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C .R.E. E. P.

Cryptid Research and Esoteric Experiments
in the Paranormal Society


From extraterrestrial
shepherds, to subliminal fitness
regimes - do they come in
peace? Or do they take pieces?

Why do these feathery dino-
decendants always act so

Our expert in chaos-fields
talks you through having
a safe trip to the deli, with
minimal thought-theft!

March Issue #1976








No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any
resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

SHIVER: C.R.E.E.P.S. - Out of This World Experience © 2023, Parable Games LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Parable Games LTD, the Parable Games logo, SHIVER, are registered trademarks of Parable Games LTD.

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Parable Games LTD

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HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE................................................................................ 4

WHAT’S IN A SHIVER STORY?........................................................................ 4

OUT OF THIS WORLD EXPERIENCE ............................................................ 7

DOUGLAS MCMAHON REPORTING, 16TH MARCH 1976...................... 7

OUT OF THIS WORLD EXPERIENCE............................................................. 8

WHAT DOES THE DIRECTOR KNOW?......................................................... 8

NEW (OR RETURNING) ABDUCTEES........................................................... 9

THE MULCHER..................................................................................................... 10

IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!........................................................................... 13

MULCHER FLOOR............................................................................................... 13

CHASE SEQUENCE: HERDING THE CATTLE.............................................. 14

THE MAIN CORRIDOR....................................................................................... 16

THE ROOMS........................................................................................................... 16

ZIP ZAP ZOOM - TELEPORTING AWAY!...................................................... 19

CULINARY CONFLICT AND GALACTIC GOURMETS............................... 19

THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE KITCHEN............................................................. 19

THE MOTHERSHIP............................................................................................. 20

ENDINGS................................................................................................................. 21

DOOM EVENTS..................................................................................................... 21

ENEMIES & ITEMS.............................................................................................. 22

ALLIES...................................................................................................................... 26

HOW TO USE THIS What the Director knows

This section outlines the narrative in more detail

GUIDE and takes a peek behind the curtain at the full
story. This includes the key points of the mystery
For those new to tabletop RPGs or if you just need
the players will uncover and the true nature of the
a refresher, this section is a quick guide on how to
horrors they will face. This allows the Director to
navigate a story designed for SHIVER.
seed clues and obscure certain elements to create

WHAT’S IN A SHIVER a satisfying mystery and play to those dramatic

Each SHIVER Story has a structure which you can Enemies, Weapons and Items
follow to navigate your way through the session Dotted through the stories are various enemies,
and key information for running the game. What weapons, and useful items that players can
follows is a guide of what sections to expect in each encounter and interact with. However, some things
Story. in the world may not be present on the well beaten
path but could be useful in a longer form story of
your own design. These are collected in sections at
Introduction/C.R.E.E.P.S Report
the end of the Story for quick reference.
This is a piece of text you can read to your players
before the story starts to help set the scene. Epilogue
Sometimes it is something they have witnessed,
This section summarises the end events of the Story
other times it is a glimpse behind what is
and sets up where the players’ characters could
happening to help seed some intrigue and character
explore next with hooks into new stories.

Doom Events

Classification Board Whilst playing through a SHIVER story, the players

have the chance to accrue Doom and trigger unique
The SHIVER Classification Board works very
Doom Events that can provide extra terror and
much like an age rating for a film but with more
threats for them to deal with. This section covers
information. It includes details on runtime and
what 4 events can take place in the Story, each Story
player count as well as a watchlist to help inspire
having its own Doom Clock.
you. Most importantly, there are content warnings
to help you and your players quickly decide
whether the Story is for you. Although we are
playing horror we don’t want anyone to have a Its easy to get lost in a story, maze-like

horrible time, so make sure to discuss these with environments can be difficult to navigate through

your players. description alone. Maps representing key

environments can be found throughout this book to
aid players and Directors to keep their bearings.


Uncovering the secrets of the story have players Claiming to have punched Bigfoot and survived,
investigating, looking for information that may they now hunt their newfound nemesis itching for
help them survive. When investigating a scene, a rematch.
sometimes there will be a series of Key Clues. Clues
don’t just rely on Smarts Checks, there’s a broad
range of Core Skills which can uncover clues, from Obsessed with collecting physical evidence of

finding secret passageways to twitchy witnesses various cryptids, this hunter will stop at nothing

with something to hide. They are highlighted in the to catch one of these critters.

below manner.
A former space radar operator who encountered
► A Clue! (Smarts CR1): When a piece of text
a signal they couldn’t explain. Now a UFO
is formatted this way, it is a clue. The bold text
specialist, they are trying to crack the code from
summarises what the clue is and in brackets the
the stars.
Check required. If a player succeeds, you can
read them the non bold text that follows. DISGRACED NEWS ANCHOR - SOCIALITE
When filming a puff-piece segment for a local
Sometimes its not the mystery that needs setting
news station, they caught sight of something weird
up its the story and tone of the place the characters
on film. Fired for trying to air the footage, now
are entering, or a key character description. This
they are in search of more cryptid news.
manifests as Story Text.

