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Constitution and By-Laws

of the
Pilar Basketball Club (PBC)
Pilar, Bohol

Article I – Name

The name of the group is Pilar Basketball Club (PBC) of which the principal office is at
Poblacion, Pilar, Bohol, Philippines.

Article II – Purpose and Objectives

Section 1. Purpose - The purpose of Pilar Basketball Club is to promote and develop the sport
of basketball at the Municipality of Pilar. This will be accomplished by:

1. Providing a suitable training atmosphere for all members.

2. Assisting all members interested in learning how to play the game of basketball.
3. Competing in basketball matches/tournaments.
4. To affiliate with the Basketball Club in Bohol, work with other clubs which have similar
aims and objectives.
5. To serve as a channel in providing technical and financial assistance and other essential
services concerning community development.
6. To act as the catalysts for junior development in basketball and to facilitate similar
development transactions between the members and the concern parties.
7. To encourage participation of the basketball enthusiasts` in promoting wholesome
community life.
8. To promote continuous group. Cooperative work thereby enhancing the execution of
community activities to benefit the members.
9. To implement planned thrift and savings programs among its members and initiate fund
raising activities for basketball club capital improvement provided authorized by existing
10. To promote the conduct of continuing education and training programs for basketball
club member’s officers as part of development progress.

Article II – Meetings

A. A valid meeting shall be defined as valid if quorum is met, and the president or vice
president, and another officer are present.
B. A quorum shall be defined as one half plus one of the total regular members.
C. Meeting shall be held every Last Saturday every quarter. Special Meeting shall be called as
need arises.

Article III – Membership and Voting

A. Membership
1. The following are forms of membership:
i) Qualification of membership - The membership of the Club shall consist
of duly accepted resident, student, and employee (private/government
employee) in the Province of Bohol. Any basketball enthusiast willing to
conform to the Objects and By-Laws of Pilar Basketball Club (PBC),
hereinafter referred to as the “Club”, shall be eligible for membership in
the Club.

ii) Application for Membership - Applications for membership shall be in

writing using the prescribed Membership Application and Agreement

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Form, addressed to the President of Association through the Association
Secretary and pay the required membership fee.
2. Playing ability is in no way a criterion for club membership.

B. Voting
1. Voting on any issue is official if the meeting is valid. (See Article II)

2. A vote on any and all issues may only be cast by members. All voting eligible
members will have one equal vote.

3. A decision on any issue brought to a vote will be decided by a majority at a valid

meeting. This clause does not apply to those issues, within this Constitution, that
have explicitly stated different voting requirements for deciding an issue.

Article IV – Official Positions and Related Matters

A. Officer Election Procedures

1. Only current legal age members may run for an officer position.
2. Voting involving candidates shall be done by secret ballot and shall be collected and
tabulated collectively by the current officers of the association.
3. A valid election requires that a minimum of two-thirds of voting eligible members
cast a vote. All officers shall be elected by garnering at least fifty percent of the
votes cast by voting eligible members. In the event that more than two candidates
are running and a fifty percent vote is not garnered by a single candidate in the first
round of voting, the top two candidates will have a run-off. In the event of a tie
between two candidates, a revote will be conducted until the tie is broken.
4. All elections will be held on once in a three (3) year basis at some point during the
3rd Saturday of December. Transition of authority of position is effective immediately
after the final practice and continues until the next transition of authority [this time
period constitutes one term].

B. Impeachment, Resignation, and Vacancies

1. Any officer of the Pilar Basketball Club (PBC) in violation of the organization’s purpose
may be removed from office by the following procedure:
i) Documentation of the officer in violation shall be filed and signed by the
President, as well as the officer accused of the violation.

ii) Written notification, signed by the President, will be given at least one
week in advance of an impeachment meeting, informing the officer of the
accusation(s) filed against him/her and requesting the officer’s presence
and preparation to speak in his/her defense at the impeachment meeting.

iii) Written notification, which fully explains the accusation(s) against the
officer and requests members’ presence at the impeachment meeting,
will be given to all members at least one week in advance of the
impeachment meeting.

iv) A valid vote to remove an officer requires three-quarters of members to

be in attendance at the impeachment meeting. A two-thirds majority vote
of the members present is necessary to remove an officer.

