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FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM FORM DIscLosu DR-2 Disclosure Rev. 02/96) Sc IRE SUMMARY PAGE Jan 1.6 2008 “ ) REPORT Eoe Office Use Onty ‘comm. # dT indexed we Aucited (COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) 7 Fallon tor Governor Exploratory Cvnm ettee { oa IMPORTANT: Indleta type of committee you ae reporting tor Computer ( StaowideLagitatve Canddate (2 Statowe PAC (3 State Pary (4 }Counytocal Cacia {5 county PAC (6 Jat nsueFrancrise Commitee (7 Yoountyty Cantal Commitee {2 Support Sate of Candeatas Wa SUS- 2 71-P3GS~ f-12-04 SIGNATURE OF TREASURER (or person fling this report) TELEPHONE DATE SIGNED Penalties Due For Late Filed Reports Range from $10 to $400 ‘SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE: TAM FILING A Miglod REPORT FOR ANVA (1) ELECTION /(2)NON-ELECTION YEAR. (report date) Indicate one COCHECK IF AMENDMENT TO REPORT DATED. Local Commitees,entar Date of Clacton (County & Local Committees, ertar County in Ci Check it this is final (termination) report and attach Notice of Dissolution Form DR-3. ee (You must continue to file reports until a Notice of Dissolution is fled) STATEMENT OF CASH ON HAND CASH ON HAND at the beginning of the reporting period. (This isthe total ‘fall monies held by the committee. This amount MUST be the ‘same as the cash on hand at the end of the last reporting period, -o- ‘or must be zero if this is frst report fled.) {ADD TOTAL MONEY TAKEN IN THIS PERIOD Schedule A: Cash Contributions total (Attach Schedule A) Schedule C: Fund-asing Events total (Atach Schedule C) Schedule F: Loans Received total (Atach Schedule Schedule H: Total Sales of Campaign Property (Atach Schedule H) {Schedule H applies to Candidates’ Commitiees Only) ‘SUBTRACT TOTAL MONEY SPENT THIS PERIOD Schedule 8: Expenditures total (Attach Schedule B) ‘Schedule F: Loan Repayments total (Aitach Schedule F) CASH ON HAND at the end ofthis reporting period (it final report, balance must ‘be zero) (Attach DR-3) UNPAID BILLS (From Schedule D - Attach Schedule 0). IN KIND CONTRIBUTIONS (From Schedule & - Attach Schedule E). ‘OUTSTANDING LOANS (From Schedule F- Attach Schedule F) CANDIDATE COMMITTEES ONLY: CONSULTANT BREAKDOWN (Schedule G Attached?) ives __NO VALUE OF CAMPAIGN PROPERTY (From Schedule H - Atach Schedule H) $ aco For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (etucing candidate's persona funds) [COMMITTEE NAME (Mist be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon for Governor Exploratory Committ « [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 067) | RECEIPTS a Cl check Tus sox AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION S RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. AUST OF 10 NUMBERS iS AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or ‘or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. TOTAL (If last page of this schedule) | FACTO NOWEER TAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTAIGUTOR FELATONSHP RECEIVED |" (appieabe) TocaNDioATE: | AeceveD | FUND. qmwoore) | AND PAC CHECK (applicable) RAISER NUMBER. INCOME Bilan Ganderscn ‘ ate Ach by Aue $50.00 [éfos | exe _— ~—d OF Telonie Allyn= Schwerin islo> | cxe 445 Labore Rd foes Little Canoda, Ma S17 oe Edward 5. Fatton “ oA 1341-6 St. Sete L00.00 Des Mornes tA S034 Loren Lowes B25 Crrishe Lane 00.08 Phosant Wi TA 5e3.a7 Edeturd Fo Mey 33 Wamesit Ave Ki x . Fat 2. Saugus, MA 0/906 her eae Tay Howe “ oe Yor Sw) dae St 600.00 Greenfield, ZA GORY 4 iF Bernard Gerstein haos | owe 3700S Osprey Ave #33, boon Sarasota, FL 34235 1D# Laon Gri thee. sexe Nese ve Gh Se boo w Ankeny TA soort - |™ Ton Krieg oe 15.22 -2Q+nst So. Des Moms, TA SO3 4) y rd Brcttista Lambert Arofo3 | cxe BM os - 30 St 50.00 7 Des mows, La + Disclosure aw requires candidate cormites ciclo te relaionship of any elatve making a cotrbuon to the Commitee, Relatorahp must be shown to te tis degree of consanguinty (lod relatives) and affinity (relatives By _ 1 Sched if ‘mariage (See Page 2of forms packet). if sumame of contributors the seme as candidate, but here is no fami relattonahip, enter “not appicabe" inthe relationstip column, For instructions, See Back of Form [SCHEDULE A MONETAI CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN RY \Wecucing candidate's personal funds) (Rev. 0897) | RECEIPTS COMMITTEE NAME (bo came 3 oh Satamant of Opaniaten) (Ol ere ms 6ox Fallon fer Governor Expleratory Comer Hee “AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION iS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUM. A UIST OF NUMBERS 1S AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN CAUTION: Section 685.22A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltcal committees, PAC TD NONBER TNAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED Gt applicable) TOCANDIDATE® | RECEIVED quwoorA) | AND PAC CHECK (t applicable) RAISER NUMBER INCOME, Rata Wyma afiofo3 2305 Clemuced Ov , s el Ds mows TA se32t &0.0¢ CJ Doma Mesteon, “ Baw WHS Ke Tas Mowss, TA SC3i3 &o.od 7 a Dosis Carl OSterbers Ke Sif and Awd. 90.00 Mount Vernon, La S234 . (08 Tames Leas an 1307-3 St 100.c0 Des meres SA SUSY i" OF Elte Philips on Nao EONS, Unit 7 fons Dis mous TA SoS1e - oe John Zeitler xe AXIS Center St 120.02 Des poms TA SOS ea OF Bho Harteg cxe 7810 Blonde St. ¥ 110 Qe ov Omaho, NE 68134 OF Rebe]Panse mn Meaty 4 eo 225 Hand St a Dimes, ca svss2 De Annie Hutchinson ue cxe bees Se SOE Gariste, TA SCe47 oF . Anne Ackeu ea 19510 HSE Des Moms, TA 5So.ad {sto 0° | TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [| + Dlscioaure law requires candidat cormitees to ciclo he retatonahip of any elatve making a corr to the Commies. Relationship uct ba shown 10 the ti degree of consangulnty (blood relates) and afin (raves By = 7 aq ‘SUBTOTAL var toms paca), sume cotaaors these a canna bu are {Erutd aonnp rey "nt appa nw rato con er Sehodlo For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (intusng candidate's persona funds) (COMMITTEE NAME (tat bo sara as on Satori of Organization) Eation fer Governor Exploratory Comm Hee [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 0897) | RECEIPTS CO creck THs Box ‘AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A DISCLOSURE BOARD, UST OF 10 NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by ary person other than statutory potical committees, FACTO NOMBER TNE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR Eduard Falter . Arfos | one 23 ames Beene Father | 50.02 Tohn Bette Ke HUN S Chestnut 240.08 Tebbersen, TA F135 - bal Craig Grithecn cK Ness DE wy (00.00 Anesey, TA Soca 108 Kathleen ME Quillen 2/at/o3 B30 SE Tactson 10,00 Je3 | ox Dis Mowws, TA S031 ro Janie Burns 34¢ 5 StS. 190.00 ” ont Bus Moss TA S031 & ae Jean Sins tron, ” cKe 3qa9 Waveland Or. 300,00 Yes Momos | TA SOB) \ oe Gerald Depew one lusas - aso" St 00.09 Lowens, TA Sossy Cod Tees Gunderson . oxe 4310 Ashby Bue - Qs. Abii Moines, TA S03 to OF Michele Rere Disneski 2/a7/os | cxe igo Brg Sr 2 1G lo.00 DF Lecnand Maria Merian Balg gM st io Ke oo ° Des Momos TA 231 TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) Fz + Disclosure aw require candidat cormitees to ciclo the relationship of any relative manga corrbuton tothe ‘commits. Relatonship must be shown othe tit degree of consanguinity (blood relatives) and afin (raves by ‘marsage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). {f sumame of corarbfor isthe same as candidate, but there i 10 ‘tamil relationship, enter “not applicable” in the relaionhip column, 2, pe a For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (tntucng cance’ prsonalfunes) COMMITTEE NAME (ifuat be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon for Gwerne Exploretyvy Come cts [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTAIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAG (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev.0607) | RECEIPTS. CO check THis Box AMENDING FORM [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1D NUMBERS iS AVAKABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN SiscLosune oaro. CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied trom reports and statements for soliciting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. DATE THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR AMOUNT RECEIVED TOcANDIDATE” | AECEWED | “FuND- uwwoorve) RAISER INCOME Bally M0393 Mimulus Loy Soon Temecula, CA 9259 Sulie Goldman. " Nios © 2S Sr Go. Ke . Ray Moinss FA 50317 os Rose Wintel 4 ow Inds use St [>e.00 Des Mos, TA $e 3/1 108 Terend Qe ote Dees No Sth Goo cae Ankeny TA S002) ; oF Sougias Rowad Y oxe 3a07- Us Ds Moms, TA SO313 Ss oy Olsen 3[elo% | exe 0 Bon 4oa! 5.09 (elo Des Moines, TA S233 is Philp Getheon . cKe Nessot LX St. Soo Ankeny TA Soorr OF Talia Ge Freon Ss = Nwss We Ges. (o.00 Anvny, Ta S002 | 7 1% Carol Kochnewer cxe 3001 Woodland Ave # 4 10.00 Des Mors, TA $8312 10% Wide Ge Cheon ‘ lleso WE UX St cxe _ 0,00 ‘SUB-TOTAL + Disclosure law requires candidate cormitees to ceciose the relationship of any relative making a contrbuton tothe Commitee. Relationship mustbe shown 1 te irl degree of consanguty (Dood relative) and afin (relatives by (See Page 2of forms packet}. f sumame of contributors the same as candidate, but there is no ‘marrage {amilal relationship, enter "not appleable" inthe relationship column. For instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN tron cen | MONETARY oo COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) . 1 ctecx tas 20x Fallon for Governar Exploratory Committee manos Fora STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTREUTION IS RECEIVED FAOM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES), IST THE PAC IOENTIRICATION. [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUM. A LIST OF 1b NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. DISCLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poitical committees. PAG TD NUMBER NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (i appicable) TOCANDIDATE: | RECEIVED (MOOR) | AND PAG CHECK (applicable) RAISER NUMBER, ard Glenn Bey gest #1 Ke 8 slo Mons, TA S031 ie Rita Hehenshe tl Ke Tacs SW ISHS. 5 s Mowvs | TA S03) 20.00 " Ld John Har tog Ke oie Blonde SH. #19 20.00 2 NE IBY (oe Maurice {Hazel Glenn . oxs 1117 Br hinaton 20.00 Des Mornss, A S03 14 Kathleen Overman cK Ane Mertm 20.00 Des Movs, TA S317 oe Mejonie Allya= Schwerin » WS La Bors Cat 102 Ks D.80 Little Canada, MW SS 117 - . F Helen Tre hy xe Dia Unwersdy #8 2Q0.0d Ds mors, TA S03 1y ud Lonna Nacktigal y en BI7@ Onion Crece bn . IS0d Boss TA S004 5 DF Patricia Forret Ke Boul Byots Te QSwo A Se20% Raat Gnnelly GIS Park St. # HOt 23.00 Des Mos, TA 50305 TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [| * Disclosure aw requires candidate cormitees to caciose the relationship of ary relative making a cotrbuon tothe ‘cormmitee. Relationship must be shou 1 fe Hird degree of consanguinity (oiod relatives) and ay (relatives By = ‘martage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). sumame of contbutr isthe same as candidate, but thre is 10 Page_-S _ot {familial relationahip, enter "not applicable" inthe relationship column. er Sched For Instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE A | woxerar | CONTRIBUTIONS - MONEY TAKEN IN ne Cnc canccat' persona nes tfev.oven | RecErTS | CrECK TS COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) IF A ears °° AMeNORN Fatton for Governor Exploratory Commmttee cron STATE CANOIDATES NOTE. 1-4 CONTRAUTONIS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAG FOLTICAL ACTON COMMTED) LIST THE PAC IENTRRCATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE PROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: ‘Section 62B,92A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. THANE AND ADORESS OF CONTHIGUTOR FETATIONSHP TocaNDIoATE* | RECEIVED (applicable Domus Chngl bundy) : 3[s|od | oxe 1705 - (70% Sr. pe fssex,Ta Siu3¥ 2 ' os Mehssa Tmerson ks \731 Dorwest Pe =e Des Morus TA $0310 ane (OF Dinas Coon tag ~ ies St =. a Trcipoy EA SOBM Se.00 L Dvoual Cathy Enq stron oxe Sasi Village Grcle whaston, Te SO13) So,00 Cd Lowrtna Falla. oKe Po, Bor 42 S644 So, Comberdge, Ma 02 Brother eet Ca Cathy Mabry xe Yn Tanawande Or (00.09 Des momss, TA 5° 31> (OF Eugen Moahs ee Ba35 N Ave > had aa aa SOD 1 = law (00.00 i. Cd Douatas Redhead Ke 3a07 - 4% lo, by: ius, EA S031 ao Eocign Glow brook, cx Tes Forest CE. . 3[tafo3 . Ds mons, TA S23 me CJ Carl E. Clsen 6 | owe 0.0. Bon seas S$. Ds Mowus, TA 92333 *Dlecosure law requires candidate committees to cecise the relatonship of ay relative making a contsbuton tothe ‘commites. Relationship must be shown t the thie degree of consanguinity (Sood relates) ane afin (raves by & ‘marlage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). if surame of contrbuor isthe samo as candidate, but tore is no Page ot familial relationship, enter “not appicabe” inthe relationship column. Tor Schedule A) For instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE 7 A MONETARY. (Rev. 087) | RECEIPTS CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (inctucing candidate's persona funds) CO check THs Box [COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) ie AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIOATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FAOM A STATE PAG (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LIST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AN THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN, A LIST OF 1 NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 638:32N(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of infomation copied rom reports and statements fr soicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person cher than statutory political comitees. PAG ID NUMBER THAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR (appiicabie) TOCANDIDATE® | RECEIVED | "FUND- [AND PAG CHECK (applicable) NUMBER. Charlotte thich: s Bho] | cxe 1328 Gireh ln Sov Dey Moms, GA SO 515, (OF Rathleen MQuitlen 6h eKe G30 Se Jackson _ Dey Mowss, TA SO315 a Benton Zoche ich " Ke yore. By ST 6 Dy Moms, TA Sogy lo,eo J Lecns Maria Morlan ‘ Barg- uh St { “ 0,09 Ds Momes, EA S031 : TOF Mrchele Wisne sk) cKe 1786S Brtd SHIGE !Oev coolun, UY aed oF Kathy « Sene Une hs h cKe 133 Franklin Qe | O.07 Dy Maris, rA sD 3 14 (oF Cosel G lean ee B54 SSH HY IS.o0 Ls Mons TA $6: : Cod Satly Diane © " cKe Meads Marnules bby Qe Temecula, CA 92591 ie Rik, Hehenshell a Jace SO SK Sr 2e.u Des Mowss TA OSs io# Maicice + Harel Clean TO Be tinegtor eres ‘SUB-TOTAL + Disclosure aw requires candkatecomitees to csclose the relationship of any relatve making a contrbuton tothe Committee, Reltonship must be shown to te turd degree of consanguinity (Dood rates) and afin (relatives by 9 ‘martlage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). I sumame of contributor isthe same as candidate, bu there is Page") _ot fami relatonahip, ontor “not applicable" inthe relationship column, Wor Schedule A) For instructions, See Back of Form [SCHEDULE | A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (Rev. 0807) | RECE! (netudng candiats's personal funds) PTS [COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon ter Governor Sxploractery Crmnnn Hey OO cueck THis 80x AMENDING FORM [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FFOM A STATE PAG (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTER) LIST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBES AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBEA IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A UIST OF 10 NUMBERS I AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. Sisccosune soAro. CAUTION: Section 688.3246), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied trom reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. PAC ID NUMBER RELATIONSHIP RECEIVED (appleablo) TOCANDIDATE” | RECEIVED qawoorrm | AND BAC CHECK (applicable) RAISER NU INCOME Ton Ader sen a 3o03 - 13% St 3 Dey Mois, Fa SO313 eae Peter] Randi Me Na tly gas ~4and St “Ds Mores NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR 25.0 Ta Sosa Denne Gare Fane 37S N Leke Shere Dr. Chncage FL bows 235,00 Chester Gwinn tour. 3° St se Des Meus, FA SOB 25 vd Faniee Burns Buk SIS Des Mownis, A TR Waiker 1313 SU) Ana St- asco Ankeny, TA SOO Caralyp Ubtenhake Welker (wia-(a% St. Des Mow, ZA Denny Gard Fano 3Is¢N Late Shem De, 25.00 Chucage Ee woos Tereia Laman 2368 Glencord Or, SS 12 25.00 S.02 231 ca Da mows, TR 2c31 Seed 1O* Laure Betinw Kieron Withams : oe 908 Plaza Gr Wandsee Heights TA You 20339] + Disclosure lw requires candate cores to clciose the relationship of any relative making a contrbutton tothe ‘commnitien, Relabonship must be shown fo te tid degree fconsanguinty (Dood relatives) and afin (latives by ‘arage) (See Page 2 of foms packet) i eumamo of conirbutr isthe same as candidate, but there is no familial relationship, enta"not appicabe" inthe relationship column. For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (clung candidate's personal uns) (SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev.0897) | RECEIPTS [COMMITTEE NAME (iss? be same as o7 Statement of Organization) . Fallon Lor Conecnor Exploratory Committee ‘AMENDING FOR! CO] check THs ox ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION S RECEIVED FFOM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES), IST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION. [NUMER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1 NUMBERS I AVAILABLE FAOM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. ATE FACTO NUNGER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATONSH accenen | ""Wappieabie) TOcaNDIOATE* | RECEIVED (uwoorr®) | AND Pac GHECK ( appicabe) RAISER NUMBER INCOME Temes turita Benzo s B)ojos | cw Bes Tam Or Holo Da Mois, Ta so31e eeu CJ Bre Brekell " KF iss) Nw Thy Xe ss Mons, TA 50325, Sc.oo oF Cary Kaufman ‘ a is37- 4 St Soe Des Mowys, Ta soa ‘OF Dennis Ceor " oxe 1438-1 St Seco Ds Movs, TA SD3Ky * » ad Melisa Emerson oxs WW Norwest Moe 5 Des Coos, Ta So 510 S000 uv a Edvard Fa lien oKe 23 Womesit Avenue ae Cu Bo rene Sena Father | Sooo a - Douglas ad had cKe 3207-4 toe Des mons, fa B31 . 10F “Ted | Marien Soloman aug Dacote Ave. JJailos | ox ross TA SOO IS se od Dor] Danielle Wirth » cxe su - aN Ra Sev Ldscduward, FA S097 y [te Jason] Me lone Allyn Schwerin cxe 44s Ug Gore RS #102 10.00 Little Gnade, MN SST ‘SUBTOTAL TOTAL (it lest page of this schedule) ad + Diecloaure aw requ candidate commmiiees to caclose the relationship of any relave making a corrbutton tothe ‘committee. Relationhip must be shown 1 the Hird degree of consanguity (od relatives) ane afin (relatives by (See Page 2of ome packet}. 1 sumame of cortrbutors the same as candidate, but there's no mariage) {ami relationship, enter "nat applicable" inthe relationship column. va Dain For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (nclucng candidate's personal furs) (COMMITTEE NAME (ist bo same as on Statement of Crganiator) Fallon for Governoc Exploratory Conus [SCHEDULE (Rev. 0897) | RECEIPTS A MONETARY check THis 80x: ‘AMENDING FORM STATE CANDIDATES. NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES) LIST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ANO THe PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. & UIST OF 10 NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN SigcLosume BOARD, CAUTION: Section 688,32A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poliical committees. FACTO NUMBER FELATIONSHP_| AMOUNT (applicable) Tocanpioate: | RECEIVED | “FuNo- AND BAC CHECK (tappicabie) | NUMBER Tamara Andress 5 GQsco NWEM Ae. 3 x 20.0 laos * Tohnston, TA S131 0-8 : a Frank AFFannato ? ke has -aandSt. Dey Moines TA 50311 25.00 a oe Kathieen Kopatich Ke 3917 -.2nd Dr. Bo, 00 Ur banca ke, Tb SO32> (8 Sylvia Crook : Ke 1B 1aeSt So.00 Des Mowes TA SO3i& ae Douglas Red head . cKe Ba07- 4 {Spo Des Moiros, TA S°3)3 . tJ Teri Gundersen . ca 4310 Ashby Ave 25,20 Mmnos, TA $2310 ae John Schley " cKe 1S1y 2Q* St Sow ewes TA S231) : OF Phillip Grbhdon Nuss DE we ° ‘ilos [om Peng Ta 2903) S20 OF Evelyn 6 late brook, . Ke 12s Fovest Ct S.00 Des Moines, TA SO3I1 ” a Ted | marian Sdoman on Waug N. Dakota Bue - Sd Pres, TA 50014 ‘SUBTOTAL $330.00 TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) | + Dlecosure aw requires candidate cornmitees to csclose the relatonship of any relative making a corinbuton tthe ‘commitee. Reletonchip muct be show to te the degree of consanguinty (bcod eaves) and afin (relatives by ‘marlage) (See Page 2 of fomns packet). I sumame of contrbutr isthe game as candidate, but there is no familial relationship, entar “not appicabe” inthe relationship column, rape 12a 4 esas For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (ineueng cancite's personal tunes) [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 087) | RECEIPTS ‘COMMITTEE NAME (ius? be same as on Statement of Organization) Favor Sor Governor Exploratory Committ CO creck THis sox. AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION S RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES), LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1D NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. *Dlstonure iw reques candidate comnmitees to clcise the rlatonship of ary relative making a contrbuston tothe ones, RottShspmutbe shown o tr cag i coeangurey (a avs) ard any ites trarmaga (See Page 2 ffs port), fsumame caettor he same a carina ba ere 0 familalrelatonahs, entor not applicable" inthe relationship column. PACT NOMGER "RANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTAIBUTOR TELATIONSHP | AMOUNT —] VIF FOR receiven | “" (rappicabe) Tocanoioate: | Receive | “runo- uwoor® | AND Pac GHEOK ‘ appicable) RAISER NUMBER INCOME Alisa | Tosh Meg cor S ee aly 3eb3 eupar Ba ¥ Wo oe Towe Gy, Ta S220 5.0 OF Bran Deped 5 en EINE BOa 3u0 to.00 Dedianola, TA S135, bed Laons Maria Mor lar » oxe gas-4e 10,00 Tes Mois, TA 50313 \ De Nick Grew . xe Muss NE ut st le.00 Bevan, A S003 5 J Turia Getheon cKe Iss NE UY St lo. Kon EA SD0>) (De Carol Kochhetse “ Ke 3201 Weedland #4 10,00 Tes Meigs, ZA SO312— 108 Mickle Wisnesky ‘ xe 17 WW Sra Sk AIG lo.ow Beokiun Ny 393 - w Ca Marner Rattand ea 5703 Na Yore Ave - far Ds Momes Ta $2303 1s rd Benton Zachrick Ke lo70- 38% Sr. Des Momes, TA SD3!) fod Y oF Dennis Harrison Wa Morton 20 Des Mo 3a so3) eo For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (Wncsucingcandicat's personal funds) ‘COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organiza Fallen Sor Governor lovetony Comnmn [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev.087) | RECEIPTS 1 check THis ox: ie ‘AMENDING FORM [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTAIGUTION Is RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), LIST THE PAG IDENTIICATION [NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. LIST OF 10 NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: ‘Section 68B,324(6), owa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. FACTO NUMBER WANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP RECEIVED | ” t appleable) TocanpioaTe: | Aeceiven | ‘FUND. qwmoorrA) | AND PAC CHECK ( appeabe) RAISER INCOME \ Fohn Hartog . Whos | exe Tio Blonds St Apt to 20. \o Omaha NE LgId4 Ww oe Anne Hutchinson \ oxe bus Se SSH. asco Caste, EN SOOT : ; 18 Poder) Randi 0° Maliy . oxe 235-49 nd & E DesMoms IA 50312 2S . pe Donaven Landgren one Vas - 170% St Qo Essex ie 51032 Ritricia Foret el Bo Tel. = xe M1340 Te Wouter, TA $9963 ona oe Lonna Mach Hgal a Ke BICO Onion Creek Lane Dents, Te S001 Cy Raul Conne tty y xe kis Park st #YSP 1 as. Dos Momnss, TA S234 - Chester aura s cxe 140 1- SSF. ao Ou Moines, FA 5034 : ae Tries Laman E Ke aBeS Glenwood Dr. Bo.ed Des Mornss, EA $0313 OF Kathieen Wopahih \ xe 3aq-Gand Or 3000 Ory 0322 + Disclosure law requires candidate coremitees to daclose the rlatonship of ary relative making a corbin othe ‘Commitee, Relebonehip must be sho fhe tird degree of censanguity (lod relatives) and afty (ates by ‘mariago) (See Page 2 of fons packet), Il sumame of contrbutoris the same as candidate, but there is nO {amilil relationship, enter “not applicable inthe relatonstip column. For Instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDLE A MONETARY ‘CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN {inn cancat's personal ins) ie ae | EE ECE COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) i. C1 check THis Box Foon Sor Govern Exploretory Commatte [___MENONG FORM | ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF & CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUABIER AND THe PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHES AND CAMPAIGN DiscLaSuRE aOARO. CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. FACTO MONDERA MANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FECATONSH aeceiven |" (tappicable) TocanoioaTe: | RECEIVED | “FUND (uwoorre) | aNo PAC CHECK (W appiabia) RAISER NUMBER. INCOME Taune Belin y Kieran Oiiharns: ; 9s Plaza Cir Uhlos | Windsor Meghts, 8 S333 No.0 ad Lourie Tones " oxe 2918 Rutlang +! $0.08 Des Morws, TA S031) OF Denise “Tapseotr » Tab SSH Si Ke Des Mores, TA S030 Sp,e0 108 Sylvia Grook ‘ cKe 13 & 13" Sr- 50.00 logs, EA SO3tu LJ Tames oe Tarite Benton) ‘ 3031 Tiwana Dv- a Tes Momneg EA S030 So Cd Doug 1 Coty Enqstron, ® oxe Sasi Village Gr $0.60 hasten TA 3013 oo a Rane Bickel) \ cxe 'SS1 AW 7 Sr. 50. o» Des Woes, Fa So3a5 $ 108 Melody Hernande v auat © 3u"Ct fo. 0& autos [ox Des Moms, ZA 0377 108 Jody Swriky 0 | exe (Wig -3u* St asco Qes Mowus, Ta S93" 1 10# Vicks Goldsmith cKe ULIS Kinqman Blvd+ 2 Des Mois, TA S03) ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (test pegeof nie schectue) | | * Disclosure aw requires cencatecormitiees to caclse the relationship of any relative making a contrbuton tothe ‘commit Relationship must be shown tte fired degree of consanguinty (lod relatives) and fiity (relates By ‘mamage) (See Page 20! fons packet). i sumame of contributor is the same as candidate, but there is 10 Page 12 _of familial elatlonship, antar “not applicable” in the relationship column. or Sched Ay For Instructions, See Back of Form [SCHEDULE CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN rotten | MONETARY (cing carats persona nds) CO cueck THis sox COMMITTEE NAME (ust be sare as on Satement of Organization) iF AMENDING FORM Fallon for Governor Exploratory Comm tee [STATE CANDIOATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), LST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBES AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1D NUMBERS i AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETMICS AND CAMPAIGN. DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: ‘Section 688.3246), owa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [| PASO NOMBER TUE AND ADDRESS GF CONTRIBUTOR FECATONSHP ‘ appeabe) TOcanowaTe: | AeceNeD | “run. qawoor®) | AND PAC CHECK (Wapphcabe) RAISER NUMER Douglas dhead 3307-4ts silos | ox to hows, 2A £0015 . 