3-Phase Modbus Serial Protocol EM and ET-rev.2.11

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EM300 Series


ET300 Series

Version 2 Revision 11

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 MODBUS functions ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 Function 03h (Read Holding Registers) ..............................................................................3
1.2.2 Function 04h (Read Input Registers) ..................................................................................4
1.2.3 Function 06h (Write Single Holding Register) .....................................................................4
1.2.4 Function 08h (Diagnostic with sub-function code 00h) ........................................................5
1.2.5 Broadcast mode ..................................................................................................................5
1.3 Application notes ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 RS485 general considerations ............................................................................................6
1.3.2 MODBUS timing ..................................................................................................................6
2 TABLES .........................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Data format representation In Carlo Gavazzi instruments .................................................................... 7
2.2 Geometric representation...................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Maximum and minimum electrical values in EM/ET300 SERIES .......................................................... 8
2.4 Instantaneous variables and meters (grouped by variable type) .......................................................... 9
Instantaneous variables and meters (grouped by phase) ................................................................................... 11
2.5 Firmware version and revision code ................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Carlo Gavazzi Controls identification code ......................................................................................... 13
2.7 Programming parameter tables........................................................................................................... 14
2.7.1 Password configuration menu ...........................................................................................14
2.7.2 System configuration menu ...............................................................................................14
2.7.3 PT and CT configuration menu..........................................................................................14
2.7.4 Dmd and pulse outs configuration menu ...........................................................................14
2.7.5 Other functions configuration menu...................................................................................15
2.7.6 Active tariff selection..........................................................................................................16
2.7.7 Serial port configuration menu...........................................................................................16
2.7.8 Reset commands...............................................................................................................16
2.7.9 Serial number ....................................................................................................................17
2.7.10 Note ...................................................................................................................................17
3 REVISIONS ..................................................................................................................................17
Energy management

1.1 Introduction

The RS485 serial interface supports the MODBUS/JBUS (RTU) protocol. In this document only the
information necessary to read/write from/to EM/ET300 SERIES has been reported (not all the parts of
the protocol have been implemented).
For a complete description of the MODBUS protocol please refer to the latest revision of the
“Modbus_Application_Protocol” document that is downloadable from the www.modbus.org web site.

1.2 MODBUS functions

These functions are available on EM/ET300 SERIES:

• Reading of n “Holding Registers” (code 03h)
• Reading of n “Input Register” (code 04h)
• Writing of one “Holding Registers” (code 06h)
• Diagnostic (code 08h with sub-function code 00h)
• Broadcast mode (writing instruction on address 00h)

1) In this document the “Modbus address” field is indicated in two modes:
1.1) “Modicom address”: it is the “6-digit Modicom” representation with Modbus function code 04
(Read Input Registers). It is possible to read the same values with function code 03 (Read
Holding Registers) replacing the first digit (“3”) with the number “4”.
1.2) “Physical address”: it is the “word address” value to be included in the communication
2) The functions 03h and 04h have exactly the same effect and can be used indifferently.
3) The communication parameters are to be set according to the configuration of the instrument
(refer to EM/ET300 SERIES instruction manual)

1.2.1 Function 03h (Read Holding Registers)

This function is used to read the contents of a contiguous block of holding registers (word). The Request
frame specifies the starting register address and the number of registers to be read. It is possible to
read maximum 50 registers (words) with a single request, when not differently specified.
The register data in the response message are packed as two bytes per register (word), with the binary
contents right justified within each byte. For each register, the first byte contains the high order bits
(MSB) and the second contains the low order bits (LSB).

Request frame
Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 03h
Starting address 2 bytes 0000h to FFFFh Byte order: MSB, LSB
Quantity of registers (N word) 2 bytes 1 to 14h (1 to 20) Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes

Response frame (correct action)

Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 03h
Quantity of requested bytes 1 byte N word * 2
Register value N*2 bytes Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

Response frame (incorrect action)

Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247) Possible exception :
Function code 1 byte 83h 01h: illegal function
Exception code 1 byte 01h, 02h, 03h, 04h (see note) 02h: illegal data address
CRC 2 bytes 03h: illegal data value
04h: slave device failure

1.2.2 Function 04h (Read Input Registers)

This function code is used to read the contents of a contiguous block of input registers (word). The
Request frame specifies the starting register address and the number of registers to be read. It is
possible to read maximum 50 register (word) with a single request, when not differently specified.
The register data in the response message are packed as two bytes per register (word), with the binary
contents right justified within each byte. For each register, the first byte contains the high order bits
(MSB) and the second contains the low order bits (LSB).