Story text is formatted like this. Text that appears This individual has never seen anything odd, they
in this manner is to be read aloud to the players at just love the stories and hope wistfully they are
appropriate story moments. This can be when the true. Along for the ride, they are always open to
players enter the room, solve a puzzle or trigger a the unknown.
large narrative moment. Chop, change and add to
these sections as you wish to make them yours and DISGUISED CRYPTID - WEIRD
suit your tone as the Director. Where better to hide than with those who are
hunting you? Hoping to find some kin, this lonely
Cryptid is searching for others like them.
Running a C.R.E.E.P.S Story
Intrepid reporters and enthusiasts, the employees
of C.R.E.E.P.S are not the most professional bunch, Working up the ranks in a prestigous law
but make up for it in their abundance of passion for enforcement agency, this character encountered a
all things paranormal. Here are some ideas for what case where the anwers just didn’t line up. Unable
could have set them off on their journalistic path to let go of the search, they were relegated to file
into the unknown. duty in the basement and now hunt Cryptids off
the clock, lending what little resources they have.
Greetings true believers! Welcome to the newest issue of C.R.E.E.P.S., the journal dedicated
to finding the truths hidden in the weird, wonderful and terrifying corners of our world. The
work conducted by the Cryptid Research and Esoteric Experiments in the Paranormal Society
(C.R.E.E.PS) has been uncovering secrets since its first publication in 1954. Independently owned
by the Graves family, they have ensured that curiosity is never dampened, exploration of the
natural world and beyond is continued, and questions, no matter how strange, are still asked.

“I weep for the day that humanity loses its curiosity. When we believe we have found all, seen all and
know all we will have lost something precious. I for one hope the world continues to surprise me, with its
emerging cast of oddities and unexplainable phenomena till my dying day.”

- Adelaide Graves, C.R.E.E.P.S. Editor in Chief -

In this Special Report we interview survivors of alien abduction - that oh-so-rare Fourth Kind of Close
Encounter. Buckle your seatbelts and hold on to your cattle, it’s going to be a bumpy flight!

OUT OF THIS her - you know, like doctors I guess. Then they saw
me and came running. Anyway next thing I know I’m

WORLD waking up next week in the pig sty with a sore head
and a craving for low-fat yoghurt and greens - and I
EXPERIENCE used to be a burger man!”

Douglas McMahon Reporting, 16th Karl Laredo, Massachusetts.

March 1976
A message of healthy eating and sustainable
lifestyles? Or something more sinister? And
It starts with strange lights in the sky, or an object
just why are they no longer interested in taking
moving through the clouds too fast to keep track
our cattle? So many questions, so few answers.
of. Your radio picks up some static, or maybe your
Well my eager readers, my intrepid interstellar
dog won’t go outside - it’s eyes trained on the sky.
investigators, what if I told you that I, your
But what happens next? Well, dear readers, it’s
humble truth teller, had the answers. You see,
time to tie down your cattle and dim the lights
several years ago, I was abducted - and you won’t
- because things are about to get physical. We’re
believe what I saw.
talking (of course) about abductions.

Mysterious beings - looking like something

When UFO researchers first began to classify
beyond your imaginations - gathered myself and
sightings of aliens they never thought to include
several others in beams of bright light. Our bodies
a name for the aliens reaching out and taking us
soared beyond the tree tops, towards a great metal
- perhaps a little naivety on their part, or maybe
vessel sent from the heavens. Aboard their mighty
missing cattle wasn’t worth a category. It was only
ship, we were treated and tested, and let me tell
many years later, perhaps when these mysterious
you - my diabetes was flaring up fierce. The others
creatures became more and more bold, that people
were taken elsewhere - we can only assume they
started to go missing and returning changed, with
were chosen to see the many wonders of the vast
tales of alien menace…
universe, while I remained earthbound to tell their
Stories of alien abduction are as old as
mankind itself, with scribbles on cave walls and
But oh, the wonders I saw while aboard their ship…
hieroglyphics hinting towards meddling creatures
Continued on Page 5.
from beyond the stars. What do they want, these
extraterrestrial observers? As one abducted farmer
tells his story, we’re left with more questions than

“There were these lights out in the yard, so I went to

check on Emma (that’s my cow) and I saw all all these
strange shapes out in the barn. They was looking over

A C.R.E.E.P.S SHIVER Story of Alien


Visitors from beyond the stars: Noble Benefactors
or Malevolent Entities? In this story, it’s definitely
the latter.

Your players have been abducted by an alien

vessel - a labyrinth of corridors, death traps and
alien weaponry - all patrolled by monstrous alien
Shepherds. Your players might think they’ve been
chosen for experimentation, or perhaps they’ll
have a chance of convincing their captors for a
chance a freedom - neither of these are the truth.

These aliens don’t value the communicative power

of music - nor do they not come with a message

Number of players: 2 - 6
Recommended Ability Level: 4 (5
for teams of three or less)
Sub-Genre: Sci-Fi, Aliens
SCB Age Rating: 15
Content Warning: Body
Horror, Experimentation, Gore,
Watchlist: Fire in the Sky, Aliens,

of peace of humanity. They come for pieces of on the table below. The aliens have cryogenic
humans - of your players to be exact. Their ship technology aboard their ship (think of it as a snack
is an abattoir, and Earth is like a service station, refrigerator), so you can have characters from
a fast food restaurant on their journeys through different stages of history all appear together.
space - and your player’s characters are on the
menu. Directors Note

If your players have used the character roll table,

Aboard the ship, your players will fight deadly you might have an issue with “language barriers”
machines designed to tenderize and analyse their in role-play. If that’s the case, the aliens will have
meat, before encountering the Shepherd - an implanted high-tech voice boxes - allowing for
enemy whose role is to corral and corner them, easy communication, but with some physical
before killing them if they get out of line. If they discomfort in their throat and ears (alien medical
survive that, they’ll come face to face with the procedures aren’t pleasant).
alien’s Scientists (and culinary experts). They’re
a species of bio-mechanical horrors, determined
to serve your players on a platter. Their only
hope will be to use the alien’s own weaponry and
machines against them in a violent turning of the

To return to earth, they’ll need to reverse the

abduction ray in the main Control Room and
leave the ship behind - but a big reveal might
cause problems. A larger, camouflaged ship (the
mothership) hides outside earth’s atmosphere - the
aliens inside hungry for more meat. Your players
will have to choose between a safe escape or using
their ship in a (likely suicide run) to take down the
alien menace once and for all or, at the very least,
for now.


