CLTD Ecm 2.0
CLTD Ecm 2.0
CLTD Ecm 2.0
Certified in Logistics, Transportation
and Distribution
Exam Content Manual
Version 2.0
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The references in this manual have been selected solely on the basis of their educational value to
the APICS CLTD certification program and on the content of the material. APICS does not endorse
any services or other materials that may be offered or recommended by the authors or publishers of
books and publications listed in this manual.
©2019 APICS
No portion of this document may be reproduced under any circumstances. CLTD is a trademark of
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The Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) is the global leader in end-to-end supply chain
organizational transformation, innovation and leadership. As the largest non-profit association for
supply chain, we are an unbiased partner connecting people around the world to the newest insights
and solutions on all aspects of supply chain. ASCM transforms enterprises and empowers people
with industry-recognized, global standards - like APICS and SCOR - to optimize their supply chains,
secure their competitive advantage and positively impact the world.
Table of Contents
Letter to Candidates ................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2
About the APICS CLTD Examination ........................................................................................ 2
Question Format ............................................................................................................................... 2
Taking the Test .................................................................................................................................. 3
Interpreting Test Scores ................................................................................................................... 3
APICS Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution Fellow……………………………….4
Studying for the APICS CLTD Exam ......................................................................................... 4
APICS CLTD References.................................................................................................................... 4
Terminology ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Additional Resources for APICS CLTD Candidates ................................................................ 5
APICS CLTD Learning System ........................................................................................................... 5
APICS CLTD Instructor-Led Review Courses and Educational Programs....................................... 5
Job Task Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Exam Content vs. Courseware……………………………………………………………………………………..6
APICS CLTD Certification Maintenance: Continuing Professional Development ..................7
The Importance of Certification Maintenance ................................................................................ 7
ASCM Code of Ethics ................................................................................................................8
Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
APICS Certified in Logistics, Transporation and Distribution (CLTD) .................................. 10
Scope of the Subject Matter........................................................................................................... 10
APICS CLTD 2.0 Content ................................................................................................................ 12
Content Outline ............................................................................................................................... 12
Key Terminology .............................................................................................................................. 26
Sample Questions .................................................................................................................. 28
Answers to Sample Questions .............................................................................................. 30
Letter to Candidates This APICS CLTD Exam Content Manual (ECM)
provides you with an overview of the program,
an outline of the body of knowledge, key
Dear Candidate: terminology, and recommended references.
The content outline is divided into the
Congratulations! On behalf of ASCM and the following nine diagnostic areas with the
members of the Certified in Logistics, relative emphasis of each area indicated by
Transportation and Distribution (CLTD) the percentage:
Subcommittee, I would like to thank you for
your expressed interest in the APICS • Logistics Overview and Strategy (8%)
certification program in the field of logistics, • Capacity Planning and Demand
transportation and distribution. Management (9%)
• Order Management (10%)
The CLTD certification is designed to provide a • Inventory Management (11%)
body of knowledge, technology know-how, and • Warehouse Management (13%)
standards for those in the logistics, • Transportation Management (17%)
transportation and distribution industries. The • Global Logistics (15%)
APICS CLTD sets the global standard for • Logistics Network Design (10%)
logistics best practices and assists employers
• Sustainability and Reverse Logistics
in developing the personnel needed to meet
today’s ever-increasing customer demand for
logistics service. As one of the fastest growing
A sample of ten questions is provided at the
industries in the world, transportation and
end of this manual to illustrate the type of
logistics remains the second largest
questions you will encounter on the exam. We
employment sector in the United States,
recommend the APICS CLTD ECM as one of
employing over six million people, and
your references as you prepare for the CLTD
projected to generate almost 130,000 new
jobs through 2024. With a real output growth
projected to grow faster than the US economy,
We wish you every success in the pursuit of
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects
your CLTD designation.
that total employment in this sector will
exceed 160 million by 2024.