Request frame
Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 04h
Starting address 2 bytes 0000h to FFFFh Byte order: MSB, LSB
Quantity of registers (N word) 2 bytes 1 to 14h (1 to 20) Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes

Response frame (correct action)

Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 04h
Quantity of requested bytes 1 byte N word * 2
Register value N*2 bytes Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes

Response frame (incorrect action)

Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247) Possible exception :
Function code 1 byte 84h 01h: illegal function
Exception code 1 byte 01h, 02h, 03h, 04h 02h: illegal data address
CRC 2 bytes 03h: illegal data value
04h: slave device failure

1.2.3 Function 06h (Write Single Holding Register)

This function code is used to write a single holding register. The Request frame specifies the address of
the register (word) to be written and its content.
The correct response is an echo of the request, returned after the register content has been written.

Request frame
Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 06h
Starting address 2 bytes 0000h to FFFFh Byte order: MSB, LSB
Register value 2 bytes 0000h to FFFFh Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes

Response frame (correct action)

Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 06h
Starting address 2 bytes 0000h to FFFFh Byte order: MSB, LSB
Register value 2 bytes 0000h to FFFFh Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

Response frame (incorrect action)

Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247) Possible exception :
Function code 1 byte 86h 01h: illegal function
Exception code 1 byte 01h, 02h, 03h, 04h 02h: illegal data address
CRC 2 bytes 03h: illegal data value
04h: slave device failure

1.2.4 Function 08h (Diagnostic with sub-function code 00h)

MODBUS function 08h provides a series of tests to check the communication system between a client
(Master) device and a server (Slave), or to check various internal error conditions in a server.
EM/ET300 Series supports only 0000h sub-function code (Return Query Data). With this sub-function
the data passed in the request data field is to be returned (looped back) in the response. The entire
response message should be identical to the request.

Request frame
Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 08h
Sub-function 2 bytes 0000h
Data (N word) N *2 bytes Data Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes

Response frame (correct action)

Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7 (1 to 247)
Function code 1 byte 08h
Sub-function 2 bytes 0000h
Data (N word) N *2 bytes Data Byte order: MSB, LSB
CRC 2 bytes

Response frame (incorrect action)

Description Length Value Note
Physical address 1 byte 1 to F7h (1 to 247) Possible exception :
Function code 1 byte 88h 01h: illegal function
Exception code 1 byte 01h, 02h, 03h, 04h 02h: illegal data address
CRC 2 bytes 03h: illegal data value
04h: slave device failure

1.2.5 Broadcast mode

In broadcast mode the master can send a request (command) to all the slaves. No response is returned
to broadcast requests sent by the master. It is possible to send the broadcast message only with
function code 06h using address 00h.

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

1.3 Application notes

1.3.1 RS485 general considerations

1. To avoid errors due to the signal reflections or line coupling, it is necessary to terminate the bus at
the beginning (master side, if not already embedded, by inserting a 120 ohm 1/2W 5% resistor
between line B and A) and at the end (in EM/ET SERIES interface by connecting the terminal A-
with the terminal T in the last instrument.
2. The network termination is necessary even in case of point-to-point connection and/or of short
3. For connections longer than 1000m or if in the network there are more than 160 instruments (with
1/5 unit load as used in EM/ET300 SERIES interface), a signal repeater is necessary.
4. For bus connection it is suggested to use an AWG24 balanced pair cable and to add a third wire for
GND connection. If a shielded cable is used, connect the shield to GND.
5. The GND should be connected to ground only at the host side.
6. If an instrument does not answer within the “max answering time”, it is necessary to repeat the
query. If the instrument does not answer after 2 or 3 consecutive queries, it is to be considered as
not connected, faulty or reached with a wrong address. The same consideration is valid in case of
CRC errors or incomplete response frames.

1.3.2 MODBUS timing

Fig. 1 : 2-wire timing diagram

Timing characteristics of reading function: ms

T response: Max answering time 500 ms
T response: Typical answering time 40 ms
T delay: Minimum time before a new query 3,5 char
T null: Max interruption time during the request frame 2,5 char

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management


2.1 Data format representation In Carlo Gavazzi instruments

The variables are represented by integers or floating numbers, with 2’s complement notation in case of
“signed” format, using the following:

Format IEC data type Description Bits Range

INT16 INT Integer 16 -32768 .. 32767
UINT16 UINT Unsigned integer 16 0 .. 65535
INT32 DINT Double integer 32 -231 .. 231
UINT32 UDINT Unsigned double integer 32 0 .. 232-1
UINT64 ULINT Unsigned long integer 64 0 .. 264-1
IEEE754 SP Single-precision floating-point 32 -(1+[1 –2-23])x2127 .. 2128

For all the formats the byte order (inside the single word) is MSB->LSB. In INT32, UINT32 and UINT64
formats, the word order is LSW-> MSW.