1De Boud Orate 133) Grte Sh, Ste. 3 Ke . “des Moings, TA 583%, 300.0 oe Cert olsen Po Box Hout cae Qss Momus, TA 5333 Sov 10¥ Deal Danie tle Whe th W456 = 334% Qa S.ov cKe : Woodwerd, Ta SC27e i 1D Chav tette Hutchison " one Vas Bed Ln . Sop Dis Mons TA s03'S oF Marglyn Brace “ cxe $33 Wallac 10,00 Des Mors, ZA S03 It 5 io Brian Depeo cxe FoOIde Bague . lo.v0 Lasiangla, aA 50125 E oe Kathys Jene Hug his ~ 133 Fran tin Bue ke ‘ 0,20 Despre TA S234 ! ca Kathteen 6 Quillen, _ Ke B3056 Tacks 1O,00 Oy Moin TA S03 Jason | Metone lyn Shutein MNS La Bore Ad # 102 10.00 stile Canada 25119 + Dloloaure aw requires candkatecormties to caclose the relationship of any relative making a contrbution tothe Commiticn, Relaonship must be shown to te tir degree of consanguinity (bood relatives) and afin (relaves by ‘mammage) (See Page 20f toms packet), if sumamo of conirbutor isthe same as candidate, but there is no familal relatonahip, entor "not applicable” inthe relationship column. pow Mt Tp or Schedule A For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (cdg cacat's personals) [COMMITTEE NAME (ist be same as on Statoront of Organization) Fallon Sa Governer Fxploratery Connon He: [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 0897) | RECEIPTS Cl check THis Box F ‘AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES) LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBEA IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. UST OF 10 NUMBERS If AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 68B.32A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PACT NUMBER NAME AND ADRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED Gt appicable) (amore) | AND PAG CHECK NUMBER Carol Clean FELATIONSHIP TO CANDIDATE" (applicable) AMGUNT RECEIVED Des Momes TA SDSis cKe as -3 St. I 5 Des mows TA 5°34 |S 0 (oe Tamara Andrews xe Asoo Nw) 7 Ae o.09 Zehrston, Da 5013) 7 oF Praucice (Mazel Clean a 110 Ae lingtor c Dey mows TA Gear seahie DF Rika Heheashe |} Tass Swismy 20.00 CJ Ten Pederson Baod 1st Ft Dis Mos, ZA SO3'S ~ Doane Garekono . Ke 3750 N Late Shore Dy asioo Chcdan, Fu cout Ud TR Welker CKE 1313 Seo dnd St Brvenuw TA S98) Cd Coroly Cocker Ke Wein S*st Qsoe Cbs mois TA S03 es oe Tenia Burns Ke B43-5\ St. Ds De nes, ZA SD3! 2 Frank Offa nnato 38 aang St- + Dalmur lw requres candle cormitees o cigs eaonhp of ay relate mang a corto oh comma’ Fiaip mote So he rd ogre of conangunt (30 lives) and aay lative by sraroge) (See Page 2 of forms pact), sumame of conor i tha samo es candidate, but here eno {arial rlatonanp enter "ot appeal” nhs relationship cot. ‘SUBTOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) Fa Page 250 = mag For instructions, See Back of Form ‘SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN eaten ee (inccng carci’ s personal tins) 1D creck THis 80x [COMMITTEE NAME (ust be samme as on Statement of Organization) iF [AMENDING FORM Fallon for Corernar 2p loratony Comen: [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTREUTION I RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMTTE®), LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUUBES AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A UIST OF 10 NUNGERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN Bisctosune soAno. CAUTION: ‘Section 688.32A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use o information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. TAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTHIBUTOR FEATONRE | ACO (Wapplcabe) Gavi Koes : a Mose Oud Ae © Hlislo 3 Des Moss TA S032 ASNv 10% Devise] Matthew Te pratt u cx Tae- ish st S0.0d Des mows, TA S034 'De Lora Kracht/! John Schley \ ist4- 94% St 50.00, a Ds Mewes TA SOZI o We hsse Emersar i" a V73 Nees? Ave Sooo Des Mons, Ja SB 310 Ca Dennis Coon 4 = W331 St So.vp Des Moms, Ta S034 = Cary Rauf man 4 Ke 1537-49 So.vo Des rm Ta soy ae Beverly Holmes 1 Ke IBID -s3c0g . So.g \ Gut Spact CL 339'09 a a Edward Falla _ 7 Ke 33 Wanusit Boo Fate Sd. Saugus, MA O1Aole Dehn Nerthwal | “ cK 43 Palanano Rd Sd.00 Crate we oss (DF Hemercaiee Hoon ® cK 1567 G Ave Ce) Site 2¥ “ts nnn ant rs on eo ie tng ase ote Sears ammeter |, ere pena) tasrare of conrbucr ste sae arcandt, ba Pere 0 {aril lationship enter ne appa” nf eatstip calm. Tor Sesuis A) For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (tucing canccate's persona furs) [COMMITTEE NAME (ist bo sama as on Saioment of ganization) Fertlon Ser Governor €xi loratoyy Conn tte SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 087) | RECEIPTS check THis Box ie AMENDING FORM STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAG {POLITIC ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ANO THe PAC CHECK NUMBER THE OESIGNATED COLUMN, AUST OF NUMBERS Is AVALADLE FROM THE IOWA ETHCS AND CAMPAIGN DigcLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for slicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory politcal committees. DATE PRG TONOWGER THANE AND ADORESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FELATIONSHP | _ANOUNT | VIFFOR RECEWED | ” (applcabie) Tocanopate: | Receven | ‘runo- quwooryr) | AND PAC CHECK (appicabl) BAISER NUMBER INCOME TF TruonNaan Dart ORI $ SN SW Westlaw O¢ n shislos oe Anker, Ip SdOo 1 cmaninn 2 Lacry Arnott v Ke \Gio- Gow St 100.08 Des Moric oe Tin Ogle. fer St ‘ co wis Porter S 20.0 liales Dis Memes, TA S035 (oe Bonme Pearsem n cKe Sudy Su tu Ste 2S,0v : Das Mons ZA S085 OF Mary Pope a cKe wT gest 0,00 Dos Mons EA SO3N CJ Douglas Redhead i Ke 3a07- 4% 20.00 Des Moines, TA $0313 wo “Teri Gundersen Ke M310 Ashby Ave + 2s.) Dis Moss, TA 5032 ce DF Faerie Clark Bor Ben Sr u4]a4]03 | one Des Moms, TA So8y/ 1Q.o0 OF Te Frey Karen » cx lost 40% St oe Dus Moimes, EA SOS! Feo , ie @hrishne Breitbacy Ke Was Bing PKWY lo. s Mons, TA S03! Committee, Relonship must be shown to te tira degree of consanguiity (Sood relatives) and aft (relatves by ‘mariage (See Page 2 of forrs packet). i sumame of corinbutor isthe Same as candidate, but there is 10 Seren TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) 1; | + Disclosure aw requires candidate commits to cacise the relatienship of any relative making a coributton tothe familial relationahip, onto “not applicable” inthe relationship column, Page eet Scheat A) For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (Wnctucing candteste's personal ands) COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon Sv Governor Exploratory Commni Hex [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS REGEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION. ‘SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev.0897 | RECEIPTS CO check THs 60x AMENDING FORM iF LUST THE PAC JDENTIFICATION [NUMER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN BISCLOSURE aOARD, CAUTION: Section 688,92A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied trom reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by arty person other than statutory poltical committees. Disclosure aw requires candidate commits to caciose he rlafonshp of any relative making @cortbuton tothe Commitee, Relionship must be shown to he tira degree of consanguinity (blood relates) and afi (riatves by ‘mariage (See Page 2 forms packat). i sumame of conor i the same as candidate, but there is no OTE FACT NONBER TAWE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP receWveD | (Wt appleabie) ‘TO CANDIDATE quwoorre) | AND Pac CHECK (appheabie) NUMBER. Jennifer Hyde Ke Yioa - Sts Des Moiats, TA 603) (9,00 OF Fackie Robinson : ea 1317. ¢% Ste ~ Des Moines, TA soaiy 10.00 wo Deborany Salvador Sendoual s Ke 263% Capitol f Des Moves, TA S037 ie (De Ritas Aled Brertbach \ oxe MWg Mae Kira Pewy oe Des rows, “EA so at 'S.co bad Carla Dawson » Ke VB 8 Is.vo Des Moms, TA Soy Sv oF Doann Muldoon \ Ke 1333-16 S Qe,.0 Des Moines EA SOS! J Toann mutdaon . xe V33e- 18h Sp Des Mov TA Ses roneo) CJ Toon Mauldeon ~ cKe A33E~1 et s+ 34. 5D Moros, a S231 OF Michael Butdus Es ox Sor College Bee 2o.60 Tes moines “EA S02" Senet Hansen wag Whyte haven Way as.w Sin Dicag CA 82119 fail relationahip, antr “not appicabe" inthe relationship column, For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (lnctucing cance’ personal funds) [COMMITTEE NAME (ust be same as on Statement of Organization) Falla SeeGovemer Exploratory Committe [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 087) | RECEIPTS 1 creck THs 20x ie |AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES) LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DiscLoeuRe BOARD. CAUTION: ‘Section 688.32A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied trom reports and statements for salicting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. DATE] PAC TD NOMEER RANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR REceIveD | "Wi applcable) Tocanoioate: | AeceveD | ‘ruNo- (moors) | AND BAC CHECK (Wappteabl) RAISER NUMBER INCOME Senn Tapscott $ 40 Jesup St - Kt r a TIndarola, EA SO 125 25.00 ed Soa Tocoby 4 Blows t6r Sr > a 5 o Tso Moin’s, TA $0310 26.00 OF Normans Ann Lettiag ton ‘ . 117 SE Portor fee . 25.0 “Des Memes, TA se3 1s oF Barbam Buvtchie \ Sty si) lan 0, oe Ly SW Westlaan De. oo Pring TA sme Ss pF “Jermas Patterns Ke y3a3 Grand Ave t10% So.cd Des Moines, EA S251 OF James Pasten 6 8323 Grand Bee 04 cxe . . Shes Mints zp 503) Sovo oF Samues Mriler ” Isie Harrison Rue + 3 S31 oe “Ds wows, ea S83 25-90 i Tod Suoky” \— loxe (ig =30% St 25.0) Des Moy, TA sozit ‘ Lal Sohn Oe Haan ca Lis Park Sh, © 1208 Bo Des Mons, EA S030 ao) 10# Evelyn Glawmrook sla}o3 “10g Forest Ct 5.0 one “Desmomss, TA So3it dle ee coe tindnceee) + Dlacowure law requles cancels comics to caciose the relationship of any relatve making a contrbuton the ‘corranites. Relationship muet be shown te tid degrae of consanguinity (tod relates) and ain rialives by ‘mariage) (See Page 2 of foms packet). i sumame of contributor isthe same as candidate, but there is 10 fail relationship, enter "not applicable” inthe relationship column. Page 19. ot (er Schedule For instructions, See Back cf Ferm SCHEDULE A | wonerany CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (Pov. car | "RECEPTS (hetng canst s persona in) ‘CHECK Tt | COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) - a oe = -ANENDING FORM Fallon fer Gow ner Exploratyy Comer ita ‘STATE CANCIDATES NOTE: If A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC ENTIICATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. AIST OF I NUMBERS iS AVALABLE FROM THEIOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARO. CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political commitiges. PAG TO NUMBER "NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR. FELATIONSHIP RECEIVED (i appicablo) >| TOCANDIOATE* | RECEIVED (MMVDD/YR) | AND PAC CHECK (i appticabie) RAISER NUMBER, INCOME Teds Marian Soloman Wang Ne Datota ae Ames, TA SSO14 DF Prtip Gribbeon Nuss NE Use se Ss. Anteay, LA S09! td Alisas Sow Megq TT * Ke 3083 Newpar Ct NE S.ov Foun City, FA 52249 Cd Margaret Raw lane ~ Ke 5793 Neue fore Ree + (0.00 Ds mows, TA 59335 > [ Cars Kochne sam xe 3001 Woodlang Ave +4 ion “Des movivs, EA So3. ad Benton Zac hrich ‘ cxe 1o7o- 334 St Es “Drs Movies, FA SOI) Dates rary Patrick Milas Grawtrortst lo,60 Des Meings, TA 99319 7 Michele Wishes! A7B0 US Bra Sy te foo Brooklyn Ny 323 Tula Gri freon Wess Neue Antany, cA S002) Nick Gri fheon Sek, Sse lan Anting, EA S002 - ec ncn cen cn sit ain cin ae Boui- 340 Wt 25.00 Loautun, ZA Seared oF Chester Gunn, oe _ cKe (oH BRST aout Des Moines, Er 203 14 : oF Peter + Rana MoNatiy ” 295 Wand 54 aS. at Tes Mores, TA Se3 1 a Nermans Aan Le Ting ton 4 ox 117 SE Porter Aue. Qs.e0 Des moras, EA $0345 iF Bit Gappucere 1og4- 24% St 28.00 ae “Des Moms, TA_SU3U ‘SUB-TOTAL ‘TOTAL (if ast page of this schedule) + Dlectosue law requires candidate cornitees to clclose the relatonship of any relative making a contrbuaton to the SSTREN fates ctv tom we nd cgue cosy (sd aes) aay Pare by trafog) {See Page 2 oes pact, fsuramo of conor eta sane as carci, but ore sro Page 21 19 tamilial relationship, enter “not applicable” in the relationship column. ‘(lor Schedule A) For instructions, See Back cf Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN I (Wncutng canddate's personal funds) (COMMITTEE NAME (iust be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon Sor Governor Exp loretory Comm Tite SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 0897) | RECEIPTS 5 CO cuteck THis ex ‘AMENDING FORM, STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC JDENTIICATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. ALIST OF ID NUMBERS iS AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE aoAna. CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for salicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. TOTAL Olas page ot ctl) | PAC WOWEER TRANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FELANONGHP | AMOUNT RECEVED | (applicable) TocanowaTs: | AeceNeD | ‘runo- (uo0rv=) | AND Pac CHECK applicable) RAISER NUMBER INCOME Jee Jacoby $ cKe cou -S1F St 2QSsd Dos Mowss Ta $0310 LJ Tea Lumen y Ke 2304S Glenword Or Zo.00 Des moines, TA SOS \ ca Kathten Kopatich Ro : Ke 3417 -GaArd Dr. ao Lieb le th 5832 \ C2 Laure Belin~ Kieren Li than. . oKe 1105 Plaza Grete et Windsor Heights EA 3839 . bel Dougs Cathy Lng strom Ke S99 Vilage Grete Soeo Tehaston op Soy ad Jamese Tarte Ben zon ea “ cKe Bal Tiana Ov. oe Des Moos A 50319 oF Anne @rcketl ‘ Ke 1551 NO TH S Soo ~ Dos Moines, EA 52325 : 7 Norman Knight 2 Ke Sag ag - (00.08 Des Mats, TA SO3it fl cd Dougias Red had ‘| exe 3207 Ut Vo. vo bes Monts, TA 59303 TOF Sheq Stonewall e 1a, 5.Gentey #7 so s[islos Low marsha inom TA SSS + Disclosure aw requires canddate cornice to caclose tho rlatonship of any relative making a contrbutn to the core fiettaip mutbe chor be td cage coeangarty (bab avs) a ay Cvs by {ous Pege2of tors poe), fauna of cormiodor sw sav os carats but o's mo mariage) fami reltionaryp, onto "not applicable” inthe relationship column. pon 22a eaten For Instructions, See Back ef Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (incung eaneidats's personal nes) Felon Ge Governor Exploratory (COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Comes ite [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev.0897 | RECEIPTS CO creck THis 0x [AMENDING FORM. . ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS i AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS ANO CAMPAIGN SISCLOSURE BOARD. ‘CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. FACTO NONEER TUNE AND ADORESS OF CONTRIBUTOR (G apphcabie) TocanoioaTe* | RECEWED AND PAC CHECK (applicable) NUMER sllo Uislo3 | exe Mar shat town Fr Sos x ibe Te Frey Kwen P ' oxe losi- om St S.vo Dey Mowss, TA 52310 (oe Dem] Donwike Wirth » Wu 334% Rea e baad Dorian, TA 30276 set? 1oe Cart Olean 7 P.O, Box 4O9r oe Bee een aA 3233 S.ep oF Chalet He tchoo . 1393 Back Ln S. ad Des Mors, TA 2931S ihe 08 Kay Hanig A cKe 1239 39sst lO, e0 Des Mor, FA SO3n ad Rame Hyde boxe Mv0g - 1% Sh Jo, 90 ~ Dos Mois EA S033 : 18 Chrishne Brgitbach AS Ke nas Kina PKoy Jo. so Des Moineg, TA SES ad FJacie Robinsen » cKe Bq eh st low “Des meus Ta 5934 : ior Jason] Melons Allyn Shwrin, : MUS La Bare BR 1.0 en Little Grade, My SSUI TOTAL Gttas page of tl schedule) | + Disclosure aw requires cancldatecorrmitees to dacase the relationship of any relative making a connbulon to the ser tans soe eee fadcogendcnsaraany (rc ronan eA vey Sr coe agnor pase), Tounamoc commer te same at can, bl Noe ao roe 23 DF famila rolaionah, enter “not appicabe” inthe relationship column. For Instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN a a (Oncluding candidate's persons funds) (Rev. 0687) SCEPTS | COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) iF ae Fallon Sor Governor Exploratory Committee AMENDING FORM STATE CANDIDATES NOTE. IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1p NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN, DISCLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: Section 638.22A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied trom reports and statements for solicting contibutions or tor any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. PAG TO NUMBER NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FELATIONSAP RECEIVED (f applicable) TOCANDIDATE® | RECEIVED | “FUND- (wwoorrR) | AND PAC CHECK (i appicabie) NUMBER, Bran Depo Tor NC Boy 3100 Tradanoly ta 5019 T oF Kathys Jene Nuches Ke 133 Frontlin Ree fo.ov Des Mos TA S63 Hh jl oe Rotten MC Gus Men. " Ke %30 SE Tackss. o.oo Mem Te SOB i Carle Dawson ' xe 1317 - ee St (S.ep Des Moines, TA So ibe Rira/ Alfred Bre\tbach : ea U3 MC King Pking 'S. oo De tous SA Saget OF ae 4 aa S5iy we St HL \S.e0 Des Moines, TA So 2 oe Chartes Stone vw . oxe {Bie South lawe Dr, 20.6 Des Hog TA SOS: DF Maurice + H82t Green, a . a 11 Arlington ou Bes mores “EA SOS Bite Hehens het! . cxe Q205 SO ist st 22.90 De mois FA SCIIS Jon Pedersin oxe 3203-2 1S7St - Des mors, Ta 3S Da.0y * Dleclosue law requires candiatecormiteee to cacove the relationship of any relative making a contrbuton to the ‘Commiten, Relaonship must be shown othe fird degree of consanguinity (dood relatives) and any (rlatves by os ‘marage) (See Page 2 of rms packet). W sumame of contributor isthe same as candidate, but tere is no Page 24a 9 famitalrolaonahip, enter “not appicabe” inthe relaionstip column. (er Schedule Fer instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (including candidate's personal fun) ‘COMMITTEE NAME (ust be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon Sor Governor [SCHEDULE A (Rev. 06897) MONETARY RECEIPTS, CO check THis 80x . AMENDING FORM [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAG (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED, LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND Tre PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1) NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN SiseLoeURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lona Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for salicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person ather than statutory political committees. FACTO NONSEA TNE AND ADDAESS OF CONTRIBUTOR receveD | "Gt appicable) TOcANDIOATE: | RECEVED | “FUND. quwoorre) | AND Pac CHEK (Wappteable) RAISER NUMBER INCOME Tamera Andres : A500 NW eRe 3 | CKe 2o.0d Shales Tohwslen, Em SP13 | J * Joann Muldoon 7 ke 1333-1 Sr. FOR Des Morne, FR SESeY . Ld Tmichact “Ba ldus Ke So Cotlege Bue ee Des Memos, TA S034 . CJ Bar bam Anna Liesman cxe Bas Kyhasley foe IS. Wate, rr S270) CA Rodney Cameron . Bdummit Gr. 2500 oe A Bp Stso3 7 ID MM ichete SPR Awoe Ba Aice Bo - asso Tes rome , Em S039 oe Maugh Stone. cKe nani -33e%C+. aso = . Aber, Ta 5coo3 7 % Norman Knvant _ | exe \sas.