The APICS CLTD certification aims to lessen
the impact of the logistics industry’s skill gaps.
The program takes an end-to-end supply chain
view of logistics operations, extending from
inbound materials management, outbound
distribution and reverse logistics to Yemisi A. Bolumole, Ph.D., CLTD-F, CTL
encompass all the integrative process steps CLTD Subcommittee Chair
that define supply chain logistics. The APICS
CLTD certification program provides you with
the knowledge to effectively manage the
integration of these activities to maximize your
company’s value chain. By earning the APICS
CLTD designation, you will have demonstrated
the mastery of logistics best practices.
For Example 3, evaluate the statements and Once you begin the test, approach the
provide the most appropriate response. The questions in order, but do not spend too much
answer is not one person’s opinion; it is the time on those that are unfamiliar or seem
accepted choice according to the APICS body difficult to you. Go on to the other questions
of knowledge. and return to the difficult ones later. If you
have some knowledge about a particular
Example 3: The most significant question, you may be able to eliminate one or
advantage of strategic sourcing is: more choices as incorrect. Your score on the
test will be based on the number of questions
A. finding suppliers who can provide you answer correctly, with no penalty for
materials at lowest cost. incorrect answers; therefore, it is to your
B. using technology to select low-cost, advantage to guess rather than not answer a
high-quality sources of materials. question. Avoid changing an answer unless
C. developing long-term supplier you are absolutely certain you marked the
relationships. wrong answer.
D. having a process for recurring
transactions with single suppliers. Interpreting Test Scores
(The correct answer is C.) Scoring is based on your correct responses.
There is no penalty for incorrect answers. The
Taking the Test omission of an answer will be counted the
The test is designed to evaluate a candidate’s same as an incorrect answer.
knowledge of the subject matter. Therefore,
the key to success is a thorough The APICS CLTD scaled score range is 200–
understanding of the subject matter. All 350.
questions are based on the current CLTD body
of knowledge as defined in the exam content 200 – 299: Fail
300 – 350: Pass
When you start your exam, read the directions
carefully. Be sure you understand the 320 and greater: Fellow level
directions before you begin to answer any
questions. The minimum passing score is 300. You will
receive your final exam score along with
Read each question carefully and thoroughly. diagnostic information by topic areas on your
If a question includes stimulus material such performance. All APICS exams use the above
as a table, graph, or situation, be sure to study scale for communicating scores to candidates.
it before you answer the question. Avoid Using a scale is a testing industry best
assuming information not given, assuming you practice and allows scores to be
References Author(s)
1 APICS Dictionary, 16th ed., 2019 APICS
10. Talent acquisition and management Practitioners use forecasts or other demand
information and translate it into high-level
11. Performance management and Key capacity plans for warehousing and
Performance Indicators (KPIs) transportation to deliver customer service at a
a. Continuous improvement consistent level.
backorder inventory shrinkage
balanced scorecard
bill of lading (uniform) L
break-bulk landed cost
broker lean six sigma
bullwhip effect letter of credit (L/C)
life cycle analysis
C line haul
cash-to-cash cycle time
center-of-gravity approach M
certified supplier master service agreement
closed-loop systems motor carrier
collaborative planning, forecasting, and multisourcing
replenishment (CPFR)
commodity rate N
container on flat car (COFC) non-vessel-operating common carrier (NVOCC)
container security initiative (CSI)
continuous replenishment O
cross-docking order fill rate
cross-docking warehouse order to cash cycle
cube rates
cube utilization P
customer service ratio pallet
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Pareto analysis
(C-TPAT) perfect order
D pick-to-voice system
demand forecasting postponement
demand planning private warehouse
demurrage public warehouse
sales and operations planning (S&OP)
short-sea shipping
slip sheet
square root rule
stock keeping unit (SKU)
terms of trade
total cost of ownership (TCO)
trailer on a flatcar (TOFC)
truckload (TL) carriers
twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU)