29 September 2022
Concerning the Adoption of Harmonized Technical United Nations
Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be
Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for
Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these
United Nations Regulations*
(Revision 3, including the amendments which entered into force on 14 September 2017)
Amendment 1
Supplement 1 to the original version of the Regulation – Date of entry into force:
22 June 2022
This document is meant purely as documentation tool. The authentic and legal binding text
is: ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/103.
Former titles of the Agreement:
Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of
Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958 (original version);
Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles,
Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for
Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, done at Geneva on
5 October 1995 (Revision 2).
This Regulation cannot cover all the traffic conditions and infrastructure
features in the type approval process; this Regulation recognises that the
performances required in this Regulation cannot be achieved in all conditions
(vehicle speed and condition, weather conditions, and traffic scenarios etc. may
affect the system performances)."
Paragraphs 1.1. and 1.2, amend to read:
"1.1. Approval of devices for means of rear visibility defined in Part I intended to
be fitted to vehicles of category M and N.
1.2. Approval of vehicle installation of means of rear visibility or detection defined
in Part II if fitted to vehicles of category M and N."
Paragraph 1.4., amend to read:
"1.4. The following vehicles of category M and N shall be exempted from this
Vehicles where installation of means of rear visibility or detection is
incompatible with their on-road use may be partly or fully exempted from this
Regulation, subject to the decision of the Type Approval Authority."
Part I title, amend to read:
"3.1. The application for approval of a type of device for means of rear visibility
shall be submitted by the holder of the trade name or mark or by his duly
accredited representative.
3.2. A model of information document is shown in Annex 1.
3.3. For each type of device for means of rear visibility the application shall be
accompanied by three samples of the parts."
Paragraph 3.4. shall be deleted.
Paragraphs 4.1. and 4.2., amend to read:
"4.1. The samples of devices for means of rear visibility submitted for approval shall
bear the trade name or mark of the manufacturer; this marking shall be clearly
legible and be indelible.
4.2. Every device for means of rear visibility shall possess, on at least one of the
main components, a space large enough to accommodate the approval mark,
which shall be legible; this space shall be shown on the drawings referred to in
Annex 1. The approval mark shall also be legible when the device is mounted
on the vehicle. Other components of the device shall bear a means of
identification. In the case of limited space for the approval mark(s), other
means of identification that link it to the approval mark shall be provided."
Paragraphs 5.1. to 5.4.1., amend to read:
"5.1. If the samples submitted for approval meet the requirements of paragraph 6. of
this Regulation, approval of the pertinent type of device for means of rear
visibility shall be granted.
5.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first two digits
(at present 00) shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most
recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue
of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the same number
to another type of device for means of rear visibility.
5.3. Notice of approval or of refusal or of extension or withdrawal of approval or
of production definitively discontinued of a type of device for means of rear
visibility pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to
the Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming to
the model in Annex 3 to this Regulation.
5.4. There shall be affixed, on at least one of the main components, conspicuously
and in the space referred to in paragraph 4.2. above, to every device for means
of rear visibility, conforming to a type approved under this Regulation, in
addition to the mark prescribed in paragraph 4.1. above, an international
approval mark consisting of:
5.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by:
(a) The distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval;
(b) The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter "R", a dash and
the approval number."
Paragraphs 6.2, 6.2.1.and shall be deleted.
Paragraphs 7.1. to 7.1.1., amend to read:
"7. Modification of the type of device for means of rear visibility and extension of
7.1. Every modification to an existing type of device for means of rear visibility
including its connection to the bodywork shall be notified to the Type
Approval Authority which approved the type of device for means of rear
visibility. The Type Approval Authority shall then either:
"13.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to the installation of
means of rear visibility or detection shall be submitted by the vehicle
manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative."
Paragraph 15.1., amend to read:
"15.1. General
For the purpose of this Regulation, the vehicle shall fulfil the following
During a backing event at least one means of rear visibility or detection shall
be provided to the driver.
Means of rear visibility provide a close-proximity rear-view field of vision as
defined in paragraph 15.2 below. Possible means are:
(a) Direct vision,
(b) Devices approved to UN Regulation No. 46,
(c) Close Proximity Rear-view Mirror complying with this Regulation,
(d) Rear-View Camera System complying with this Regulation.
Means of detection provide an information other than vision for field of
detection as defined in paragraphs 15.3 below. Possible means are:
(a) Detection System complying with this Regulation."
Insert a new paragraph 15.1.2., to read:
"15.1.2. The requirements in paragraph 15. shall not apply during a remote control
manoeuvring and a remote controlled parking as defined in UN Regulation
No. 79."
Paragraph, amend to read:
" Via a means of rear visibility (mirror or RVCS or other) complying with this
Regulation; or"
Paragraph 15.2.3., amend to read:
"15.2.3. In the case of a combination of means of rear visibility or detection, each entire
transverse row of test objects shall be seen by one of these means. The close-
proximity rear-view field of vision shall be obtained from the minimum
number of mirrors and monitors."
Paragraphs to, amend to read:
" Devices for means of rear visibility or detection shall be so placed that the
driver, when sitting on the driving seat in a normal driving position, has a clear
view of the road to the rear, side(s) or front of the vehicle. In the case of any vehicle, which is in chassis/cab form when the field of vision
or detection is measured, the minimum and maximum body widths, heights
and lengths shall be stated by the manufacturer and, if necessary, simulated by
dummy headboards. All vehicles and devices for means of rear visibility or
detection configurations taken into consideration during the tests shall be
shown on the type-approval certificate for a vehicle with regard to the
installation of devices for means of rear visibility or detection (see Annex 4).
