your general knowledge and personal experience. Be sure to leave a few minutes to check spelling
and grammar. There will be careless mistakes – the trick is to find them so the examiner does not. The
two greatest weaknesses of most writing, according to examiners, is not expanding on points made (with
explanations and examples) and not incorporating the external sources that are new to the 2021 ECPE.
A proposal is a formal piece of writing in which you describe a situation, give your opinion and then
propose solutions or ideas. Maintaining a formal register is very important, so do not use contractions
(don’t) and use passive voice, inversions and more complex sentences when possible. This kind of
document is addressed to a person or group who has a position of authority. Although titles/headings are
not required for the ECPE, you may use them to structure and organize your proposal. However, there
must always be a strong introduction and conclusion, which make use of standard expressions. Be sure
to incorporate one or all of the provided sources, and structure the proposal around some of the ideas
expressed in them.
Articles often appear in magazines or newspapers. They should be written in more informal, lively style
and engage the reader, with humor or interesting content. Make use of contractions, rhetorical questions
and exclamations marks when appropriate. Articles express opinions and observations, often based on
other information such as the type provided by the sources. Shorter paragraphs can be used but be sure
to develop your points with explanations and examples from real life. Generally, it is best to write in the
first person, in a conversational style, and when necessary, to write persuasively and humorously.
Essays are usually advantages/disadvantages, which means you have a clear introduction which
rephrases the topic in your own words, the side you do not agree with, the side you support and a
clear conclusion. You can also start with the side you agree with and mention some of the drawbacks
afterwards, but this makes for a weaker argument. Be sure to plan first, organize your points in a
logical manner, saving the best for last. Always develop your points with explanations and examples
and incorporate as many of the provided sources as possible. The language must be formal and linking
phrases are essential.
Model Compositions u 1
Model Compositions for Tests 1-10
Practice Test 1
Practice Test 1
Task 2: Essay decade, a staggering amount if one thinks about it.
This has been largely brought about by advances
Modern science has made many advances, in medicine, and more specifically, by advanced
especially when it comes to medicine, vaccines, drugs such as antibiotics. However, are there
and antibiotics. Some diseases have almost ways in which, in the long run, this dependence on
completely disappeared. However, there are people medication could be detrimental to human health?
who say that we depend too much on medicine
and we should try to live more naturally. Write A large proportion of our population depends
an essay addressing this topic and explain what heavily on the use of pharmaceutical products. In
you think about it. Include at least one piece of fact, a USA medical report states that 66% take
information given above to support your response. a prescription medicine daily, and some of those
people are taking up to five different drugs a day. Of
Brainstorming course, this means that their lives are being saved
This is an opinion essay about if medicine does or their health maintained, as such drugs are not
more good than harm. What is your opinion about it? prescribed unless deemed necessary. Many of these
It would probably be best to talk about the benefits people would be even sicker or even dead if they
and necessity of modern medicines, but then to did not have access to this medication.
discuss how people might be too dependent on
them. Alternately, you could argue that although we However, the sad truth is that the situation is out
should try to maintain good health, medicines are of control. As Jane Saunders, a medical expert,
often necessary for this to happen. says, these medicines we rely on for our health may
ultimately lead to our death. There is no doubt that
Plan popping pills for every ailment is not a positive way
Introduction to achieve good health. In most cases, reliance on
– Restate the topic and incorporate the second medication increases and the conditions gradually
source. Ask whether our reliance on medicines worsen. I will never forget when my grandfather
is really beneficial in the long run. started taking pills for his high blood pressure.
Soon, he needed to take pills for high blood sugar,
Paragraph 1 and then everything just went downhill from there. I
– Describe the first source and discuss how always felt that the drugs were making him worse,
medication has become a part of our daily not better.
lives. State the benefits of this, supporting with
examples. This is why it is of the utmost importance that we
embrace a healthy lifestyle if we want to take care of
Paragraph 2 ourselves. Medications treat symptoms rather than
– Use the quote from the third source and explore causes. For example, people become overweight by
the negative aspects of depending too much consuming too much sugar and then often become
on medicine, and how this has become a norm. diabetic. Instead of losing weight and getting into
Talk about the consequences of this. Illustrate shape, they start taking pills to keep their blood
with examples. sugar levels low. Chemicals can never achieve what
a nutritious diet and regular exercise can.
Paragraph 3
–D iscuss the importance of living naturally To sum up, there is some medication that is
and trying to maintain good health without essential and lifesaving, especially drugs which
medicines. treat serious diseases or antibiotics in the case of
infection. But it is high time we started to address
Conclusion our health as something we can control rather than
ummarize and restate your opinion in an relying on medicines to save us, as in the long run,
effective way. we will only make ourselves weaker and sicker.