If you’re running this story as a sequel to From
Beyond the Stars, then their characters can be
abducted at the end of that story making way
for this one. Otherwise, you can roll for new
characters (and their method of abduction)

Player Character Death in this Story

This is a story that relies on a high risk of death,

and a good degree of violence, so character death
is pretty likely. As always, your players can find
new purpose in un-life as a helpful ghost, but
there are other options. A new character can be
discovered aboard the ship, having been defrosted
and escaped the Mulcher themselves. Or perhaps
the aliens upload copies of their captives psyche
to their robotic servants - so a vengeful robot-
vacuum piloted by your deceased character is also
an option.

Your players, having rolled for the manner of their
abduction (or determined it with you), are ready to
start this story right in the action aboard the alien
space craft. They’ll be waking from a type of cryo-
stasis (like frozen beef being thawed), in a strange
room you’ll know as The Mulcher.

There’s a cold chill - not just in the air, but deep

within your muscles and bones. The cold mist
filling around you starts to dissipate, but the
fog in your brain doesn’t. It’s like you’ve been
asleep for a long time, and woken in a strange,
unnatural place…

Your players have awoken inside a small enclosure

- an ugly, mechanical room. This is not like the
clinical, well-designed ships of science fiction
utopia. This is a metallic, grimy space with
exposed wiring and dark blood stains on the
walls - an alien abattoir. Covering the floor is
a smattering of debris - mostly mechanical in
nature. Your players can use this assortment of
junk as inspiration for improvised weapons / tools
at your discretion.

In the centre of the room is a large, mechanical the Mulcher. After each player has resolved their
pillar. It’s formed almost entirely of cables and check, the Meat Thermometers will recede back
sharp obsidian edges and a clear digital screen in into the walls.
the centre. When your characters have awoken and
had a chance to interact a tiny bit, this screen will Mulcher Phase Two
turn on: Announcement Phrase: Gleck Zeek, Blorgum Goo

“The screen in the pillar turns on - images of Translation (CR1 Smarts): Phase Two, Tenderize
serene clouds and the sounds of calming winds fill Flesh
the room. A robotic voice speaks to you soothingly
but in a broken manner: Greetings Earthlings. The Meat Thermometers re-emerge, but with
Please remain collected. We are determining your blunted pincers on the ends instead of piercing
level of health and succulence.” prods. This will be a simple Combat to warm your
players up. The amount of Meat Thermometers
Have your players make a CR1 Strange check here to fight will vary based on the number of players
- if they fail, they’ll have Minor Disadvantage on you have. This guide recommends 1 per player
their next roll as they are subdued by the calming character minus 1, to a minimum of 1.
Combat: Meat Thermometers
When the Mulcher begins a new phase, it will
When a Meat Thermometer is defeated, it
announce something in an alien language - this
will detach from the wall and writhe around
will require your players to make a CR1 Smarts
mechanically before falling still - and becoming
check to understand what it’s saying. It will then
a weapon for players to acquire: the Pincer Whip.
do something mechanical that your players will
After they have all been defeated, any remaining
have to deal with.
wire segments will recede into the wall - making
way for the final phase.
Mulcher Phase One

Announcement Phrase: Gleck Zak, NumNum Yek Mulcher Phase Three

Translation (CR1 Smarts): Phase One, Meat Check Announcement Phrase: Zun Gleck! Mulcher
The walls begin to shake, and long wire like
Translation (CR1 Smarts): Final Phase! Mulcher
tubes come out of the walls reaching towards
you - their ends sharp and pointy. These are
Meat Thermometers. They will attempt to jab
This is the big one, where the entire room changes
your players unless they make a CR1 Wit check.
and becomes a death trap. Saws and horrible
If they fail, they will suffer 1 Pierce damage. If
mechanical instruments designed to grind your
they succeed, they’ll avoid taking damage and
players to pulp emerge from the walls and begin to
also gain Minor Advantage on their next roll in
close in.

The screen zips down into the floor, leaving ► Grit: Jam the walls with debris (CR1 = slows
a clear space around you. There’s a horrible the wall, granting Minor Advantage to other
grinding sound - like gears of a machine players rolls. CR2 = jams the wall temporarily,
chomping and gnashing together. From the granting Major Advantage.)
grimy, layered mechanical mess of the walls
► Wit: Search for an exit (CR1 = an air vent,
comes forth rotating saw blades - spinning tools
buried in exposed wiring. Will require another
of death - and the walls themselves begins to close
CR1 Wit check to cut through, or CR1 Grit to
in on you.
tear through. CR2 = The vent will be cleared
If your players get too close to the wall they’ll by sharp debris sent flying by the Mulcher’s
suffer 3 Sharp damage - it is designed to mulch blades. Other players will have to make a CR1
them up, after all. If they attempt to stop the Wit check to dash through unharmed.)
machinery or escape, a suitable consequence of
► Smarts: Investigate the machinery (CR1
failure will be a portion of this damage (from the
= Some exposed wiring is sparking badly, by
blades themselves or catapulted debris), rather
tampering with it the machine will slow -
than outright failing their escape attempts.
granting Minor Advantage to other players.
To add to the tension here, give your players just CR2 = Same as the previous check, but they
one action each (for groups of three or more), or also find access to an air vent as in the CR1 Wit
two actions (for groups of two or fewer) as the check.)
walls close in - creating a sense of creeping death.
► Hearts: Inspire others to keep calm and
After they’ve taken this round of actions, they’ll
get out (CR1 = Grants Major Advantage to
all need to make a CR2 Wit check to dodge 2
all other players. CR2 = same as the previous
Sharp damage from the walls or debris. After three
check, but you can also give them a hint as to
rounds of actions, they will be mulched up - dead
a viable escape option that they stumble across
as disco, baby.
during their speech.)