This includes information related to a range of device installation positions (in
length, width and height). Devices for means of rear visibility or detection shall not project beyond the
external bodywork of the vehicle substantially more than is necessary to
comply with the requirements concerning fields of vision or fields of detection. Devices for means of rear visibility or detection shall be fitted in such a way
that the devices do not move so as significantly to change the field of vision or
provided that the system remains activated. If, while the audible signal is
automatically suspended temporarily, the distance to the object becomes
shorter, the audible signal shall be automatically resumed. If the distance to the
object becomes longer, the audible signal may remain suspended."
Insert a new paragraph 17.4., to read:
"17.4 The effectiveness of the detection system shall not be adversely affected by
magnetic or electrical fields. This shall be demonstrated by compliance with
the technical requirements and transitional provisions of UN Regulation
No. 10, 05 series of amendments or any later series of amendments."
Annex 1, amend to read:
"Annex 1
"Annex 2
Any drawings shall be supplied in appropriate scale and in sufficient detail on size A4
paper or on a folder of A4 format.
Photographs, if any, shall show sufficient details.
1. Make (trade name of manufacturer):.............................................................................
2. Type and general commercial description(s): ...............................................................
3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle: ...........................................
4. Location of that marking:..............................................................................................
5. Category of vehicle: ......................................................................................................
6. Name and address of manufacturer: ..............................................................................
7. Address(es) of assembly plant(s): .................................................................................
General construction characteristics of the vehicle
8. Photograph(s) and/or drawing(s) of a representative vehicle: .......................................
9. Driving position: left/right1 ..........................................................................................
9.1. The vehicle is equipped to be driven in right-hand/left hand traffic1 ............................
10. Range of vehicle dimensions (overall):.........................................................................
10.1 For chassis without bodywork ......................................................................................
10.1.1. Width2: ........................................................................................................................ Maximum permissible width: ................................................................................. Minimum permissible width: .................................................................................
10.1.2. Length: ......................................................................................................................... Maximum permissible length: ................................................................................ Minimum permissible length: ................................................................................
10.1.3. Height: ......................................................................................................................... Maximum permissible height: ................................................................................ Minimum permissible height: ................................................................................
10.2. For chassis with bodywork: .........................................................................................
10.2.1. Width2 ..........................................................................................................................
"Annex 3
(Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))
"Annex 4
(Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))
issued by : Name of administration:
1 ......................................
"Annex IV - Appendix
Appendix to type approval communication form No. ……… concerning the type approval
of a vehicle with regard to the means of rear visibility or detection under UN Regulation
No. 158.
1. Trade name or mark of means of rear visibility or detection and component type-
approval number (if applicable):
2. Means of rear visibility or detection: Direct vision, Devices approved to UN
Regulation No. 46, Close Proximity Rear-view Mirror complying with this
Regulation, Rear-View Camera System complying with this Regulation, Detection
System complying with this Regulation1
3. Extension of type approval of the vehicle to cover the following means of rear
visibility or detection
4. Data for identification of the R point of the driver's seating position:
5. Maximum and minimum bodywork width, length and height in respect of which the
means of rear visibility or detection have been granted type-approval
6. The following documents, bearing the type approval number shown above, are
annexed to this certificate (if applicable):
(a) Drawings showing the mounting(s) of the devices for means of rear visibility
or detection
(b) Drawings and plans showing the mounting position(s) and characteristics of
the part of the structure where the devices for means of rear visibility or
detection are mounted.
(c) Drawings and plans showing the visual obstructions which affect the rear
visibility, e.g. the interior fittings, glazing, etc.
7. Remarks: (e.g. valid for right hand/left hand traffic 1)"
"Annex 5
43 XXXR-–002439
XXXR 00185
The above approval mark affixed to a device for means of rear visibility indicates that
the device is a main Close-proximity rear-view device, which has been approved in Japan (E
43) pursuant to UN Regulation No. 158 and under approval number 002439. The first two
digits of the approval number indicate that the approval was granted in accordance with the
requirements of UN Regulation No. 158 in its original form.
Note: The approval number and the additional symbol shall be placed close to the circle and either above
or below the "E" or to the left or right of that letter. The digits of the approval number shall
be on the same side of the "E" and point in the same direction. The additional symbol shall
be directly opposite the approval number. The use of Roman numerals as approval numbers
shall be avoided so as to prevent any confusion with other symbols."
Annex 9
Paragraph, amend to read:
" Vehicle load.
The vehicle is in running order as defined in the consolidated Resolution on
the Construction of vehicles (R.E.3) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.6,
paragraph, plus for M1 and N1 vehicles one front seat passenger
(75 kg)."
Paragraph 2.1., amend to read:
" 2.1. Test conditions
(a) The vehicle shall be left in a parked parking status until it is ensured
that all electronic systems are de-activated; or for a minimum of 30
(b) It is permissible for the test person or equipment to be already situated
within the vehicle.
(c) Ensure the vehicle gear selector is not in reverse gear.
(d) The test may start with opening the driver door. Once the door is
opened, it shall be closed again."
Paragraph 3.2., amend to read:
" 3.2. Extract photographic data.
(a) Using the photograph, measure the apparent length, of a 50 mm
delineated section of the in-photo ruler, along the ruler's edge, closest
to the rear-view image and at a point near the horizontal centre of the
rear-view image.
(b) Using the photograph, measure the horizontal width of the upper
portion of each of the three test objects located at positions G, H, and I
in Figure B.
(c) Define the measured horizontal widths of the three test objects as dG,
dH, and dI. "
Annex 10
Paragraph 1., amend to read:
" 1. Rear horizontal area detection
The detection systems shall fulfil the test as specified in paragraph 1.3.1. in
this Annex. However, if the detection systems fulfil the test as specified in
paragraph 1.4. in this annex, the test as specified in paragraph 1.3.1. in this
annex shall be considered to be satisfied."