2.2 Geometric representation

According to the signs of the power factor, the active power P and the reactive power Q, it is possible to
obtain a geometric representation of the power vector, as indicated in the drawing below, according to
EN 60253-23:

a = Exported active power

b = Imported active power
c = Imported reactive power
d = Exported reactive power

Fig. 2 : Geometric Representation

According to the measurement mode (easy connection or bidirectional), the following sign convention is
used in EM/ET300 SERIES.

- Easy connection mode

o I always >0
o P always >0
o kWh always increasing (correspondent to Annex D option PFA)
o kvarh increases only when Q>0
o PF only with C and L (without sign) indication

- Bidirectional mode)
o I < or >0 (with indication of “-“ sign)
o P < or >0 (with indication of “-“ sign)
o kWh+ increasing only when P > 0 (correspondent to Annex D option PFB)
o kWh- increasing only when P < 0
o kvarh+ increasing only when Q > 0
o kvarh- increasing only when Q < 0
o PF with ±C or ±L indication

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

Application Real measurement Displayed values Displayed energies Notes

Easy connection Quadrant I A, W, var, L PF kWh increases Measurement A or
Mode kvarh increases PFA models
Quadrant II A, W, -var, C PF kWh increases Measurement A or
kvarh does not increase PFA models
Quadrant III A, W, var, L PF kWh increases Measurement A or
kvarh increases PFA models
Quadrant IV A, W, -var, C PF kWh increases Measurement A or
kvarh does not increase PFA models
Bidirectional Quadrant I A, W, var, +L PF kWh+ increases Measurement B or
Mode kvarh+ increases PFB models
Quadrant II -A, -W, +var, -C PF kWh- increases Measurement B or
kvarh+ increases PFB models
Quadrant III -A, -W, -var, -L PF kWh- increases Measurement B or
kvarh- increases PFB models
Quadrant IV A, W, -var, +C PF kWh+ increases Measurement B or
kvarh- increases PFB models

2.3 Maximum and minimum electrical values in EM/ET300 SERIES

The maximum electrical input values are reported in the following table. If the input is above the
maximum value the display shows “EEE”.

Table 2.1-1

AV5 input AV6 input AV2 input

Max value Min value Max value Min value Max value Min value
VL-N 485V 0 150V 0 299V 0
VL-L 840V 0 260V 0 518V 0
6,5A 6,5A
A 0 0 78A 0
(displ. value = 6.5 A x CT ratio) (displ. value = 6.5 A x CT ratio)
VT 1000 1 1000 1 / /
CT 1000 1 1000 1 / /

Note: The product (CT ratio)x(VT ratio) shall be automatically limited to prevent overflow of kW
indication on the meter (max power = 9999 kW).

The overflow indication “EEE“ is displayed when the MSB value of the relevant variable is 7FFFFFFFh
(word order FFFF 7FFF).