— aB%Se_- 250 Des mess Fe SOS id Eddie Bloomey _ 1317 -ynst au CKe Deak < TA Sosy 1s Oiihanns Kineg Nosp Ovid Boe - 2a + Dilooure law requres cance crits 1 aioe fe rltonchip of any eave aking contro the Commies, olaora ste stow fe ir gre of crsangunty (cod raves) ant afin (elves By ‘Mortage (See Page 2o forms packet}, I sumame of cotrburs the same as candidat, but her sno {Bria relatoners,entr net oppicabe" nthe relationship column. Page_2S_ot Tor Swale For instructions, See Back cf Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (cucing caneste's persona funds) (COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Von Se- Governor Gxp lo recdory Conn [STATE CANDIDATES. NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), LIST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND THe PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLLIMN. ALIST OF ID NUMBERS i AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN, DgcLOsURE doar. Cl check mis sox ‘AMENDING FORM CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by ary person other than statutory poltical committees. FACTO NOMBER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR ERE] Be RECEIVED | "(i apotcable) CANDIDATE” NED (iww00%"%) | AND Pac CHECK (Wappleabie) RAISER NUMBER. INCOME. Fran Afrannato s cKe Nat -2anasr < halos by owen ER S031) 28.00 DF Denna Gare Fano 4 on 3750 N Lake Shoe De, _ Cheago FL boeL3 as. 8 Sane Quras ‘ Ke 3 “31 - foes tA SO3 12 25 eo A C. Cavalyn UHenhake Datker cKe \eia — 135k - 2s oo Des moves Te SOY cd TR waiier : (313 Seo ana St Ke os Anteay, Db Sdo2} 25.00 lad Fanet Hansen 4 Ke 419 White hagen WE 28.00 San Deeg Ca Tito Ca Teri Gunderson “ cKe Bio Ashby Or, 2a * Qs mos, TA SOTO mee CJ Soseph Hearg ‘* cKe 1ZUL Evergreen Poe . How D: moins Ta 25330 a Ed ward Fetlen : 32 Damesik Aves ot Sougus Mk ONOE Fath D0 ad Barbar, Birtchur ste Sw Westlawa SO.a "SUB-TOTAL ‘TOTAL (if last page of this schedule} is | + Dlotoaur aw requres candidate cormites io lls the relationship of any relative making a contrbuten tothe Committee. Relationship must be shown ot furl degree of consanguinity (od reitives) and any (relatives by 2. marriage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). it sumame of contributor is the same as candidate, but there is no Page 2 ot. familarlationahip, enter “not applicable" in the relaionanip column. (or Schedule A) For instructions, See Back ef Form [SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (Rev.0887 | RECEIPTS (Gnctucing canciate's personal tus) (COMMITTEE NAME (Mist be sar as on Statement of Crganizaion) pF creck ms 60x : = AMENDING FORM Fatton Sor Governor Exploratory Committee [STATE CANCIDATES. NOTE: IF A CONTRIGUTION I RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC IDENTFICATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. AUST OF 1D NUMBERS S AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN, ‘Oscosure s0aAD, CAUTION: Section 688.224(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PAC ID NUMBER RELATIONSHIP "NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (Wt applcabie) TOCANOIDATE’ | RECEIVED | “FUND- qawporvA) | AND PAC CHECK (applicable) NUMBER, “James Pyilen B23 Grand Aue 104 $0.e0 “Des Mons, TA $0513 Shalos | ox [DF Lora Kracht/ una Schled 4 Ke biy- 24%Sr - Sow Des Mons, pH S531) y oF Dense! Martha Tops ke pee aloes So.c0 “Des Mowes, TA SO3Y BF Gary enfin Ke 1537-4%* St ° Tbs Moines, EA SD 31y Sicies 10s Metssa Emerson “ as lage Norwest Ave So. Re Monts, Ta $9310 lor “Dennis Coos i on Vu3e ~ 1 sr- go Des Moms, Ta SOF (oF George Welch : Woe Cottage Grove Aue. Ke BQ : Desmornts, Ea Ses 1p satel (0% David Oskr terg i Ke BAG -and Ave N ° Ab. vernon, FA S23 14 oo oF Mary Gerstein M 370d S Osprey Aue © 3a/ cxe ee EROS. (96. Rick Hragias Merie Hay Qa. (00.00 iy TA S310 * Dloclosure law requires cendate commits to cecase the relationship of ary relative making a corrbufon tothe ‘corrmitee. Reltioneip must be shown tthe fird degree of consanguinity (dood relatives) ae afinty (reeves by page 27a If Sart oe tase os pose, Wourarotd cobra to san cans bat Perea Fl iatonn, ets nt open roaonp cal Teresa Fer Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (nctucing canctcata's personal ands) SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 0867) | RECEIPTS OO check ms eox Fatton So [COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Goriner Explorbory Comm tee AMENDING FORM [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION I RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAG (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION UBER AND THE PAG CHECK MUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUWN. A LIST OF 1 NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAGN CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements fo solicting contributions or ‘or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PACTONOWSER TUE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR qawoowe, | ano exo cHECK * Pecan ee NUMBER, applicable) RAISER Xo Sp. o ho RO, 10. Mate uille Tr SOLCy 4 o me Cathey Marry 2 xe Wi Tanawanda De. Des mos, F4 SOBs (00.00 iF Rohert Wins D Ke 393.1 Columbia ean Dec Moines, TA S313 (oF “Todd Valentine _ Ke 1395 © Hevea Ave. doo eo CAcagy zl wus Jenn Lager a Ke 204 S. Foun Mt: aso. Loashingion, ER 52333 oF Chrishne Por dee S| eke ya ith ~ 43rd se wo. Ds rons ZA 92341 08 Jamie Care cla}o3 | exe joo. ue Sy : loo Ds moss TA S¢3!! ! oe Evelyn Glawbrouk ios Forest Ch : baal 3.00 Bs Momes, FA 99311 oat Ted| Marian Soloman » cKe ave N Dakota Aue Ao Amys, ZA _scoiy a Biisal John Megat D Boe 3 Newport 2a NE Ons “ Towe Uty Ta 92340 * Dietoeure law require candatecormitees to dscose the relaonship of ary relative making TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) ‘SUB-TOTAL a cortrbuton othe ‘orrmiice. Relationship must be shown to the fired degree of consanguinty (ood relatives) ane afin (lives by 28 ‘marrage (See Page 2 of forms packet), sumame of contrbuter isthe same as candidate, but here is no Page 23 _ ot {amilalrelationahip,entar“notapplabl" inthe relationship column, {Wor Schedule A) For Instructions, See Back et Form ‘SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN Rev. 0 (tucing candicate's personal fun) SS aaa OO check THis Box AMENDING FOAM [COMMITTEE NAME (lust be same as on Statement af Organization) iF Fallon So Governer Exploratory CommnTee STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECENVED FROM A STATE PAC {POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC IDENTECATION NUMBEN ANDTHE PAC CHECK NUMBER THE OESIGNATED COLUMN. AUST OF © NUMBERS i AVALABLE FROM THEIOWA ETHNCS AND GANDA CAUTION: Section 6€6.32A(6), ona Code, prohibits the use o information copied from reports and statements for socting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory politcal commitees, PACT NONEER TUNE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR (W appicable) (iwoo%"®) | AND Pac CHECK (t appkcatie) RAISEA NOWGER INCOME Drip Getheor ic a Wugs NE SSH 50d bles paving, 3m 52224 Margaret Rac land ee cx 9703 Nac York Roe o, Des Moines Ua SO322 10.00 ibe Nick Gatton » cxe Muss DE Ww St- lod Aoteoy ZA Sees] od Talia Sufhecn ‘ — Wess We lose (0,00 Arteny 2A 32091 DF Woosh = Selvader Sundoval ~ oe 2638 Capitol lo,oo Dis moius, FA 50317 Co Goro Kochine ser s oe Bool Woedtand + 4 loo Bes Moines, TA S051 a Benton Zacherch . Ke to70-3E St? 10,00 : Ds mows, TA SoS OF Daler Mery “Pabrack ~ xe Wiss Guncererest Ld.09 Des mos Fa $93.9 1bF Lesns Marin Meorlan ~ oo Baa 4hS. lo.c Wsmons Ta 5035 oF Michete Cane Disnes Ki V0 w Sed SENG 10.09 NS Ke Brooklyn, Ny 11923 + Dlotosure law requires candidate cormtoes to dscase the relationship of any relative making a corerbuton to the ‘cornice. Relationship must be show to fe turd degree of consanguinity (dood relatives) anc afi (relatives by 6 4 ‘mamiage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). sumame of contributor is the Same as candidate, but there is no Page 95 _at 96 {amilalrtationship, onto "nat applicable" inthe relationship column, For instructions, See Back ot Form [ScHeouLe | A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN trev.ceen | “ncaeers (Unctucing cancate's persona funds) Cl creck THis ox AMENDING FORM | COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon Ser Govern Exploratory Committe “STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: A CONTTIUTON i RECENED FAOMA STATE PAC POLITICA, ACTON COMME, UST THE PAG BENTEATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A UST OF 10 NUMBERS ig AVAILABLE FROM THE 1OWA ETHICS AND GAMPAIGN ‘OScLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. PACD NONGER WANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR apptcable) AND PAG CHECK (# apcaie) RAISER NUMBER Ncowe Normans Ran Lething ton W7Se Recher Ke et blalos bs momen EA S03. as.co 108 Donaven a CAY Lundgren ; Ke Vos - (02 St 25. se, fa SLs Ud fou Cappuccio 7 Ke _oty ot St “Ds tres, TA S231) 25.50 \ oe Joo Jacoby cKe Duce I St 26.00 Ces Moines, £8 50316 in oe Chester Guinn CKE you~ S% St 25.0 Des memo, 3 Cd Batricns 7 xe Seyi 340% Th Qs.o0 Wastes, TA SOG s Ce Lonna Nachtigal ~ Ke 3700 oes eet Ln 25,0 ~ Bows, TA S004 s 5 oe Peter | Randi MENoIt y xe Ras -4ond St. 28.0 Des Moines, TA S03). (DF Paul Conreity oxe wis Parke SF ISU be Ds Mores, EA $03 649 Ce Rathleen Kopatich \ 3017- Gane £ Bee a Vee Ot e032 ‘SUB-TOTAL, [255.0 | TOTAL (If last page of this schedule) [; | + Disclosure aw requires candldate committee to eciose tho relationship of any relatve making a cortrbutton tothe Commites,Relationchip mut be shown fhe turd Gegree of consanguiny (ood rates) and any (lathes by ao y 9 ‘martage) (See Page 2 of fora packet). 1 sumame of contrbutoris the same as candidate, but there is 10 Page. ot familia relatlonarp, onter “not applicable inthe relationship column, (er Scheauia A) Fer instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY (CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN oo (lactucng cacicae’s persona fans) (Rev. 0907) | RECEIPTS ‘CHECK TH COMMITTEE NAME (iiust be same as on Statement of Crgarization) 2 O NSBOX ‘AMENDING FORM Felton Sor Governor Ex ploratvy Comm cttie [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC ENTICATION [NUMBES AND THE PAC CHECK NUMGER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A IST OF 19 NUMBERS Ig AVALABLE PROM THE IOWA EF-NCS AND CAMPAIGN SiscvosuRE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PACT NOMEER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED |” (appicable) TOCANDIDATE: | RECEIVED quwoore) | AND BAC HECK ( appicabl) NUMBER. Tree Lyman : 2325 Cleenwouies De Ze Gfloa | De mony TA 5032, Bove LD Laurie Beline Kieran Dithams " oo Wes Plate Gy Qindsy Heights, EA 50332 M0.00 . oF “Tames [Parita eatens Boal Twane Dy, Ke So.cd Bz Momss, TA 30310 : oF Dengtcathy fnastrom . oxe S951 Vitlage Crrcle So.su Bhooton, Ta SES 1 ' pF Anne Bickoll p 3 Hn 3 So Ke 1954 0 St. SO. Denes sa 50325 oo = Bnnie Wat chinson » xe Guo - 52 SS Or. 20.00 Sarlisie, TA S04) . oF Toa y STV KY Ks Ms - 30% st 2 7 Ds mows, E oBty ao se \ ad Tomek Henry 2 oxe JAA Evergreen Ove - as. Dis moss, 5A S230 S.98 . cd Michael Gunn "Tt exe 3210 = 4am PI 28.0 mommies LA 28319 Cnristopey Coleman Boia -4B* Pl. 2S.vy Mowss, TA Se 319 ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (fast page of this schedule) «ee cn cats cn ei yn a sn te “Ses aaaatg saercerrs cee ray Soa yess y ee erecta ten innate oa oe nse aes ree 3 I PUSS Sars cota sacra erence For Instructions, See Back ef Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MGNEY TAKEN IN (Greucing canceat's peroonal ues) (COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon for Governor Exploratory Commrttee (SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 0897) | RECEIPTS ‘AMENDING FORM Cl check THis 20x STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: I A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLTICAL ACTION COMMITTES), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUNEER INTHE DESIGNATED COLLIN. ALIST OF 1D NUMGERS iS AVALABLE PACM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE GARD, CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. + Disclosure aw requres candate commits to caclase fe rlatonship of any relative making a cortrbuton to the ‘commie. Relatlonship must be show to the thie degree of consanguinity (bood relatives) and afin (eaves by ‘mamage) (See Page 2 of forms pacsat). I suame of conributor isthe same as candidate, but there Is no {amilalrlatonahyp, enter “pot applicable" inthe relationship column. PACD WONBER WANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (it applicable) ‘TO CANDIDATE | RECEIVED (uwoorr®) | AND PAC GHECK (applicable) RAISER NUMBER INCOME Marg Pope : &T) = Ist st OD Da mons Ta Sesh G (DF Soff Balch w Ke 17.03 CQrve land St 120.00 Eyanster, Ty be 20 — Ld Catherines Sim Diete- Kilen Waa-3gS4 vlalos Ke Des mons, FA SO31 lo.00 (DF Annie 4utchinson N a Uuus- S& ssh. 40.00 Coclste, TA $0047 i Eddie Bloomer “ oxe 13107 et Sd. Fis Moines, TA S034 aS oF Edwin 2astrow, sy, w QS. Mr Varnon Or, xe as, Towa Cty, TA 523N5 cane ' OF Sen Conn] Leura Amster cKe Niw- 33rd Sr 2S. : [Des Mois, TA $0311 : 4 pF Renal Shotwell Ke 2714 Adams hoe. Qs wd Tes Mots FA SOF) 9 oF Christa Addy w lexe BO! East Ret Ave - Bd.00 Des Mos, TA So 3157 Co Tacgutlan leckband Bear Creet Ho, For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (ieclucing candidate's personal funds) ‘COMMITTEE NAME (lust be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon $y- Governor Exploratory Conewictt [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 0887) | RECEIPTS CO check Ts 80x ‘AMENDING FORM STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: I A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. AUST OF 1D NUMBERS IS AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA EMAGS AND Guan DigcLOSURE aoano. CAUTION: ‘Section 688.32A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory politeal committees. FACTO NOMEER (t appicabe) TocaNpioate: | AEceIvED | ‘FuND- AND PAC CHECK (Wappicable) RAISER NUMBER. eee Eduard Palten 7 xe BZ Wames it Ave. Saugus, MA _O1906 Sea le SorsD G7 Katherine Fromen Ke 3531 © 0, Cawer loose Ames, FA SONS Wor le reg Kirch Ke Lost. 4o%* Se = Des moines, TA S23 a ee Cart Olsen cKe Po Box Kot Soo Des mouss, FA $0393 Td Don! Danetle Wurth se 3am Qe Ke ws 7 Wotwortr FA FOI S.s0 V2 Charlot Hutch kon, cxe 1389 Burch Ln Siw Des Mewss, 5a S31 0F Christine Brertback oxe Was Kina PRwy loa ~ Dei mods, TA Soa i" J Jackie Robinson a Ba 3% Joven Des mows, EA 5034 oF Brian Deped Ke ol NE Box sno lo. Tocedolo, FA F195 ie Corarine + Jim Deke Kater cK tiga - 38S _ lO. mores, TA SOF ‘SUB-TOTAL o TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) is | * Disclosure aw requ candatacommitees to ceciose the relationship of any relative making a contrbuton tothe corrmites. Relationship must be shown to the third degree of consanguinity (bond relatives) and afta (rlatives by pop 32a trartge (Se Page 2 fas ptt), sure of contiaor sre tame a cans, ba Dee 0 alton, nt" appeal” erat cour (for Schedule A} Fer instructions, See Back of Form ‘SCHEDULE A MONETARY (CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN ; : == RECEPTS CHECK THIS COMMITTEE NAME (ust bo same as on Statement of Organization) F x THIS Ox [AMENDING FORM, (alton Se Govern Explore fav Conmmnrtiee [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A IST OF 1D NUMBERS i$ AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND GAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688,22A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. FAC TONONDER WANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR (t apleabe) Tocanpioate: | RECEIVED quwoore) | AND BAC CHECK (t appicabe) Ralsea NUMBER. INCOME Jenner Hyde & 3] oKe Groa - 1 SE fe belo Dis mots, Ta S23'3 OF - Kathys Jene Hue hes 4 cKe 133 Fiantha Ave wi moins Pa SS Fo wo oF Kathween MCrai ttt ‘ Ke gge St Jackson 5 s Moines, FA SSD fo.00 co TJason{ Me lone Allyn Schw ‘ Ke Mus a Bore Ra H 102 fo, co las Gonads, Mw 35119 oe Carle Dawson ‘ xe Beer ea De Moines, TA Soset OF Rite [Pifed Bat Hooch w Ke NAS Wl King PKWY I5.d De mois, Fa FSW = Corot Gienn ~ cKe eeatectemceeeetitese Is.0 s mans Sy 5oS1y Gd Michat Bais Sot College Ave eo oe Des moines €A SU3y Ca Jeanna Muldoon \ oe 1338 (BSH a S Ws moos, TA 55314 ei toe Maucige | Haul G lean . QU Re ling te 2.0 2 En sod SUBTOTAL TOTAL (if ast page of this schedule) a lew reqs cand commites 1 dacs he latory of any reiatve mating a cortbuton tthe canis” Roatetp mast be shown fe td agree of consanguty (00 raves an ay len Mo 4 ‘raaga) (See Page Zo rs pact). auname of contac tha samo as cada, but hoe 5 Po Page ot _9Q {aml atanetp, entor-ne applica nthe ratnatp col. TorScheauis®) For Instructions, See Back of Form [SCHEDULE CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN — | MONETARY ECE (edn canccat's personal ics) si ‘COMMITTEE NAME (ifust bo same as on Statoment of Organization) CO cueck THis Box: ‘AMENDING FORM Fa \lon Sor Goi ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 10 NUNBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.92(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use o information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. ‘DATE PAG TD NUMBER "NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEWED t applicable) TocanoibaTe: | RECEIVED | FUND- (uwooryA) | AND PAC CHECK (applicable) RAISER NUMBER, INCOME, Rita Herensne tt s acs Sw isthy - \ Ke 20.00 Ulwfos De moines TA Sosis. \oe Ten Rdewen 4 Ke 3903-18tS - Ds momes, Fa S031? eee . oe Tamara Andress xe A500 UL OI AK - Bhaston, ER SOUS) Seeees DF Jaret Hansen 4 oe 4614 hte Ravens Ox, asic an Dusaa, Ca F310 ee Sohn Tapscott , cKe rue Jesup St Asoo Fnasavola, ER Sls DF : Ltham Kreg i Qose Og Bee — Ses omes, Ea 9032 a Donna Garofane , ea 3756 N Lele Shore O- 2S. Chreago, EL C0613 : OF Sim Cain] lawta Raster c Cn MWB 3304 Se 25.00 Dos Mones TA SO3” alee Frank A flannate xe nas -aane SF as. money EA 523 oF Santa Barns = Bus -sis- 25.0 Des moines, SA SU Se ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL fittest page ofthis soheaute)} | * Disclosure law requires candiietecormitees to dscose the relationship of any relative making & corbutton tothe Commies. Rolaionshp must be shown fo the fra degree of consanguinity (Sood relatives) and aint (rlatves by ‘mariage (See Page 2of forms packs). if sumame of contributor i the same as candidat, but hero is 0 Page 25 _ of familal relationship, entr “not appicabie” in the relationship column, for Sched For instructions, See Back ct Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (Unctucing candidate's personal fd) COMMITTEE NAME (ust be same as on Statement of Organization) Felton bor Governor Exploratovy Committe SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 0897) | RECEIPTS al CO check THis 80x AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTREUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THe PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1D NUMBERS if AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHNGS AND CAMPATGN [ISCLOSURE BOARO, CAUTION: Section 688.92A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions oF {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political commitees. DATE PAG ID NONGER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATONSHP receiven |” Wappicabe) | Tocanpioate: | RECEVED (umD0rvA) | AND PAC CHECK (applicable) Ralsen NUMBER INCOME TR Oalker : Llwlea | cx 1313 DU Bac Se ose Bn korg Ta sto2) oo Carlyn Unien hake Waller y cKe Iwi 1B St asd Des Moros, TA So3i ‘oF Denne (mit hen Tapseet— ‘ Ke 22-15 50,0 Des rorms, DA S234 oF Lora kS Keach John Schley : ox igre atest So.90 Re Moines, Ta SoSH oF Garg Kau frei » ke 1537-4 F ‘ “Des Moss, TA S034 So. ° James Qutten . Ke 432 3 Grand Aut +104 Des moinds, TA Se 312 08 Deans Coen xs (ag eS roe De Mownog FR So3% Sat) 4 a Barkers Biercho | cKe ry SD LOe st Lavon Se.ov Sakeeny cA SOL? Ww C2 melissa Emmerson cKe IIB Dorwest Aes» SP iy ys moss, Ta 303-9 (08 Gran Trapp Y/Al03° | ce Tor - and Ase. Sn bl Vining Sazuy "SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if fast page of this schedule) + lees aw requres cata cormtee 1 cies fa elatonchip of any tvs aking acorn to the omits, Peuctap tbe shown he id core of coeangurty (oe aves) and af (eaves By race 2 tH ‘martiage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). {amilalrelationship, enter “net applicabie" inthe relationship column. ‘sumame of contrbutors the same as candidate, but there is no For Instructions, See Back ef Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (Rev. 0697) | RECEIPTS (Inclucing candidate's personal funds) CTE WAGE Ot a 0 STOTT OIE , Deeocnes cox ‘allen See Governor Exploratory Comnrtte AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF NUMBERS i AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN SISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.22A/6), lowa Code, prohibits the use o information copied from reports and statements for salcting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PAC TO NUMBER "NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (applicable) -| TocANoIDATE: | RECEIVED (uwoorvA) | AND PAC CHECK (applicable) RAISER NUMBER, INCOME, PPantne Garb tke 7 ‘o Kt Aes &. Court Ht (2 f S owe Coty, Sae4s 1 Robert Gartrte cKe eee <. ux Cty TA saau. 2.00 oF on Aethor Covet. oKe Sod. ard Ax Boo Lows Gty, FA S325 oe Vnery Arnold a cKe \Gio~ Gost 100.6 Bs mou TA sop 2 iF PMa.e Grifeeon D cxe Nuss NE Gre Sie Aawng LA S902! TOF Carat Woche cee . oa Boe Woodlart Ave ices “Des Moyins A 58202 Cd Benton Cochewh " Ke (ore BE lo.op owes TA 63h é os Alisa / Tosh Meggitt ‘ oxe 3083 Newpxrt Wd NE S.uo owe Cty, EA S900 ba) Ted | Marian Soloman ” Sen cxe Gaus V_ Dakota Aus Arus. EA goeld Eyelyn Glow b. 210s Forest G 2A soon 20k ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if ast page of this schedule) * Dlslonur aw requires candidate commits to cacose the relationship of ary relative making a cortrbuton to the Committee. Relationship must be show to tv turd degree of consanguinity (bcod relates) and afin (eaves by mariage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). I sumame of coniibutor is the same as candidate, but there is no Page_37_of familial rtatonaip, enter "nt applicable” inthe relaionahip column. Ter Sched: For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (Unetucing canceat's pareonal funds) [COMMITTEE NAME (Iust be same as on Statement of Organization) ‘elton fr Governor &e lorectovy Cornette [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 0897) | RECEIPTS CO check THis sox ‘AMENDING FORM STATE CANDIDATES NOTE. IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST'THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. AIST OF ID NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE GOARO. CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. FACTO NUMBER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEWED (W apleabe) quwoorA) | AND ac CHECK RAISER NUMBER Daley Mary Riri Ke 4125 Gravercrest Thales Des Manes FA 30310 wee) y pF Morgacet Reus lens Ke 5703 Naw Yo Avs tus fads “Ba Sedo es) oe Dalia Gea fbreon 5 ox wuss NE om Se lo Beery EA S009 | 1m Nice Grttenn » oo Mes VEG Sy Nees Ankeny, 24 50821 oF » Wrrchete Rene Wieneski Ke (750. BUSH, HG (Oey Jovilan, NY 034 CJ Leone Moriq Mov lan “ xe Bain at Sr Ou Des mows TA 58214 Y TOF De berak= Salveder Sandove] 2 Rese Ceprtol 10.09 Coa! Dis rams, TA $037 : or Jody Switkey : ox WS- Be % Street Qso0 Des Moines, TA S051 TF Rodney Camenin . oxe 3 Summit Ge. 2s. Council Bughs, La 9503 DF Peter] Rens ME Nally 235 dane 5 xe Dos Mons, Ta 50302 ‘TOTAL (fast page of this schedule) | + Dloiosure aw requires candkatecormitees to dscoss the relationship of any relative making a corrbuston 10 the commits, Reatictanp mt be shown oe Rr egos of concangunty (od raves) and fy (reves by “oes Page2 eons pci), umare of oritor th same sa canna, ul are 0 {aml rltonsnip, nter “not apptcabl” nthe relationship column. re For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (inlucng cancicate's personal fuss) (COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) tory Grnmittee Fallon for Governor Exple: (SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 067) | RECEIPTS CO creck THis 80x ‘AMENDING FORM STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED), LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUWN. A UST OF 1 NUMBERS ig AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. DIScLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied rom reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PAGO NUMBER THAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR Normans Aan Lett ng for on NT SE Porky Mee Sasa Ds mous, Ta $6515 TF Donaooner Chir Lundgren Ros Morny. ‘commie. Relaionship must be shown to the the degree of : oa W050 s as.oe Essex tw SIVRY iE oe Chester Gunn 4 xe Louw SF 2s. De Mois Ta so 3iu a Renal Shotwell ‘ oxe A719- Adams Ave aS.av De Mows IA $0310 oF Pant Conne ty, » Ke Lis Pore Sr A 1SDd 2S.00 Da Mores TA 0305 De Lonna Nach tigel » xe B7e0 avon Cract Ly as.oo _Arots, TA SOOM oF Tou Jace by » oo Pou - 5) S Sr Ds Mou ZA $03) DF Bitl Cappucers xe \OBY = 24S 2S.00 Des Moinis TA S031) oF Pobricia Foret . cKe Fon 340" Tr 28.00 kes , TA Sone Christa Addy CA Bot East Bill Roe - 30,69 TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) | + Dloclosure aw requires