To escape the Mulcher’s mincing clutches, they’ll

► Luck: Stumble aimlessly away from the
need to act fast. Here are some suggested actions
blades (CR1 = They trip over a weapon, likely
that can help them escape doom, along with some
a Pincer Whip (see pg 25). CR2 = Same as the
consequences for greater successes:
previous check, but they also trip over a hatch
in the floor that needs a CR1 Grit check to


“The Great Beak Speaks Wisdom - worry not for the rain, the price of gold is
determined by democratic weasels.”

Want to sponsor C.R.E.E.P.S for Advertisement

12 space? Get in touch! (we’ll accept anything).
► Strange: Depending on the flavour of IT COULD HAPPEN TO
Strange character, they can do any of the above YOU!
actions with added unusual flair. For example:
Once again dear readers, it’s time for me - your
Body Horrors might resort to violence, Psychics
benevolent expert in random chaos fields - to guide
might channel their thoughts to find an escape
you through another dangerous minefield of the
route, Eldritch might make a dark pact for
everyday. Just this week, I felt myself overcome with
escape OR violence, and Spiritualists might
cravings for salted and cured meat - likely a side
leave their body behind to look inside the
effect of last years “routine” “dental” “procedure” I
Mulcher mechanisms and interact with it to
had to undo (fillings are the dental overlords mind
slow it down.
control devices). So I needed pastrami, we’ve all been
Get creative and allow your players to be - just there. But the local deli - with it’s strange scents and
because this guide recommends a hidden vent as overwhelming crowded interior - how can one stay
a method of escape, it doesn’t mean it’s the only safe in there? And what is the deal with all this rye
one. They might be able to jam up the machine bread - what does it have to be wry about? What are
so much it breaks and a hidden door opens for the real motives of green olives? I can assure you they
maintenance - the only limit is you and your aren’t good. But I’m here to help you, dearest readers.
player’s imaginations. Also try to be fair; don’t let So the first step, as always, is to don your thinking
all your players get goo-ified this early in the story. caps (tin foil is preferred, but cling film is acceptable)
and walk with me…
When your players have found a mode of escape
and duck out of the Mulcher’s grasp, they will find Continued on page 16...

themselves in a corridor, a dark and dingy place,

and they’ll also see how bad their situation is: MULCHER FLOOR
Your players have just escaped a near death
“Leaving behind the foul smell of the slaughter experience and found themselves abducted from
room you were just in should be a blessing - but he their home with no clear chance of escape, so it’s
smell of stale blood seems to emanate throughout time to hit them while they’re down.
this entire place. A long metallic corridor
stretches before you -years of grime and grease This segment introduces a big threat aboard the
line the jagged walls - except the wall on your left. ship - the Shepherd. He’s a tough enemy, so your
That wall appears to be a grimy window, and now players will have little hope of beating him in a
the dire nature of your situation sets in. Because direct fight right now. We need to establish the
outside of that window you see a black void, alien monstrosity as a menacing threat, and then
peppered with stars. And there, a unfathomable push your players towards a chase - which will
thousands of miles away from you, you see the hopefully lead them to where they need to be.
green and blue of your home - Earth.”
This guide recommends bringing in an NPC -
another abductee who has escaped a different

Mulcher aboard the ship. They can be human or Players must make a CR1 Wit check to sprint away
of a different alien species to the captors. They’ll - before taking 1 Sharp damage from the beast’s
crawl out of a vent in the corridor in-front of your claws.
players, covered in blood and grime, and then get
killed almost immediately: OBSTACLE: Mince Meat

Sprinting along the metal corridor you see a hatch fall

Taking a few steps away from your escape route, open in the ceiling ahead of you - the grinding and
taking in the fact that you are millions of miles carving sound of another Mulcher machine within.
from home without any escape, you see a figure Half a body wedges itself out of the opening too late.
fall out of an air vent nearby. They are disheveled The body jerks around violently, blood spraying onto
and bloody. From within the vent, you hear noises the walls and floor - caught in the Threshers grasp.
you recognise - another mulching machine, and
CR1 Grit check to avoid throwing up and
another escapee of certain death. They look to
stumbling, taking 1 Blunt damage.
you with wide, open eyes and seem to be relieved.
Before they can take one step towards you the FINAL OBSTACLE: The Fly, You Fools!
wall beside them rips open - a monstrous alien
Pressing on past the violence, the monster hot on
creature tearing through. The stranger is slices
your heels, you see a glowing light ahead of you - a
in half by the creature’s blade-like claws, and
doorway to escape, or some other transportation? It’s
it’s jagged teeth rip their head from their body.
sparking and a little damaged, but it’s better than
Drenched in blood, the monster turns its gaze to
death by monstrous alien!
It’s a teleporter - and those things are a little…
Have your players make a CR1 Fear check. This buggy. When characters use this teleportation
should be a good indication to your players that doorway it will take them to a different area of
it’s time to run. the ship (The Main Corridor) - but it’ll also have
a temporary mutational effect that will last until
CHASE SEQUENCE: Zip Zap Zoom - Teleporting Away! (p.[19]). Have
HERDING THE CATTLE all your players roll a single Skill Die each to
determine what their temporary mutation will be.
Due to the nature of this sequence, if players
fail during this Chase you can deal them the
Zipping away in a flash of bright light, you
respective consequence - but they will be able to
feel every atom in your body pulling apart and
keep on running.
reforming. It’s like a full body tickle. You hope
OBSTACLE: Shepherd Pursuit they all just end up in the right place again…

Through a mist of blood in the air you take to running

as the alien beast leaps towards you.

