EEE 105 TF Questions 2010 To 2021
EEE 105 TF Questions 2010 To 2021
EEE 105 TF Questions 2010 To 2021
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer to Question NO.1 is compulsory.
Answer any TWO questions from Question 2-4. The corresponding Course Outcomes
(COs) of each part of Question 1 arc mentioned on the right most column below the
marks. The COs of the Course are mentioned at the end of the question paper.
I. (a) In the circuit of Figure I(a(i», determine the periodic response i(t) corresponding to
the forcing function shown in Figure 1(a(ii» if i(O) = O. The Fourier series for thc
waveform of Figure for Q. I a(ii) is given below. Given that, til
(C04 )
. () 25 I0 ~ Sin 2nt
Is t = . +- L. ---
1t n=] (odd) n
20. 2H
- A
t (5)
i(t) ~ 11' 0 11' 11' 311' 211'
2 2 2
Fig lea)
(b) Sketch the Bode magnitude and phase plots for the following transfer function.
G ( 'ro) = 2S(jro + 1)
"J (;ro)'(O.ljro+l)
2. (a) For the circuit shown in Figure 2(a), find the total energy stored in the coupled coils
at t = 2 ms. Take ro = 1,000 rad/s. ( 18)
-j50 n
.j40Q. j60Q.fIj
50& v
j 10 0."- ~30 n
Contd P/2
Could .... for Q. NO.2
(b) Design a series RLC resonant circuit with <00 = 40 radls and B = 10 rad/s. (9)
(c) A transformer is used to match an amplifier with a load as shown in the circuit of
Find the required turns ratio for maximum energy power transfer to the load. (8)
I :n
• •
circuit \I
3. (a) The switch in the circuit shown in Figure 3(a) has been open for a long time. The
switch is closed at t = O. Find the expression for i(t) and v(t) for t>O when
I.I' = 100 cos 1Ot rnA. All resistances are in ohms. (18)
t= 0
- i(t) 2.5 H
v(t) 1.. 60
Fig 3(a)
(b) Calculate the average power supplied by the source and the input power factor for
24 fl 30 mH
v(t) + 12 n
Fig 3(b)
Contd P/3
-----Fig 4(a)---
(b) Given the circuit shown in Figure 4(b), determine the value of the capacitor C that
will cause the impedance seen by the voltage source 24LO° V to be purely resistive at
f= 50 Hz. (19)
jwM = j6D 1
12D /\ 4D jwC
10 D
• •
24&V + j1 D j50 D
Contd P/4
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer to Question No.5 is compulsory.
Answer any TWO questions from Question 6-8. The corresponding Course
Outcomes (COs) of each part of Question 5 are mentioned on the right most
column below the marks. The COs of the Course are mentioned at the end of the
question paper.
5. (a) For a balanced 3-phase system, derive the relationship between line voltage, phase 9
voltage and line current, phase current for both !1 and Y connections. (COl)
(b) A balanced 3-phase source supplies power to three loads. The loads are 20
Load- I: 30 kVA at 0.8 p.f. lagging
Load-2: 24 kW at 0.6 p.f. leading
Load-: unknown
The line voltage at the loads is 208 V (rms) and the line current at the source is 166.8
A (rms). The combined power factor at the load is unity. Analyze the 3-phase system
to find the unknown load.
(c) A 3-phase industrial load consumes 88 kN at a p.f. of 0.707 lagging from a 480 V
(rms) line of a power company. The resistance of the transformation line is 0.08 n.
Employing circuit laws, determine the power that must be supplied by the power
company if the p.f. is somehow changed to 0.90 lagging. 6
6. (a) A 3-phase positive sequence V-connected source supplies 14 kVA with a power
factor of 0.75 lagging to a parallel combination of a V-connected load and a
!1-connected load. The V-connected load and uses 9 kVA at a power factor of 0.6
lagging and has an a-phase current of IOL-30° A. (18)
(i) Find the complex power per phase of the !1-connected load.
(ii) Find the magnitude of the line voltage.
(b) Find the average power absorbed by a 100 n resistor if the current shown in Fig.
for Q. 6(b) flows through the resistor. (17)
-IS" - - -
7. (a) A 3-phase motor takes 10 kVA at 0.6 p.f. (lagging) from a source of220 V line to
line. It is in parallel with a balanced L1-connected load having 32 n resistance and 12 n
capacitive reactance in series in each phase. Find (i) line current. (ii) total volt-ampere,
(iii) power factor of the combination and (iv) kVA rating of capacitor bank to be
connected in parallel to improve the overall p.f. to 0.95 (lagging). Assume the motor to
be Y-connected. (20)
(b) The total power consumed by both branches of the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 7(b)
is 2200 W. Calculate the values of I and power of each branch. (15)
~ ~ h
, 2.oJL
v ,
I 1 9 JI...