Note: The Vice President shall assume the responsibilities of the President stated
within this clause if the impeachment is aimed at the President.

2. Should an officer resign or be removed, written notification will be given immediately

to all members and a special election shall be held between one and two weeks
following the resignation/removal of an officer. The elections procedure outlined in
Article IV, sections 1-3 apply to special elections.

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C. Official Officer Positions and Restrictions:
1. Official Officer Positions:
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Auditor
f. Information Officer

2. Each officer position will be filled by a single eligible member

3. Eligible members may only hold a single officer position at one time

D. Officer Responsibilities:
1. President – The President who must be a trustee shall be the chief Executive
Officer of the association. He shall preside in all meetings of the members
of the association.

He shall be charged with directing and overseeing the activities of the

association. He shall submit to the members of each annual meeting, a
complete report of the activities and operations of the association for the
fiscal year under his term.

2. Vice – President – the Vice-President, if qualified, shall exercise all powers and
perform all duties of the President during the absence or incapacity of the

3. Secretary – The Secretary who is citizen & a resident of the Philippines shall
give all notices required by these by-laws and keep the minutes of all
meetings of the members and of the officers in a book kept for the
purpose. He/she shall keep the seal of the association and affix such seal
to any paper or instrument requiring the same. He/she shall have custody
of the members register and the correspondence files of the association.
He/she shall also perform all such other duties and work as the President
may from time to time assign to him.

4. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds, receipts and
disbursements of the associations. He/she shall keep all moneys and
other valuables of the association in such banks. He/she shall keep and
have charge of the book of accounts. He /she shall also perform such
other duties and functions as may be assigned to him/her from time to

5. Auditor – He/she shall examine financial records and audit money.

6. Information Officer - He/she disseminate relevant information about the
organization and its activities

Article V – Amendments

This constitution is binding to all members of the Basketball Association, but the constitution is
not binding unto itself.
1. Any voting eligible member of the club may propose an amendment to the constitution
by submitting the amendment in writing to the President.
2. All members must be informed of a submitted amendment within one week of the
submission. The amendment will be voted on at a valid meeting between one and two
weeks after the members have been informed.
3. A valid vote on an amendment requires that a minimum of three-quarters of voting
eligible members cast a vote. In order for the constitution to be amended, an

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amendment must garner the approval of at least two-thirds of voting eligible members
casting a vote and the approval of the Students Club.

Article VI – Adoption of the Constitution

1. Two-thirds of the voting eligible membership of the Basketball Club must approve the

2. This constitution will be ratified upon approval of the members of the club.

Article VII – By-laws

Provisions for adoption of by-laws are to be the same as the amendment process [see Article

Article VIII – Conduct

Club members are expected to:

a. Adhere to the highest standards of sportsmanship
b. Not occupy a court for unreasonable lengths of time
c. Help players of lesser ability and learn from those of greater ability

Article IX – Hazing

The Basketball Club will adhere at all times to a no hazing policy. Hazing is defined as any
conduct or methods of initiation into any organization, which willfully or recklessly endangers
the physical or mental health of any student or other person. Behavior prohibited under this
rule includes actions threatening substantial risk or physical or mental injury actions exposing
the individual to distressing, repulsive, or alarming situations or sensations; forced consumption
of alcohol or drugs, or action in the form of social pressure which may cause harm to an
individual. Consent shall not be available as a defense to any prosecution of this action.
Whoever knows that another person is the victim of hazing and is at the scene of such a crime
shall, to the extent that the person can do so without danger or peril to him/herself or others,
report such a crime to an appropriate law enforcement official as soon as responsibly possible.

Article X – Discrimination Policy

The Basketball Association admits all basketball enthusiasts at the discretion of the officers,
admit other individuals. The association does not discriminate on the basis of age, race,
ethnicity, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, political affiliation, gender expression,
gender identity or sexual orientation.


March 13, 2023


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