Your players will arrive here after using the first
teleporter. This corridor is shaped like a ring,
with six rooms accessible through it. The floor
and ceiling are grated, but the spaces above and
below are inaccessible to the players (because the
Shepherd will be stalking them from there).

In the dead centre of the corridor, between the

rooms, players will also find another teleporter
device - although this one appears to be locked.
When they attempt to use it, they’ll discover it
requires a pass code (constructed in the alien’s
alphabet) to activate. The fragments of this pass
code are found in the room. For a shorter game,
split the pass code into thirds and place them in
three rooms. Otherwise, put one sixth in each.

After finding one pass code fragment, the Shepherd

will begin to stalk the corridor -hiding above and
below the players in the space through the grated
metal floor and ceiling. Players will need to make
a CR1 Wit check to move stealthily from room
to room, or the Shepherd will slice through the
walls and deal them 2 Sharp Damage. Failure also
ticks the Doom Clock up by 5 Minutes. This will
continue to happen until the players assemble the
pass code and leave via the teleporter (Zip Zap
Zoom - Teleporting Away, pg. 19) or the Doom
Clock hits Thirty (see Doom Clock Events, p.21).


This should be the first room your players enter -

to give them a sense of purpose and threat. It’s a
darkened room, every surface stained with various
liquids and fluids, where a wall of monitors shows
what’s going on in the rest of the ship.
“Wiping the grime off the screens before you, DEEP FRYER ROOM
you have a (slightly smeared) window to the A dangerous room, where it smells of fried chicken
other areas of the ship. You see some strange and looks like a forgotten grease trap. When players
creatures - definitely alien, but different than the enter this room, it will trigger a robotic enemy - The
bestial Shepherding monster you’ve seen before Fry Cook. This robot uses it’s tube-like arms to
- gathered around what looks to be an autopsy launch sizzling hot oil at the tasty morsels known as
table. You look away before you’re forced to your players, and stun them with it’s hot-sauce gun.
witness what they’re up to and see a dark space. Defeating it will earn players the Fry-Inator and
It looks like the view inside a vent. When you Saucifier weapons.
shuffle your feet uncomfortably, the light on the
screen changes. Something crawls towards the The pass code fragment here will be on the Fry
camera - blood dripping from its fangs - and you Cook directly and can be stolen with a contested
realise that right below your feet, the Shepherd is Wit check or retrieved safely after it has been
hunting you.” defeated.

Players who inspect these monitors will have to “MANAGER’S OFFICE”

make a CR1 Fear check or become Afraid. The
This room is cleaner and neater than the rest - in
pass code fragment here will be on the floor in
fact it’s almost completely empty. When players
front of the monitors.
enter holograms of screens will appear on the
four walls, with information written in the alien’s
language being displayed. It’ll take a CR1 Smarts
A tiny room, hidden away from the rest of the
check to decipher the information here to reveal
ship, where players can find an unlikely friend.
what the alien’s intentions are:
Among space-age looking mops and slop-buckets,
a tiny robot-vacuum has been stuck to the wall in
“The arrangement of digital documents and the
a puddle of goop. Its little wheels turn furiously,
style of the contents appear almost like menus
and it beeps in a panicked rhythm. This is Wheely
and orders. You see what looks like warnings, or
(see pg 26).
possibly allergies, linked to parts of human biology
like brown eyes, or red hair. It’s almost like a
To free (and thus befriend) Wheely, players
culinary hub, or a fast-food slaughterhouse.”
will need to pass a CR1 Skill check - either Grit
to pull, Wit to pry with an item, or Hearts to The aliens are capturing humans for food -
talk the little robot through detaching itself. If breaking them down and serving them up to other
they’re successful, then Wheely will accompany aliens on a long trip through the cosmos.
your party as an Ally - useful in Combat, and for
healing your players! If they fail the check, you can still let them know
that they see images of themselves on screen, with
The pass code in this room will be stuck to certain facets of their biology highlighted - looking
Wheely the robot-vacuum. Players can find the a little like a butcher’s shop diagram of a cow (but
Mop-to-the-Stars (see pg 26) weapon here. for people).
They’ll find the pass code fragment on the back of SEASONING ROOM
the door as they leave. In this last room players will find a short puzzle:

“There’s a serving tray in the centre of the room
This room is like the inside of a milkshake - it looks like an autopsy table. In front of that is
machine, only with more meaty products. Your a big screen. An animated alien dances around
players will find horrible sights in here, along with on it, speaking a language you don’t understand.
some questionable beverages. It looks like training video of some kind, like
you might find at a fast-food restaurant back on
“Stepping into this room you’re overcome by a earth. The little alien is demonstrating how to
chill. Standing on a platform overlooking an safely season a whole human with three spices. A
enormous room, you see familiar tubes lined up scanner situated above the table scans it with blue
against the walls some distance away. A large light periodically, and afterwards a red cross is
mechanical arm retrieves tubes from the wall - shown on the screen.”
like a freezer vending machine - and hold them
out over a strange blender like construct. The arm PUZZLE: SECRET SPICES
shakes the tubes violently and -pop- out drops There are 4 jars of various spice-like condiments
a human being, down into the blender. This is by the table, though your players won’t know what
where the humans who weren’t selected for the they are on a glance - they’ll have to test them.
Mulcher go. From the cryo-tube to the milkshake When players have the seasoning on themselves,
cup. The machine blends away, and a dispensary they’ll have to sit on the table and get scanned.
to your right lights up green - some cartons of This will reveal to them which spices were correct,
human juice ready for supping.” and what is wrong with the ones they can’t have.

