Los Banos Integrated School 10 Raquel S. de Castro Mapeh (Music) AUGUST 26-30 Second
Los Banos Integrated School 10 Raquel S. de Castro Mapeh (Music) AUGUST 26-30 Second
Los Banos Integrated School 10 Raquel S. de Castro Mapeh (Music) AUGUST 26-30 Second
2. Greeting
A. Preliminaries 3.Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom Management
C. Presentation
Show video/film clips or any recording from YouTube Show video/film clips or any recording from YouTube
1. ACTIVITY excerpts of African music excerpts of Latin American music
Example: Lion King for African Music Example: Rio for Latin American Music
Play selected recordings of African and Latin American Let the students listen to or watch the video clips.
Examples: folk songs, instrumental music
Ask the students to listen, have them analyze the Ask the students to listen, have them analyze the
characteristics and styles of each through discussion and characteristics and styles of each through discussion and
sharing of insights. sharing of insights.
Group Discussion: Let the students compare their insights Have them share their impressions, experiences, thoughts
with their classmates in terms of the elements and and feelings after listening to the music and discussing all
characteristics of each these.
Have them answer.” How did you relate in making improvised Let them answer.’’ How does it feel to conceptualize the
V. EVALUATION African and Latin American musical instruments found in the dance movements in each music category’’.
Ask each group to draw lots to sing a song from one of the following musical genres:
For African music – Waka Waka, Kumbaya, or Mbube
For Latin American Music- One Note Samba; We are One(Ole Ola) the official song of the 2014 FIFA World Cup held
in Brazil.
VI. ASSIGNMENT Let the students decide among their group members which of them will sing, plan the choreography or movements to
accompany the song, play a musical instrument, and record the group’s performance on video.
Ask the students learn their assigned song, using the lyrics on the following pages.
Have them practice it, with the choreography and accompaniment. Let them perform in class.
Daily Lesson Plan Teacher RAQUEL S. DE CASTRO Learning Area MAPEH (ARTS)
DAY: MONDAY TUESDAY (Session 1) WEDNESDAY (Session 2) THURSDAY (Session 3) FRIDAY (Session 4)
HOLIDAY At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the
NATIONAL HEROES DAY students should be able to: students should be able to: students should be able to: students should be able to:
a. element and principles of a. Identify characteristics of a. reflect on and derive the a. Appreciate the artifacts
art in the production of Arts arts and crafts in specific mood, idea or message from and art objects in terms of
and Crafts inspired by the countries in East Asia: selected artifacts and art their utilization and their
cultures of East Asia China( Chinese Painting and objects distinct use of art elements
calligraphy) Japan( origami , and principles
woodblock painting , theatre
masks, face painting and
anime and manga); and
Korea ( theatre masks,
drums and K-pop)
D. Topic:
China, Japan and Korea China, Japan and Korea China, Japan and Korea China, Japan and Korea
E. Materials:
Music and Arts 8 Learner’s Music and Arts 8 Learner’s Music and Arts 8 Learner’s Music and Arts 8 Learner’s
F. References: Module and Curriculum Module and Curriculum Module and Curriculum Module and Curriculum
Guide Guide Guide Guide
Tell the learners on the big Yesterday, we learned about Today we will learn about the We had discussed the
idea about the East Asian the arts of the East Asian derived the mood , idea or unique arts and crafts of East
Arts i.e East Asian countries nations that adherently message from selected Asia , now we will give
share commonalities in the reflect to their rich cultures artifacts and Art objects appreciation on the artifacts
B. Review/Presenting the
production of arts as now we shall identify their and art objects in terms of
New lesson
influenced by their religion , different arts and crafts of their utilization and their
philosophy , culture , beliefs, each country. distinct use of art elements
geographic setting etc. and principles.
C. Presentation
Why do you think that How important is the idea of Why is it important to How important is the
discussing the East Asian understanding the arts and acknowledge the mood, idea application of elements and
1.ACTIVITY arts is essential for learning crafts of East Asia? or message of the artifacts principles of arts in the
experiences? and arts objects of East production of Art and crafts in
Asia? the East Asia?
Ask them to read the Analyze how the historical If we do not give importance Ask the class if they can still
introduction of the lesson in 5 and cultural phenomena in to the traditional arts and remember the elements and
2.ANALYSIS minutes and let them explain the world of art influenced by crafts of the Southeast Asia, principles of arts.
their understanding about the artworks of East Asia what will happen?
what they have read.
Let us visit and enjoy the Based on the lessons Discussed the derived mood, Discuss the different
beauty of the different discuss, the characteristics of idea, or message from elements of arts
countries of East Asia and Arts and crafts found in selected artifacts and art
3.ABSTRACTION experience their exquisite China, Japan and Korea like objects of the East Asia.
and fascinating art works by painting, pottery, paper arts,
engaging in different ikebana, and architecture,
activities etc.
Create an artwork applying
1.Choose five boys and five the characteristics elements
If you are ask to paint, what
girls to represent the class and principles of East Asian
will be your subject matter or Tell the students to do
2. The first player will read Arts.
object? activity 2. Match and fill on
4.APPLICATION the analyze the written letters
Why did you choose such page 234. Do this on your
to form words related to the
object or painting? notebook.
art of Southeast Asia.
Identify the great Ask your students to share How can you apply the art Analyze the art elements and
contributions of East Asian their reflections to the class forms , motifs and themes in principles in the production of
countries in the development about the important aspects an appropriate programs , art and crafts in China, Japan
about painting in China, school activities , and Korea.
of arts
Japan and Korea. celebrations and in personal
On your own perspective
On 1 whole sheet of paper
Why is it important to
Research about Arts and If we do not give importance
acknowledge the mood, idea
VI. ASSIGNMENT Crafts in East Asia. Choose to the traditional arts and Finish your artwork.
or message of the artifacts
one country in East Asia. crafts of the Southeast Asia,
and arts objects of East
what will happen? Explain.