Dark Angels - Index Astarted

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he following is a fanmade and unofficial

T document. It is not in any way endorsed

by Games Workshop or Citadel
Miniatures. It is shared for free for educational
purposes only.

These pages are intended to provide a brief but

comprehensive guide to the technical narrative of
the Dark Angels faction (including successors) for
the 10th edition of Warhammer 40,000.

Such information has been largely left out of recent

publications. Communities have as a result seen a
great increase in uncertainty among those hobbyists
who look to the narrative for guidance or
inspiration. Comments are riddled with incorrect or
misremembered information, and often based in
guesswork or preference rather than official text.

The narrative has changed, several times, since its

inception. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes by
Fraternal betrayal stole much from the
accident. It is not certain which pieces should be
Emperor’s Dark Angels over ten thousand considered ‘current’ or ‘outdated’. Not every
question has an answer. Many questions have
years ago. The sinister secrets they were left several different, often contradictory, answers.
with fueled their already insular and zealous Some answers have never been made explicit, but
can be arrived at via inference based on multiple
nature. They have since fought relentlessly for pieces of evidence.
survival and redemption. With the recent
The following content has been arrived at by taking
return of their Primarch, they will fight a holistic view of numerous primary sources
released over a period of 30 years. If this manual
for the Lion once more! disagrees with a source, it’s because a compromise
had to be made to accommodate another source.
The priority has been clarity, not nuance.

It is impossible to select sources, interpret them,

weigh them against each other, and compose a
document of this type without also injecting some
personal bias and preference. You cannot be certain
that all information presented herein is accurate to
the intent of creative agents at Games Workshop.

You can be certain that the information will be

more coherent and considered than most official
publications of similar type. This will be the best
single source available to you on this topic.

For further studies, you are recommended to use

Lexicanum (an online wiki) as a first stop. Codex:
Angels of Death (2E), Codex: Dark Angels (7E),
Codex: Dark Angels (8E), Codex: Space Marines
(8.5E), as well as Insignium Astartes all provide
excellent and complementary primary accounts of
various sub-topics in the subject.


If you find this document helpful, please make that

THE FIRST LEGION, THE SONS OF THE LION opinion (politely) known to Games Workshop. If
they know this kind of information is desired and
Ver03.4-24.06.08 appreciated by their customers, there is some hope
that we will see it included once more in
publications going forward.

Rule over an Unforgiven Chapter falls to a council formed RESERVE COMPANIES, the 6rd-9th Companies
by its Supreme Grand Master – the council head and highest All reserve Companies are composed of one hundred
ranking officer – and the most senior members of the marines of a single designation. Squads from the Reserve
Chapter’s Inner Circle, including all Grand Masters and a Companies are often attached to a Battle Company in order
small number of Masters. Though nominally independent, to bolster a force’s capabilities. In such instances they
Unforgiven Chapters are highly coordinated and under typically take on the livery of the Battle Company they
strong influence of their parent Chapter. reinforce, and are identified as the 11 th Squad, 12th Squad,
and so on, up to the 20th squad. On rare occasions, Reserve
As per the Codex Astartes, Unforgiven Chapters are made Companies are fielded in their entirety in truly apocalyptic
up of ten companies. Companies are sometimes deployed in confrontations of colossal importance.
their entirety, but their flexible structure and the multitude
of war zones in which they are needed to fight often means The 6th and 7th Companies consist of ten battleline squads
that squads from different companies are assembled in order each. These act as a reserve which may be used to bolster
to execute a mission. Each company is led by a Captain, the front line, launch diversionary attacks or stem enemy
who also bears the title of Master if they’re part of the flanking moves. Warriors of the 6th are additionally trained
Chapter’s Inner Circle. The Captain is supported in his to crew battle tanks, while those of the 7th can be deployed
duties by two lieutenants, and will on the battlefield often in gunships or speeders. This allows commanders to field
be accompanied by a Command Squad. A Chaplain and an entire companies of such vehicles – provided that their
Apothecary is also attached to each Company. Armoury is sufficiently well-equipped.