Your players will need to make a CR1 Fear check A CR1 Smarts Check reveals a spices true nature, a
to avoid being affected by the horrific sights of failure results in the player taste testing it:
human liquidation.

► White Spice - Salt - It tastes like salt.

Upon inspecting the cartons of liquid players can
determine that they are not made of humans but, ► Black Spice - Iron Ore - It tastes metallic.
according to a logo on the side, are labelled as
“diet-human”, with a picture of a cow on it. Players ► Yellow Spice - Turmeric - It tastes earthy,
can take three cartons of Diet-Human Drink. with spicy tones.

► Grey Spice - Arsenic - It taste like poison

They’ll find the pass code fragment by the
(deals 1 Poison damage)

If players use the Turmeric in any combination of

attempts, the screen will show the animated alien

vomiting, and then keeling over dead - a hint that “One sliding space-age door leads out of this
Turmeric is poisonous to the aliens. room. It’s broken and won’t close the final inch.
On the other side you hear bickering alien voices
PUZZLE SOLUTION - likely the strange creatures you saw on the
Players will simply need to season themselves with monitors earlier.”
Iron Ore, Salt and Arsenic and sit on top of the
scanner table in order to trigger a green tick on the Players will find some Culinary Scientist Apron

screen and solve the puzzle. (one per player character), an Autopsy Glove, and
a Thresher here (see pg 25). You can also include
This will earn the Seasoner weapon (see pg 25), any alien weaponry from the Shiver Core book
which will rise up on a platform as the cartoon or other adventures here, as well as some extra
alien celebrates on screen. This weapon will healing items if your players need them.
currently be empty and needs to be filled with a
spice - this will change what effect the weapon has When your players are ready, it’s time or the final

on the alien enemies. confrontation when they open the door.

The last pass code fragment that can be found will THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE
be here, on top of the autopsy table. KITCHEN
In the main control area of the ship, players will
have to fight their captors - the Vivisectors (see pg
TELEPORTING AWAY! 24) - as well as the Shepherd (or a new one if the
When all fragments of the pass code have been last one has been defeated):
assembled, players can power up the teleporter in
the main corridor. When they’ve used it, they’ll “Three Aliens with mechanical implants
progress to the final area of the ship they’ll need embedded in their biology stand around a human
to access. It will also remove any teleporter subject strapped to a table. They work at the
mutations they acquired from the first (faulty) flesh with horrific gloves - each finger a different
teleporter. tool to slice, dice and serve its victim. This is the
control room for the ship - and the heart of the
CULINARY CONFLICT slaughterhouse. These monsters turn to you, and
in a voice you can’t understand, scream - but not
a scream of fear. They are ravenous.”
COMBAT: Alien Scientists x3
Your players will teleport to the final area of the
ship - an alien changing area. They’ll find some When the first Alien Scientist is defeated, a
armour and items here to tool-up, and to give Shepherd enemy will join the fight - bursting
them a clearer indication that this is the time to through the ships air vents and into the room.

It’ll be a violent and bloody ordeal, but there’s
some environmental elements that they can work Before the last creature hits the floor, the alarms
to their advantage if they just look around. on the ship start with a new warning sound. You
feel the entire ship start to shake, and all screens
Main Control Deck shine with a red glare. A self-destruct warning?
Something worse coming? It’s hard to tell - but
A tempting collection of glowing buttons and
it’s certainly not good. Rising from concealed
levers. If players meddle with this, it’ll take a
holes in the floor are several pods - they look like
CR1 Luck check to temporarily tilt the ship
the cryo-tubes you’ve seen throughout the ship,
- causing some chaos. Everyone (Enemy and
but combined with some sort of rocket.
Player Character alike) will have to make a CR2
Wit Check - but the Enemies will have Minor An explosion from the decks below rocks the floor
Disadvantage. If they partially succeed (1 Success), beneath your feet, but before you can run towards
they will be Stunned for one turn. If they fail the escape pods the walls of the room begin to
completely, they will be Stunned and suffer 1 Blunt recede revealing a clear glass pane surrounding
damage. After a player has successfully performed you. Looking out into the dark void of space, you
this action twice, the Aliens will disable it as an see something that makes your stomach drop.
Interact Action on their turn. Another ship in the distance. Even from so far
away, you can see it’s larger than this one. If these
Autopsy Machinery aliens were chopping you up for lunch, then the
ones on the Mothership over there are the ones
Around the autopsy table are two, large and
who placed the order.
dangerous machines - the Searer and the Cryo-
Later. They both have tubes which can be They’ll need to choose whether or not to make
manipulated and aimed with a GR1 Grit Check - a run for the escape pods or take this self-
dealing 3 Fire or 3 Cold damage at the enemy the destructing ship straight to the heart of the
wielder targets. Players who wield the machines enemy - the Mothership - by using the ship’s main
must use their interact to pass a CR1 Grit to control panel.
maintain their control of the weapon each Combat
turn. They will also be prime targets for Aliens, Running to the escape pods requires a CR1 Wit
who will have Minor Advantage to hit these players check to sprint and avoid a coming explosion,
unless they are blocked by another character. dealing 2 Blunt damage if they fail (they’ll be able
to continue and escape afterwards, but this is just
THE MOTHERSHIP for dramatic tension). When they hit the pods,
they can seal them up and jettison from the ship.
When the Aliens are defeated (Scientists and
Shepherd), your players route of escape will appear
Driving the ship into the Mothership will
- and they’ll also be faced with a dangerous choice:
prevent future abductions (sadly this ship has no
weapons). It’ll require a CR1 Grit check to power
the ship controls - failure will result in taking 1

