Unit Learning Plan Mathematics 8 Unit Topic: Quarter: Explore

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Unit learning plan

Mathematics 8

Unit topic: Linear Equations in Two Variables and Linear Functions

Quarter: 3


Bellringer: Warm-up
Ask students to get a sheet of paper or at least a half sheet.
Have them divide the paper vertically down the middle and label the left
side Pre-Lesson and the right-side Post Lesson. Ask them to paraphrase
the following questions on the left-hand side of the page under "pre"
lesson and then answer each question. Write the following questions on
the board or use your projector to project the questions.

1. What is an example of a linear equation in two variables?

2. What does it mean to solve a linear equation in two variables?

3. How many solutions are there to a linear equation in two


4. What does it mean to graph a linear equation? What is the

importance of the graph?

Learning competency Firm-up

Lc1 Illustrate the Activity 1: represent me! (MODULE 6)

rectangular coordinate
system and their uses. Direction: use positive or negative number to express the change in
the following situations. Write your answers on the space

__________ 1. The temperature in region 12 rises up to 36oc.

__________ 2. You have php10.00 savings from your allowance.

Learning targets:
__________ 3. Due to covid 19, the price of a liter of gasoline decreases
I can illustrate the by p3.00.
rectangular coordinate __________ 4. There five points demerits from passing a requirement
system and their uses. late.

__________ 5. He got a test score of 4 points above the passing mark.

__________ 6. The temperature of a freezer is set at 16o below zero.

__________ 7. It is a freezing point of water.

1. Plot the answers on the number line.

2. Based on the number line, which integer comes first?

3. Where is zero found on the number line?


4. Which integers are seen on the left side of zero?


5. What about on the right side of zero?


Lc2 Plot points on the Activity 2: First day high (MODULE 6)

coordinate system
Directions: read the situation carefully and answer the followings
questions below.

On the first day of school, teacher lea prepared a seating

arrangement for her class with 25 students. She created 5 columns with
Learning targets: 5 armchairs in each row. Lauren seated on the third row at the second
armchair and adrian seated on the second row at the third armchair.
I can plot points on the
coordinate system

Teacher’s Table

Probing questions:

1. Using the illustration above, write l where lauren and a where

adrian seated.

2. Are their seats the same? Why?

Lc3 Describe the Activity 3: plot it! Refer to the book(MODULE 6)

coordinate system and its On a separated sheet of paper, answer page 117 practice and
application, test ia (1-10) and testII (11-17).
Learning targets:
I can describe the
coordinate system and its

Lc4 Describe and plot Activity 4: locate the coordinates! (MODULE 6)

positions on the coordinate Direction: determine the coordinates and quadrant or axis where the
plane using the coordinate indicated places belong. The first one is done for you as an example.

Learning targets:

I can describe and plot

positions on the coordinate
plane using the coordinate

places Coordinates Quadrant/axis

1. Banga (0, 1) y – axis
2. General santos city _____ _______
3. Koronadal _____ _______
4. Lake sebu _____ _______
5. Norala _____ _______
6. Polomolok _____ _______
7. Surallah _____ _______
8. Tboli _____ _______
9. Tampakan _____ _______

10. Tupi _____ _______

Lc5. Illustrate linear Activity 1: What’s Your Order? (MODULE 6)
equations in two variables.
Direction: Read the situation provided and answer the
following questions below.
Food delivery services are very useful especially in this time
Learning targets: of crisis due to COVID 19. Filipino families choose to order
their foods online and be delivered in their respective homes
I can illustrate linear with the help of Food Panda and other food delivery services.
equations in two variables. Food Panda charges a basic delivery fee of Php 50 and an
additional Php 10 for each kilometer.

1. How much will you pay if your house is located 1

kilometer away from the store of purchase? What
about for 2 kilometers? for 3 kilometers?
2. How far is the distance from your house to the store,
for you to avail a delivery worth Php 100?

Lc6 Determine if an Activity 2: Market Day (MODULE 6)

ordered pair is a solution of
Direction: Read the situation provided and answer the
a given linear equations following questions below.
Learning targets: Andi went to the public market to buy some fruits. She
I can determine if an purchased mangoes with a total of 150 pesos from the fruit
ordered pair is a solution of vendor but she needed to return mangoes and get banana
and guavas instead. The fruit vendor said, “I will not refund
a given linear equations
you but you can get fruits equal to 150 pesos as an
exchange”. The price of each guava is 12 pesos and the
price of each banana is 5 pesos. How many pieces of banana
and guava should she take to cover exactly the 150 pesos
worth of mangoes?
Probing questions:

1. Were you able to answer the problem and help Andi to

decide on how many pieces of banana and guava she
is going to buy?
____________________________________ I N
2. What mathematical equation represents the problem?
__________________ M