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

2.4 Instantaneous variables and meters (grouped by variable type)

MODBUS: read only mode with functions code 03 and 04 Table 2.4-1
Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
300001 0000h 2 V L1-N INT32
300003 0002h 2 V L2-N INT32
300005 0004h 2 V L3-N INT32
Value weight: Volt*10
300007 0006h 2 V L1-L2 INT32
300009 0008h 2 V L2-L3 INT32
300011 000Ah 2 V L3-L1 INT32
300013 000Ch 2 A L1 INT32
300015 000Eh 2 A L2 INT32 Value weight: Ampere*1000
300017 0010h 2 A L3 INT32
300019 0012h 2 kW L1 INT32
300021 0014h 2 kW L2 INT32 Value weight: Watt*10
300023 0016h 2 kW L3 INT32
300025 0018h 2 kVA L1 INT32
300027 001Ah 2 kVA L2 INT32 Value weight: VA*10
300029 001Ch 2 kVA L3 INT32
300031 001Eh 2 kvar L1 INT32
300033 0020h 2 kvar L2 INT32 Value weight: var*10
300035 0022h 2 kvar L3 INT32
300037 0024h 2 V L-N sys INT32
Value weight: Volt*10
300039 0026h 2 V L-L sys INT32
300041 0028h 2 kW sys INT32 Value weight: Watt*10
300043 002Ah 2 kVA sys INT32 Value weight: VA*10
300045 002Ch 2 kvar sys INT32 Value weight: var*10
300047 002Eh 1 PF L1 INT16 Negative values correspond to exported active
300048 002Fh 1 PF L2 INT16 power, positive values correspond to imported
300049 0030h 1 PF L3 INT16 active power.
300050 0031h 1 PF sys INT16 Value weight: PF*1000
The value –1 corresponds to L1-L3-L2
sequence, the value 0 corresponds to L1-L2-
300051 0032h 1 Phase sequence INT16
L3 sequence. The phase sequence value is
meaningful only in a 3-phase system
300052 0033h 1 Hz INT16 Value weight: Hz*10
300053 0034h 2 kWh (+) TOT INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300055 0036h 2 Kvarh (+) TOT INT32 Value weight: kvarh*10
300057 0038h 2 kW dmd INT32 Value weight: Watt*10
300059 003Ah 2 kW dmd peak INT32 Value weight: Watt*10
300061 003Ch 2 kWh (+) PARTIAL INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300063 003Eh 2 Kvarh (+) PARTIAL INT32 Value weight: kvarh*10
300065 0040h 2 kWh (+) L1 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300067 0042h 2 kWh (+) L2 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300069 0044h 2 kWh (+) L3 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300071 0046h 2 kWh (+) t1 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300073 0048h 2 kWh (+) t2 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300075 004Ah 2 kWh (+) t3 INT32 Not available, value =0
300077 004Ch 2 kWh (+) t4 INT32 Not available, value =0
300079 004Eh 2 kWh (-) TOT INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300081 0050h 2 kvarh (-) TOT INT32 Value weight: kvarh*10
300083 0052h 2 kWh (-) PARTIAL INT32 Not available, value =0
300085 0054h 2 Kvarh (-) PARTIAL INT32 Not available, value =0
300087 0056h 2 kVAh TOT INT32 Not available, value =0
300089 0058h 2 kVAh PARTIAL INT32 Not available, value =0
300091 2 Run hour meter INT32 Value weight: hours*100, only ET series and
300093 005Ch 2 Run hour meter kWh (-) INT32 Not available, value =0
300095 005Eh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300097 0060h 2 kWh (-) L1 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10, only ET series
300099 0062h 2 kWh (-) L2 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10, only ET series
300101 0064h 2 kWh (-) L3 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10, only ET series
300103 0066h 2 kWh (+) t5 INT32 Not available, value =0
300105 0068h 2 kWh (+) t6 INT32 Not available, value =0
300107 006Ah 2 kWh (+) t7 INT32 Not available, value =0
300109 006Ch 2 kWh (+) t8 INT32 Not available, value =0
300111 006Eh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300113 0070h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300115 0072h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300117 0074h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300119 0076h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300121 0078h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300123 007Ah 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

300125 007Ch 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0

300127 007Eh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300129 0080h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300131 2 THD A L1 INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300133 2 THD A L2 INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300135 2 THD A L3 INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300137 2 THD V L-N sys INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
0088h EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h.
Average of V1-N, V2-N, V3-N
300139 2 THD V L1-N INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300141 2 THD V L2-N INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300143 2 THD V L3-N INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300145 0090h 2 THD V L-L sys INT32 Not available, value =0
300147 0092h 2 THD V L1-L2 INT32 Not available, value =0
300149 0094h 2 THD V L2-L3 INT32 Not available, value =0
300151 0096h 2 THD V L3-L1 INT32 Not available, value =0
300153 2 An INT32 Not available, value =0, only ET series and

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

Instantaneous variables and meters (grouped by phase)