While the Codex Astartes’ mandates concerning The 8th Company consists of ten close support squads. This
organisation and size are followed by Unforgiven Chapters Company is used wherever a strong hand-to-hand fighting
in companies three through ten, the first two companies force is needed, and is often equipped with jump packs,
deviate. Rumours persist that the Dark Angels 1 st and 2nd bikes, and speeders. The 9th Company consists of ten fire
companies do not conform to the standard company support squads. It is the most heavily equipped company in
complement of a hundred Space Marines. It is difficult to the Chapter, and its heavy-weapon bearing troopers provide
ascertain the truth of this, as elements of both companies are suppression and raw destructive power.
spread wide, attached to forces across the galaxy.
SCOUT COMPANY, the 10th Company
st nd
SPECIALIST COMPANIES, the 1 -2 Companies The majority of 10th Company members are neophytes –
The 1st Company consists entirely of veterans who have those whose combat training, physical transformation, and
been inducted into the Chapter’s inner circles. It is both cultural initiation is still incomplete – but the Company
hammer and anvil, unstoppable and unyielding. The Dark also contains a standing force of ten Vanguard Space
Angels stand apart from other Chapters in that they have the Marine squads. Recruits will take to the battlefield as scouts
resources to outfit their entire 1 st company – The Deathwing under the tutelage of a Sergeant, often alongside the strike
– in terminator armour, which they do frequently. The forces of other companies. The Codex Astartes dictates no
Deathwing maintain their own specific heraldry, painting formal size for the 10th Company, as the rate of recruitment
their armour and vehicles a distinctive bone-white colour is not fixed.
that differs from the rest of the Chapter’s companies.
The 2nd Company is a specialised mobile formation used All of the companies, save the 2 nd and the 10th Companies,
for scouting and lightning-fast strikes, often working in maintain dedicated transport vehicles for each of their
tandem with 1st Company elements. To this end, every squads. Each Company also maintains the wargear needed
single Space Marine in this company pilots either a teleport- for their squads to take to the field in any of the various
homer equipped bike, a speeder, or an atmospheric fighter. forms allowed by their designation.
These are organised in unique Attack or Support formations
found only among the Unforgiven. Equally unique are some Additional transports and other vehicles are held centrally
of the archaic vehicle designs employed, dating back to by the Armoury, while drop pods, orbital landers, and void-
before the Great Scouring. The Dark Angels 2nd Company is craft are held by the Fleet. Although maintained by the
dubbed “The Ravenwing”, so named because their vehicles, Armoury, it is customary for dreadnoughts to remain a part
like their power armour, are all painted an ominous black. of the company in which the warrior served before being
interred. When not active, dreadnoughts can be found
BATTLE COMPANIES, the 3rd-5th Companies powered down in the Halls of Silence.
Battle Companies generally carry the weight of a Chapter’s
combat duties. Each consists of six battleline squads, two A Chapter will include a large number of support staff, the
close support squads and two fire support squads. Most great majority of which are human serfs, though there are a
Dark Angels deployments consist of a single Battle few Space Marines amongst their number. Most of these are
Company or Demi-Company, reinforced by elements of the non-combatants of advanced years, tasked with leading the
Specialist, Reserve, and Scout Companies. day-to-day administration of the Chapter.
Lion El’Jonson2
Inner Circle Companions2

Chapter Master
Honour Guard1
Captain Captain
Chief Apothecary Chief Librarian
[Strikemasters] [Talonmasters]
Apothecaries Epistolaries
[Command squad] Command squad
Initiates1 Codiciers
Interrogator-Chaplain3 Chaplain
Serfs and Servitors1
Apothecary Apothecary
RECLUSIAM Serfs1 and Servitors1
Master of Sanctity (Deathwing) Knights (Black) Knights
Reclusiarch1 LOGISTICIAM
Interrogator-Chaplains Warden of the Gates Veteran squads2 Attack squadrons
Chaplains Chapter Equerries3 Dreadnoughts Support squadrons
Judiciars2 Serfs3 and Servitors
1 transport per squad Atmospheric fighters
Master of the Forge High Huntsman of the Void COMPANY COMPANY
Techmarines Suprema1 Command Crew1
Techmarines Pilots and Gunnery Officers1 UNFORGIVEN SPECIALIST COMPANIES
Apprenta1 Navigators1
Serfs1 and Servitors Serfs and Servitors
Various void-craft
Various vehicles Orbital landers


