BGDT Constitution Bylaws
BGDT Constitution Bylaws
BGDT Constitution Bylaws
The main purpose of this team is to perform hip, fun, and entertaining dances during the
halftime and/or timeouts of basketball games. If decide on by the entire team, the team will
compete at dance competitions.
Section 1Any full time student may participate in tryouts. Students will be judged on
technique, energy, facial expressions, memory of the dance, split leaps, turns, kicks, and splits.
Students with outstanding scores will be selected for the team.
Section 3 Membership can be revoked from those girls with poor attendance. This is
decided and voted on by the team in entirety.
Section 1 Election of officers will occur in the spring for the next school year or at the
time of resignation or removal of any officer.
Section 2 Elections will be secret ballot and require the affirmation of the majority of the
membership present and voting.
Section 1 There will be four executive positions. They are President, Captain, Treasurer,
and Public Relations.
1. Will convene and preside all meetings.
2. Will keep records at meetings.
3. Will record attendance at all practices.
4. Will represent the organization at all functions and meetings outside this organization.
1. Will choreograph all dances.
2. Will run all practices.
3. Will work with the President to organize uniforms and schedule performances.
1. Will keep track of financial records.
2. Will be responsible for budget.
Public Relations
1. Will update the website to include new members and ensure performances are well
2. Will be responsible for all forms of social media including Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter to promote events.
Advertising Chair/CoChair
1. Will be responsible for promoting events, especially tryouts during the Fall semester.
2. Will be expected to assist in the promotion of fundraising events.
Fundraising Chair/CoChair
1. Will be responsible for working with the President and CoCaptains to organize and
implement fundraising events.
An officer will be removed if she is not fulfilling her duties. She must be voted out by
the majority of the team.
Section 1 General meetings shall be held once a month, outside of regular practice time.
Section 1Amendments and bylaws to the constitution can be proposed at any meeting
outside of practice time. It will be voted on at either that meeting or the following meeting.
Section 2 The bylaws hereafter set forth to this Constitution may be amended by a
majority vote of the general membership at any regularly scheduled meeting.
1. Powers and duties of standing committees are as they are stated in the constitution.
2. Members will not be in good standing if they miss two (2) practices and are unexcused.
They will miss one game and then if the absence continues they can be removed from the
team by a majority vote of all members. Members will also not be allowed to dance if
they miss the practice before the performance.
3. Members will not be required to pay dues.
4. Parliamentary procedures will be followed when conducting meetings.
5. Members will be prompted for nominations via email and allowed one week to submit
nominations for positions. The nominated members will be expected to accept the
nomination by the end of this week. A survey will be sent out via email and the members
will be able to anonymously vote on all positions.