MODBUS: read only mode with functions code 03 and 04 Table 0-1
Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
System variables
300249 00F6h 2 Run hour meter kWh (-) INT32 Value weight: Ampere*1000
300249 2 An INT32 Value weight: Ampere*1000, only ET series
and EM330
300251 2 THD V L-N sys INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
00FAh EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h.
Average of V1-N, V2-N, V3-N
300253 00FCh 2 THD V L-L sys INT32 Not available, value =0
300255 2 Run hour meter INT32 Value weight: hours*100, only ET series and
300257 0100h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300259 0102h 2 V L-N sys INT32 Value weight: Volt*10
300261 0104h 2 V L-L sys INT32 Value weight: Volt*10
300263 0106h 2 kW sys INT32 Value weight: Watt*10
300265 0108h 2 kVA sys INT32 Value weight: VA*10
300267 010Ah 2 kvar sys INT32 Value weight: var*10
300269 010Ch 2 PF sys INT32 (*) Value weight: PF*1000
2 INT32 The value –1 corresponds to L1-L3-L2
sequence, the value 0 corresponds to L1-L2-
300271 010Eh Phase sequence
L3 sequence. The phase sequence value is
meaningful only in a 3-phase system
300273 0110h 2 Hz INT32 Value weight: Hz*10
Total energies and dmd power
300275 0112h 2 kWh (+) TOT INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300277 0114h 2 Kvarh (+) TOT INT32 Value weight: kvarh*10
300279 0116h 2 kWh (-) TOT INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300281 0118h 2 kvarh (-) TOT INT32 Value weight: kvarh*10
300283 011Ah 2 kW dmd INT32 Value weight: Watt*10
300285 011Ch 2 kW dmd peak INT32 Value weight: Watt*10
Phase 1 variables
300287 011Eh 2 V L1-L2 INT32 Value weight: Volt*10
300289 0120h 2 V L1-N INT32 Value weight: Volt*10
300291 0122h 2 A L1 INT32 Value weight: Ampere*1000
300293 0124h 2 kW L1 INT32 Value weight: Watt*10
300295 0126h 2 kVA L1 INT32 Value weight: VA*10
300297 0128h 2 kvar L1 INT32 Value weight: var*10
300299 012Ah 2 PF L1 INT32 (*) Value weight: PF*1000
Phase 2 variables
300301 012Ch 2 V L2-L3 INT32 Value weight: Volt*10
300303 012Eh 2 V L2-N INT32 Value weight: Volt*10
300305 0130h 2 A L2 INT32 Value weight: Ampere*1000
300307 0132h 2 kW L2 INT32 Value weight: Watt*10
300309 0134h 2 kVA L2 INT32 Value weight: VA*10
300311 0136h 2 kvar L2 INT32 Value weight: var*10
300313 0138h 2 PF L2 INT32 (*) Value weight: PF*1000
Phase 3 variables
300315 013Ah 2 V L3-L1 INT32 Value weight: Volt*10
300317 013Ch 2 V L3-N INT32 Value weight: Volt*10
300319 013Eh 2 A L3 INT32 Value weight: Ampere*1000
300321 0140h 2 kW L3 INT32 Value weight: Watt*10
300323 0142h 2 kVA L3 INT32 Value weight: VA*10
300325 0144h 2 kvar L3 INT32 Value weight: var*10
300327 0146h 2 PF L3 INT32 (*) Value weight: PF*1000
Other energies
300329 0148h 2 kWh (+) PARTIAL INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300331 014Ah 2 Kvarh (+) PARTIAL INT32 Value weight: kvarh*10
300333 014Ch 2 kWh (+) L1 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300335 014Eh 2 kWh (+) L2 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300337 0150h 2 kWh (+) L3 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300339 0152h 2 kWh (+) t1 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300341 0154h 2 kWh (+) t2 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10
300343 0156h 2 kWh (+) t3 INT32 Not available, value =0
300345 0158h 2 kWh (+) t4 INT32 Not available, value =0
300347 015Ah 2 kWh (-) PARTIAL INT32 Not available, value =0
300349 015Ch 2 Kvarh (-) PARTIAL INT32 Not available, value =0
300351 015Eh 2 kVAh TOT INT32 Not available, value =0
300353 0160h 2 kVAh PARTIAL INT32 Not available, value =0
300355 0162h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300357 0164h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300359 0166h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

