Unit Learning Plan Mathematics 8 Unit Topic: Quarter: Explore
Unit Learning Plan Mathematics 8 Unit Topic: Quarter: Explore
Unit Learning Plan Mathematics 8 Unit Topic: Quarter: Explore
Mathematics 8
Bellringer: Warm-up
Ask students to get a sheet of paper or at least a half sheet.
Have them divide the paper vertically down the middle and label the left
side Pre-Lesson and the right-side Post Lesson. Ask them to paraphrase
the following questions on the left-hand side of the page under "pre"
lesson and then answer each question. Write the following questions on
the board or use your projector to project the questions.
1. Plot the answers on the number line.
Teacher’s Table
Probing questions:
Learning targets:
3. Think of at least 2 possible combinations that will
satisfy the equation in number 2.
LC7 Illustrate slope of a Activity 1: What is your point? (MODULE 7)
line Direction: Answer the following questions correctly based on the
given figures at the right. Write your answers on the
Learning targets: space provided.
I can illustrate slope of a line 1. Name the point that has the coordinates of:
a. (5, 0) __________
b. (-5, 4) __________
c. (-2, -4) __________
2. Write the coordinates of each point.
a. H __________
b. E __________
c. G __________
d. F __________
3. In what quadrant or axis is each point located?
a. C _________
b. B ________
c. L _________
Hill #1 Hill #2
Hill #3 Hill #4
Probing questions:
Learning targets:
LC10 Graph a linear Activity 1: What did the Koala say to the Shrew? (MODULE 7)
equation given a) any two Direction: To find out what the Koala said to the Shrew, determine
points, b) the x and y- the ordered pair as a solution to a given linear
intercepts, and c) the slope equation. Write the corresponding letter above the
correct answer.
and a point on the line.
T ( y=3x+4) G (2x-2y=8) S (2x-y=5)
Learning targets:
M (5x+4y=8) R (x-6y=18) L
I can graph a linear (2x+4y=12)
equation given a) any two
P (7x-4y=13) O (y=2x-6) E (x-
points, b) the x and y- 3y=7)
intercepts, and c) the slope
and a point on the line.
LC12 Graphing linear Activity 3: Guide Me Through! Refer to the book (MODULE 6)
equations using the On a separated sheet of paper, answer Page 125 Practice and
intercept method Application, Test 1-A (1-5), 1-B (9-13), and on test II (15-19).
Learning targets:
Lc14 Solve problems Activity 3: Guide Me Through! Refer to the book (MODULE
involving linear equations 6)
in two Variables
On a separated sheet of paper, answer Page 125 Practice and
Learning targets: Application, Test 1-A (1-5), 1-B (9-13), and on test II (15-
I can solve problems
involving linear equations
in two Variables
1. What is the linear equation that will represent the cost to be
paid for:
Learning targets: a. regularpizza?
I can write the equations of b. with toppings?
a line given the y intercept _______________________________________
and another point.
Activity 4: Let’s Write It (MODULE 8)
A. 𝑦 = 𝑥 − 4
Learning targets:
_____1. x + y = 4
I can write the equations of
B. 𝑦 = 𝑥 −
a line given through given
C. 𝑦 =
_____2. x – y = 4
_____3. 4x + 8y = 4
_____4. x – 2y = 1 D. 𝑦 = 𝑥+
_____5. 3x – 3y = -1 E. 𝑦 = −𝑥 + 4
F. 𝑦 = − 𝑥 +
LC20 Solve real – life Transfer Goal: The learners on their own and in the long run will be able to apply
problems involving linear the concepts of linear equations in two variables and linear functions to
equations in two variables model various real-life situations and solve related problems.
and linear functions
Performance Task
Description Scor
4 3 2 1 e
Clarity Presentati Presenta Presentati Presentatio
on is clear tion is on is n is vague.
and clear. unclear.
Content Data is Data is Data is Data is
organized, organize organized shallow and
complete d and but not not
and complet complete. complete.
detailed. e.
Mathemati Thoroughl Understa Partial Lack of
cal y nding is understan understandi
Concepts understan demonst ding is ng is
ding is rated. demonstr demonstrat
demonstr ated. ed.
Accuracy Computati Computa Computati Computatio
ons are tions are ons ns are not
logical, orderly commit complete
orderly, and minor and in
complete correct. errors. order.
Values Integration:
1. Discipline
2. Perseverance
3. Respect
4. Integrity