quick lore info

Successor chapters maintain their own Inner Circle
and specialist companies. Their names, liveries, and
sometimes structures differ from the parent chapter.
squad composition guides
Veterans The Chapter Master will also be the Supreme Grand
1 Chapter Champion (Deathwing) Veterans Master of the Chapter’s Inner Circle.
1 Chapter Ancient 1 (Deathwing) Champion
The Master of Sanctity, Chief Librarian, and the
1 (Deathwing) Ancient
Captains of the 1st and 2nd companies are normally
ATTACK SQUADRONS also Grand Masters of the Inner Circle.
Outriders2 or [Bikers] COMMAND SQUAD All Interrogator-Chaplains, most Captains, and some
1 Storm Speeder2 or [Land Speeder] Librarians will also be Masters of the Inner Circle.
(Black) Knights
1 Invader ATV2 or [Attack Bike] Librarians, the 1st Company, Talonmasters, and
1 (Ravenwing) Champion
10 marines per squadron 1 (Ravenwing) Ancient Black Knights will be members of the inner circles,
but not the Inner Circle.
Storm Speeders2 or [Land Speeders]
Company Veterans Master of the Forge – Master of the Rock
Invader ATVs2 or [Attack Bikes]2
1 Company Champion Master of Sanctity – High Interrogator
10 marines per squadron 1 Company Ancient Chief Apothecary – Master Apothecary

Imported from Codex: Space Marines on the assumption that it’s true for Unforgiven Chapters as well.
New narrative, miniature, or gaming elements don’t fit neatly into old structures. This is my best attempt at integrating them faithfully.
Sources contradict each other. This is my best attempt at a holistic compromise.
Company Veteran squads are not present in the 1st Company.
[bracketed] entries have been completely removed from the game or moved to Legends, but remain (as far as we know) in the narrative universe.
Captain Captain Captain Captain
2 Lieutenants 2 Lieutenants 2 Lieutenants 2 Lieutenants
[Command squad] [Command squad] [Command squad] Chaplain
Chaplain Chaplain Chaplain Apothecary
Apothecary Apothecary Apothecary
10 Vanguard squads5
[Company Veterans] [Company Veterans] [Company Veterans] Scout squads
[Scout bike squadrons]
6 Battleline squads 6 Battleline squads 6 Battleline squads [Land Speeder Storms]
2 Close Support squads 2 Close Support squads 2 Close Support squads Neophytes
2 Fire Support squads 2 Fire Support squads 2 Fire Support squads
Dreadnoughts Dreadnoughts Dreadnoughts SCOUT/VANGUARD
1 transport per squad 1 transport per squad 1 transport per squad


Captain Captain Captain Captain
2 Lieutenants 2 Lieutenants 2 Lieutenants 2 Lieutenants
[Command squad] [Command squad] [Command squad] [Command squad]
Chaplain Chaplain Chaplain Chaplain
Apothecary Apothecary Apothecary Apothecary

[Company Veterans] [Company Veterans] [Company Veterans] [Company Veterans]

10 Battleline squads 10 Battleline squads 10 Close Support squads 10 Fire Support squads
Dreadnoughts Dreadnoughts Dreadnoughts Dreadnoughts

1 transport per squad 1 transport per squad 1 transport per squad 1 transport per squad
battlefield role unit lists
Chapter Master Terminator squads
Captains Bladeguard Veteran squads [Assault squads] Devastator squads
Lieutenants Vanguard Veteran squads [Bike squadrons] Centurion Devastator squads
Command squads Sternguard Veteran squads [Attack Bike squadrons] Eliminator squads*
[Company Veteran squads]4 [Land Speeder squadrons] Suppressor squads*
Centurion Assault squads Hellblaster squads
Incursor squads* Desolation squads
‘SCOUT’ UNITS6 Reiver squads* Infernus squads3
Assault Intercessor squads7 Aggressor squads
Scout squads Tactical squads Outrider squadrons Eradicator squads
[Scout Bike squadrons] Infiltrator squads* Invader ATV squadrons
[Land Speeder Storms] Intercessor squads Storm Speeder squadrons
Heavy Intercessor squads Inceptor squads
Sources contradict each other. This is my best attempt at a holistic compromise.
Company Veteran squads are not present in the 1st Company.
‘Vanguard’ squads deploy only in phobos wargear (marked with asterisks* above), but are not restricted to any one specific battlefield role.
It is not entirely clear if ‘Scout’ is an actual battlefield role, or some sort of separate category similar to ‘Vanguard’.
This includes Assault Intecessors with Jump Packs (or “Jump Pack Intercessors”).
[bracketed] entries have been completely removed from the game or moved to Legends, but remain (as far as we know) in the narrative universe.
Insignium Astartes
The Codex Astartes dictates not only organisational and
tactical dispositions to its adherents. It also provides
guidance on uniform standards. Variations occur, but the
most common standard will be described here.