Model Compositions u 3
Model Compositions for Tests 1-10
Practice Test 2
Practice Test 2
Task 2: Essay Model Essay
In modern Western societies, it has become
Many people argue that placing the elderly in the norm to place the elderly in nursing homes,
nursing homes is cruel and disrespectful, and that especially when they are in need of special care.
senior family members should be living at home Although I understand the logic of younger people
with relatives. Write an essay stating the benefits deciding to put their parents in such places, there
and drawbacks of such a decision and explain are some drawbacks that should be considered.
your opinion about it. Include at least one piece of
information given above to support your ideas. In some cases, nursing homes are necessary, as
the assistance that the elderly relative requires may
Brainstorming be too difficult for the younger generation to handle.
Do you know what nursing homes are? Have you This is evident in cases of Alzheimer’s disease or
ever visited one? Are they suitable places for the other debilitating disorders that require the presence
elderly to spend the last years of their lives? In of a nurse or trained employee to help the older
which cases should they be sent to homes and person function. Most young people are extremely
in which should they stay at home? This is an busy trying to keep up with the demands of modern
opinion essay, in which it would be best to express life and do not have the time or patience to care for
both sides, ending with the side you support more the older members of society.
However, putting a person in a home with strangers
Plan can be very alienating and confusing for a person
Introduction when they are over a certain age. At present,
– Rephrase the topic and express that you think according to an American study, 93.5% of the elderly
there are disadvantages to sending the elderly live at home or with relatives, an option which I feel
to nursing homes. is more humane. Consider that these people were
once young and vibrant, and in a large proportion of
Paragraph 1 cases, dedicated their lives to raising and caring for
– Explain why in some cases it is necessary for their children and even grandchildren. Is it fair for
senior citizens to be in homes. Support with them to be handed over to strangers when they are
specific reasons. in their hour of need? Dr. Anne Kinston says that the
older members of our population are happier when
Paragraph 2 they remain involved in the community, and what
– State your opinion, that if possible, this is not better community than the home of their children?
the best course of action. The elderly need
personal love and care and they deserve it. A 2017 report states that elderly people now make
Incorporate the first and third sources. up over 13% of our population. These are people
who contributed actively to society all their lives,
Conclusion and now that they need our assistance, except in
– Summarize your opinion and incorporate the extreme cases, it is our responsibility to care for
second source. them and keep them company as best as we can.
(316 words)
Model Compositions u 5
Model Compositions for Tests 1-10
Practice Test 3
(390 words)
Practice Test 3
Task 2: Essay Model Essay
For many students, there is no question of whether
Nowadays, more and more young adults choose they will pursue a college education or not; they
to pursue higher academic studies rather than start and their parents take it for granted that they will
working immediately after graduating from high do so. However, I do not find that this a decision
school. Write an essay discussing the advantages to be taken lightly, as there are many factors to be
and disadvantages of higher education and state considered.
your opinion about it. Include at least one piece of
information given above to support your response. On the one hand, there are obvious benefits to
possessing a university degree, which is why
Brainstorming many consider it to be essential in modern society.
Do you plan to continue your education after high To begin with, many careers that interest young
school? Why/why not? Why are a larger number of people, such as in fields of medicine, education or
people choosing to go to college nowadays? Is what technology, demand higher studies. One cannot
they learn valuable? This is an opinion essay so you be a doctor if one does not attend medical school.
need to decide which side you will support before In addition, for the most part, well-paid professions
writing – whether it is worth going to college or not. demand a university degree. If one wants to get
ahead and be at the top of their field, it is difficult to
Plan do so without having completed university.
– Rephrase the topic and state your opinion, However, many young people blindly follow an
perhaps in the form of a question. educational path set out for them either by their
parents or because of societal expectations, in
Paragraph 1 which case going to university could be considered
– Discuss the reasons why many people unnecessary or even detrimental. Some students
choose to go to college. They want to go into have a calling for a more practical job, and the best
professions that demand a university degree, education would be hands-on training and getting
they may want a higher paying job, etc. Support a head start on job training. As Sylvia Peters, a
with reasons and examples. college professor says, we better learn how to
do things by doing them rather than just getting
Paragraph 2 theoretical knowledge.