candidate commits to dacose th relationship of ay relative making a cortrbuton tothe (cod relatives) anc ait (rltives by caer ‘Taraga (See Page 2 eens passed), I surname of corwindor she sae es candidate, but hore 0 ‘a oatonete ontr na appeal” ne trap coum. a a Fer instructions, See Back ef Form [SCHEDULE CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN trol baan | MONETARY Chek carn’ porn es) cron COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) . a aoe ‘AMENDING FORM Fetlon foe Governor Exploratory Converts ‘STATE CANCIOATES NOTE: IF A CONTAIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUWN. A LIST OF 1) NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE FROM THEIQWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN Siscuosune soaro. CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political commitiges. PRCT NUMBER THAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FELATIONSHP, (sppleabie) TOCANDIDATE? | RECEIVED [AND PAC CHECK (i appicabie) raiser | ‘NUMBER Tricia Lyman $ Ke 2305 Glenweod De. Bo.0d Des moines ZA soz (oe Kathleen Kopahch cke FANT A2ng OF 3o.c0 Urbandale, TR 50322 ; iF Towrie Retin vXiean Willams » Ke 1708 Plaza Cir Lvossor Heignts, ZA SC392 Hos 7 108 Norman Knncat Ke (sug. a eS So.ce Dy Moin, Ta sa2t bd Dames or Terity Beneens » oa 3031 Twane Dy Sooo Des Moinss, FA S319 OF Dougs Coty Engsben 4 On Sasi ViNage Ge $0.00 Baste, Ea S01 1 co Aone Gickell oe Ist ww 7S 50.09 Des Motes CA 0335 2 5 cd Bon Van Gundy Ke sa mill Pond Or. 100.50 Urbandale, Tp SC39> ibe Mary Bru bate isos \ox# Roe Se cpa foo Eddie Bloomer ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) + Disclosure law requires cancliate commitees to ceciose the relationship of any relative making a contrbuton tthe ‘commites. Felationstip must be shown the fired degree of consanguinty (bed relatives) and affriy (relatives by ‘martage) (See Page 2 of ors packet). sumame of conirbutor is the samo as candidat, but there is no {amillretetlonstip, entor “not applcabia”n the reltionstip column. For instructions, See Back cf Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (Rev. 087) | “RECEIPTS Unelang cand’ persona et) | COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon Sy Gowna Exploratyry Comm thax ‘STATE CANCIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAG (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND TH PAC CHECK NUMBER THE DESIGNATED COLUMN, AUST OF 10 NUMBERS if AVARABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN BiscLosuRe BOARD. CO creck THs sox |AMENDING FORM CAUTION: ‘Section 688.22A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied trom reports and statements for salicting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. FACTO NUMBER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTAIBUTOR FELATIONSHP rEcEWED | ” ‘applcabie) Tocanoioate: | ReceveD | “ruND- qumooray | AND BAC CHECK (applicable) RAISER NUMBER INCOME Vionre Darsee 1743 Ro Volley Dr. a Thiskes [Ot Divovin ae S035" ead) , Ld Te Gray Kick oxe vos) does S Des trom, TA S23! ces . ~ Carl Olsen Ke Po.Bo% 4DT! S.o0 te: wis, Ta 50333 cd Charlrte Hat chison » 133% Beck one Des moines, Fa 5°3'S oe ad Den} Danielle eth \ cKe vase - 334m Ret Dostward, EA 503% 5 co Crt ishine Brestback . xe 143 ~ Kina PRwy {Ovoo Das moira Ta so5 r DF Footie Cobinson \30-SHst. Jo, xe : “hes mows, TA SBM : = Rathy~ Ene Nia hes ” cKe 133 Frankia Ave + lo.00 De Mows, TA SO94 Co Brian Depew hd Ke JOIN Box 30 Anctisnale LAS 0133 !o.0 me Kathleen ME Qui ten ow $30 5€, Jackson fons * Disclosure aw requires candidate committee to dacose the relatonship of any relative making a conibutton to the ‘commifien. Relairship must be shown the fird degree of consangunty (bod relatives) and afin (relatives by marrage) (See Page 2 of oma packet). ¥ sumame of contributor isthe same as candidate, but thee is no {amilal latonsiip, etor “not applicable" inthe relatonsti column, For instructions, See Back ot Form SCHEDULE A | weserane | CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN ev.o857) | “See (cheng casts personal ic) : “vs [COMMITTEE NAME (itist be same as on Statement of Organization) ie Calton Ser Governor fap lovertory Commitire ‘AMENDING FORM Ol cueck THis ox | STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES), LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGAATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1 NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. BigcLOsuRE aoARD. CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by ary person ather than statutory palical committees. FACTO NUMBER awenv™) | ano Bxc ene Cr appleae) maser NUMBER Sennfer Nude Niet — U94St Trslos | Des e aa so3a ae 'oe Fosen | Me lone Allya-Schwesin " Ke Mus La Bore Ra 4102 “Lithe Candle, MM _35117 oe) hn LJ Catherines Sree Dede ~ Kilen cK {129 - 38% St. [2-60 Des Mounts, FA 50311 a Rita Brertbacks Alfred Brei thack 4 on VHB- ML King Pkwy Is.00 Des Moines, TA SO31y Ld Qarta Dawson o ca (19-3 SF. Is.o0 Des mowies, TA SO3iY tad Gavol Gear Ke Bow ogrest. HNP Ss Moms TA SOB (5.0) i Teana Muldoon w oxe \338- Ix St. : Des Mornis, Ts SOStE 20.00 DF Michael Ba tdus » 501 College Ave - xe ea i Des Moines, EA SORIY 20-00 ad Rita Hehenshe (} » Ta0s SW isH#st. : Ke Tees, SO IS Stes: 20. 5 oe Maurie + Havel Glenn xe 1917 Arting ton Des moss E450. + Disclosure lew requires candvato corrmitees to sions the relationship of any relative making a corrbutton to the ‘commitee. Relationship must be shown to th fied ogres of consanguinty(Dcod relates) and afin (relatives by ‘martage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). 1 surname of conrbutor is the same as candidate, but tere is no Page. far ja rationship, eter “not appcabie” in the relationship calznn. For instructions, See Back ef Form ‘SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN ev. 0897) (inctuding candidate's personal funds) : Se CO check THs 80x COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) a ‘AMENDING FORM FoMon for Governae Exploratory Committee STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: If A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST TAE PAC IDENTRICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1D NUMBERG if AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN SIScLOSURE SOAR. CAUTION: Section 688.9246), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or ‘or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PAC TO NUMBER "NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRISUTOR FELATIONSHP RECEIVED appicable) ‘TO CANDIDATE qmmvooryA) | AND PAC CHECK (i applicable) NUMBER, Son Pedrsen Thslo3 | exe Gees soa. 20.) cd Tamara Andres Aso NW GTi det : ad Dehaston, Ea So oe (oF ‘Donna Gare Fano » cKe Sse N Lak Shore Or, AS.c0 Chicaga EL Gowes OF Witham Kreq ‘ xe Moso Ould Aue QS 90 Des moms, TA $0310 (oe Carolyn Ubtennake Wallem \\ oe Iva —13% St AvS.c0 Ors mors, FA S¢3iy oF Janet Hansen y cKe HG La hike haven Ldry 2S.c0 San Duco, CA FU C2 John Tapscet » Ke 74° Jevp Sk. aS.c0 Tndwsole, ER 13S 2 Woe Tien Cain | Lativs Amsler » Ke Wig- aaa. IS.g0 Des oni = eau 8 Frank AFF annate » cKe N2&~- aan Sr. DS.80 Des Howes, FA SOR) Darice Burns ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if ast page of this schedule} i. _| + Disclosure aw requires canddate commitees to dose the relationship of any relative making a cortrbuton to the Dace ee a cr caccapel cement (oe an) ly Gove re me pant) Yeunanel conebors te sae 2 cance, ba ere 2 Poe 43 _ ot 2 a Sir acon asic ntw tant cena eran For instructions, See Back cf Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (tung cancksate's personal funds) COWMITTEE NAME (lai be sare as on Simoni of Organeaton] Fonon Ser Governor Exploratory Comm tty (SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 0897) | RECEIPTS CO cxeck THis sox ‘AMENDING FORM iF ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC 1DENTIICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A ST OF 1D NUMBERS if AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688,32A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poical committees. PACTS WONEER NAME AND ADORESS OF CONTAIBUTOR receiven | "UW applcabe) TOCANDIDATE® (uwv00r"m) | AND Pac CHECK (tappicabe) RAISER NUMBER INCOME, Melisse Emevsen ‘ Wate Norwest Ave ‘So.co Bey Mons Fa 50315 7 oe Dennis Coon oKe quay -1rg So.ve Des Moines Ta Soar * Cc Gary Kaufman xe Is37- 4g - so. Der Mos Fa 5234 . CJ Lore KS. Krockt [tha Schlew oxe (swq- aewest- aA Da Mornis, 8 S31 Q DF Denise Tapsenth | Matthe Taped 7 oKe Ja w-1SHSt- eo “es Mo wies Fa S03 1y eee c Tames Putlen i ce 4325 Grond Aus F104 oo Dex Moines, TA sod1>- : oe Barbaro Girtchun . Sig So Westlowon Dry a . oe Anuny, 2A Seer feeues oe Alisa | Tosh meagitt . 3083 Necport Re NE o Shilos jos ous Cab bn 50540 'De Ted (Marian Soloman . cxe Yaus 0 Dokcta Au - S20 SEA Soon CJ Evelyn Glazenecke ® on 105 Forest Ck. S00 JA so = Dloclonure law requires cancate commits to ceclose the relationship of any rave making a contrbuton tothe ‘commitee. Relationship must be shown lo fe Hird egroe of consanguinity (ood relative) and any (relates by ‘marlage) (See Page 2 of fms packet). ¥ sumame of contributors the same as cancidato, but there is 0 familalrelationship, enter "nat applicable" inthe relationship column. ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) i. | {or Schedule A) For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (Wncusing canciate's personal funds) COMMITTEE NAME (tat bo sare as on Satoment of Organizer) ® Fallon $ Governor Explorahry Committee CO check THis sox ‘AMENDING FORM STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTREUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC {POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF IO NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: ‘Section 68B,324(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PACT NOVBER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP RECEIVED | — (t appieabie) TO CANDIDATE" (umooryA) | AND PAC cHEOK (W appicabe) RAISER NUMBER INCOME Pritlip Griffeon $ si, cK Wess NEG St | los Patong TA 50031 S.co Cd Deborah Salvade Sandoval 2635 Capitol 4 Ke [5.00 Des Moines, Ta S037 0 Dales Mai Patrice i oKe nas Geavercrest fo,00 Des Moines TA Soa oe Benton Zachrich “ Ke jo10- 38% St . lo, oo Dis Moines 5 “ DF Cares Kochhesser Boo! Weodland +4 one Des Moines, Ta 36312 lo, oo 10 Margaret Rawland a Ke S703 New York Ave. Jo.0a Dez Moines TA $0392 OF Nick Gri Freon 2 ce Mess VE UH S- 10.00 Ankeny, Ta 500?! TJ Talia Sr Fhean > Ke ws WE &* St. lo,00 Ankeny, TA So02t Mmuchele. Wisneski iS Ke 1980 WD 3rd Se BE 10,00 Brooklyn, MY ad Cy Leon | maria Merlan 321g 4S - 10.00 Ds prowess ra 50313 o ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [| * Disclosure aw requires candidate cormitees to daclose the relatonship of any relative making ‘contribution tothe Commies, Reltonthip must be shown t the tra degree of consanguinty (ead relatives) anc affiy(reatves by ‘mariage (See Page 20! fons packet). if sumama of cortrbuaor i the same as candidate, but there 1s 0 fami relationahip, ent “not appicabe” inthe relationship column. 4S 4h P90" sco For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (including canctdate's personal funds) COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon for vernor £ x fora tor SCHEDULE A | monerany (Rev. 0897) CO cueck THis sox [AMENDING FORM [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION Is RECEIVED FAOM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC IDENTIEICATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBGH IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS if AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN BIgcLOSuRE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. FACTO NOWEER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR received | (appicable) qmiwoorrR) | AND BAC CHEOK (applicable) RAISER NUMBER INCOME Teremy Phillips cxe BoA— 17% Shor Des Mowes TA SO31y ibe Jeremy Prillips: 4 ea BOO -\7H Sh Des Moines JASON (S.op 1 08 John Hartog : cK TZto Blonde St UO 20.00 Orahe, VE b8i34 ad Ranie Hutdnson “ Ke Vers SE SSHRC. 30.00 Cachcle, FA S94) Cd Norman| Aan Lettington : xe 37 S€ Biker ben. 25,30 “Ds Mounes, Ta so3'5 oF Bin Ceppuccvo » on Lo84. aysesy as Tes Moines, TA S03) Ld Soe Jacoby ” ox Quo -S1S) St Des Moines, TA S030 28,00 \ = Chasler Gama ‘ cKe Lou ge sp. as,30 1a TA S03 : ed Pticia Foret cCKE Bow) - HO* TH. QS.cd (Oautec, TA Soe 8 Led Lonna Nachtgat — 3700 Onven Uroet Ln « asd Arnes Zz TOTAL (if ast page of this schedule) | ‘SUB-TOTAL + Disclosure aw requires cancatecorrmitiees to cecase the relationship of any relative making a corrButton tothe ‘roi’ Pouctp mate shown te tr dag of anangasy(b roves) ar ay raves ot | sumame of contributor is the same as candidate, but there is no ‘marrage (See Page 2of forms packet) {amilalrlationahip, enter “not appicabe" inthe relationship column, Pago tle _ot Tor Sched: For instructions, See Back of Form [SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN pacer (iui caeiat's personal fins) = —— CO check THis Box: ‘COMMITTEE NAME (Must bo same as on Staiement of Organization) i. me . |AMENOING FORM: Fallen tor Goverpor Explor try Comets [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: If A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. LIST OF WD NUMBERS IS AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN ‘OSCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.324), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied rom reports and statements for siting contibutions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political commitees. PACT NUMBER TAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR aeceven | Wapptcabl) TOCANDIOATE: | RECEIVED (wwo0rvA) | AND PAC CHECK ‘appicatie) Balsen NUMBER INCOME | Pout Connelly, Shifo3 | cxe is Park Sy #¢S01 TBs Moines, TA 5030! ooo) a Donovan/ Chery) Lundgren » Ke es -1 70% st Asad Essex, za 51639 (08 Peten{ Randi MENatly : Ke AS 4aed St as. Qsmacine FA S031 = 7 De Renate Shotee |] oxe ATA Ades Ave - ee Des moines, EA SO319 ie e rd Jody Stor tity Ke lg - 3 St. ISD Der Momes IA SO3/ . oF Kathleen Kopahch Ke 39\7- Gand Dr 30.00 Ur bordale, Da 0392 . oe TWrreig Lamon Ke 2305 Glenwood Dr, Bo, _Dys mores, EA S032 aac - iF Christe Addy Kt Bot East Bo Ave. 30.c0 Des mou ta 503.5 cd Melon Pearson ’ Ke S434 Quo te Ste 35.0 Des Moines, 5a Se3is . a Lourie Bela] Rreran O:thaens Ke 1705 Plaza Gr, Yo.o0 Windsor Noni TA $0325. ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) + Dactonae aw ragae cae cmmtes oda he arate mang a. cnn oe must be shown t fhe thr degree of consanguinty (bod relatives) a ay (ates by er) ‘harrage) (Soe Page 201 forms pact), W eumarne of conor i the sare as cancdal, but for 6 no Page. a 19 familalrelatonah, enter "not applicable" inthe relationship column, (er Scheu A For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (inctucing candidate's persona funds) (COMMITTEE NAME (Mfust be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallen ecnot Lx Committe STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION! (SCHEDULE (Rev. 0697) A MONETARY RECEIPTS: ie 9, UST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION. Cl check Tas sox ‘AMENDING FORM ‘comurrTEsy NUMBER ANO THe PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN, A LIST OF 1D NUMBERS IS AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. SSSCLOSURE BOARO. CAUTION: ‘Section 688.924(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poliical committees. + Disclosure law require candidate cormitees to caclase the relationship of any relative making &contrbuston tothe ‘commmites Relationship must be show 1 te third degree of consanguinty (bod relative) and aft (relatives by ‘martage) (See Page 2 of foms packet), sumame of contrbutor isthe same as candidate, but theres no {amialrlaionahip, enter "not applicabie" inthe relationship column. FACTO NUMBER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP RECEIVED | lf applicable) To caNoIoATE” | AECEWED quwwoorve) | AND PAC CHECK (i appicable) RAISER | NUMBER INCOME Zopeh Ue ee ae SH Ke \307 3S Dey Memes, TA SOS 4o a Da “Tom| socks Hester ” Ke or SE ach ce Sod “Des Movies, TA $9317 a Domes! Tarita Bentoni » cKe Boa) Tana Or. So “De money, FA SoaL0 2e-se oF Tg] Cathy Engstrom " Ke Sasi Vilage Cin, So.) Sehaston, Em S013) 7 Ld Anne Bickel 7 Ke IScu Nw DESH. So. Moines, TA 30398 . 08 marie Lest Ke S3s05 — 100% Aue + Sod Chardon, Ta Scots rd Ohristopher Es ford " St3 Linden St. heal Des_mowes, TR 50309 So. Ed Fatlon | = cKe 33 Damesit Ave- ‘ Seuqus, MA O1FOU Fether | So.co lad Ed Fallen e one 22 Wamesit a Fether So. euqus, MA Ol ane : > Marg Pope A> ite St. Los momen Fa Se3t bo.ce For Instructions, See Back of Form [SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (rev.0087 | “neeens (Unctcing canciate's persona funds) OO ceck THis ox [COMMITTEE NAME (iat be same as on Stitarnont of Organizer), F e |AMENOING FORM Fallon for Govecnor Exploratory Ommttee STATE CANDIDATES. NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IG RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAG (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION. [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LST OF 1D NUMBERS IS AVARABLE FROMTHE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 68B.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions oF {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poitical committees. DATE. PAC ID NUMBER THAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP RECEIVED Gt applicable) ‘TO CANDIDATE quwyoorvA) | AND PAC CHECK (applicable) NUMBER, DF Marilyn Ohver Bteo SH Or. West Wes Mois Ta SoALS Tam Bitches Sig So Destlawa Br. Ankeny, TA S907! 200, 0d Andy Shabber 0.0 3427 Waveland Dr. 300.00 Das moines, Ta 5°31) Philip James W705 Pleasant #2 Sow Des Moraes, ZA 303 14 Phiiip James 1705 Pleasant * S.0 Das Memes, TA S234 Tehn More land NMAS Amick Ave « S00 Dis Mewvs, FA $0310 Te fhe Kir loot “Not St ae es Movs, FA 3630 Deonl Damietle Wirth, 136 ~ 334% Re Che Woodward, TE SO37e Cant Olen Po Boe OSL oe Ds mows, TA 30333 Charlotte Hutchison 1338. Bich bo Sp omnes, TA So31s, ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL éfisetpape ote ached) + Dioconure tw requires candidate committees to close he rlatonship of any relatve making a cortrbuton to the Commies, Relationship must be shown f te td degree of consanguiney (cod rates) and afin (lates by 4 raring) (See Page 2a! fos pect), fsumame ot cobuor the same es candida, but thre no Page_Y9_ a familial relationahip, ontar "not applicable” inthe relationship column. (or Schedule For Instructions, See Back of Form ‘SCHEDULE A MONETARY ‘CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN 07) (Inciuding candidate's personal funds) = bestccalt) COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) _ te Beer Fallon for Governsc Exploratory Committe, mMenons Form ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1) NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. SISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 888.32A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use o information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory paitical committees. PAC NOMEER TAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEWED | (applicabe) (wore) | ano PAC CHECK (i appcabe) RAISER NUMBER “John Priedeich : BNO7 Freersout Ae ox (ood Fs los Tys Moves ra 50312 CJ Jennifer ade, v Ke Uda St Des Mang, ca 50313 to_vo Co Chrishae Bre tbock ‘ Ke WS Kang 2K De Mones! FA So3IM to.o0 a Fackie Robinson y oxe 3-es low Des Mornes, FA S31y ‘oF Brin Dep ~ [exe OU Ne Box 382 © i sano\a, In SCI bo.0 toe Fason| Melorig Alyn - Khwerin Y Ke Mus LA Bore Rd Fro lo. Latte Gnade, My 9507. oF Kathleen MiGuetlen y cKe $30 SE Jacesee lou Des moss EA S035 3 oe Retys Bane Hughes wf owe 133 Praatlia Ave » lo. Des rons So3ty, 7 oe Catneriae © Tin Dete Kiker . cKe Naa - se* St. 10.00 Oe mows, FA S83" Douglas Redhad ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if fast page of this schedule) + Deon a reques cance cormites a dais relator of any rote making a cotton to the CamieoePulasShp mit be shown fe fd degre of corsangty (aod eaves) and aay omtves by 4 Page 52a I ‘mariage (See Page 2of forms packet). lf sumame of contributor i the same as candidat, but thera iso familial relationship, entr “not appicabie” in he relationship column. for Scheduis A) For instructions, See Back of Form [SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (Bev.0897) | RECEIPTS (including candidate's persona funds) (COMMITTEE NAME (ifust be samo as on Statement of Organization), 5 ao Fation for Gauernne Explondory. CommatTZe ane For STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES) LIST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN, LIST OF NUMBERS 6 AVALABLE FROMTHE IONA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN ‘DISCLOSURE CAUTION: Section 688,924(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for salcting contbutions or for any commercial purpose by ary person other than statutory political committees. FACTO NUMEER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTHIOUTOR RELATIONSHIP receveD | (i appicabe) TocanoioaTe: | AECENED quwonrA) | AND Pac CHECK ( appieabo) RAISER NUMBER, INCOME arta Oowssev 131-8 KS Besvromes, TA Say cS ID Ritol Attred Bretback * cKe tae ME Kang Pey 15,00 Des Momys, EA S34 cae Carol Gtenn 7 cKe 354 - gt St. #! ts. Das mays, TA S304 C2 Rene Tessar » Ke 3a33 f. Florida Ave +38 (s.0 Denver Co Pedt0 Ld Robut Uete \ “65 . oy B0IG Kinqrnan Bivd # S 2.0.00 Ds mons 24 503) al Michael atdus “ ke S01 Cotlege Aux - co Des mownsa TA SOS, eos , ae Joann Muldoon : Ke 1338 - 1y% St Q0.00 Das Moines, 6 S54 : *. a Mouria | Hawt Glenn Ke 17 Arhington 0,00 Des mods Fa 50344 . a Rita Hehenshe!! cKe 220s So ISHS Mheines, EA SOS # Tamara Andr tos 500 OW wr Ave. Za Sets) Disclosure lw requires candidate commites to caclose the rlatlenship of any relaive making contusion tothe ‘commiiog. Relationship muctbe shown t he thi degree of consanguinity (bcod relatives) and aint (rlatives by ‘mamiage) (See Page 2 ol forms packat). if surname of conaibsor i the samo as candidal, but there ie nO famila relaionahsp, ent “not appiicabe” inthe relationship column. For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (Unetutingcancicate's personal funds) [COMMITTEE NAME (itust be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon fo~ Governor Explored Gornroctte: [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 087) | RECEIPTS Cl check THis box ‘AMENOING FORM ie STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF & CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAG (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE) LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS Ig AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. DISCLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied trom reports and statements for soliciting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PAC TD NOWBER TNANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED | if apptcabio) TocanpoaTe: | AeceweD | “ruND- (mwD0rV=) | AND PAC CHECK (Wappleabie) RAISER NUMBER. INCOME Jon reelersen i 3203 (4+ St CKt QO .D Des Momes, pd S033 Cd Peser| Carla Olsvr “ Ke ATs. Franklin Ave Ret Dus mom's, Ta 52310 2 ‘oF Del Chri sensor . Ke 17 NL USteST Eo gl, TA SSOOS 2S \ ro Del Christensen’ ‘ Ke 30 No 13% St > del, Ta Soo ce Janet Hansen o os GA1g_Lide haven Way ASvo Zan Dean, CA S39 a John Teapot ‘ one sme sesop HS “ha Basle, FA SOOT Co Wane Kineg » ca Moso Ora Ade. 2S.e0 De mowes TA Sodr2 : . me Denna Garofano - cKe 3750 N Lake Shore Dr. 2as.co Chicago TL COot3 oe Frank Af Fannato cKe MAS -a3nd St 2S.0D Des moines TA S931 pF Janvee Burns y ~s18r 2 cKe 34% 1A 303126 Sd TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [; | * Dlecloaure aw require candkate cormitives to cscose the relasonship of any relative making a conrbuton tothe commie. Relorship must be shown t he thie dogree of consangunty (bod relatives) and afi (waives by (See Page 2 of forms packet) sumame of contbutor isthe same as candidate, but ters is 10 fami oationanip, enor not appicable"in the rlationahp column. Page 52 29 (or Schedule A) For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (dncucing candisate's persona funds) Fallon [STATE CANDIDA’ (COMMITTEE NAME (Mis? be same as on Staiement of Organization) overnar Exploratory Comm«tee {TES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECENVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTER), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [SCHEDULE — 4 A MONETARY (ev.0697 | RECEIPTS CO cuecx THs 80x ‘AMENDING FORM NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN, AIST OF 9 NUMBERS Ig AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETMIGS AND CAMPAIGN, DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Secon 636.324(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of nfommaton copie rom reports and satements for solcing contributions or ‘or any commercial purpose by any person ctor than sary polical commitees. PAC TO NUMBER (Wappieabe) [AND PAC CHECK NUMBER. TAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR Carlyn Ublentuke Walker low - 13% St Des mo ints, EA Sos ig FELATIONSAIP TO CANDIDATE" (i applicable) RECEIVED 2S.o0 Tim Carn[ Laure Amsler Ww = 33rd Se Des Mevtes TA 031) aS.00 Eddie Broome 1317. BS. Ds moines S034 Wittian Ferret 45 2u 00 Sets - Uclandale, ra R63 Witham Terrell Wway OO su ++ St. Urbandale, ZR SO26> Barbare Birtoner Sry Su) (Westlawn Dr - Kenly, ER 5009) James Putlen 4323 Grand Ave Hiog Spee Moines, TA 503 1 Denise] Matthew Tapsuctr Jae ~(s™ St aes maises, Ta S34 Lora Kracht/ Sohn Schley isi4 = 20%S- Tes Momes, TA 593) So. * Dlacosure law requres candidate commits to csclse the relaenship of any relative making a cortrbutton tothe committee, Relationship must be shown to te tid depres of consanguinty (ico relatives) and afinty(eatves Dy ‘martage) (See Page 2 ol forms packet). i sumame of contrbutor i the same as candidat, but there is Gory Raufmnan 1537-4X4St. veg EA SD31 familarelationahp, entr “not appicabie” inthe relationship column. 