WEEK2 Mapeh10
WEEK2 Mapeh10
WEEK2 Mapeh10
During/Lesson Proper
Reading the Key What’s New What’s New (page
Idea/Stem 13)
(page 9-10)
Characteristics of Variation of
Jazz Music: Ballads
After/Post-Lesson Proper
Asking student Asking student Asking student Asking student Sharing and
questions about the questions about questions about the questions about the presenting of
Making generalization of the the generalization generalization of the generalization of the artwork in the
Generalizations and lesson and giving of the lesson and lesson and giving lesson and giving whole class.
Abstractions summary of the entire giving summary summary of the summary of the entire
abstraction. of the entire entire abstraction. abstraction.
The learners will answer WHAT’s More The learners will Giving student Summative
the short activity in the (page 10) answer the short instances and asking Assessment
form of true or false (1-10) activity in the form of questions about some
Evaluating Learning see activity sheet… multiple choice (1-5) similar instruments
see activity sheet…
that relate to the
music of Africa.
Additional Activities
for Application or
Remediation (if