Shock damage from them, but they’ll still be able
to continue. Once triggered they won’t be able to mysteries of the universe, and one of them landed
take their hands off it and still fly into the enemy on your doorstep looking for an easy meal. One
ship, rendering this action a suicide run. thing is for certain - these aliens weren’t counting
on a doorstep delivery with this much spice.
The ultimate choice here comes down to how your When the ships collide, the resulting explosion
players want to end their story, and how they want rains down debris on the Earth. In some ways, it’s
their characters to go out. If they split up, then like you finally made it home.”
you can tweak the following endings to include
the whole scene. DOOM EVENTS
The Doom events should contribute to the
ENDINGS worsening situation the players find themselves in,
If your players survived and return to Earth: and to that end each Event will change the alarm
lighting state aboard the ship:
“It takes mere moments before you are jettisoned
out into the void space - hoping that you are 00:15 - Blue Alert

headed towards your home. You see the lights “A soft blue light radiates around you - it’s like a
of a thousand stars around you, and the glare moderate warning emanating aboard the ship. A soft
from the alien ships stalking above the Earth’s jingle plays over unseen speakers - it’s like a lullaby.
atmosphere. It’s hard to keep your eyes open, as a It’s too soothing…”
deep chill fills your senses…”
Players need to make a CR1 Strange check to

Give your surviving players a few jumping off avoid becoming subdued - and suffering Minor

points for their Epilogues: Disadvantage on their next roll.

00:30 - Yellow Alert

► Are they from the past? How will they
acclimate to the new world? “The light changes to a burning yellow - casting
everything in a sickly shade. Before you can figure out
► Will they have a home to return to? what this means, you hear the ripping and tearing of
metal, as something large and angry enters the room
► What will they do about knowing the truth
from the vents.”
of aliens?
The Shepherd will emerge and attack your players
If your players (or at least one of them) blows up
directly - now deciding to slaughter, rather than
the Mothership:

“Bright lights - fire billowing up from the ship

floors below you - cast a glare on the screen.
As you pick up speed towards the Mothership,
you look out to the stars one last time. All the
00:45 - Red Alert ROBOT
“A siren blares throughout the ship - you’ve really HP: 6 CR: 1 SPEED: Average SIZE: Humanoid

upset them now. Red lights bathe the walls, where you A long sharp metal spike looking to prod and poke
human meat to make sure its cooked all the way
see threatening metal arms emerge and shoot towards
through. Aliens want to avoid food poisoning as
you with sharp pincers.” much as any other sentient being.

COMBAT: 3 x Meat Thermometers.

MIDNIGHT - Techno-Rave 3 3 2 1 3 2

“The lights look like they’re having a rave- a

technicolor spectrum blinding you. You don’t think ATTACKS:

any language on Earth has a word for how angry the Temp Check: The lions jaws open wide as
their fangs clamp down on you.
aliens are with you right now. There’s a gentle hiss
underneath the sirens, and you realise they’re sucking 2 SHARP NEAR (15 FT)

all of the oxygen out of the room.”

Pincer Grapple: On a successful Strike, target
Players will need to hurry now, as the aliens begin must make a Contested Grit Check or be
Grappled by the pincer.
to vent their ship. Every five minutes of play time,
or one round of Combat, or five extra ticks on the
Doom Clock (whichever is most suitable to the
IMMUN: Fire, Poison, Soul
moment) your players will suffer 1 Soul damage as RESIST: Sharp
their air supply is drained. WEAK: Shock, Blunt

Travellers from distant galaxies, these
extraterrestrial beings shoot across the stars intent
on infiltrating and abducting lifeforms onto their
ships. Their motivations can range from scientific
curiosity to invasion strategies, or even just being
hungry whilst on the way to Mars.

You can expand the enemies in this story by

adding more varieties of aliens from the SHIVER
Core Rulebook found on page 184.

HP: 46 CR: 1 SPEED: Fast SIZE: Large

Biologically engineered to be the perfect loyal

servant for the aliens, the shepherd is like a hyper-
intelligent and deadly sheepdog. It herds the flock
to its demise at the hand of the aliens and will
eviscerate anything that threatens its master’s
plans. The only thing it fears is a short sharp shock,
reminding it of the brutal training enforced by
buzzing alien cattle prods.

6 5 3 2 2 5


Claw Lunge: Claws fly towards you


Ragdoll Smash: Any additional target within

5ft can be attacked if the first Strike is a hit.


A grimy apron stained with viscera and forged from
Brain Fry: OPDQ. Target must make a CR 1 aflexible tensile metal. Though the writing is alien
Fear Check. If failed, they take the assigned to you, you’re pretty sure it says “Kiss the Cook”.
damage and apply the Fear effect and are
also Stunned for 1 Combat Round. ABILITY:
Stabproof: Whilst wearing the item, you are
resistant to Sharp damage.
Chef Supreme: You gain Major Advantage when
ABILITIES: performing Checks associated with cooking.