50.0 For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (inlucing canccate's personal fans) (COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon fer Governor Explore: jScHEDuLE] J A__| monetary (Rov.0607) | RECEIPTS CO cueck THs 8x ‘AMENDING FORM. ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMEEM IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN, A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARO. CAUTION: Section 68B.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees, DATE FACTO NUMBER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP receNveD | " (t appicabi) TOCANDIDATE™ wwoor® | ano Pac Geox (Wappleabe) Deonis Coon ie sl cKe t43e- We St 50.09 tiles Be Reine Ex Sosy Cd Melissa Emerson ke 173) Norwest Ave So.w woes Movies, ZA O39 Led Ghester Sreans . Ke Noe mercy Part “Bldg 3 #35 100.00 Des moines, TA SO314+ W 1oe Deems Ortega} Chrishne Meineck ce 00 Wrarket OF = GOS 7 ‘Detroines, a $2306 ee Ld Ruth: Haid Yeoman al Ke BAL TCE 300,90 los De Meins, TA SP3te (OF Bisa meqg itt ” cKe 3083 Wecport Rt OC S20 Towe (ty Ia Sao (Or Ved {Marian Seloran ox Yous W Deltote Ave. Sov i Avy ca SOON - oJ Evelyn, Glare bros! » xe 10g Forest Cre sam Des Moire, 225931 108 Phiitip Geffen ” oKe Less 0€ MEST - Ss. Antony ZA S03) oF Debora} Saluade Sandoudh a 3638 Capitol cKe oO, “De. longa FA SO3r TOTAL (inet page ofthis ececie)| | + Disclosure law require canckatecommitiees to dacose the relaonship of any relative making a coerbuton tothe ‘commites. Relationchip must be show 1 fe Hurd degroe of consanguinty(Dcod eats) and afin (latives by manage) (See Page 2 ot forma pack). I sumame of contibutor is the same as candidate, but here is no {amilal relationship, entor “not applicable" inthe relationship column. Page SH 1B Ter Scheaus A) For Instructions, See Back of Form ‘SCHEDULE CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN tro oen | MOMEEARY sng cans orl nes) Cl check THs Box ae eee ae ecm ee iF E : AMENDING FORM Fallon toe Qmermoe Exploratory Conon ittts ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION S RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED), LIST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION [NUMELER AND THe PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF Ip NUMBERS S AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETMIGS AND CAMPAIGN DCLOSURE aOARD, CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PAGTONUMBER THAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FELATIONSAP RECEIVED (applicable) ‘TO CANDIDATE” qwwoovyr) | AND PAC CHECK (applicable) NUMBER, Datel mag Povick ; : Ke W195 Beavercrest Glos Ds moins, IA sb310 lo.00 a Benton Zechrieh 4 cKH lo7o- 3E™ Sr lo.wo Der Moros, TA S23) CJ Corot Kechhewer w Ke 3001 Woodland #4 Des moins Ta Sos) 10.00 107 ae , oxe S103 Hew yore ALE» Dec moivvs, Fa sO32 10.00 CJ Sadia Grifpean 2 cKe WSS NEGhS 10.00 Pn¥eoy, LA Sw (08 WG Gri G Serr ‘ xe Ness WE GST lo.vo Ankeny, 3 SD0 2) = 8 Michie Rone Wise SLi cKe NT$ WS Bea Sy HUG 10.00 RBcceic, Nua : oe Leen | maria Moran 7 3aiq WMS. 10. “ Des mors, ZA S033 7 y me John Friedrich oxe No Tagerse lt fo. ros ra SE3im pe Tere coy PhothPs, he cKE Boy - 19st 15, 0d aso TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) | [; | + Disclosure aw require candatecormmitees to caclase the relasonahip o any relatve making a cotrbuton tothe ‘commnites. Relationship must be show 1 te fir degree of consanguinity (Baad relatives) and any (relatives by Ss oF ‘mamage) (See Page 20! forme packet). i sumame of conaibtor is the same as candidat, but thera is no Page. of familial elationahip, enter “not appicable” in the relaionsip column. (for Schedule A For Instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (nelucing cancidate's personal und) ‘COMMITTEE NAME (ust be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon for Governor Exploratery Comm: [SCHEDULE A | wonetary (ev. 0097) | RECEIPTS ES Cl check THis 60x ‘AMENDING FORM [STATE CANDIOATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION I RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION. [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1 NUMBERS IS AVAIABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. DISCLOSURE BOARO. CAUTION: Section 688.3246), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. DATE] PACD NUWOER TUNE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FELATIONSHP | AWOUNT | T1FFOR RECENED | — Wappleabio) TocaNpoaTe” | Ace | “FUND- (wwoorr) | AND PAC CHECK (W appieabe) RAISER NUMBER INCOME alos fe eae *x , Ke 10 Blonds SF #110 a oo Omaha, We CEL co Kay meen a xs 3308 OHey Mee - 25,06 Pest, TA S080 ior . Bob Uete Ke Ao 30%St Qyz.50 ca, DB Soe. \ (oF Jee Jacoby . coke Beate —Sist St ay.oo “Des mornis. 74 SDB) D oF Bin Cappuccio - cK OFA BAH St IV Bee SS sean a! De Norman] Ana Lathington 7 cKe TNT 5€ Porter Ave as. Des nreniis, TA SDS LA Chester Gunn y ke Aol) — BH Sr as. Des moins ba OS 2 De ' Patria Ferree xe Bed —3uoh TH oe (icy ee ER SoD C2 Lonne Wackhga) » cKe Boo Onion Greek Ln - as. Amis, ta Soe iy 5 Ls Pout Connelly | oD tis Park Sie 4150) 2S. Mos TA S03 TOTAL itieet page of ni schecute)| ‘SUB-TOTAL + Dislooure law require cendiiate committees to cacoee the relationship of any relatve making a cortbutton tothe ‘commites. Relatonehip must be shown te tid degree of consanguinty (cod rates) and afin (relatives by oo Page 24 _o 2G See Page 2 of forms packat), f sumame of controuiors the Same as candidate, but there is no {ail relationship, enter “notappicabe” nthe relationship coumn. "for Schedule A) For Instructions, See Back of Form [SCHEDULE CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN oo \Incucing candkdate's personal unc) CO cueck Tus 80x (COMMITTEE NAME (ifust be same as on Statement of Organization) . Fallon Sor Governse Exploratory Comme: ‘AMENDING FORM [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION S RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION. [NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF ID NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. DiscLosURE BOARD. CAUTION: ‘Section 686.3246), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied trom reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PAC TONOMBER TNANE AND ADORESS OF CONTRIGUTOR FECATIONSHP neceIveD | Wappieabie) TocanoioaTe’ | eceneo | Fino. applicable) RAISER INCOME Donavon} Cheryl Lundgren alos fox W105 (7st aes osex, Te Siedy Co Peter|Randi ME Matiy 5 oxe Aas -4and S Demons, Fa SC3in 98.00 OF Renate Shotwett » en F71G Adams Ace as.0° Dy morivs, Ta 30319 OF Kathleen Kopaheh \ : Ke Bary Vane Or. a My handule, EN SDH Boo OF Tricia Laman ABS Glenwood Or 9 c Ke : Des omnes, TA SO3, eae De Christa Addy s oxe Bol EZ. Bell Au. 30,00 Des mormis, Dn $051 TOF Taesrie Qitin] Kieran Wut vans ” Ke Wes Plaze Gr Cys Windser Heights Tye 50322 : Jean Basinger % Ke 1335- Ue Ss: Soo Des Moris, TA $031) J James| Tavita Genter, : cKe Bor “Twame Drs Sow Daw XA 30310 ad Derg) Cater Engshons ‘ cKe Basi Village Civ So. TOTAL (it lest page of this schedule) | * Diaciooure law requires candidate cornits to lcioe the reitonship of any relative making a contrbton othe cera” Aoustanp mabe hewn fe td Sg of coearganty (cod aves an ey ees Py ratay oc Pape ome pot), sramo cy comaor she fae a canta bl eto 0 {ami relationship, onto “not appicabe" inthe relationship column. (tor Schedula A} Page 51 14 For Instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN nee (inc cancct'sparsonal fens} SS C1 check THis Box [COMMITTEE NAME (Aust be same as on Statement of Organization) AMENDING FORM Falton Sor Geverner Zxploratory Comm Te ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION is RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND THe PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1D NUMBERS iS AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other han stator poltialcommitees. FACTO NUMBER THAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTHIBUTOR (tapptcabl) receneD | “runo- wwoDrvR) PAC CHECK NUMBER. Pore Beckett s a\o3 | eke eee So.00 OF Tatham Boeirege os fexe 1335-4qstg. f Bec mornis 3A 503) eee 7 (oe emp Jack: Heston Ke Tol SE Dew te JO.0d Des mores TS m o Jody, Sua t ky > oe Wig = 30% St as. De roves 1 £03) ad Chmstopher Bedford N one She 230 NG ISIS Lindn St. SO.8D Des mower, 4 $2304 w LJ Bettseyy Barhorst en 3418 Alexis Biya - 50,9 Cedar fails ta Sov! oF David Osterberg b cKe 31T- And Re Gorn Moons vernon, Te $23) iF George toe (en. a ca ood Cottage Grove Aux 1 ~ Des Moves TA Tb3), 06.30 uo Marilyn Barrel! “ cKe W26S Lowe G4 - Ackwerth, pe S000) $20.0 Douglas Red hen “ Isao ‘SUB-TOTAL ECL + Disclosure aw requires candidate commits t ctetose the relationship of any relatve making aconributon to the ‘committee, Relationship mustbe shown te fird degree of consanguinty (bod relatives) and affinty (rites by marrage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). i sumame of contbutors the Same as candidate, but there is no Page Sx 259 familalrelationalp, enter “not applicable" inthe relationship colurn. {for Schedui: For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (ctucing candidate's personal funds) [COMMITTEE NAME (14:51 be same as on Statement of Orgarizaion) Fallan for Goverrer Exploratory Come: tte ‘SCHEDULE — A MONETARY (Pov. 0887) | RECEIPTS te Cl creck THis 80x ‘AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN, A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS IS AVARABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DScLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: Section 688.22A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or ‘or any commercial purpose by any person cther than statutory poltical committees. PAC TO NUMBER (iapprcable) [AND PAC CHECK NUMBER. "NAWE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR Eddie Bloomu- 13.11 -§ Streer o1nes, TA 503i RELATIONSHIP ‘TO CANDIDATE (applicable) RECEIVED | “FUND- RAISER INCOME, RSD Janice Tones Bal - (97 StS Des eres, ZA S03 1¢ so. Tent maringrs Ina Swe Dawes Des Mores, FA OBS Naney Feoms/o #570 Geimant Blot Diionea,pol', MN Z5doe Go, 2d Russ lockb4rt 1916 Bear Creek Ref - Zaulhaon, /A_ 30072 J. Deuglas Ped heaal 3307 - 4 De: on nes, LA S23¢3 15,8 TeFhrey Kirth 1051-6 0% $7 Des Meovivs, La S03! Cart Clsen Po Bx 404! Des Mois, TA $0335 CO harlattc Hetchison 1328 Birch Ln Des Mownus, TA 5031S Der Dane tle iets ISU - 334% Re ard TA SOA76 ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if test page of this schedule) + Disclosure aw require candidate cormitees to ciclo the relatonship of any relative making a contribution to the ‘committee, Relationship mut be shown to te tis degree of coneanguiny (bod relatives) and ality (raves By 'sumame of contributor isthe same as candidate, but there is no ‘mariage (See Page 2of forms packet). familial relationship, enter “not appicabe” inthe relationship column. page 59 9) Wor Schedule A) For Instructions, See Back of Form [SCHEDULE 7 A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN taw.onen | "neceeTs (ucng canct's persona hinds) iE COMMITTEE NAME (ist be carve as Saiamont of Orpantaton} (Cl orecx Tas cox Se ea ere [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION Is RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), LST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION UME ANO THE PAC CHEGK NUMBER THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. LIST OF 1D MUMBERS 1 AVALABLE PROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN CAUTION: ‘Section 688,.32A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than stalutory political committees. PACT NUMBER WANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FELATIONSHIP | AMOUNT | VIFFOR | acceven | ""Wappieabe) Tocanoioate: | RecevED | ‘uNo- (wwoorve) | AND PAC CHECK (dappicabe) RAISER NUMBER. INCOME Philip Janes e (208 Prasat #2 S Ke od Alisios Des monnes, TA S034 ° Beha More lancl cxe A439 @rmcie Rue 5. 2 Tes mowys, FA 8310 ioe Bennett Bown o oo 994 Echo Ave. lo,00 Mechanusville, TA 5336 7 = Tenmber Nude oxe Sioa tit St Des morriga, TA S313, tess i Chnshne Bredback > oo M43 King PKs ic Des Moyne, TA FS1Y oo Jackie Robinson . cKe Bi Besa 10, Des Momes, TA SOB = . iad Brian De pest Ke TOINS Bor 30 fotcol Trshanvla, TR SQI9S i Kathy| Jene Hughes . oy 133 Franklin lo.od Des momes, La So3'4 . i Kathleen MC Guillen cKe S30 SE Jackson lo.00 Der Movies, Ta SO3tS , “Fasonl Melons, Allyn: Schue ~ cKe WUS La Bore Ri #102 lo.o Liple Canale, Ma 3 5Ur ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [; | srs ee en en i a a a ete Bee aces antec nce Sao eet aantad jetegecam er seateaa tree oe Lg 1 erage ae erat weston For instructions, See Back of Form (SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (Rev.0887) | RECEIPTS (clus cancicata’s personal funds) CHEK TAS (COMMITTEE NAME (ius? ba same as o7 Statement of Orgarizaton) = ae AMENDING FoRM loredory Go STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: 1F A CONTRIDUTION S RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN, A LIST OF ID NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE FROM THE ICIVA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN SiScLOsURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 68B.92A(6), 1owa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by ary person other than statutory political committees. FACTO NOWEER "RANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR Catherine ~ Jim Diete-Kilen liga - 38%St Shslos_ [ow au oowe ea sor te.00 te Cay la Dasa an ‘ Ke 1317 - 34 St. 1$.00 Dus méineg 4 SOSH OF Rete JR fred Gre rt eds . o 43 ML Kina PKUOY o Des Monts, Ta S039 15,50 . C2 Carol Glenn Ke LBS 14 BSH + 1S.sD Des Mewes, GA SUBIY a C2 Michae! Boidus Ke set College Rot 20.50 Des Memer, T5 SO3M Cd Joann Muldoon \ cKe 1338-18 S 20.00 “Des Moines, Pa Sosy J Maura | Hote! Glenn . 120 Arhington 20.00 oe Des moines ta S054 20. oF Rita Henensheit » oKe 7205 Sw Ist St . Qo.00 Ds mows, TA 50315 f oe Ton Pedersen cKe 3a037 15 Sr. 20.8d Desm Sa s03'3 (08 Tamara Andress AsSon WL WT Aue + aehoster, TP SO! 3) ‘SUB-TOTAL ‘TOTAL (fast page of this schedule) «ecg anon ee et cei _Sesee sen corse e coneas ae a saa semerte ennai ytataret acim oe wae ee rw a Ravan sere socier noose wane For instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY (CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN | ey Cnc cancers nds) | COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) iF CO crecx ris 20x Farton Sor Governor Exploratory Committe ¢ anenone For ‘STATE CANCIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED), LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESICNATED COLUMN. LIST CF1O NUMEERG 8 AVAABLE FROM THE IOWA ETS AND CAMPAIGN CAUTION: ‘Section 698.32A(6),lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. FACTO NOMEER TAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED | (i appieable) (uo) | AND PAC CHECK applicable) RAISER NUMBER INCOWE Yeterflarla Clson PNB Frankl we Ke Franklin isles Des moines, Ja es — Robert Ue fe Be1a Kingman + 5 » Ke nance : . Des Moines, TX Sosy ees ta Sonn Tapsustl » THO Sesup St as Ke Soo Tndianola, TA So1a5 ae 7 Co Janet Nansen cKe Yala We haven Way 2S oO San Diego, CA THUS 0 LOahans Krie : oso Ovid AXE one Dey Moines Ta SO3Io aS 0d 1o# Janice Burns ” pa Ke Bas - 31" Des mornies, Ta $05 eee Cy Garay Ubenhale ai ker . Ke WUia - (34 St as.s0 Ei Desmomes, Ta 50314 ad J Donna Garofand = , 8 3750 ND Lake Shore 5 : Checago, FL bow 13 coca LJ Frank AF fannato ‘ oxe N3e-aans S aS. Das moines, TA SB3U) tor Tiny Carl Lars ter WViB~ BBea flere | os Moms, Ts S031) ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL Qin page oft sche) | _ ee a ca eS 2 cers ore cer ome ae a van Oy Seacoast ne frame emma wanton For Instructions, Ses Back cf Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY (CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAXEN IN (Rev. PTS. s (Rev. 0887) | RECEIF Gi cueck THs 20x (COMMITTEE NAME (list be Sarre a o7 Slaterent of Organization) Fallon tor Governor Geplorotory Commitee, [STATE CANCIDATES. NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), LST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK MUMGE IN THE DESIGNATED COLUWN, A LIST OF 1 NUMAERG Is AVALADLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN. DiscosURE BOARD, F AMENDING FORM CAUTION: Section 688.3246), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied rom reports and stalements for solicting contributions or tor any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. PACT NOMEER THAME AND RODAESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FELATIONSAP RECENED |” (fapplcabie) -| Tocanpioate: | RECEIVED (uwoorv=) | AND Bac CHECK (applicable) RAISER NUMBER. Stephanie Weisen bach 1od0 aS SH 3 Tes moines ra Seat! a ~ Bel Christensen © lee 317 N13 SF AS.uv Adel, ZA $0003 a a Kay meyer Ke 330% Otley Ax 9500 Veriy, TA Sua 20 1 y Edwart FEtton u BB Warnes Aue : cKe ey once Father | 52.00 » Rov bare Bartcher cxe Siu Sto Lestlawa Dr Sod Antenu, Fa S31 , 1D James Purten Tee 4323 Geand “104 —— Des Movies, Ta sg 1 oe Denar | Mathie TE pSeoth cx Joe- Best 30.50 De NOS, TA SUI 7 OF Tore Kreck] John Schley 4 Isis gate ste s xe Sa.sy Des Mons, FA S03n ioe Messe Emersen a Ke (193) Dover Aue, a) Dey mores, TA 50310 ioe Dans Coon 7 xe mae er So. yeMeices, EA 5031 ‘SUBTOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) + Dletosura in requires candle commitees ocscose the relationship of any relative making a corrbuton tthe cormntive. Relatlorship mustbe shown t the fir degre of consanguinity (od eaves) an ait (raves by ns ‘mamage) (See Page 2 of forms packat). I sumame of contibutr is the same as candidate, but there is nO Page gig {mill rotations, entat “not appicable inthe relationship column. (or Schedule A For instructions, See Back ef Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN \lnctucing cancat's personal nds) | COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon Sr Governer Exploratory Come thee SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev. 087) | RECEIPTS cueck THis 80x. ‘AMENDING FORM ie ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), LIST THE PAC IDENTIRCATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. ALIST OF I NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPATGN, DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 68B.22A(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solcing contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. a contribution tothe = otters ent mare aaa eae Pee en eal seavaoam sav cia Mevmcmocne TOTAL (itieet page of tis scheaute)| | * Disclosure aw requires cancldate corres to cclose the reatonship of any relative making FACTO NONEER TRANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED | (Wf apptcable) TOCANDIDATE® | RECEIVED quwoorv|y | AND Pac CHECK (appicable) RAISER NUMBER feo. Gary Kau prea Ke 1837-4 St Ss Des moines, TA S03. ame OF LOrthan Terrell \ one Ngae wu isett sr a rhuada ls, ZA 6096. B Cd Trartin Victor . cxe (1900 Gan tral Ave Terk Dodge, EP S252) 30.00 oad Vetme Soaks Soloman v cKe No 3athst S 00.00 Cedar Rapils gh SA403 & 10 Leonard Taker Alaaloa Bore York, (2a)o3 | ox Biivcins. aa soare {00.08 (oe Joely See ty, 4 Ke Wis - 308 SF 2$.00 Damen Ta 503 ad Vicks Gold smart, ‘ Ke UbIS Kindnia 2 2. So.vo “Ds Memes, EA S31! 5 oF Kimbo ty Heddon v Ke Boa NB St Soo Tawienola, Ta S215 ad Jon Sensor 0 cK asa4 Iss Ax. So.cd Docecak LA S201 \ (oe Christopher Bedford . (S15 Linden St. F220 TA SDS25 Page oY og 7 Torschesuio a} For instructions, See Sack ef Ferm CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (Ineucing cancat's personal funds) (COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fatton for Govemor Sie p loretery Comms thie [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev.06s7) | RECEIPTS Ci check THis 80x ‘AMENDING FORM ‘STATE CANDIDATES. NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION iS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED) LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1p NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN Biscvosume soanD. CAUTION: Section 686.224(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees, * Disclosure law requires candiiatecorvites to dlaclose the rlaionship of any reatve making TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) || ‘a contrbutlon to the TATE. PAGO NOWBEA TWAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP receven | ” (tapplcable) TOCANDIOATE” | RECEIVED quwoorrA) | AND Pac HECK (tapplcabie) NUMBER. Son Krieg . cKe 1599 - Aosest 380.0) Alaalos Des Momes TA 5034) ¥ 08 Douglas Udhoad - cKe 3207-4 \S.v Des muats TA 50313 OF Philip Gea Freon Jo /03 Ke Tiuss NC oe Sr so Anteny EA SVO2! os Evelyn Glow brooke, os Forest Ct So ‘ oxe Des mowiss, TA SO3n a Ted | Marian Soloman : Ke eNE N Dakote he So Brus, EA SOCN . a Alisa] Tosh Mega, tr on 3083 Newport Rane So Sowa Gty, Tp soe40 (OF Tern Pied eich . on 3407 Thaersow oe 10.00 z Drs Mos, =a So41> I DF Kamyar — nshoqan Ke 1703 Washington St aan Costar Fas, T4 SOb13 (oe Mrchetre Cen Wisne ski ~ Ke Wo & Bra St HIG lo. ww Brooklyn, Ny Naa ; oF Leons Maran Kor lan oe 3816 Se (o,00 Ties Moms, TA S93'13 ‘committe. Relationship must be shown tthe tid degree of consanguinty (boc relatives) and afity (reiatves by ‘martlage) (See Page 20 forms packet). It sumame of contributor i the same as candidate, but there is no {aril relationeip, enter “not applicable” in the relatonstip column Page 6S _ a FG for Schedule A) For instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY (CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN Rev.ce7) | RECEIPTS (inctucting cancisate's personal func) g RE ‘COMMITTEE NAME (dust be same as on Statement of Organization) Falton $y Gowemnor xplorafory Committe. ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED), LIST THE PAC DENTIRCATICN NUMBER ANG TH PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUM. ALI OF 1D NUMBERS iS AVALABLE PROM TEIOWA ETHICS AN CAMPAIGN CAUTION: ‘Section 86.224(6), lowa Code, prchiits the use c information coped rom reports and statements fr slicing contributions or {or any commercial purpose by ary person other than statutory political commitces. CO cueck THis 20x ‘AMENDING FORM ‘DATE PACTO NUMBER "NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATIONSAIP] AMOUNT RECEIVED (if appicabie) -| ToCANoioaTE* | RECEIVED (mwcorA) | AND PAC CHECK (applicable) RAISER NUMBER Margaret Ragland : S103 Nee York Aue at Thes Mowes, EA $0999 CJ Nick Gat hess . cKe lwss NE GY St oc Ankany TA Sooss (o.oo 6 ee Tala Grifficon cx Ness NE Win sr Bnveny Ep $009 ¢ lo. ow oe Corot Kechheiste es Zeer Wood tana Aue * 4 Ke = Des Mowes, TA se3io Loan id Genton Zachrich 7 Ke loo 38ST : hoo Des Morrus, TA S93 Ge Depoahk| Salvador Sancloval cKe AGIs Capito! 12.00 Dis Mowis, TA 52319 a Dete + Mary Patredc : ‘ xe Was Geavercresh lO. op ~ Be Mois, EA $235 - 108 eee eae on » oxe G70 Echo Ave low echamesVilie, FA T2306 » CJ Chad Marzen Baue Belgany Ave - 1s, bad Dougherty, ra SOX3S3 oe oF 7 > Deremy PRitips cxe Bouse St Des Homes, TA SOs ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) = Dlaclosure law requires candidate commiees to ceclose fe rlatonship of any relative making a contribution tthe corrmiee. Reladcrehip must be shown t he third Gegree of consanguiny (dood relative) and aint (relatives by ‘marrage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). If suamo cf contributor isthe same as candidate, bu there ino familalrlationahip, tar “not applicable” inthe relationship column. For instructions, Ses Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MCNEY TAKEN IN (etucing canclcata’s persona funds) CONTTTEE NAME Ga bo Samo as on Seomant of Crparizaion) Fetlon br Govornar Exploclary Committee ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIUTICN IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITCAL ACTION COMMITTED), IST THE PAC DENTICATION MUNBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMER INTHE DESIGNATED COLUMN, ALST OF 1b NUMBERS IS AVALAELE FROM THEIOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN BISCLOSURE BOARD, Cl cuecx THs 80x ie ‘AMENDING FORM CAUTION: Section 688.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of infermation copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or fer any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. PACT NUMBER NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR (apoio) TOCANDIOATE* | RECEIVED (mwooryA) | AND PAC CHECK {appicable) RAISER NUMBER, “John Harteg ‘ TBO Blonde St ito So Oran NE Fl 34 oO - Eleabeth Nays ” Ke 1a05 Summer St - 25.60 Gynt td TA SONS (F Ba Cappaccro CK re oo Des Mowys, TA S23u if J Bob Uete xe eee ewe Boone) Eh SUS. oF Stacie Etceve ry ” cxe Seas Vata Dee SU * ase WOM ze sojee a Peted Randi Me Natly ‘ Bas dane St: ot Bes Monee TA 59312 B.vo ee Loan, Nach Hast . cxe 3100 Onun Geek Ln 25.00 ‘ ‘Gees 2A 3008 : oF Retrica, Foret y cxe Bou: B4ot Tt AS. Kutz, ER S0R6 ad Put Connell . cxe bis Pore St #ISot 25.00 Des moms, Ta $2309 : Cd Donovon of Gey Lundgren oe os - ost - 25-9 Essex Ca SY 3% *Dlocosure tw requires candidate cormitees to daclose the relationship of ay relative making a cortbuton tothe ‘comites. Relationship must be shown tthe tid degree of consanguinty (deed relatives) and afin (relatives by as) STanaga (see Page 2elome parae, tsuame ct comaaa athe sare scarab ore 0 Fann roscantt, eter" apical te reatorshp cota. For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (intucing cancteat's personal funds) COMMITTEE NAME (IMust be same as on Statement of Crganization) cf C1 cuca ras Box FaMlon bv Gosernor Gy plaratyy Committee AMENDING FORM A MONETARY (Fev. o8g7 | RECEIPTS |STATE CANCIDATES NOTE: F A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION UST THE PAC DENTIECATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. & LIST OF 1D NUNGERS IS AVARABLE FROMTHE IOWA EFAIGS AND CAMPAIGN, OISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solcing contriutions or for any commercial purpose by any person ather than statutory polical committees. DATE, PAG NUMBER "NAME AND ACORESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP] ANOUNT | VIF FOR RECEVED ( appicabie) -| TocanpioaTe- | RECEIVED | ‘FUND- (uwoorA) | AND PAC CHECK Gi apoteable) RAISER NUMBER. INCOME, TOF Chester Gorn toluloe_ | exe lous. yh st 2S.» Des Mouys ZA S034 Joo Taccby r cK Bee Si Sr eee Des Movs, TA 203/29 Norman + Ann Le thagten. ca “Inn s¢ Porkey Ave 25.90 Des moins, Lx 59315 Renate Shotwell on 21a Adams Aue as. Des menes, Ta $2319 ibe Tree by rman » 33E5 Glenwood Dr . 3 ? 66 os Des Momes, TA 3O31a oe Kothicen Ke pation ~ cKe 3417. Aane OF, 30.00 Lb rhendale, Ee'9 392 a Cheista Addy . Bor €, Bell Pues 30.00 : oe Tes moss, FA SO3IS ; Krshne Mager a Ba06 Minne ton ko < oe Ames, TA S20ts 32H oF Lowrie Beta Kieran Wiens dl eKe 05 P tors Com. Yo. Windsor Heights Ea $0308 oF Eduard Fation ow 33 Wamesct Ror. Fettue | Seep sao sow | TOTAL ( last page of this schedule) i. _| + laoure nw equres cate cites actos he oes of an atv making vcore contoune’ Raeatatp st be dom fe furd deges of omaargunly (ec raves) an aly (eaves DY : trate) (Soe Pago’ era paca. fssnare i coraao sto samo as canddato, but ors 0 Page lc ot 2 fared ratananp, enor nak apical” nthe relatoratp cola. Tor shea For instructions, See Bact of Form SCHEDULE A | wonerany CCONTREELITONS — MONEY TAME iN (rev.onsn | “QRETAny (COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) 0 cerca rsa nox : AMEND Fallon bor Governor Exploratory Committee cou STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECENED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED), UST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION NBER MOTH PAC CHECK NUNES INTHE OESIEANTED COLLIM. AUST CF1© NUMBERS AVALABLE PROM THEIONA ETM AND CAPAC DISCLOSURE CARO. CAUTION: Section 638.524(6), lowa Code, pris the use of infomation copied rom reports and statements for solicting contibuttons or {or any commercial purpose by any person cher than statutory polical committees. ‘WANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR "FACTO NUMBER [Tem Gnd Sacks Heston c or se au Ct tees ow | soar ya's secs : bad Tean Basinger : Kt 1335 48% Sr Sooo Des Moines Ta S931) . Caral [Farber Woodrah : BUNT Center St bad Des Moises TA+SOF!> So. (Oe Outham Basinger : cK 1335 MR a Des moms, TA 523 4 0 Somes OF TErtn Benton, oxe Boar Kane Dr ; So.u0 Fe mate pa Sear cd Doug= Gahy Enqstrons ‘ Sasi Vintage Cr oe Jeheston, TR SSS! Se.0> ele Anne Bickel ox \ssr NiO HAS - Gacy * Der moves pA SOS : a Norman Knight cxe ISAS BBH SE. 2S.00 TBs mois, Fm 5030) Se Douglas Red read 33.07 -WhS le “ Zevon za S23'2 (be Se flpey Kir “iste|oe ee a sen s. ‘SUB-TOTAL ‘TOTAL (it last pace of this schedule) + Diolosure aw requres candidate commitees to cacose the relatonship of any relative making a contrbuton tthe Commitee. Relaionship must be shown fe id degroe of consanguinty (bod relatives) ard afin (relatives by ‘mamage) (See Page 2 of forms packat}. I sumame of conbuter's the same as candidate, but there is no Page {c5__of fami rlationahip,entor “net applicable" in the relationship column, (or Schecuis A) For instructions, See Zack of Form CONTRIBUTIONS - MCNEY TAKEN it (rcs carats pro ta) COiMRATTEE NAME (hat bo Sarva as on Stornant of Crpariator) F Fallon. Sor Governor Cxploratocy Commattee ‘STATE CANCIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAG (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES), IST THE PAC IDENTIFCATION NUMBER AND 7H PAC CHECK NUMER I THE DESIGNATED COLIN, ALST OF 1D NUMBERS iS AVALABLE FROM THISIOWA ETHES AND CAMPAIGN OO cute mis 20x ‘AMENDING FORM CAUTION: Section 888.324(6), lona Code, prohibits the us of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person othr than statutory political committees. PACT NOMEER ‘Nani AND ADDRESS OF CONTAIBUTOR RECEVED | ~ (i appicable) Tocanpioate* | RECEIVED quwoorr® | AND pac CHECK (W applicable RAISER NUMBER INCOME Donal Danielle Wet . volisfos | ox lyse 334% Ra Woodward, EA FIT Le Gael Olsen 4 xe Po Box KON! S.o0 “bes mounds, ER S333 Cd Charlotte Hut chisay e cKe (30% Birdy lane Sco es mois, TA SUBS oF Phitie Tames 4 10% Pleamant * 2 xe yes Ds mors, a Sed eae \ ibe Joho Mere land xe yas Amick ALL Seo Des Mounts TA (2 Seomier Hyde xe M04 NS to, 00 Toes mows, 0313 y oF Chrishne Bertback Ke Was King PRO4 loo : bs mons, EA S03 2 oe ickie Robsnsan o & Be ees lo.00 De moines, TA S034 a Brian Depew “ cKe POI NC Bm Bud \o.ay x WTA Sore y Tor Sason(Melonie Allyn ~ Schwerin, aA WAS A Bore Rd * 10 loo Lite Grave, ssu ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this scheduto} * Dlectoaure law requires candidate commiees to dcione fhe relaonshi of ay relative making a cortrbuton to the Commitee. Relaicehip must be shown to he fir cogres of consanguinity (tod reltves) and afinty (eaves By ‘ramtage) (See Page 2 fora packet). I sumame of coniibutcr is tha same as candidate, but there is no page_—2o_ a Th familial elaionahip, entor “not appicable” in the relationetip column, For instructions, See Bac of Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN iN (cluding cancicste's persona funds) oro (COMMITTEE NAME (lust be same as on Statement of Crganization) 7 Oo eee AMENDING FORM Falton Sor Guemer Exploratory Cone tte ‘STATE GANEIDATES NOTE: (4 CONTRRUTION 1 PECEVED FROM A STATE PAC (FOLTICAL ACTION COMITTES) UST THE PAC CENTRATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF IO NUMBERS IS AVALABLE FROM THE,GWWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 888.324(6), low Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solcting contributions or for any commercial purpose by ary person other than statutory poltical committees. FAG TO NUMBER receives | ""W apotcabl) +| TocawwioaTe: | recevED | “ruNo- | quwoor) | AND Pac CHECK (appicabe) Rasen | NUMBER. INCOME Kathys dene Hoakes Jol oa 83 Franthn Ave + (slo De Mons, Ta soaiy lo.0o OF Kathleen MO Guillen ” a Ke B30 SZ Taccson 7 es monies, TA $0315 ie . ie Catherine ~ Sim Diete -Kilen cKe haa- 3a lows DesMoines, a ‘Sosy co Kamyar Ensnayan “ cKe 1703 Washington St 10.00 Cedar Falls EA 50613 re Carta Davison » xe 1317-8 St . 1S.0d “Des mounts, FA S03 IF Rita Ai fred Bretoach . M43 NL King Pky -7 oe Des mois, TA S031 U oF Carer Gienn Y Sou ast! ! xe S$. i Des mo ings, Ta S034 DF Toamn Muldavhr 7 1333-1 SHS t 20,00 ox Des Mowss, TA S93 “ ioe WMichae 1 Baldus Soi Colle Aur - 20. Cd “ne os TA S034 , (| “Ta mara Knaewrd S00 WL UME Ave + cae Johnston, IR SC + Dlectoaue law requires candle commits to clos he rationship of any relatve making a corebuon to the commie. Peladonship must e shown to the Hird cogree of catsanguinty (cod relates) ard afin (relatives by no} marrage) (See Page 2 of forma packet). I sumame of contributors the same as candidate, but there sno Page_1y_ot TH fail relationahip, entar “not applicable” in the relaonstip cliznn, For instructions, See Back of Ferm (CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN (ecg cans personal ies), COMMITTEE NAME (IMust be same as on Statement of Organization) iF OF cnc THs 20x ~ ‘AMENDING FORM Falion Ser Govemnar Exploratory Commrtte [STATE CANCIDATES NOTE: 5A CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED, LST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. ALSST OF ID NUMBERS 1S AVAILABLE FCN THGIOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688,24(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for salicting contributions or fer any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory polical committees. TATE, FACT NOWEER TNANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RELATIONSHIP] ANOUNT | VIF FOR RECEIVED | ~ i applicable) | Tocanoware: | feceven | “runo- quwooryey | ANO PAC CHECK ( appcabie) RAISER NUMBER INCOME oF Taurine) Hazel Glenn ; loli s\oa] exe NA Ac haaten 20.60 Isle uweie Fa spay oF Rika Behensweit “ ee ndos SO ISH St: 20.00 “ys mows, TA S031 ae Von Redoran ° xe Ba03 = 1S" St - 20.00 “Bs wo my FR SOBs. oe Petar [Carta Dison ‘ ey 3712 Franklin Mee. 20.00 Des monis, PA SOZIO * Rowert Ueto : xe 3014 Kingman Blvd #S aed Dy moss, Ta $031) oF Sennl Crystar Leto : 3a4s -S and st oo oe Des mous, EA SO3lo in Ld Satly Didne ~ cKe MOAVS mMymulas Way, 2d TTemecuta C4 Sasar : C4 g rm sel Thequelun Lack band oxe 18iy Rear Creek Qa. 22.0 Earlham, ER SCOT > (pe Ea Bloomer ea 1317-9 St. asa Tes moines, Ta SO3I4 yo Janet. Hansen xe MAA Whbermven Oey, asicD) a Disa, EA Gave + Dlelosure law requires candidate commiteee to cecloe the rlainship of any rétive making a cortrbuten to the ‘committee. Relainehip mustbe shown © the ti degree of consanguinity (cod relatives) and afin (relatives by yo ‘amage) (See Page 2 of oma packet). I sumame of contributor is he same as candidate, but here i no Page. ot {amial relationship, nor “not appcabie” in the rlatonatip column, or Scheduis A) For instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IM (ev.c07 | RECEIPTS (ictang candles’ personal us) = CO cutcx THs 20x ‘AMENDING FORM (COMMITTEE NAME (lust be same as on Statement of Organization) F Fay Governae Exploratory Commun ittis STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION Is REGEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED, UST THE PAC IENTRICATION NABER AND Te PAC CHECK NUMBER THE GESIGAATED COLMA. AUST OF © NUNEERS IS AVALABLE FROM THEIONA ETM AND CAMPAIGN IE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688,224(6), lowe Cade, prohibits the use of information copied ftom reports and statements fr solcting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory politcal committees. FACTO NUMBER WANE AND ADORESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEVED | "(i appeabo) -| Tocanomate: | receiven | “ruNo- (wwoorrr) | AND PAC CHECK Ct aplcatie) RAISER ‘NUMBER INCOME Sohn Tap scott 742 Sesu Pp St - Vl\s\o3 | Indianola, EA Solas 28.00 (OF Witiam Ke'eq 4 on Yoso Ovid Rue. 25.0 Der mows, FP SP32 : Gd Front A Ranma to Ke Nae-aand St- asiot Deu rao ns, SDN a Downa Garclano iw cKe ZBISe-N Care Shore Pr ays VUnvage FL ott 08 Janice Borns a a Aye Sue St 25.90 Das moms, ER S231 (oe Cavdyn Uen ha Desir = cKe {Ura - 13% Sr Qs.o0 “Has Homes, TR SOSY, oe Sire Carn Lavra Amsiev \ | exe Wg-a3ra S as ud : Der momes ra 5230) : DF Stephanie Weisentoady \oae -aS* Ste 3 2Qs.00 7 == Des memes, A SO3Y BF Del Carstensen vl exe BIN 13% St As.gd Adel TA so003 oF Kas meyer . leu Ae + = xe —— asd ont mei cnn em an ety are aa Er ns ak ‘Siragn isos Paras ome pact). ¥ arama cf sorrucrsthesao acacia, bul here > fami taoreh, ener "nt appz te retort coun. TerSawasan) For instructions, Ses Back ef Form CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IM (clung candtoate's personal funds) SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Fev. 0087) | RECEPTS CO cHtck Tas 80x COTTE WAIE (at be sae ws on Saran Forlton Cor Governer Exploratory STATE CANDIDATES NOTZ: IF A CONTRIBUTION Is RECEIVED FFOM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION CCMNITTES), LST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. ALIST OF ID NUMBERS IS AVALAGLE FROMTHE IOWA ETHICS AND G&AaPIoGN DISCLOSURE OARS, ‘AMENDING FORM CAUTION: Section 688,92A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use cf infermaticn copied from reports and statements for salicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by anyy person other than statutory political committees. PAC IO NONEER THANE AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR ( appcabie) -| Tocanoate: | receven | “runo- ‘AND PAC CHECK ‘Wapplcable) RAISER NUMBER INCOME. Stacie ercheverrg ; 5535 Vista Dr 34 wofislag [one Lhck Gus Moines En SOIL Ase Cd Maralyn Hammond ” cKe Box ags Slate, ER SOAGY fo. oF Dare Grermann > xe (5 1g~ (aS. So Anos s A T0010 oo 2 Denise | Matthew tapscot e one TaAw- (Ss Sr + Se.0 ’ Des momes TA S03} = ad Barbara Birtoher — St4 SW Westlaun De. - So. » Ankeny, Dp SoD 31 oe “James Purlen * T cxe 833 Grand Aut tio Sod Toes moss TA S031 = Lora Krocht| John, Schley » Ke Ish BAS. 50.00 . Des Mos, TA SOBIL = pF Gary Kuh rian z= ~ | exe ISB 7-4 Sr So.un De moms a $034 i Reanis Coan 2 143 F ~ 1S s oe BE mas, Ee 503 S280 TOF Witham Terrell ’ Slot Sow ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if fast page of this schedule) ee [Bae mei ent rs ee tt aa eee - Sale ne natn steeds eset rm as a OP Seinog arn oes wea fete For instructions, See Back cf Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (Uncucing canccat's pereona! uns) COMMITTEE NAME (Iust be same as on Statement of Organization) , Fallon Gor Geuerner Explorotory Gommn THe CO cueck mis sox AMENDING FORM F ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTES), IST THE PAC IDENTICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMER IN THE DESIGNATED COLLIMN. ALIST OF ID NUMBERS iS AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN EISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 888.3246), lowa Code, prohibits the usa of infermation copied from reports and statements for solcting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. * Disclosure aw requires cance commie to cecise the relationship of ay relative making a contr tthe ‘commites. Relaonship must shown the tied degree of consanguinty(be=d reatves) ae afiy (rates by ‘mamage) (See Page 2 fforna pactet), i sumame of contributor isthe same as candidate, but there i no familial rlatienahp, enter “act applicable" inthe relationship column, PACD MONEE "RANE AND AGORESS OF CONTRIBUTOR ( applcable) TocaNpioaTe: | AECEIVED [AND PAC CHECK (W applcabe) NUMBER Martha Victor <3 | oxe [OBO Conde hee rfis ]o3 Fart Doe, DP SOD! LJ Gene Lynch 834 Franklin of ‘5/03 | Ke aol 20.00, 19 fasfos Cedar Fells, 7m sou , bed Leonard There ' xe Zoio York 190.00 Des Mons, Fa So3te ioe Jody Switky " cKe Wis - 3uth st - — “Des mows, TA 50311 BS. DF Fe leabetn Krudenver s ea BNoG Souttyrn Hills Or, So.w0 Qs Howes, TA 5932) Ca Christopher “Bedford 4 os Suite 230 Bo S15 Linden Se - sO Des moins TA S930 iF “a ; “Joseph Falion ee Ke IB4e Evergreen Pex. “ “Des mois TA 50320 - h IDF Sally Frank, ~ oxe BLU3 Grand Ae 4508 100.09 “Des mos, TA S°31> oF Betty Christensen - MS we - 70% St - loo. oe Ws momes, TA 50332 ‘0 oF Don A. Rod eee 1020 Franklin St 100.2 Coder Falls, DA SDC For instructions, Ses Back of Form (SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAXEM IM (Rev. coe7) | RECEIPTS (Urctucing canceat's personal nds) (COMMITTEE NAME (inset ba same as on Statement of Organization) jp OT nics cox Fallon Ser Governor Ex ploredeory, Corn ra.The venom rom [STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTER), IST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ANG THE PAC CHECK NUMER INTHE DESIGRATED COLUMN, A LIST OF NUMBERS iS AVALABLE FROMTHE IOWA ETHES AND CAMPAIGN CAUTION: Section 888.2206), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied fram reports and statements for soicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. FACTO NUMBER TNANE AND ADOFESS OF CONTRIBUTOR Receven | ” (Wappleabie) -| Tocanpwoate: | AEceIveD | “FUND. (wmwoorre) | AND PAC CHECK NUMBER “Bills Patty Fatlan a tolaslos | cee 37 Reserve De. Broth : last Danyors, MA O19 93 boo. or Juan Stokes ul cxe WIS & Const St 300 Wes oun City Ta S save oF Sammuet Pullen Wages Matera fe = QS ” xe Potm Duin, Co Saas ‘.s© (08 Bisel Josh Mega tt . Bots Newport Rs WE s a Tose City EN $3340 5.08 L Ted Marian Sloman » on agg W Dakota Ave : so Boos ZA SD C4 Evelyn Glazevrock, y oe Thos Fores br eyes Dey Mores, Za S23! oF Pring Green pss WE em Sr a 7 eid Prtang ZA Sb0a! . TOF Benner Brow S a $74 Echo AvE lo, ov mechanics We, TR $9300 a Deborah! Salvedin Sandoval . a Buse Capitol o De mews, te 50307 i oe Sealine a Mias Beaveruest 1c a Do mess, EA sv TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) | «mane eras i cnc enn rin sn “cet mute corte neta ees a er aa a ates” he Uh g aracog Memes vmncmnatee hatin For instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN ~S ‘none ¢ ° (ev. o8e7 | RECEIPTS onEax (COMMITTEE NAME (Iiust be same as on Statement of Organization) iF a eee AMENDING FORM Felton bor Gopemmar Exploratory Comm tee STATE CANGIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTTIUTON'S RECEIVED PION A STATE PAC (POLITCAL ACTION COMITTE) ISTHE PAC CENTRATION NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. ALIST OF ID NUMBERS IS AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN BISCLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: Section 688.320(6), lowa Cade, prohbis the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicing contibutions or for any commercial purpose by any person other an statutory poltical commits, PAC TO NUMBER NAME AND ADORESS OF CONTRIBUTOR Fearon ( appicable) ANGIOATE ‘AND PAC CHECK (applicable) NUMBER, Berton Za chrich 17> SB St ths few Derm, EA Sod too Sarot Kechne sir . os 3001 Wood tars # lo.00 Des moines TA Sed1> 1 Co Margaret Raviand s) oxe S10g Dae York Ave Jo. Des mons, TH S8332, (08 Dice Gather aS Tess DE GIES Joo Batoou, Da sv021 ee Sula Grtheor 6 Lowe tess WE Ut St : 10.90 Bo kenu EP SBD DF Michele Wisnesti 5 © lee BOW 3rd MIG to. Brenkives Wy 92: oF Leon| Macia Mor lan = Bar ruses 1o® ‘. Des moyes, TA 95315 = Ld Doha Foedeich lexe BMoT Engerson Rot? iad Dimon Ta $0 21> iF Eduard Pak > | exe \SASH Haye ITE low Grnoe Ze Soins (oF Bere my Phillips moins pF Barbare Link, » Ke 039 & Court owe Cay TH 53340 Co Kathleen Kopatich 6 an BAIT Mand Br. 26.00 8 Urbandale, DS sogaa 7 Cd Trreia Lyman Sy oxe 2305 Glenuced Or. Zo. Desmonies, Ts 3312 ad Christa Addy a cK Be) &. Boll Mee Dea Teves, Ep $D35 Kristine Maciel 3535 Minne ton 4 Drus 2 spe? + Dtaclosure tw requires candiate commitees to cacioee the relationship of ary eatve making a contnbuon to the ‘commites. Relatcehip mustbe shown t he thr degree of consenguinty (bod relatives) and aint (relates by ¢ ‘martage) (See Page 2 of fora packet). i sumama of contributor is the same as candidate, but there so Page 729 _ a 29 {amitalrlatlonahip, enar “not appicaie” in the relationstip column, {Wor Schedule A) For instructions, See Back ef Ferm CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (ctucing canceat's personal funds) Coinan-TEE NAME, int bo sare a on Starner of Organica) Fallon for Governor Exploratory Committee [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev.0887) | RECEIPTS ‘AMENDING FORM OO creck THs 20x | ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIBUTION IS RECENVED FACM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTICN COMMITTED, UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND Te PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. A UST OF ID NUMBERS iS AVALABLE FROM THEIOWA ETHS AND CAMPAIGN Bisctosume aoaAD. CAUTION: Section 688.32A(6), lowa Code, prohiits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solcting contributions or {for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political commitees. DATE FAC MONEE TUNE AND ADRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FELATONGAP | AMOUNT | T1FFOR receven |” (applcatie) TocanoioaTe: | RECEIVED | “FUND. (woacorv=) | AND Bac CHECK ( applicabe) RAISER ‘NUMBER INCOME oF Lourie Belin [ Kieren Udi thenns: : bL.Lo3 | oxe W105 Plaza Ce a Yoo Windsor Hewghts Dx So34> oa Sylvia Crook 4 cK jau © tS Sr &, Des Moines, IH SbIIe Sa Ld Jeames( Turita Benton) a cxe your Twanw SP.00 Dur moines, 7h SD3/0 La Deval Cathy Engstrom » Ke TAS Voilege. Gecle Soe Johosten, DA Sot ‘pe Anne Gickeu ‘ Ke sot Mwoaest Se.0D Tes mommies, Tia $9505 vad Vor) Jacki Hesten ‘ Joi SE BUN CE So. a Dea Momes, FP 30317 7 = WWriham Bosmeer 7 y Ke (2as -4Sey Sh So.& " : Det EA san : | Jean Basieger 133s Ags Sr 5 Ke eo DD wer Carat [Carter Ud0odew by » ce B40 Genter St Sv.d0 Da memes FO $0313 TOF Warn How baker , > Ke Zoq Meadowlar« Or So, us, ER SON SUBTOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) ie «pg ican etn ton pty a cate Seer gnats ances teen ym earning rane at marriage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). If sumame of contributor is the same as candidate, but there is no Page | i GmaruSte sar eeene noe sama cken a For instructions, See Back of Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY (CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAXEN iM Rov.o067) | RECEIPTS (tneudng cance’ persona nds) ¢ A Gl creck tus 20x COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Siatement of Organization) r = : Aen Fora Fallon tor Coverney Guploralery Comm tee fare cwenares more, ea comreyrava canes owAgTTE nc pouncn so COMaTED LET nc Dore NUMBER AND Tre PAC CHECK NUMBER INTHE DESIGHATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE PCM THEIGWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 888.324(6), Iowa Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solctng contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltcal committees. FACTO NUMBER "NANE AND ACORESS OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (fappicable) -| Tocanowate’ | RECEIED qmwcoryA) | AND PAC CHECK ( apptesbie) RAISER NUMBER. Michel MCNoit W301 8% St Usteindate TA SO 392 Edicard Fa Men 33 LWoomes it Fatho 1.80 Saugus ma Oa 5b c 2a) Roy overton as SO SIRS 109 oD Des moines, TE SO31R Cathy Mabry Mit Tonawande Or. loowp Des moines TR 51> Dena td Rey IMS Hitlerese DF Woo Maloy, ZA SO%Se Ed Bloomer 1317. S85 Ds moms, TA SY Flows Crate asa €.41St St - ag Des moms, ZA $0511 : Cre gtoghtr Bedterd Be So Mer 1515 Lenn + pe Des Moros FA SO 30% bad Kenneth Wenber “ Tin Becdwan Pl 5 oe Demos TA S032 2Y4ow . [% David Krundenver Ais Locust St an “ 3s mowes EA SDI Va TOTAL (it last page of this schedule) [| * Disclosure aw requires candidate conmitees to loctose the relationship ofan reaive making corenbuton to the Commies. Relasonship must be shown t he fie degree of consanguinity (cod relatives) and any (rlatves By aio ‘mariage (See Page 2 of orea pactet). i gumam of contibutor i the same as candidate, but thee is no Page_S_ot {ail relationship, entar “not appicabie” in the relatonstip column. {for Schedule A) For instrusiiona, See Back ef Form SCHEDULE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IN (cueing candcats persona nds) = —— ‘OHEGK TH | COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Croanization) a NS BOx iF Fatlen Lo Couernur Caplere Clea [AMENDING FORM STATE CANDIDATES. NOTZ: IF A CONTRIBUTION 1S RECEIVED FACM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED) LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER ANO THE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUM. A LST OF IO NUMGERS i$ AVALABLE FROM THE IOWA ETHICS AN CAMPAIGN SISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTICN: Section 688.324(6), owa Code, prohibits the usa of information copied from reports and statements for salicting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person ather than statutory polical committees. FACTO NUMBER TOCANDIDATE: | RECEIVED | “FUND- (@ appicable) RAISER Samael Pullen H2¢05 Monterey Ave + Ge 3 /3h]03 | ou Patm Qnsert, C Iaews Hoe we Te ttrey Kiron . on fos: ug" Sr Des memes, TA S031 Cd Don/Daniwerte Trth cxe 450334 Ra. Soe wtoomwure, FP SOA7* G2 Cae1 Olsen ' Po Bone 09 S.00 cKe Des memes, FA 30333 oF a arlotte Mubehison . cKe 13.8 Biren Ln S S.so Dimaats 220035 Le Philip Tames : Ke (105 Pleasant ze a Deg Marines ZA SDB ad John More tand i Ke 44a Amin Ave + ors : Dismornes. ra 3210 : oF : Evelyn Clerx brooke oxe 2105 Forest OF Sie “Dis mens, Ep sp3!) Blsaf Tosh Meg ti Te Ke 3093 Newport a VE oe aus ty, ZR aso Ted / Marian SoIOman Ke Haag N Dakora Ave te Dies 5p oe ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) i = Diatour aw requires cance conten oes fe réaencip fara makin acon oe “roma” Focatp mut be Sow he fur cog of conarauty (le rvs) an ae eis DY ve 4 ‘sarge {See Page 2a oma para), fsurnane ct conac athe same scarica, bt ere 0 Page _% ot {Emil aoan, enter "nt applicable nth ratrsfip coun. Tor scseaio A) For instructions, See Back of Form [SeneDuLE | A MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ~ MONEY TAKEN IN os (including cancicate's personal funds) = — CO cueck tus 80x COMMITTEE NAME (ust be same as an Sistement of Organization) | ta Fallon bor Govern Exploratery Comm itive ‘STATE CANDIDATES NOT: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLTICAL ACTION COMMITTEE), LIST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND THE PAC CHECK NUMER IN THE OGSIGNATED COLUMN. A LIST OF 1D NUMBERS IS AVALABL= FROMTHE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN, DISCLOSURE BOARO. ‘AMENDING FORM CAUTION: Section 638,324(6), lowa Cade, prohibits the use of infomation copied rom repats and statements for Solcting conbutons or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory political committees. DAE] PAS NOMEEN | NANE ANS ASORESS OF CONTRIBUTOR] RELATONSHP” | —AVOONT TF FOR neceven |" twanctatey -| rocanoeate: | neceiven | “renee Gawoor® | anDexc oneck Tampa) rasea wees RCOue oF Trp Ga icon : Mes NE we St. E cxe ow 23)./o3 Arian, za SP?! x oF Kemyar: Enshaqan xe 1703 washington St Cedar Falls, 2h 56/3 EAD Jennifer Hyde ” Ke 410g -11% ST. 0.00 Decone its, LB 3P3'3 Cheishne Brest bach Ke 1113 King PRoy 10. Wes mo mes, TA -SD3I4 i Dackie Robinson » xe Ba. : jo. “Des Moines, a SBE iF Brian Oper " Ke AoINC Bx 309 10.0 ncianiola, PA _SD12s _ Kathy/ Bre Hughes s oxe 193 Erankha Aves /0.00 i Des meirys, EA 22314 : 1De Tason/Melonie Allyn - Schwevin oe on 445 Be Bore Raw 102 10.0 Litre Canada, My SSN bd Kathleen Me Guten ” ce $30 SE Tacdeson 10, 0 Des memes, ZH s03is TOF Catharine [Tien Diets — iter cage Se Jom on Naa -38 Dos Momes, DA SDS STEMI Tas TOTAL (if last page of this sctredute) | . sn orm in mnemonic Sra temas nce ee reas eee oa marriage) (See Page 2 of forms packet). lf sumame of contributor is the same as candidate, but there is no Page 2 of. SEE eee tment aidan For instructions, See Back ef Form SCHEDULE A MCNETARY CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEM IN (Rev. 0897) | RECEIPTS: (Qnctuting candidate's persona furs) CO cueck THs 80x (COMMITTEE NAME (aust be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallen Sr Covernur Exploratory Connm iti = STATE CANCIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRIQUTION IS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTER, LIST THE PAG IDENTIFICATION [NUMBER ANO Tre PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN, A LIST OF ID NUMBERS I AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ETMICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BORO. CAUTION: Section 68B.324(6), low Code, prohibits the use of information copied from reports and statements for solicting contributions or {for any commercial purpose by any person cther than statutory poltical committees. PACD NUNEER (applicable) [AND PAC CHECK NUMBER "NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR TocapioaTe: | AECEVED | “FUND. (applicable) RAISER INCOME, Te] Mary Patrice qias Bewwercrest 2}. lo3 | ox Des moines, TA $0310 fon a Bennett Kenya Brown " $7q Echo Ave lo a Mechanicsville, ZA 58306 ce C2 Beaten Zechr ich “ “1010 » 38% St - Des moins, FA‘SO3 1» fo.50 108 Deborah | Salvador Sandove | “ Ke 2033 Capito foo “Des noms | [94 S03) Lara Kochhe ser xe 2001 Weeddand Aue 10.0 Des Mods, FO sda a= CJ Targamt Grud faved . Ke $103 New yore Ave. 1o.v0 Tes Mores “Te SDSS S, Cd Wick Greffreon Fe Luss VE use 10,00 oe Raving 5h S003, ! al Julia Ge Cea . Ke uss Ne wt 10.u» BAveng, BA S002 'De Tobn Fried riciy a Ke BAol Tagersett Ave. 10.00 Des Moines, FA SV. a ry Lecnl Maria Morlan owe Bars Uh Se 10, 22 Manes, 2313 TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) oo cut ne cen com on ego yn ia ann “Seana commer neces ty meas reas earns ne Senet taste Ticlencniaatttee” rm SH a 9 teapot eet wowace Saint For instructions, See Back of Ferm | SCHEDULE | CONTREBLTIONS - NONE TAXEN IN ee (iting cane’ personal und) a OO cueck mis sox CRRT TRE RAE (ban oF STAT OTT : : famete eet Fallon Sy Governor Ex plore tory Conn tae STATS CANCIDATES NOTE: IF A CONTRRUTION iS RECENED FROM A STATE PAC (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTED), LIST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ANO THe PAC CHECK NUMBES IN THE GESIGNATED COLUMN. AUST OF 1) NUMBERS IS AVALABLE FROM THEIOWA ETHICS AN CAMPAIGN ‘ISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 688.224(6), lowa Code, prohibits the usa of information copied from reports and statements for solcting contrbutons or for any commercial purpose by any person ather than statutory poltcal committees. DATE PACD NUNEER "NAME AND ADORESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FELATIONSAP RECEIVED (fappicable) TO CANDIDATE" (wor) | AND PAC CHECK (i applicable) NUMBER. RAISER WAichele WiSAesicy $ 780 W 3rd H HG is) Bh loa [ow ptklun Ny 823 le ff ee Dora td Quy cKe 143 Hitlevest De {Loo Malou, EA SOF 36 ae Rital Alfred Brertoacy 4 cK Nas ML King PKidy Des rromies, TASOS 4 oe Carla Basson 4 xe Bos IS. De: es, TA SD3 14 CJ Corot Glenn ‘ on 3514 BST * | (s.cv “Dy momes, TA 5031 oF Sererny Pritts ps 5 Ke Boy HS, en iso Des manes, TA SOS Doha | Gystel Leto “ cx BBUS~ Gand St 2. 7 Des moins) Ta SO 310 : Le Suily Diane © “ 40343 Mimulas Way oxe aa 20.89 Se brichaet Ba tdus. cxe Sot College hows 20.00 Dis Moses, TA SOH4 Se Socinn Mut doors (33%~ UsiKge oo. Yes Mores, DA SOB: "SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) is | + Olcosure tw requires candidate commitees to dacose fe relacnship of any relative mating a contro to the ‘ommiee. Relaicrehip must be shown to the tra degree of consanguinty(bcod eatves) ad afin (rates by gs ‘marrage (See Page 2 of forma packet). ifeumame of contributor is the same as candidate, bt thore is no Pago _3>_ot {amilalrelationahp, enter “not apple” in the relationship column, (er Schedule Ay For instructions, See Back of Form CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAKEN IM (retucing cancate's personal nds) STATE CANDIDATES NOTE: IFA CONTRIBUTION IS RECEIVED DISCLOSURE BOARD. COMMITEE NAME (lust be same as on Siatement of Organization) Fallon Sr verner Exploratory Committee [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Fev.ces7 | RECEIPTS Ol cuecx THis ox ‘AMENDING FORM 1M A STATE PAG (POLITICA ACTION COMMITTER), IST THE PAC KZENTIFICATION [NUMBER AND TE PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. LIST OF 1D NUMQERS iS AVAILABLE PROM THE IGWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN CAUTION: Section 688.22A(6), lowa Code, prohibits the usa of information copied from reports and statements for soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory polical committees. DATE PACD NONEER Wai AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FEATIONSHP RECEVED | "(i applcable) TOCANDIOATE” | RECENED (uweorA) | AND PAC CHECK (i applicable) RAISER NUMBER. INCOME Tamara Andrews a(, ce Qso0 WO UM foe aa.oy l les Sehns ton TA S013) h LJ Maurice) Hazel Glenn Ke !119 Ar haat 2 moines DA SO3 Ll Rita Hehenshe i “ cKe aos SO ISAS aow Dos moins EA SD3ur Ca Ton Ader san " Bao (st 4 or Res Momes, TH SOB 20.50 08 Reter(@la Olson "Tce ANA Franklin Awe» a5 Des mows, TS 12. ad Robert Uet & i . Ke Bord Kingman Bye! + S 22 20 Des moss, TA SD3U1 oF Francis Bogqus xe Bos Wiles wet | Sees ~ Couns Butts, Tr $1503 = cd Ken Siebert ~ | exe laaq Mckinley “Dr. 20.00 Ares, Tp S00 1a a ohn Hartog 4 “IS10 Bonds St #110 Jo Ge Omara, NE ©3134 = oF Kau meyer 7 Q30g Otley Ave ASO TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [| * Disclosure aw requires candkate commnitees to close fhe relatonship of ay relative making a cortrbuton tthe ‘commits. Reladorship must be shown i fe ti degres of consanguinity (ic relatives) and afin (rtatives by ‘marriage (See Page 2 of oma packet}. I sumame of contributors the same as candidate, but there is no familal rational, ontor “not applicable” in the relationstip column. Page S6_ a FP (or Schedule A) For instructions, Ses Back ef Ferm CONTRIBUTIONS — MONEY TAXEN IM (ctucing candlcat’s pereona unc) Fallon (COMET TEE NAME (lust be same as on Statement of Crganization) [SCHEDULE A MONETARY (Rev.cen | RECEIPTS CO cateck mis 80x AMENDING FORM STATE CANCIDATES NOTE: If A CONTRIBUTION iS RECEIVED FROM A STATE PAC (POLTICAL ACTION COMMITTED), UST THE PAC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND THe PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN. ALIST OF ID NUMBERS iS AVALABLE FFOM THE IOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD, CAUTION: Section 888.324(6), lowa Code, prohibits the use of infermation copied from reports and statements for salting contributions or for any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory polical committees. DATE PACT NOMEER TAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR FEATIONSHP receveD | ” ‘ apoicabi) Tocanpioate: | RECEIVED (uiwoorve) | AND Pac CHECK (Wappliable) NUMBER Del Cheistensien oxe U7 Nae talilo3 Adal, ra S000 2 La Stephanie We senbach y cKe loa. 3a 4S Fi Damomes, Ja S030 25.00 oF Soon Carn lane Amsler We - 3a SF Ke Des moms, za" So3't 25.00 108 Carclyo Ublenhat: Latter y o \eid - (34h Se 28.0 Des man’s, TA SDS oF Tanta Burns » ow Bue - Sis St 25.0 Des Mowes, rH SD3I> : (oe Frank af Can nate lex Nag-aaea 3S.w0 Des ee mes zn S31 oF Dorna GareFand 4 on 3750 Late Sou Or 35,90 Criccga, EG cow ts : 10¥ LOstam Krieg oa Nosd Oud Ax aS. " Dos mows, TA 0319 tor John Tapscott o oa “JAS Jesup St aso Spdwrota, Ta _So12 cd Janet Hansen oe Wala White haven LDaq, as.w San Diego, Ca 9210 + locos a requires carta corte oon remo of ry retadve aking cnn tthe | CO cutcx THs 20x [AMENDING FORM [COMMITTEE NAME (hiust be same as on Sistement of Organization) Fallon Sor Gover nar Exploratory Cormnitee { TaTs cussoaTes wore wa corneum Roceva ree aarAT pac (uTToN ATEN COMMETTO, THE DeeTPCATIN [NUMBER AND Tre PAC CHECK NUMBER IN THE CESIGNATED COLUMN. AST OF ID NUMGERS iS AVALABLE FFOM THEIOWA ETHICS AND CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. CAUTION: Section 628.3206), lowa Cade, prohibits tho use ot information copied from reports and statements for soficting contributions or {or any commercial purpose by any person other than statutory poltical committees. TNANE AND ADRESS OF CONTAIBUTOR FELATIONSAP -| TocanpioaTe FUND quaoorrAy | AND PAC GHEOK ‘ aplable) RAISER NUMBER INCOME Sara Beat lal, xe MIDE. Ge blo Ames, TA S00! OF Stacie Etcheverny ' oxe ssas Vota Dr + 3) So Lxst Des mows, DR S02 OU a Cd Joo Facoly 4 Ke avou- SIS Sr AS. Des Moines TA 80319 4 oe Bm Gppucco Ke logy. BME St - 25,00 Des omnes son SUB oe Chester Guinn . Ke LOU SSH ° Das mowes, TA SD3 25.00 tOe Norman| Ann be Hinghon : Ke TSE Porter Ave. aso Des Mowes, pa BST, \ nd Patricia Ferret . xe Bou SHO TI 28,00 : “Ubuxeg EA Sure 5 ibe Lenna Nath eat fe ce 3700 Onion Pur Ln. AS. Denes TA SOO'4 td Raul conne ty ow iS Ark St MSD! 2AS.v0 Des Momes, DO ¥O30F 5 oF Donaven| Chery! Lundgren 1905-170" QD one Esau, 5A Sic 3¥ TOTAL files page of tie sctedue)| | , ‘OF Preauthorrad Rint. Sys ees ns; Ro, Box wed “ Ss eo [omens | Oia ee cos 1 drafts ( seo Koch Brothers >, SAS Grane Aes « Copies A, ad ot . fos Joxtner | Senects 8 Sosote Envelopes | 2 a2. ¥, 108 Autumn Griffen Compu ter 4 ay WE S ) s 2/5 | CK ES Dacrsp, sh S080) e“p-reimb 1 RAS y | DF Precwethor mud Pura. Sus.| eke cic 25/3] cH LG Pv.Box lt4 Aa ° Wea | Olathe, KS Coos! Oratts ! ‘SUB-TOTAL ‘TOTAL (if ast page of this schedule) fs THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: Campaign funds may be used only for (1) campaign purposes, (@) constituency expenses, and {@) educational and other expenses associated with dus of ofc, Please insert the applicable number inthe category column fr each expenditure Purchases of certain campaign property costing $500 or more must also be inventoried on Schedule H. (Refer to Schedule H instructions.) Expenditures to porsonsienties provicing consulting, advertising, fund-raising, poling, managing, organizing services must also be detail itemized on Schedule G by me amount, purpose, and date of each type of expenssture made by the person/enity on behalf ofthe candidate's committee. (Refer to [Schedule G insractons and 'owa Code 56 6(3)(.) =) Page ot_14 tor Seradule 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM SCHEDULE B MONETARY EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT facto cucu STATE PAG COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OF LEGISLATIVE CCANOVOATES, LIST THE CANDIDATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE OESIGNATED COLUMN ANO THE Ol cueck THis 80x iF PAC CHECK NUMBER FOR EAGH EXPENDITURE. ALIST OF ID NUMBERS I AVALAGLE FROM THE IOWA "AMENDING FORM ETHICS & CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD, ‘COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fanon for C ploratory Conam, Mee over ner Ex TANDIOATE NAME AND ADORESS TO WHOM PURPOSE CATEGORY | AMOUNT oars | toNUMBER EXPENDITURE (oescrise (see EXPENDED exPENDED | (applcabia) (Oisbursemen WAS MADE THANSACTION) BELom emwoora) | “ano pac : CHECK NUMBER > IDe . Postmaster ‘aslo | oxw yay | eS Moines, TA Rstaqe 2 $ 500,60 a cD Carter Peintin . / fol. | owe 39 €. Grand Ave. Envelopes, lo os MIT ays mein aa SoSie Uhr hed | > ie 3, (OF Preacthorred Rot Ses. | Ong e sy KH 9. Po Box ey 7 ae fos "7 Olathe, KS_buos) raft ! 1.80 y oe Ed Falla (s, IBar-g st Post Sowa CKH ostaqe 8 eo Des Moines, TA Sosy a a 3 Autumn Gaither 7 V5 los a —hLrrt—sSsC:S Lupplies 2 3. ea Ankeny ZA Soo2) oy Ed Fallon Fer Ghens %, ; | Bar-a st. Post aYyou 3 | CKe 195 oshage: . [os a Des monies, TA $0314 2 = . 'O# Carter Partin a 1134 £. Gnd . Nuws le ter 2 SIawt4 “los OK Drs momies, TP Sosit ‘SUB-TOTAL ‘TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: ‘Campaign funds may be used only for: insert the applicable number inthe category column foreach expenditure, Purchases of certain campaign property costing $500 or mere must also be inventoried on Schedule H. (Refer to Schedule H instrocions.) Expensitures to personsientiies providing consulting, advertsing, fund-aising, poling, managing, organizing services must also be dot temized on ‘Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date of each type of expenditure made bythe persorvenity on behat ofthe candidate's committee. (Rafer to Schedule G instructions and iowa Code 56.6(3\.) a 4 Pag of lor Senedue 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM ‘SCHEDULE 7 B MONETARY EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT (ealoes || ceo STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OR LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES. IST THE CANOIDATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN AND THE O cueck THis Box iF PAC CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE. A LIST OF IO NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ‘AMENDING FORM ETHICS & CAMPAIGN OISCLOSURE BOARD, ‘COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon So Governer Fy pleratery Gomarttee CANDIDATE] NANE AND ADORESS TO WIION PURPOSE CATEGORY | MOUNT care | TONUMBER EXPENDITURE (GesenBe (see | exPenoco expended | appicanie) (Cisbureaman) WAS MADE TAANSAGTION astom aaoome | “ARB pac : ‘CHECK AUMSER y De. Postmaster “hs cxtyy [Ot Mownis, 3a Postage 2 1s foow Ed Fallen Leb 3 139). 948s lo4qe7 helos \OKW 7g | 2 wee te cone Expenses | S148 1O# Brauthorad Pym Sys ee Checic 4%, Po By ust Qlov Peles | CKH 1174 Olathe ts weed! drafts : : DF - 3 Me dia Com Mohs \ cen ugg | 2203 Seaeraot Coble 34as Des moines. LA Koch Brothers BAS Grand Ave. Sepplies A a Des momes, TA S036 ip) Preauthoited Pyent. Sys Wy) reauthori ed Ryn I, Po. Bee US4 Check dvafts} | he Yaa CKH go Olathe, KS Yeast oy io Captain Sock, =m. | yep 1555 SE Drleune RQas CK# 33 Ankeny, ZA Sco2t Hoshi 39.48 TOTAL (itlest page of this schedule) S| THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: “Campaign funds may be used only for: (1) campaign purposes, (2) constituency expenses, and (@) educational and other expensas associated wit duties of office. Please insert the applcable number inthe category column fr each expenditure. Purchases o contain campaign property costing $500 or mere must also be inventoried on Schedule H. (Rafer to Schedule H instrucons.) Expenditures to persons/enties provicing consulting, advrtsing fund-asing, poling, managing, organizing services must also be deta temized on | Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date of each fype of expenditure made by the persorvenity on behalf of te candidate's commitee. (Refer to [Schedule G instructions and Iowa Code $8 .3)(.) Page Sot 1% {Hor Schedule 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS. SEE BACK OF FORM SCHEDULE B | woxerany EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT frou ee STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTABLTIONS WADE To STATEWIDE OR LEGISLATIVE ErAdwateaccsr tng cavotoats Bevsiexren senthne sos be seNATED COL aN AND THE C1 check Tas Box iF ExSeeee ach Fon cRoveseENTURG. ast Oo MIGERS 8 AVARLAGLE FROM TN IOWA AMENDING FORM Fira 6 CAMPAIGN DSCLOSUE BOARD. COMMITTEE NAME (Must bo Sama as on Satamant of Organtator) Fallon Sor Governer Explor Gomme CANOOATE | TaN AND AOORESS TO WHOM FORPOSE TEGO] ROT care | TonuMaen SENOTURE besenne See | caeenoeo exeeioeo | (anpeaie) (Dstrcren) AS MADE wansxcron) | ettown jawoorm | “ao pao ‘Cnccn Sou “ty IDF. pare Rat. Sys} Check e 0, Boy uae i if po |cktnied | Sidsneks woos) dhia ht SH6,30 IDe ck# — Reducm checlew Lex = _ ag, oF Ed Fallon fier sese Records 8.03 caries |B moma, oA S819 Rewords | 2 [863 iw Cocen Herren “S37 VO Buwesr iy PA a Ibnlos [CKENBL | Lip bandale. ZA 8323. Vostage 2 Misco oe DS Postmas ker “hls |oxw wea | Des mons. 5A Poshaae 2 | vom oF Dl as 4) Bas Gand oe» “es, 3 17 cKe Suppl OV, fos oe Des Morri’s, TA 30366 Supplies é IDe — eke neg Ven ‘SUBTOTAL TOTAL (if last page ofthis schedule) aa [THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: *Campaign funds may be used only for: (1) campaign purposes, (2) constituency expenses, and {@) educational and other expenses associated wit dus of ofc. Please inser the applicable number inthe category column for each expenditure Purchases of certain campaign propery costing $500 ot more must also be inventoried on Schedule H. (Refer to Sched H instructions.) Expenditures 1 persons/enties providing consuling,adverising, fund-raising, poling, managing organizing services must also be det temized on ‘Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date of each typeof expenclture made by the persorventty on behalf of the candidate's committe. (Reter to [Schedule G instructions and towa Code 6.6(3N0) oth Page. (tor Senadue 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM SCHEDULE EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT 2 ey (Fev. 0096) | EXPENDITURES STATE PAG COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OR LEGISLATIVE ANDIOATES, LST THE CANDIDATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN AND THE 0 check THis 80x iF PAG CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE, ALIST OF 1D NUMBERS 9 AVAILABLE FROM THE OWA ‘AMENDING FORM ETHICS & CAMPAIGN OISCLOSURE BOARD. ‘COMMITTEE NAME (Must be samo as on Slafoment of Organization) Fallon Ser Governor Exploratory Cormmittee e TANDIOATE NAME AND ADORESS TO WHOM PURPOSE CATEGORY” | —ANOUNT care | TO NUMBER EXPENDITURE DescRIBE (SEE EXPENDED EXPENDED | (tapplcabie) {isbursemon) WAS MADE TRANSACTION) eeLom qmwoora) | “ano pac G CHECK Nuwaen ow. Media Com BROS LCrgersoll : cK Hae | mene ea Cable | $ 344s 'O8 Carter Printing a 939 €. Grand rds ks ni : 2 ( Wat Dis moines, TA SOZIL envelopes _ 2.20 ~ Carter Prinha ck 1939.