– Discuss why it is not always beneficial for
students to go to college. They may be simply The effect of high college enrolment on society as
pursuing their parents’ ambitions, they may do a whole should also be considered. A 2021 report
so to avoid making decisions about their career, says that over 60% of high school graduates are
etc. Incorporate the third source. attending college. I have also read that 90% of
lawyers are unemployed. Especially in my country,
Paragraph 3 it seems to be preferable to be university-educated
–D iscuss why this trend to attend college is but unemployed rather than earning a high salary
not beneficial for society as a whole. We are as a technician or mechanic. Over-educated citizens
producing too many academics and not enough who are out of work represent a great burden to
skilled workers. Support with examples and society, as they cannot be productive members of
incorporate the first source. the workforce, not to mention the frustration these
people themselves feel after having invested in their
Conclusion education and then not being able to find work.
ummarize and say that it depends on the
individual. All in all, whether one goes to college should be a
carefully planned decision, not one which is made
to respond to an external expectation. Unfortunately,
the latter scenario is all too often the case, resulting
in the discontent of the individual and an economic
burden to society at large.
(390 words)
Model Compositions u 7
Model Compositions for Tests 1-10
Practice Test 4
Practice Test 4
Task 2: Essay amounts, average over $600,000 per year. Some
people feel that they are grossly overpaid, but it is
Nowadays, professional sports players get paid my belief that they deserve these sums.
more than other professionals that many people
consider more valuable. Do they deserve the Of course, one could argue that there are other
exorbitant amounts of money they receive? Write professionals who contribute a great deal more to
an essay discussing the topic and stating your society and deserve to be better paid. This includes
opinion. Include at least one piece of information doctors, who dedicate themselves to saving the lives
given above to support your response. of others, and teachers, who educate the young.
Those who support that athletes are overpaid ask
Brainstorming why valuable members of society should be paid
Have you ever considered becoming a professional so much less than athletes, whose main function is
athlete? What are the difficulties involved in reaching merely to entertain us?
fame? Some of them make huge sums of money.
Do they deserve them? Don’t people who do other Frankly, there are many ways to answer the above
valuable jobs deserve to be paid more? What do question and to support why professional athletes
athletes really offer to society? Decide which side deserve the money they make. The training and
has stronger arguments to support it. dedication required is the first one, as there is no
denying that professional athletes spend most of their
Plan waking hours getting into the best shape they can.
Introduction This starts at a very young age, and when their peers
– Rephrase the topic and express that although are enjoying themselves, they are training nonstop.
the salaries of many athletes are high, they It should also be mentioned that their careers are
deserve to be paid well. Incorporate the second relatively short-lived, since most athletes are forced
source. to retire in their thirties. For this reason, when they
are at their peak, they should be paid well. Finally, the
Paragraph 1 threat of injury always looms above them, and one
– Discuss why some people argue that athletes injury could put a sudden end to their entire career.
do not deserve such large sums. All they do is Since their profession is so fraught with risk, they
entertain us, whereas doctors save lives and should be compensated financially for this.
teachers educate young minds.
It is also important to point out that athletic events
Paragraph 2 generate massive amounts of money. According to
– Talk about how difficult it is to be an athlete – an International Financial Report, 5.4 billion dollars
to be discovered, endless training, chance of was raised by the 2018 World Cup. Why shouldn’t
injury, short-lived career. athletes get a share of this, since it is them that the
fans come to see? They do not add to the event;
Paragraph 3 they are the event.
– Quote the first source, and argue that since
sports events make so much money, it is only As sports commentator Alan Feynman points out,
fair that athletes take a share of it, After all, it is professional sport nowadays is a multibillion-dollar
mostly them we want to see. business, and within this business, athletes are the
expensive product being peddled. Wrong or right,
Conclusion they generate the money that sporting events make,
– It is a business, and athletes are a product – and thus deserve a fair share of it.
incorporate third source.
(377 words)
Model Essay
It is a well-known fact that many professional
athletes receive extremely high salaries. According
to 2019 financial records, basketball players can
make an average of 7.5 million dollars annually,
and even soccer players, who receive the lowest
Model Compositions u 9
Model Compositions for Tests 1-10
Practice Test 5
Practice Test 5
Task 2: Essay Greene, sociologist, points out, but many people are
realizing that it is worth giving up for a more fulfilling
Lately there has been a trend for families to move life in the countryside. There is no denying that
back to the countryside. What are the benefits and urban life is rife with dangers and inconveniences,
drawbacks of this? Write an essay addressing this not to mention a much higher cost of living. Crime
topic and stating your opinion. Include at least one rates are constantly on the rise, with citizens afraid
to walk the streets at night and break-ins becoming
piece of information given above to support your
a common occurrence. It is also incredibly time-
consuming to execute the simplest of tasks, from
shopping to paying bills, due to the large crowds
Brainstorming and difficulties parking. It is also true that the cost of
What do you like and dislike about living in the city/ living is so high, most people are simply working to
countryside? Why would some families in particular make ends meet, leaving no quality time to spend
want to move back to the countryside? How would it with their family and loved ones in general.