3. Think of at least 2 possible combinations that will
satisfy the equation in number 2.
LC7 Illustrate slope of a Activity 1: What is your point? (MODULE 7)
line Direction: Answer the following questions correctly based on the
given figures at the right. Write your answers on the
Learning targets: space provided.
I can illustrate slope of a line 1. Name the point that has the coordinates of:
a. (5, 0) __________
b. (-5, 4) __________
c. (-2, -4) __________
2. Write the coordinates of each point.
a. H __________
b. E __________
c. G __________
d. F __________
3. In what quadrant or axis is each point located?
a. C _________
b. B ________
c. L _________

LC 8 Find the slope of a Activity 2: Pedal Up, Speed On (MODULE 7)

line given two points,
equations, and graphs. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, families are mandated to stay at
home. To buy his family’s essential needs, Laurenz is using his bike.
He goes up two different hills in order for him to reach the nearest
Learning targets: convenience store.
I can find the slope of a line
given two points,
equations, and graphs.

Hill #1 Hill #2

Hill #3 Hill #4
Probing questions:

1. Which hill will be harder for Laurenz to pedal up?

2. Which hill will Laurenz gain more speed if he is going down
two hills?
LC9 Describes the graph Activity 3: Do It on Your Own! (MODULE 7)
of a linear equations in On a separated sheet of paper, answer Page 134 Practice and
terms of its intercepts and Application, Test I(1-10).

Learning targets:

I can describe the graph of

a linear equations in terms
of its intercepts and slope.

LC10 Graph a linear Activity 1: What did the Koala say to the Shrew? (MODULE 7)
equation given a) any two Direction: To find out what the Koala said to the Shrew, determine
points, b) the x and y- the ordered pair as a solution to a given linear
intercepts, and c) the slope equation. Write the corresponding letter above the
correct answer.
and a point on the line.
T ( y=3x+4) G (2x-2y=8) S (2x-y=5)
Learning targets:
M (5x+4y=8) R (x-6y=18) L
I can graph a linear (2x+4y=12)
equation given a) any two
P (7x-4y=13) O (y=2x-6) E (x-
points, b) the x and y- 3y=7)
intercepts, and c) the slope
and a point on the line.

(7, 2) (-5,-4) (0, (2, -2) (24,1) (-5,-4)


(1, - (2, 2) (-5,- (-5,- (3, 2)

3) 4) 4)
LC11 Graphing linear Activity 2: Match with Its Graph! (MODULE 7)
equations using the plot- Direction: Match the ordered pairs in Column A with its
plotting method. corresponding graph in Column B. Write the letter of
your answer on the space before each number.
Column A Column B
Learning targets:

I can Graph linear _____1. (1, 2) and (-3, -4) A.

equations using the plot-
plotting method.

_____2. (-1, -2) and (3, 4) B.

_____3. (0, 5) and (-6, 0) C.

_____4. (5, 0) and (0, -6) D.

_____5. (0, 5) and (-1, -3) E.

LC12 Graphing linear Activity 3: Guide Me Through! Refer to the book (MODULE 6)
equations using the On a separated sheet of paper, answer Page 125 Practice and
intercept method Application, Test 1-A (1-5), 1-B (9-13), and on test II (15-19).

Learning targets:

I can graph linear equations

using the intercept method

LC13 Graphing linear Activity 4: Graph It Out (MODULE 7)

equation using the slope- Direction: Read and analyze the problem carefully. Answer the
intercepts method given questions in the space provided.

Problem: As a working student at the canteen, Ralph

Learning targets: receives Php50 a day. He gets an additional Php1 for every ice
candy that he sells.
I can graph linear equation
using the slope-intercepts a. Let y represents his daily salary and x represents the
method number of ice candy he sells for a day. Write the linear
equation that reflects the given situation.
b. Graph the relationship between the number of
ice candy he sells and his salary per day. Be sure to
label the coordinate axes clearly.
c. How much will he earn if he sells
 20 ice candy in one day?
 30 ice candy?
 15 ice candy?

Learning competency Deepen

Lc14 Solve problems Activity 3: Guide Me Through! Refer to the book (MODULE
involving linear equations 6)
in two Variables
On a separated sheet of paper, answer Page 125 Practice and
Learning targets: Application, Test 1-A (1-5), 1-B (9-13), and on test II (15-
I can solve problems
involving linear equations
in two Variables

LC15 Writes the linear Activity 4: Money Matters (MODULE 6)

equation ax+by=c in the SCAFFOLD 1.
form y = mx + b and vice Direction: Read and analyze the following word
versa. problems. Show your complete solution on the space

Laurenz bought 5kg of rice and 3kg of fish. He paid a

Learning targets:
total amount of Php 440. If a kilo of fish is Php 80.00, how
I can writes the linear much does a kilo of rice cost?
equation ax+by=c in the Solution:
form y = mx + b and vice