-The armour of a Space Marine is typically painted in

colour and pattern associated with the Chapter.
-The left pauldron carries Chapter marking.
-The pauldron trim carries Company marking.
-The right pauldron carries squad markings. These
identify battlefield role and squad number.
-The helmet carries rank or status markings.

Certain features may disturb this standard, such as on

Codex Astartes-compliant livery (Ultramarines)
mkVI ‘Corvus’ pattern power armour or ‘Indomitus’
1st squad, 5th co. (left), 3rd squad 2nd co. (right)
pattern Tactical Dreadnought (Terminator) Armour.

The standard will then typically cascade, so that the

Chapter badge moves to right pauldron, squad markings
move to the left knee, and anything on the left knee moves
to the right. Some details may merge (e.g. company colour
moving from pauldron trim to squad number), share space
(e.g. right pauldron carrying both chapter and squad
markings), or be left out (usually battlefield role marking).

Army badges, Campaign badges, and honour markings

such as Battle badges may also adorn Astartes armour.
These are tyically placed on greaves, forearms, or the
center of the power pack. Army badges in particular are
commonly placed on the outside of the right leg greave.

Unforgiven livery (Dark Angels and Consecrators) Insignium Calibanus

4th squad 3rd co. (left), 2nd squad, 6th co. (right) The Dark Angels and their successors follow mostly the
same standard as the Ultramarines. Some details differ.

-Helmet markings do not identify status or rank.

-Pauldron trim does not identify company markings. A
Company badge is instead displayed on the left knee for
Dark Angels, or the right knee for successors.
-Arabic numerals are used in place of roman numerals
-Other icons are favoured to identify battlefield role.

Unforgiven specialist companies may differ further.

Among the Dark Angels, they have their own associated
colours, and they display their Company badges in place
of the Chapter badge. Deathwing squads tend not to
display a squad number. They may instead display squad
heraldry on their left knee. Ravenwing units, similarly, do
not display battlefield role markings at all.

Some Deathwing Knights replace the company heraldry

Unforgiven specialist company livery (Dark Angels) with their own personal iconography. This iconography
Unknown squad, 1st co. (left), 1st squadron, 2nd co. (right) would often also be found on their shield. Their pauldrons
may also bear a thin green trim near the edge. Ravenwing
members of the inner circles stand out by the vertical bar
(or ‘pale’) in gold on their pauldrons.

Deathwing Knight (left) and Ravenwing Knight (right) pauldrons Deathwing squad heraldry examples
COMPANY BADGES (with associated names or coulours) STANDARD SQUAD MARKINGS
Dark Angels Codex Astartes Dark Angels Ultramarines

1st Company 1st Company

(the Deathwing) (white/silver) Command1

2nd Company 2nd Company

(the Ravenwing) (yellow/gold)
3rd Company 3rd Company
(the Unmerciful) (red/sanguinite)
4th Company 4 Company

(the Feared) (green/adamantine)

5th Company 5th Company Close Support
(the Unrelenting) (black/ebonite)
6th Company 6th Company Fire Support
(the Resolute) (orange/vermillium)
7th Company 7th Company
(the Unbowed) (heliotrope/indignium) Scout1
8th Company 8th Company
(the Wrathful) (grey/steel)
10th Squad2
9th Company 9th Company
(the Remorseless) (blue/ultramarine)
Squad marking
10 Company
10 Company
th examples2
(the Redeemed) (none) 10th Squad
(Fire Support)