be good for them and how would it be good for the
society as a whole? Of course, there are some difficulties one may
encounter moving to the countryside. In comparison
Plan to the city, there are fewer activities to engage in and
Introduction usually, no theaters or large sports events. However,
– Rephrase the topic and express your view. one could always take weekend trips to the city and
Incorporate second source. enjoy museums and other big city activities, which
might even be more enjoyable this way. Personally, I
Paragraph 1 rarely visit the sights in my own city unless an out-of-
– Describe the trend of people moving back to the town visitor needs to be shown around.
countryside and explain why this is happening
(disadvantages of the city). Incorporate the first This is why I’m heavily in favor of people, and
source. especially families, moving to the countryside. The
quality of life is much higher as one is closer to nature
Paragraph 2 and the pace of life is slower. It is much easier to be
in the moment and spend time in a worthwhile way
– Discuss some possible drawbacks of moving to
with the people you love. Children may not have as
the countryside. Support with examples.
many friends in close proximity as they do in the city,
but they will have more time and opportunities to go
Paragraph 3 outside to engage in healthier activities.
– Discuss advantages for families moving to the
countryside. Support with examples. It is important to note that such a trend is also
beneficial for society at large. A 2017 report informs
Paragraph 4 us that more than 3,800 towns in America are
–E xplain how such a trend would be beneficial abandoned, while large cities are experiencing
for society. Incorporate 3rd source. problems due to overcrowding. Since a large
proportion of the workforce can be or is already
Conclusion employed virtually, it would be entirely feasible for
– It is up to each individual family to decide which them to move to less populated areas. This would
option is best, both for us and for society as a also lead to healthier conditions for those who could
whole. Incorporate first source. not leave urban areas, as there would be less over-
crowding and less pollution.
Model Essay
According to a 2005 Census Bureau report, over the The bottom line is that each family must decide
last two centuries, there has been a strong trend for which option is better, life in the big city or in the
people to move to urban areas, rising from under countryside. As sociologist Martha Greene says, it is
10% in 1800 and reaching almost 80% in 2000. a hopeful trend that people are giving up urban life
However, recently this trend has been reversing, for a fulfilling life in the countryside, a trend which
will improve the quality of life both for those who
as more and more families are moving back to the
move, and those who continue to live in the cities.
countryside. Despite some hardships they may
encounter, in the majority of cases this is positive (542 words)
both for these families and for society at large.
Life in big cities may be full of excitement, as Martha
From this point on, only model proposals/articles and essays are provided. Students are encouraged to
brainstorm and plan on their own, and should only refer to the models after having written their own samples.
Teachers can assign brainstorming and planning notes as homework or do these activities in class.
Model Compositions u 11
Model Compositions for Tests 1-10
Practice Test 6
Practice Test 6
Task 2: Essay role in shaping a young person’s character, values
and work ethics. However, since a large proportion
Nowadays, people can learn about anything from of jobs are now done online, perhaps digital learning
anywhere in the world with the help of online will prepare the student in a more realistic way for
courses. Write an essay discussing the benefits the professional world which lies ahead. Finally,
and drawbacks of online courses and explain there are some that claim that online learning is
your opinion about this topic. Include at least one void of emotion and humanity, because everything
piece of information given above to support your is done through a screen rather than face to face.
response. They imagine a world in which actual interaction no
longer exists. Although I understand these fears, this
Model Essay is the path that technology is taking us down, so it is
Up until a few decades ago, people could only vital to embrace the benefits that it offers.
acquire an education by attending an institution in
person. Although face-to-face learning has some All in all, digital learning makes a top-class
distinct advantages, I am completely in favor of the education available to almost anyone, and for this
recent trend for all colleges to offer courses online. reason I am entirely in favor of it. As Gail Sesay,
educational expert, states, technology can be an
First and foremost, online education is less invaluable tool for teachers and students alike and
expensive than live lessons, making it more this is especially true of online classes. In an ideal
accessible to the public at large. This is true world, we would all be able to attend the college of
regardless of geographical location or budget. My our choice, but this being impossible, online classes
older cousin obtained his degree from the UK, an offer an excellent alternative.
education which cost his family a small fortune. Most
people, including myself, do not have the financial (485 words)
means to study abroad, especially considering that
the cost of living is very high in countries such as
the United States and the UK. With online courses,
I can get a degree from a respected college abroad
without it costing an arm and a leg.