LC16 Write the equation of ACTIVITY 5 : (MODULE 7)

the line given a) two
Direction: Use the indicated color in graphing these linear
points, b) the slope of a
equations in one Cartesian plane.
point, c) the slope and its RED
intercepts, d) the VIOLET
1. 2𝑥 − 4𝑦 = 16 YELLOW
2. 3x + 7y = -21 BLUE

Learning targets: 3. 5x + 10y = 50

I can write the equation of 4. 𝑥 − 3𝑦 = −11

the line given a) two 5. 2x – y = 9
points, b) the slope of a
point, c) the slope and its
intercepts, d) the

LC17 Writing the Activity 1: What’s My Slope? (MODULE 8)

equations of a line given Direction: Find the slope of the line given the following.
the slope and a point on
the line. ______1. 2x + 5y = 15
______2. x + 4y = 9
______3. (3, -1) and (-2, 5)
Learning targets:
______4. (2, 0) and (-4, -5)
I can write the equations of
a line given the slope and
a point on the line.

LC18 Writing the equations Activity 2: Let’s order pizza! (MODULE 8)

of a line given the y SCAFFOLD 2.
intercept and another
Jhenesse was craving for pizza as she rewarded herself for a
job well done. She went to TIA NINA, a pizza parlor in General Santos
City. She paid Php250 for the regular pizza and Php 5 for each
additional slice of meat toppings. At the end, she paid Php 340 for her
pizza. How many slices of meat topping were added to it?

1. What is the linear equation that will represent the cost to be
paid for:
Learning targets: a. regularpizza?
I can write the equations of b. with toppings?
a line given the y intercept _______________________________________
and another point.
Activity 4: Let’s Write It (MODULE 8)

On a separated sheet of paper, answer Page 156 Practice and

Application, Test I(1-5), and test II (7-11).

LC19 Writing the Activity 3: Let’s Match Them! (MODULE 8)

equations of a line given
Match the linear equation in standard form in Column A with
through given problems the equivalent linear equation in slope- intercept form in Column B.
Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space
provided before each number.


A. 𝑦 = 𝑥 − 4
Learning targets:
_____1. x + y = 4
I can write the equations of
B. 𝑦 = 𝑥 −
a line given through given
C. 𝑦 =
_____2. x – y = 4
_____3. 4x + 8y = 4


_____4. x – 2y = 1 D. 𝑦 = 𝑥+
_____5. 3x – 3y = -1 E. 𝑦 = −𝑥 + 4

F. 𝑦 = − 𝑥 +

LC20 Writing the Activity 5: Let’s Buy It (MODULE 8)

equations of vertical and SCAFOLLD 3.
Rylee wants to buy shirts online. Each shirt costs Php 200. The
horizontal lines through a
shipping cost is Php 120.Write the linear equation representing the
given point. following:
a. total cost of the shirt written in slope-intercept form?
Learning targets:
b. total cost of the shirt written in standard form?
I can write the equations of
vertical and horizontal
lines through a given point.

Learning competency Transfer

LC20 Solve real – life Transfer Goal: The learners on their own and in the long run will be able to apply
problems involving linear the concepts of linear equations in two variables and linear functions to
equations in two variables model various real-life situations and solve related problems.
and linear functions
Performance Task


Goal Your team’s task is to represent and solve
real-life problems involving linear equations
in two variables and linear functions.
Role Your team is a group of marketing agents who want
to convince clienteles to buy calculator.

Learning Targets: Audience The target audience are the teacher-clients

whose present lessons are the linear
I can solve real – life equations in two variables and linear
problems involving linear functions.
equations in two variables Situation The team is challenged by the teacher-
clients to present a solution to problems
and linear functions.
involving linear equations in two variables
and linear functions thorough the use of
calculator. To impress and convince the
clients, the team will present how to solve
the linear equations in two variables and
linear functions to determined using the
Product/ The team needs to present a convincing solution to a
Performance problem involving linear equations in two variables
and linear functions. The presentation must be done
using calculators as
visual aids.

Standard Your product will be assessed based on

the following criteria:
1. Clarity
2. Content
3. Mathematical Concepts
4. Accuracy

Description Scor
4 3 2 1 e
Clarity Presentati Presenta Presentati Presentatio
on is clear tion is on is n is vague.
and clear. unclear.
Content Data is Data is Data is Data is
organized, organize organized shallow and
complete d and but not not
and complet complete. complete.
detailed. e.
Mathemati Thoroughl Understa Partial Lack of
cal y nding is understan understandi
Concepts understan demonst ding is ng is
ding is rated. demonstr demonstrat
demonstr ated. ed.
Accuracy Computati Computa Computati Computatio
ons are tions are ons ns are not
logical, orderly commit complete
orderly, and minor and in
complete correct. errors. order.
Values Integration:
1. Discipline
2. Perseverance
3. Respect
4. Integrity

Prepared by: Checked by:

Raymart U. De Guzman Leonida R. Licuben
subject teacher principal

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