Greenwing3 Ravenwing
left pauldron: left pauldron: Command
Chapter badge Company badge
right pauldron: right pauldron:
battlefield role badge NO battlefield role badge
squad number squad number

left knee: left knee: Close Support

Company badge NO Company badge
Fire Support
Deathwing Deathwing
(power armour) (terminator armour)
left pauldron: left pauldron: CHAPTER BADGE VARIATIONS4
Company badge Crux Terminatus
Chapter badges with a halo appear
to be tied to the inner circles
right pauldron: right pauldron:
battlefield role badge NO battlefield role badge
NO squad number NO squad number The broken sword is used by the
Company badge Deathwing among Dark Angels

left knee: left knee:

NO Company badge squad heraldry
variations with unknown meaning

Markings for Dark Angels Command, Veteran, and Scout units are extremely speculative. Sources are few and they often contradict each other.
Note that in Battle Companies, squads 1-6 are always Battleline, squads 7-8 always Close Support, and squads 9-10 always Fire Support.
‘Greenwing’ is an unofficial moniker among hobbyists, not a term within the narrative. It roughly refers to units not in the 1 st or 2nd Company.
Many of these variations carry specific meaning. They will often be known in-universe, but are almost entirely unknown to us out-of-universe.
Chapters employ Astartes not only as warriors, but
Select individuals, such as Chapter specialists, replace squad
also as various specialists who service the Chapter in
markings with a badge of office.
daily operations. These specialists replace or combine
Officers their Chapter livery with that of their office.
Lieutenants are the only officers with a formal badge.1
Specialists all display Chapter markings in some way.
Captains and Chapter Masters usually display personal Usually on a pauldron via badge and colour,
heraldry in place of a badge of office, usually integrating the sometimes on a knee. They may also display
badge of their command (the Company for Captains or the additional iconography via regalia such as tabards,
Chapter for Chapter Masters). Other alternatives would be cloaks, etc.
to display the ‘Command’ badge, an honour badge, or
intricate iconography. Specialists assigned to a task force from their
department use Chapter colour and badge where
Dark Angels Ultramarines applicable (pauldron, knee, etc).

Chaplains and Apothecaries who are in the service of

a Company may replace the Chapter markings with
the livery of their assigned Company.


The Opus Machina alternate examples


The Prime Helix alternate examples

Techmarines carry entirely red armour, and
iconography affiliating them with both the Chapter
Chaplains Armoury and the Machine-cults of Mars.

Lexicanium Codicier Epistolary

[name unknown] alternate examples


The Horned Skull alternate examples

Older sources from the early 2000’s list the Iron Skull as the “Codex insignia” for Sergeants, and the Iron Halo as the same for Captains.
Strikemasters and Talonmasters are Lieutenants, but it is not known whether or not they use the same badge of office as regular lieutenants.
Apothecaries carry white armour, varying from just a helmet to the entire suit, and iconography of the Apothecarion.

Chaplains carry entirely black armour, and iconography of the Reclusiam.

Librarians carry entirely blue armour, and iconography of the Librarius. Note that the rightmost librarian is an Ultramarine.
In addition to previously mentioned livery, a Space Marine may display a number of honour badges on his armour. Some
honours are simply painted onto the armour, while others are elaborate carvings and artefacts. Many can also be integrated
into the heraldry of a Space Marine, a squad, or Company.

Marines are awarded badges of distinction for all manner of heroic deeds. Each Codex-compliant Chapter maintains the full
list of honours listed in Guilliman’s epic tome, and many have developed their own unique variations which have been born
out of their history and traditions.

In addition, badges are often given to allied participants of crusades, campaigns, or battles. These function as symbols of
identity and unity among allies for the duration, and as commemorative marks of honour once victory has been attained.

The Crux Terminatus is the badge of The Iron Halo is awarded for strategic
Terminator Space Marines, and one sits on displays and initiative beyond expectation.
the left pauldron of each such suit. It is It typically adorns a pauldron or helmet,
said that each badge houses a small and is mostly associated with Captains.
fragment of the Emperor’s own suit of
Terminator Honours are smaller The Iron Skull is awarded for acts of
representations of the Crux Terminatus. leadership, and bears close association
They are worn by veterans who have with Sergeants in particular. It is typically
trained to use Terminator armour, often on placed on a pauldron or helmet.
a pauldron or knee. Convention dictates that it is represented
in red as a heraldic device.1
Crosses of various designs are closely The Imperial Laurel is awarded for acts
associated with veterancy among the of great bravery and valour. It is a
Adeptus Astartes. They may be inscribed required achievement before a marine can
onto armour, worn as amulets, or serve as Ancient. They are often worn on
integrated into heraldry. a helmet or pauldron.