8. (a) Find the value of the load impedance ZL that will absorb the maximum power for
the circuit shown in Fig for Q. 8(a). Also calculate the value of the maximum power
received by the load. (18)
o. C; Up
10 c...oS4~ Va -F
:;z.O 11-\
COs CO Statement
Derive the expressions of voltage, current and power/energy of RL, RC
COl and RLC circuits based on the concents of nhasers
Employ circuit laws, analysis methods, theorems to solve various AC
CO2 circuits.
Analyse the 3-phase circuits with different combination of sources and
cm loads that are used in nower svstems.
Apply differential equations to solve first and second order transient
C04 circuits,
Analvse the freQuencv response curve, nonsinusoidal waveforms
, ,
L-1ff-2/EEE Date: 15/10/2022
L- I IT -2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-2021
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
I. (a) In the circuit of Figure I(a), find the current h and the energy stored in the coupled
-, -- ,~--~~
k = 0.5
' .,
jlO Q
Fig I(a)
(b) Construct the Bode magnitude and phase plots for (17)
H (ro) 2S0(jro + I)
jro(-ro' +10jro+2S)
2. (a) Find the input impedance Z for the circuit shown in Figure 2(a). (18)
r- 1
- 2 0F
! /.\'
20 I :3
z •
II 60
Fig 2(a)
Contd P/2
EEE 105
Contd .... for Q. NO.2
(b) In the circuit shown in Figure 2(b), find Va(l) when the Fourier series expansion of
Vs 15 (17)
4 I
vs(I)=3+- L -sin(mtl)Voll
1t n",)
----_._---~----- ----
vJt) 2H .!.F v,lt)
3. (a) The switch in the circuit shown in Figure 3(a) has been opened for a long time. The
initial charge on the capacitor is zero. If the switch is closed at I = 0, find the
Fig 3(a)
(b) Calculate the average power absorbed by the load for the circuit in Figure 3(b), if
vCr) 1F 10
Fig 3(b)
I, •. .,..-- --
Contd P/3
EEE 105
4. (a) Determine the center frequency and bandwidth of the bandpass filter circuit in
Figure 4(a). (16)
1H 1Q
1Q 1H Vo
Fig 4(a)
(b) Define distortion factor, displacement factor and true power factor for an electrical
circui t. (6)
(c) What is Total harmonic distortion (THO)? Explain the effect of harmonics on
electrical equipment. (3+ 10)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
5. (a) Find the value of Lor C in Fig. for Q. 5(a) that will make the overall power factor
0.8, if V = 100L90° Volts at 50 Hz. (17)
\I --\
(b) Solve for vo(t) in the circuit of Fig. for Q. 5(b) using the superposition principle. (18)
-l-o-v-: I
-- ~h~Lkct.. S"(~) _
Contd P/4
. '
EEE 105
6. (a) Find the average power absorbed by a 100 Q resistor if current shown in Fig. for Q.
6(a) flows through the resistor. (17)
r _ ..
f;~~__:6\--'_._-(0.)_.,-=--_-_-_- _-_ -_ -_ -_ -. _=----
(b) A 240 V rms SOHz supply serves three parallel loads. Loadl absorbs 60 kVAR at
p.f. 0.85 lagging, load2 absorbs 90 kW and SO kVAR leading, and load3 absorbs 100
kW at p.f. = I. (18)
(i) Find the equivalent impedance.
(ii) Calculate the power factor of the combined load.
(iii) Determine the current supplied by the source.
7. (a) Determine the load impedance ZIOBd to receive maximum power for the network
. given in Fig. for Q. 7(a). Also calculate the maximum power received by the load. Find
the power factor of the circuit under this condition. (17)
(b) An industry has the following three balanced loads with power connection of 440
V, SOHz with a-b-c sequence. (18)
Load I: 60 kW at 0.6 p.f. lagging
Load2: 90 kVAR at 0.8 p.f. lagging
Load3: 100 kW at 0.5 p.f. lagging.
Determine (i) real and reactive power of the combined load (ii) line current, (iii) the
kVAR rating and the value of each capacitor of a Y-connected capacitor bank to
improve the overall power factor to 0.98 lagging.
Contd PIS
EEE 105
8. (a) The unbalanced load shown in Fig. for Q. 8(a) is connected to a 440 V, 50 Hz
power supply with positive phase sequence. Determine the line currents, the real and
I_Hta~~ 6:1.. ~(o.)
j • ~-- -- . .._----
(b) Two balanced loads are connected to a 220 V, 50 Hz line as shown in Fig. for Q.
8(b). Assuming a-b-c sequence, determine (i) the wattmeter readings, total power and
overall power factor, (ii) The kVAR rating of f.-connected capacitor bank connected in
parallel to' the existing load to obtain minimum line current. (18)
_~ ,ol",ec~
w•.__ -~ cJ. mm
0" P:f ..
__ R~.:{W. 61. ~( ~ __' _