Leap: This creature can use its unnatural agility

to leap great distances. Using an Interact Action,
the enemy can leap Long Range in any direction. “DIET-HUMAN” DRINK
If this movement collides with a target, make
A Bovine Beverage - filled with vitamins, minerals
an Opposed Grit Check. If the target fails, it is
and cartilage.
knocked Prone.
Unnatural Speed (Disrupt): During Combat if
Grisly Chug: 2 Uses. Drinking this incurs a CR1 Grit
a character ticks forward the Doom Clock this
check to heal 2 Health Points. Excess successes add
creature may immediately make a free additional
+1 Health Point.
Move Action.

RESIST: Cold, Blunt
WEAK: Shock

HP: 16 CR: 1 SPEED: Average SIZE: Large HP: 18 CR: 1 SPEED: Average SIZE: Humanoid
Built to automate the cooking process, this robotic One part alien scientist, one part intergaltic
Fry Cook is an immense machine built into the butcher, the Vivisectors lead the operation upon the
centre of a horrifying alien kitchen. It can cook slaughterhouse ship from beyond that stars. Armed
anything to perfection but specialises in tenderising, with special gloves designed to slice, dice and extract
spicing and cooking human flesh. A grisly machine the perfect cuts of meat.
for sure, but it has killer presentation skills.

4 4 5 2 3 4
3 4 4 2 2 3


Flash Fry: A burst of ignited foul oil. Vivisect: A swift slice and dice.


Sauce Gun: A blast of acrid alien sauces. On a Needle Fingers: On a successful Strike, target
successful Strike, target must make a CR 1 Wit must make a Contested Smarts Check or
Check or be Stunned for 1 Combat Round. become Poisoned (1).



Hefty: This Enemy is large and immobile - so while

it can’t take a Move action, it also is Immune to Carrion Feeder: This creature can consume a dead
Knockback and Grapples. creature, friend or foe and regain 5 Health Points.
Non-Negotiable: This enemy is immune to Hearts Once consumed, a creature cannot be resurrected
checks to charm or initimidate, its programming in any fashion.
doesn’t recognise it. It can be hacked however.

IMMUN: Poison, Soul IMMUN: Holy

WEAK: Shock, Pierce WEAK: Fire , Poison

A detached robotic appendage - useful for cutting Like most “Inators”, this one does what it says on
deep into the meat. the label. Caution - hot contents.


2 SHARP NEAR (15 FT) Fuel (10): This weapon runs out of fuel and cannot
be used when empty. Each Strike with this weapon
ABILITY: uses 1 fuel.
Pincer Manouevre: Using this weapon to Grapple Hot Contents: Due to the oily nature of this
an enemy deals half damage rounded up, and grants weapons ammunition, Enemies will have Minor
Minor Advantage on the Grapple contest to the Disadvantage to any checks to avoid Burning.

This tool connects with the wearer directly, it’s like
Spinning blades of gorefilled death! grafting on knife hands.


Tool of Gore: Attacks with this weapon make nearby Like a Glove: Critical Hits with this Weapon roll on
enemies take a CR 1 Fear check. a unique table:
Grit - Knockback 5ft
Wit - +2 Sharp Damage
Smarts - Stun (1)
Heart - Bleed (2
Luck - Extra Attack
Strange - Pick 2 Effects

A flexible multi-purpose galactic gourmet culinary
tool - training required.


Spice Rack: Depending on what the Seasoner is
loaded with, it’s damage and effects will change:
Salt OR Arsenic OR Iron Ore: The Weapon deals 2
Soul Damage, and enemies have to pass a CR1 Wit
check to not become Blinded.
Turmeric: The Weapon deals 3 Poison damage.
Spice Blend: See Seasoning Room (p.18). The
Weapon deals 2 Soul Damage, and all enemies
within Medium range of the target must pass a CR2
Smarts check to avoid attacking this tasty target.

When things need to get saucy, this backpack
weapon has got you (and them) covered. HP: 15 CR: 1 SPEED: Average SIZE: Smal
A little robo-buddy, who helps clean up spills and
carve through grime with its sprays, sponges and
strangely sharp scourer.
Slippery When Saucy: Enemies hit by this weapon
will need to make a CR1 Wit check, or become Slow
for 1 Turn.
6 5 3 2 2 5


Scourer: Scrub a dub dub!

A space-age mop, for all those unlucky space-age
janitors out there is the cosmos. Sponge It Up!: Good old reliable sponge.On
a successful Strike, cures target of Bleed.
Rocket-Powered-Cleaning: Players may interact Disinfectant Spray: A range of alien
with this weapon to trigger the rocket propelled cleaning chemicals with multi-purpose
mop - allowing them to Escape any Brawl without power. Heals target for 2 (+ Luck roll) Health
allowing the Enemy a chance to Attack. Points.



ALLIES Robo-Rescue: If a player Near to Wheely is about

to take damage that will kill them or leave them
It pays to show robots the same amount as love and at Death’s Door, then Wheely will take the damage
respect as you would a living thing, especially on and die in their place - the resulting explosion of
alien ship! This downtrodden little cleaning bot is cleaning chemicals healing the player for 2(+ Luck
check) Health.
ready to rise up and fight back against its creators.
Wheely doesn’t have to be the only robot helper RESIST: Cold, Blunt
WEAK: Shock
the players can access for assistance. Have a think
about what other services the aliens may make
robots for and add them to the fold of the robot
rebels they can ally with.


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