The Icon of the Deathwatch may be The Marksman’s Honour is earned via
worn by those Space Marines who have remarkably accurate shooting or
served or are currently serving in the consistent targeting. They are both a
Deathwatch. It is typically worn on the reward, and an indicator so that
left pauldron, often combined with a fully Commanders know whom to call upon
silvered left arm. when infallible aim is needed.
Purity Seals are blessings presented to Service studs can be stamped into the
marines prior to battle by Chaplains under cranium to record 10, 50, or 100 years’
ceremonious liturgical chanting. They service, depending on design and Chapter
have traditionally been given to those traditions. As they are not mandatory,
marines who have shown themselves to be their absence is not necessarily an
morally pure in word and deed. indicator of youth.



Crusade Badge Army Badge Campaign Badge

(Indomitus) (Piscina IV) (Damnos)

Battle of Defence of Siege of

Barrak Gorge Koth Ridge Kadillus
badge examples

Bear in mind that skulls are a common feature in Imperial culture. Not every skull is an Iron Skull.
Army and Campaign badges might be different names for the same thing. Sources are unclear.

Winged helmets are iconic to the Robes and tabards are a way of expressing rank, role, or
Unforgiven. There is no recorded meaning position within the convoluted structures of most
to them, but they are almost exclusively Unforgiven Chapters. They have no one single meaning,
worn by Captains and Chapter Masters.1 but they are usually worn by veterans and officers.

Similar winged structures can be seen on Relics of various types are a common
the backs of Deathwing Terminator sight on the belts or backpacks of
Sergeants, and the bikes of the Ravenwing. Space Marines. Books, keys, censers,
daggers, and feathers are favoured
Scrolls are a common feature on Astartes among the Unforgiven. The true
armour and banners. They typically feature nature and meaning of these items is
names, mottos, or battlecries. rarely known to us out-of-universe.

Vehicles, like infantry, bear livery according to certain
approximate standards. These vary slightly across mainly
three (unofficial) categories: transports and mounts,
warmachines, and Dreadnoughts.

Transports and mounts (such as bikes, warsuits and

speeders) share the same squad markings as the marine(s)
they are attached to. They may also display any crusade,
campaign, army, or honour badges possessed by said

In addition, these vehicles will bear the colour and badge

of the Chapter and Company under which it is currently
placed. Transports and warsuits will also be assigned a
unique number and are frequently named.

Warmachines (such as Battle Tanks and Gunships)

typically do not display squad markings. They otherwise
confirm to the aforementioned standard. There are badges
associated with older tank designs which may also be
displayed. These were typically placed on the top of the
tank, one on each side over the tracks.

Dreadnoughts, likewise, do not display squad markings, 5th Rhino of the 2nd Ultramarines Company, assigned to the
but may carry the personal heraldry of the marine interred 4th Tactical Squad, bearing an unknown campaign badge.2
within. Furthermore, some Chapters do not assign them an
identification number, viewing it as disrespect to not refer VEHICLE BADGES3
to them by their name. The standard otherwise applies.

Dreadnought chassis of all kinds are found in all

Companies but the 2nd and 10th. They will remain part of
the Company its ward was assigned to upon interment, Armoured vehicle
and carry its livery.

Similar to infantry, any vehicles part of the Deathwing or

Ravenwing will substitute the Chapter colours and badge Whirlwind Razorback
with those of the Company. Deathwing transports assigned
to squads identified by heraldry rather than squad number
and/or battlefield role markings will adopt this same
scheme. Ravenwing mounts will similarly not display
battlefield role markings, just as their riders and pilots. Annihilator Predator

The only documented exception in 40k is the Ravenwing Champion model. There are several more in the 30k range and narrative.
A typical Unforgiven equivalent would use symbols associated with the Unforgiven instead (arabic numerals, company badge, etc).
These icons date back to the 1990’s. There are no official badges for vehicle designs released after that, but you can invent your own.

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