Model Compositions u 13
Model Compositions for Tests 1-10
Practice Test 7
Practice Test 7
Task 2: Essay Until we accept that criminals are humans who are
largely driven to a life of crime due to circumstance,
Prisons exist to reduce crime in society but are we will not understand that prisons merely serve as
they an effective way of dealing with criminals? a punishment to someone who does not know how
Write an essay addressing this topic and to survive otherwise. Perhaps the time has come
expressing your opinion about it. Include at least to examine why people turn to crime and alleviate
one piece of information given above to support mitigating conditions, instead of just throwing these
your response. people into prison.
Model Compositions u 15
Model Compositions for Tests 1-10
Practice Test 8
Practice Test 8
Task 2: Essay In conclusion, although I appreciate the value of
artistic learning, I feel it is better left to parents to
Subjects like art are being replaced by more decide if and how their children should take such
practical ones, like computer science. What are the courses. In the meantime, public schools have an
benefits and drawbacks of this? Write an essay obligation to offer the knowledge and skills required
discussing the topic and explaining what you think to survive in this uncertain world. Without a deep
about it. Include at least one piece of information understanding of technology and practical matters,
given above to support your ideas. students will face great difficulty upon completing
high school and the educational system would have
Model Essay failed in its duty to equip them for real life.
In the effort to keep up with advancing technology
and other changes in society, subjects such as (357 words)
computer science are taking the place of more
artistic ones. There are both positive and negative
aspects to such a trend, one which I am generally in
favor of.
Model Compositions u 17
Model Compositions for Tests 1-10
Practice Test 9
Practice Test 9
Task 2: Essay Maintenance, Manufacturing and Tourism. It should
be noted that many of the jobs that immigrants
Immigration is increasing in many developed do, as vital as they are for the functioning of these
countries. What positive and negative effects might industries, are ones that Americans reject or look
this have? Write an essay discussing the topic and down upon.
explaining your opinion about it. Include at least
one piece of information given above to support It is also worth mentioning the incredible wealth of
your ideas. cultural experience and dimension that immigrants
can offer to the country they are settling in.
Model Essay From amazing culinary experiences to a general
Although migration from less wealthy to more broadening of the nation’s horizons, there are
developed countries has been ongoing for over countless benefits that immigration can bring to a
a century, it has witnessed an increase in recent society that is open-minded enough to embrace
decades, mostly due to growing poverty and political newcomers and new mentalities.
instability in under-developed areas. This has led to
both advantages and drawbacks, but ultimately, is a In an ideal world, nationality or origin would not
positive phenomenon as long as immigrants adjust play a role in the quality of a person’s life, and he
and contribute to their new community. or she would be valued for personality, knowledge
and efforts. In this way, society would advance and
There are those who fear that their country is people would live in harmony. Only if immigration is
being overrun by immigrants and will soon lose its appreciated and exploited for the benefits that it can
own national identity. At a glance, their fears may offer will this become a reality.
seem to hold water. According to 2020 Immigration
Bureau statistics, there are 44.9 million immigrants (433 words)
living in the United States, an astounding number.
They also fear that immigrants may not be able to
integrate into their new country, be left unemployed,
and hence resort to crime to survive. Some people
erroneously believe that rising crime rates are linked
to growing immigration.
Model Compositions u 19
Model Compositions for Tests 1-10
Practice Test 10
Model Article
It seems that e-commerce sales are poised to
reach an all-time high. They have been growing
dramatically, according to a 2019 report, reaching
over 650,000 sales in 2021. That’s why it should
come as no surprise that many stores are closing
down and reopening online, but I never thought
it’d happen to Norton’s Department Store in
our own town. I’m devasted about this planned
Practice Test 10
Task 2: Essay It is also much more convenient for employees
themselves to work from home. They can enjoy
Working from home is becoming increasingly more flexibility and can save hours upon hours
popular. What positive and negative impact might required for them to commute when they work at
this have? Write an essay addressing the topic a physical office. They also have more freedom
and explain your opinion about it. Include at least concerning their schedules. In many cases, they
one piece of information given above to support work when they want, be it early in the morning or
your ideas. late at night.
Model Essay Having said the above, I also feel that there should
More and more people are opting to work from be live staff meetings on a weekly or monthly
home, and indeed some companies even insist on basis, so as to maintain human contact and social
it. This is especially true during the global pandemic relationships. As long as this happens, I strongly
which forced many of us to stay home in enforced feel that distance working has more positive than
lockdowns all over the globe. A government survey negative effects, especially concerning employee
states that 4.3 million people are working from home wellbeing and the environment.
at least half the time, and the number is growing
every day. This phenomenon has both positive and (397 words)
negative consequences, both for society and the
employees, but to my mind, it is the most efficient
way for companies to operate.
Model Compositions u 21