€. Gond Aut 2 Dee DBs moms, TA SOBIG / aa i Captain Jack, Enc. Leb eae 1855 SE Driaware 34.45 N93 | Antony, za soon oshng ' _ OF es Carter, Pen hag ck# 44 1739 'E. Grand Ave» Newsletter 413.4 Qes moms, TA SOS Ie BF = EQ Faiton - CK os | Bare St Com pater a 333.43 Desmores ra So34 | Par’ rem ae Pegavthoriad Pym’ S45] Opecp © Boy U ° CHA | Cite eS Choe, draghs ' Nowe SUBTOTAL 1S 1074.71 TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: “Campaign funds may be used only for (1) campaign purposas, (2) consutuency expenses, and (@) educational and other expensos associated with dues of office. Please insert the applicable number inthe calogory column fr each expenditure, Purchases of certain campaign property costing $500 or more must also be inventoried on Schedule H. (Refer to Schedue H instuctons.) Expenditures 1 persons/entites providing consulting, advertising, fund-aising, poling, managing, organizing services must also be deal temized on ‘Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date ofeach type of expenditure made by the persondentty on benal ofthe candidate's commitee. (Refer to ‘Schedule G instructions and iowa Code 58 6(3)(.) page 2 I (tor Senedue 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM SCHEDULE EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT ‘roan ees STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OA LEGISLATIVE ‘CANDIDATES, LST THE CANDIDATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN AND THE C1 check THis Box iF PAC CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE. ALIST OF I NUMBERS 1S AVAILABLE FROM THE [OWA ‘AMENDING FORM ETHICS & CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD, (COMMITTEE NAME (Must bo same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon for Governor Ep lorafery Comm Tee CANDIDATE] NAME AND ADORESS TO WOM PURPOSE CATEGORY” | —_ANOUNT pare | IONUMBER EXPENDITURE (DESCRIBE see | exPENDED exPENOED | (Wapplcabie) (Disburseman) WAS MADE TRANSACTION) Below) (awoore) | “AN PAC checK NUMBER OF Theda Com 2305 Tnqersot! - CK aT Des momes, Ta, Cable J s 344 De Captain Sack, Ene crtag | S52 SE Delaware Web Neshng |? iaqas Ankeny, TA S002 | DF Race ech Brothers roe bh S Grand Aue « Per, f hy 3aS 6 we lis | cK nag San ae ee 2 2203 a (Oe Krishna Fatton Barge 2: Ss Ie | xe wooo a Postage 2 | soo 5 'os Beauthon wd Purnt Sys. (ya "s Po Bex’ 5 “loa [OK300 | Sreenes eS veos) doef ee DF ” Return s. toa | exe — check. - 33.00 7 ee Media Com C 2/3 |oK# inca | 2805 ou 4 ble, j $5.45 Des Movs TA SUBTOTAL 13 505.09 TOTAL (test page ofthis schedue) [S| [THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: “Campaign funds may be used only for (1) campaign puposes, (2) constituency expenses, and (2) educational and other expenses associated with duos of offce. Please insert the appicable number inthe calegory column for each expenditure. Purchases of certain campaign propery costing $500 o¢ more must aso be inventoried on Schedule H. (Refer to Schedule H instructions.) Expenditures to persons/entiies providing consulting, advertsing, fund-raising, poling, managing. organizing services must also be detaltamized on ‘Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date of each type of expenditure made by the persorventty on banal of the candidate's committee, (Refer to ‘Schedule G instructions and Iowa Code 58.6(3)(1) pager LG (for Serecule 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM ‘SCHEDULE B MoNeTs EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT (rev.oan6) | expenoiTUnES ‘STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OR LEGISLATIVE ‘CANDIDATES, LIST THE CANDIDATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE OESIGNATED COLUMN ANO THE C1 cueck THis 80x IF PAC CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE. A LIST OF ID NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ‘AMENDING FORM [ETHICS & CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARO. (COMMITTEE NAME (Must be samo as on Statamont of Organization) Fallon Sor Governor xp oratory Gmmattee CANDIDATE NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM PURPOSE ‘CATEGORY | —_ANOUNT Dare ID NUMBER EXPENDITURE (OESCRIBE (SEE EXPENDED. EXPENDED | (applicable) (Cisbursement) WAS MADE TRANSACTION) BELOW) (uwwoor”y | "AND PAC CHECK NUMBER, 7 10m . Ca pteun Jack, Tne, fle eens 135552 Otani ee | [seas y 0F Dau tr Photo Atnance "sloa_ |¢kWaor Dire lace ' 14.50 7 oe Preauthorrud Rant Sus. | Cheek shy forracs | BRe ea Stege | 1 | at ID¥ Preathorited Pumt Sys. Check. ee ee alate 1 | 3360 7 (pence CK# 209 apes Zraerse " Cable, ! SS4s oF Postmasier “Varies foxtigog | LeSmoines, TA stage a |/900. 00 a Garter Prin ; 21 46 _ aces! fee aosleTte~ 2 315.8% ‘SUB-TOTAL | $/645, 9% TOTAL (it last page of this schedule) | § THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: campaign funds may be used only for (1) campaign purposes, (2) constituency expenses, and (2) educational and other expenses associated with duos of offco. Plaase insert tha applicable number inthe category column fr each expenditure. Purchases of conain campaign propery costing $500 o¢ more must also be inventoried on Schedule H. (Refer to Schedule H intractons.) Expenditures 1 persons/entites providing consulting, adverising, fund-aising, poling, managing, organizing services must aso be deal itemized on ‘Schedule G by tne amount, purpose, and date of each type of expenditure made by the persorvenity on behalf ofthe candidate's commitee. (Refer to ‘Schedule G intructons and towa Code $6 5(3)(.) Page Fo 19. (lor Schedule 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE 8ACK OF FORM ‘SCHEDULE B MONETARY, EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT (ev. 0006| expenounes ‘STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OA LEGISLATIVE. CANDIDATES, LIST THE CANDIDATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE OESIGNATED COLUMN ANO THE Cl CHEck THis Box 1F PAC CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE, ALIST OF ID NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ‘AMENDING FORM ETHICS & CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD, (COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon Sr Governor Grp bratory Commerc e CANDIDATE NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM PURPOSE CATEGORY” | ANOUNT DATE ID NUMBER EXPENOITURE (DESCRIBE (See EXPENDED EXPENDED | {it applicable) (Disbursement) WAS MADE TRANSACTION) BELOW) (avoorA) | "AND PAC 4 CHECK NUMBER, IDF. Captain Zack, Tne « Jos | oxo ia.0 iso oe Beleaaee Web = , (ss9s Shs " ie ae 2iac Orion yaratel an soses | Computer| I 7 oF = lone — Returnck fee = 7 53,00 cian [Peden TS | Check. CK I2 I | Olathe, ES b605) dratt i E40 bad Media. Goer CKHD13 [F209 Trgersel! Cable I 197.04 Dos morriss TA Cd Postmaster 2 CKhiany | Des Mors TA Postaqe 37.00 1D# Postmaster cKe ais | Des mows, Ta Postage 2 '4.%0 SUBTOTAL [$50.19 TOTAL (if last page ofthis schedule) |S" | THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: Campaign funds may be used only for: (1 campaign purposes, (2) constivency expenses, and (2) educational and other expenses associated wit duses of ofce. Ploase insert the applicable number inthe category columa for each expenditure. Purchases of certain campaign propery costing $500 or mere mut also be inventoried on Schedule H. (Refer to Schedule H instructions} Expenditures 1 persons/enties providing consulting, advertsing,fund-aisng, poling managing. organizing services must also be deal teized on Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date of each fype of expenditura made by he persorventty on behalf of the cancidate's committee, (Reter to [Schedule G instractons and towa Code 56.6(3)(1.) page 12 ot 19 (lor Schedule 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM ‘SCHEDULE B Me EXPEN! - jONETARY IDITURES ~- MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT potenalt Goo STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OR LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES, LIST THE CANDIDATE IOENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE OESIGNATED COLUMN ANO THE Cl CHECK THis Box IF PAC CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE. AIST OF 10 NUMBERS iS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA AMENDING FORM ETHICS & CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARO, CMa TEE RANE a ae ov Seton oT OPANEOT Fallon Ser Governer Exploratory Commitee "CANDIDATE NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM "PURPOSE, CATEGORY] ANOUNT pare ID NUMBER "EXPENDITURE (DESCRIBE (See EXPENDED. EXPENDED | i applleabie) (Disbursement) WAS MADE TRANSACTION) BELOW, qawoore) | "AND PAC CHECK NUMBER, (De Preauthorrad Rimt. Sys. Po. Bow CK IaE | Olathe ES unos oe The Gazette 500» 36a KH 12/7 Bee Se, Cedar Rapids TA S2V06 Cd Crystal Leto BES. San ct St Chay TDos memes, TAS03/3 'De Preauthorreed Rimt Sys. + Po. Box bY ma Olaty, &5 GuoS) Crystab Leto 3845. Sand S- Des Moines, TA $0310 Preauthorieed Pymt. Sys 0.0. Box wee O lath KS Ubos) Captaw Jack, Ene ISSs SE Onlaware Ankeng, TA soo31 1De CK# j290 DF TOTAL (itlast page ofthis schedule) [S| [THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: "Campaign funds may be used only for (1) campaign purposes, (@) consttuency expences, and (@) educational and other expenses associated wit dutos ofofce. Please inser the applicable number in the category column foreach expenditure, Purchases of certain campaign property costing $500 or mere must algo be inventoried on Schedule H. (Refer to Schedule H instructions.) Expensitures to persons/entiies provcing consulting, advertsng, fund-aising, pling, managing, organizing services must also be deta tamized on Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date of each type of expenditure mada by the persordentty on beta of the cancidate's commits. (Refer to Schedule G insvuctons and lowa Code 56.6(3)(1) Page ot 15 (lor Schedule 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM ‘SCHEDULE B MONETARY EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT (natin | cea STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIOE OR LEGISLATIVE GANDIOATES, LIST THE CANDIDATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN AND THE Cl CHECK THis Box iF ‘PAC CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE, A LIST OF ID NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA ‘AMENDING FORM ETHICS & CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD, ‘COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon for Governor Exploratory Com mittee TANGIOATE | NAME AND FOORESSTOWONT TORPOSE CESS | aOR cate | ‘NUMBER EXPENDITURE besonise See | exrenoeo exPENDED | (Happleabie (Cssprsamen WAS MADE TRANSACTION) attow ono | “AkBenc . cHecx soMaen iF Carl Olsen @ Is] ag | cxw. R0.Box yor! lontract s les 1933) | Oy momes, TA 50333 eee f 40.00 4) | Cogstel Leto Gontract ' (nfes [omnia | Ee nes ia soso Work 200.8 De Preauthoriad Pum Sys | Chece. 9 Po Box usu Mids [ext ams | Se ee EL os, drote ' [Abo 0% Gautre 9 S00 - 35ct Dug Subsee, / Ines |OKtiom | Ectay Papas oe Soe ee aeen Mes oF Z 4 Irystap Le to Contract a3 | CK# \> 3845~- Sanct Se 20 | 21 | Ds moss, TA S030 Woe / cae Cd Carl Olsen [Toner 4 0.8; I ke I. 2. Boxe Hoar Rev og len [exw taas | Be-Goxvoar ermburstmant| | 3 | a Carter Printing b "4 1934 E Grand Ave - rsle tte, 2 h, cK# o 381.60 ag 1989 lossmoines, TA SOE ‘SUBTOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) |S THIS BOX APPLIES TO GANDIDATES' COMMITTEES ONLY: "Campaign funds may be used only for (1) campaign purposes, (@) consttuency expenses, and (@) educational and other expenses associated wit dues of office. Please inser the applcable number inthe category column fr each expenditure Purchases of certain campaign property costing $500 or more must also be inventoried on Schedule H, (Refer to Schedule H instructions.) Expenditures to personsientes provicing consuting, advertising, ndaising, poling, managing, organizing services must also be detaltamized on Schedule G by te amount, purpose, and date of each ype at expenditure made by the personienity on behalf ofthe candidate's committe. (Refer to Schedula G instructions and lowa Code 56.6(3))) ry esa pe (for Schecute 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM ‘SCHEDULE B MONETARY EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT trev.o0s6)| eXPeNOURES ‘STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OR LEGISLATIVE ‘CANDIDATES, LIST THE CANDIDATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE OESIGNATED COLUMN AND THE Ol cueck THis 80x iF PAC CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE. A LIST OF IO NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA AMENDING FORM, ETHICS & CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARD. ‘COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization), Fallonfor Governor Exploratory Committee "CANDIDATE NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM "PURPOSE, CATEGORY | ANOUNT pare ID NUMBER EXPENDITURE (DESCRIBE (See EXPENDED. EXPENDED | (i applicable) (Distursemant) WAS MADE TRANSACTION) BELOW) (wmvoora) | AND PAC CHECK NUMBER OF eden Comm R208 Krgerseil : oK#/930 | momes, TA Cable | |sSs.45 ‘oe Grgstel Le fas. Contre ct BSUS - Sarat St lontrac CKH 1931 | Desmoines, TA 30310 Work ! aoe De Orgske Leto Contvack 4 BB4s sand Sr ennye 20 CKH a> | Dy momes, TA $0319 woore 0.80, ty) CO Postmaster L.. \ckira53 | Ts moins, Th Postage. a _ oF B 2B 1 14, reaurtnor eat Pymt S46. | Cheeie “hs | oy yasq | Pe Breen eee I ‘hoo Olativ KS Wos) ro oF Captain Tack, Inox to | 384S-Sand St Losr/e, I 00. Ud Ds moins, FA 30319 ow ~ | cKiags Voip _ > — ‘OF Crystal Leto 1 "Dulos | owe BYuS-Sand St Contract 20r, oy hoa asy | . ! 5 Mo nes TA S231 Work pte News) ckHiass |~atea, TA AD (be Preauthorizd Rimi Sys Cheek. 0 fous cKarase | P:0. Box sy J ee Olathe, KS bus) draft ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (If last page of this schedule) ‘THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: “Campaign funds may be used only for: (1) campaign purposes, (2) constituency expenses, and (3) educabonal and other expenses associated wih duties of office. Please insert the applicable number in the category cour foreach expenditure. Purchases of certain campaign property costing $500 or mere must also be inventoried on Schedule H. (Refer to Schedule H intrusions.) Expenditures to parsons/entiies providing consulting, advertising, fund-raising, poling, managing, organizing services must aso be deal terized on Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date of each type of expenditure made by the persorvety on behalf ofthe candidate's commites. (Refer to Schedule G nsnatone and owa C5de 8.600), Page [lo of 19 (lor Seroduie 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM SCHEDULE B MoneraRY EXPENDITURES - MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT (Pev.0a96) | EXPENDITURES STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OR LEGISLATIVE EANOIOATES, UST THE CANDIDATE IDENTIFIGATION NUMBER INTHE DESGNATED COLUMN AND THE Gl creck THis 80x 1¢ £0 CHECK NUMBER FOR CAGH EXPENDITURE. &UIST OF 10 NUMBERS Io AVALASLE FAOM THE IOWA "AMENDING FORM EMIS 8 CAMPAIGN OISCLOSURE BOARO ‘COMMITTEE NAME (Must bo same as an Statement of Organization) Fallon fer Governer Sxploratory Committee GANGIOATE ] NAMIE AND ADORESS TO WHOM PURPOSE CATEGORY” | —ANOUNT oare | TONUMBER EXPENDITURE (escniee (SEE. | EXPENDED exPeNoeo | (Wapplabie) (Cisburgamenn WAS MADE TAANSACTION) e8oWw (mwoorra) | “ano Pac ; CHECK. NUMOER DF Crystal be fo a " s entra! boufes ck# 1957 BE45-S2ad St { $ 200.0 Dis Mores, TA Sd3:0. bork Cu Postmaske fs |cke asg | Desmanes, ra, Postage 2 150,00 vl Ca Ceptain Jock, Ze web Osh |oKesasq | 1555 SF Orlawore Neshng 1 (34.45 Antony, EA SoO2 | ice Roch Brovaers ir "} Bas Grand Aue 3,76 bs # my . fos CK# ave Des moines, TA SO30U Supplies 2 ' ‘DF Kock Brothers - hobs [exe your | 325 Grand Gee Supphes 2 72.7% Des Moines TA 50306 DF i) Media Com 56.5 2h | oKe lage. | 2205 Toersou ble ' 5 Os moms i. Ud Ea Fation ' L fos | cxrians Van Sst Computer 1209. ¢} [Des Momss, TA SO314 ‘SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) fd THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: Campaign tunds may be used only for: (1) campaign purposes, (2) constiuency expenses, and (2) educational and other expenses associated wit dutes of oie. Plaase insert the applicable number in the category column for each expenditure. Purchases of certain campaign property costing $500 or more must also be inventoried on Schedule H. (Reer to Schedule H instructions.) Expenditures to persons/entes providing consuling, advertising, fund-raising, poling, managing. organizing services must also be detail temized on [Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date of each type of expenditure made by he persorventiy on behalf of te candidate's committee, (Reter to Schedule G instructions and iowa Code 56 6(3)()) Page 12 ot 17 lor Seredue 3) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM ‘SCHEDULE B MONETARY EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT frev.caee)} expencrunes STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OR LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES, LIST THE CANDIOATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE OESIGNATED COLUMN AND THE CO CHECK THIS 80x IF PAC CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE, A LIST OF 10 NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE IOWA AMENDING FORM, ETHICS & CAMPAIGN OISCLOSURE BOARD. ‘COMMITTEE NAME (Must bo same as on Statement of Organization) Fallon fer Governor Exploratory Committee CANDIDATE "NAME AND ADORESS TO WHOM PURPOSE, CATEGORY” [AMOUNT DATE (D NUMBER EXPENDITURE (OeSCRIGE (SEE EXPENDED EXPENDED | (W applcable) (Disbursement) WAS MADE ‘TRANSACTION) BELOW (awoorr) | “AND PAC CHECK NUMBER, oe Postmaster CK# lang | Des moines, TA Postage 2 BF Postres ter Cane. | Doreen os Postage DF Captain Fok Ki 1955 Se Oolawwve Web Hosh ranean Pntsnd, ZA sdozs a Preauthor ud Pumt Sys. Check, PO. Ros & CKH tal '267 | Olathe, KS buoS) Chat t ad Crystal Lote Contract 3345. Sand St CKt Nae8 | Des memes, FA SD310 bork OF 'hslo3 ce — Reducer len oe Grygstal Leto Comroct wore afoales | ker a%4 pedereecas a : 5 moe s TA 2 ‘SUBTOTAL ‘TOTAL (if last page of this schedule) [THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: "Campaign funds may be used only for (1) campaign puposes, (2) consttuency axpensas, and {@) educational and other expenses associated wit dutes of oe. Please Insor the applicable number in the category column foreach expenditure. Purchases of certain campaign propery costing $500 or more must also be Inventoriad on Schedule H. (Refer to Schedule H instructions.) Expenditures to persons/enties providing consulting, advertsing, fund-raising, poling, managing organizing services must also be detail temized on ‘Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date of each typeof expenditure made by the persorventty on behalf the candidate's committee. (Refer to ‘Schedule G instractons and lowa Code 56.6(3\.) page 18-14 (tor Senedule 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM ‘SCHEOULE B MONETARY. EXPENDITURES ~ MONEY SPENT FROM COMMITTEE ACCOUNT fecicenn | foe STATE PAC COMMITTEES: NOTE: FOR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO STATEWIDE OR LEGISLATIVE CCANDIOATES, LIST THE CANDIDATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATED COLUMN ANO THE Cl check THis 80x 1F PAC CHECK NUMBER FOR EACH EXPENDITURE. ALIST OF 1D NUMBERS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE OWA "AMENDING FORM ETHICS & CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE BOARO, ‘COMMITTEE NAME (Must be same as on Statement of Organization) "CANDIDATE NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM "PURPOSE, CATEGORY] ANOUNT pare ID NUMBER EXPENDITURE (DESCRIBE (SEE EXPENDED EXPENDED | if appicablo) (Cistursament) WAS MADE ‘TRANSACTION) BELOW) «mawoorv|y | "AND PAC CHECK NUMBER, hs Oe Medi a Com B JoKwjaza [2229 Tngqersott Cable i s 5S9S Des Moines, DA iB oe | cme Rekicn tenn as - Atos oe okt $3024¢15| (THIS BOX APPLIES TO CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY: Campaign funds may be used only for (1) campaign purposes, (@) constituency expenses, and {@) educational and ner expenses associated with duties of fice Please inser the applicable number inthe catagory column for each expenditure Purchases of certain campaign property costing $500 or more must also be inventoried on Schedule H. (Rear to Schedule H instructions.) Expenditures to personslenites providing consulting, advertsing, tund-aising, pling, maragig, organizing sencns mus lobe dealteized on ‘Schedule G by the amount, purpose, and date of ach type of expenditure made by the persoventty on behalf of the candidate's commites. (Refer Senadule Ginsructons and iowa Code 56 63))) 49 14 {tor Senecule 8) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM [SCHEDULE G BREAKDOWN f THIS FORM IS USED BY CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY ] Fetcn| oebomees BY CONSULTANT COCHECK THIS BOX IF [COMMITTEE NAME (Musi be same as on Staloment of Organization) ae Fallon for Governor €xplorattony Comma rte PART Il- ITEMIZED BREAKDOWN OF UNAEIMBURSED EXPENSES PAID BY CONSULTANT ‘TO OTHERS IN PERFORMING SERVICES OF CONTRACT (These expenses should NOT be PART I- NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONSULTANT reported on Schedule B, as they are direct payment from the consultant) [NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM EXPENDITURE (Disbursement WAS MADE SUB-TOTAL ‘TOTAL (i inst page of this schedule) (lor Schedule G) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM [SCHEDULE G | sreaxoown OF MONETARY EXPENDITURES THIS FORM IS USED BY CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY (Rev. 0276) BY CONSULTANT (D0 CHECK THIS BOX IF ‘AMENDING FORM [COMMITTEE NAME (Musi be same as on Stalament of Organization) Fallon for Governor Zxplorefory Committen PART It ITEMIZED BREAKDOWN OF UNREIMBURSED EXPENSES PAID BY CONSULTANT ‘TO OTHERS IN PERFORMING SERVICES OF CONTRACT (These expenses should NOT be PART1- NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONSULTANT reported on Schedule B, as they are direct payment from the consultant) Tame of Consulant Garl Olsen NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHOM EXPENDITURE WAS MADE. TOTAL ANTICIPATED ESTIMATES OF PERFORMANCE 2 r lato base. suB-TOTAL Contract work ‘TOTAL (it last page ofthis schedule) (lor Schedule G) FOR INSTRUCTIONS, SEE BACK OF FORM SCHEDULE THIS FORM IS USED BY CANDIDATES’ COMMITTEES ONLY H | caweaicn (fev. 02196)| PROPERTY [COMMITTEE NAME (isa! ba same as on Stalomont of Orpankzaton) ‘ATTACH SCHEDULE TO = : EACH REPORT, MAKING Fallon Sor Govemnar Zxplarctony Comonttee CHANGES AS REQUIRED. ID CHECK THIS 80x IF PART 1- ONGOING INVENTORY OF CAMPAIGN PROPERTY PART II- SALES OR TRANSFERS OF CAMPAIGN PROPERTY ** — |_AMENDING FORM Curent Value at Fair Name and Address of PurchasertDonee | Description of Proporty TOTAL VALUE CAMPAIGN PROPERTY THs REFORT ** PROPERTY SALES & TRANSFERS TOTAL Toms 5 (TRANSFER TO SUMMARY PAGE) $I BT (TRANSFER TO SUMMARY PAGE) $. + Wentmated, how ot bast fou, (atch Adon! Sede i Nodes) Pf (or Schade H)

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