300361 0168h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0

300363 016Ah 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300365 016Ch 2 kWh (-) L1 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10, only ET series
300367 016Eh 2 kWh (-) L2 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10, only ET series
300369 0170h 2 kWh (-) L3 INT32 Value weight: kWh*10, only ET series
300371 0172h 2 kWh (+) t5 INT32 Not available, value =0
300373 0174h 2 kWh (+) t6 INT32 Not available, value =0
300375 0176h 2 kWh (+) t7 INT32 Not available, value =0
300377 0178h 2 kWh (+) t8 INT32 Not available, value =0
300379 017Ah 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300381 017Ch 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300383 017Eh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
Other Phase 1 variables
300385 2 THD A L1 INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300387 2 THD V L1-N INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300389 0184h 2 THD V L1-L2 INT32 Not available, value =0
300391 0186h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300393 0188h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300395 018Ah 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300397 018Ch 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300399 018Eh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300401 0190h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
Other Phase 2 variables
300403 2 THD A L2 INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300405 2 THD V L2-N INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300407 0196h 2 THD V L2-L3 INT32 Not available, value =0
300409 0198h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300411 019Ah 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300413 019Ch 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300415 019Eh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300417 01A0h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300419 01A2h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
Other Phase 3 variables
300421 2 THD A L3 INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300423 2 THD V L3-N INT32 Value weight: %*100, only ET series and
EM330 if THD calculation is enabled in 1106h
300425 01A8h 2 THD V L3-L1 INT32 Not available, value =0
300427 01AAh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300429 01ACh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300431 01AEh 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300433 01B0h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300435 01B2h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0
300437 01B4h 2 n.a. INT32 Not available, value =0

Note *: Negative values correspond to exported active power, positive values correspond to imported active power.
Note Table 2.4-1 and 2.5-1 are equivalent and includes a copy of the same variable values.
Note For meters that support also 1-phase and 2-phase systems, the values relevant to phase 2 and 3 can still be read with a valid value, equal to

Programming parameter note: reading values in addresses not specified in the below tables returns
an illegal data address exception.

2.5 Firmware version and revision code

MODBUS: read only mode with functions code 03 and 04 limited to a word at a time Table 2.5-1
Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
300771 0302h 1 Version code UINT 16 Value=0: Version “A”, =1: Version “B”, etc.
300772 0303h 1 Revision code UINT 16 Value=0: Revision “0” etc.

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

2.6 Carlo Gavazzi Controls identification code

MODBUS: read only mode with functions code 03 and 04 limited to a word at a time Table 2.6-1
Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
300012 000Bh 1 Carlo Gavazzi Controls UINT 16 See table 2.7-2
identification code

Table 2.7-2
Complete item number CG identification code
EM330-DIN AV5 3 H S1 X
EM330-DIN AV5 3 L S1 X 332
EM330-DIN AV5 3 L S1 PF A 332
EM330-DIN AV5 3 L S1 PF B 332
EM330-DIN AV5 3 H S1 X 332
EM330-DIN AV5 3 H S1 PF A 332
EM330-DIN AV5 3 H S1 PF B 332
EM330-DIN AV6 3 L S1 X 331
EM330-DIN AV6 3 L S1 PF A 331
EM330-DIN AV6 3 L S1 PF B 331
EM330-DIN AV6 3 H S1 X 331
EM330-DIN AV6 3 H S1 PF A 331
EM330-DIN AV6 3 H S1 PF B 331
EM331-DIN.AV5.3.H.OS.X 355
ET330-DIN AV5 3 L S1 X 335
ET330-DIN AV5 3 H S1 X 335
ET330-DIN AV6 3 L S1 X 336
ET330-DIN AV6 3 H S1 X 336
EM340-DIN AV2 3 X S1 X
EM340-DIN AV2 3 X S1 X 341
EM340-DIN AV2 3 X S1 PF A 341
EM340-DIN AV2 3 X S1 PF B 341
EM341-DIN AV2 3 X OS X 346
ET340-DIN AV2 3 X S1 X 345

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

2.7 Programming parameter tables

2.7.1 Password configuration menu

MODBUS: read and write mode Table 2.7-1

Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
304097 1000h 1 PASSWORD UINT 16 Minimum valid value: 0d
(EM only) Maximum valid value: 9999d
In ET always 0.

2.7.2 System configuration menu

MODBUS: read and write mode Table 2.8-2

Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
304099 1002h 1 Measuring system UINT 16 Value=0: “3Pn” (3-phase with neutral)
Value=1: “3P” (3-phase without neutral)
Value=2: “2P” (2-phase with neutral)
Value=3: 1P

2.7.3 PT and CT configuration menu

MODBUS: read and write mode Table 2.7-3

Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
304100 1003h 2 Current transformer ratio UINT 32 Value min = 10 (CT=1,0)
Value max = 10000 (CT=1000.0)
304102 1005h 2 Voltage transformer ratio UINT 32 Value min = 10 (VT=1,0)
Value max = 10000 (VT=1000.0)

Important note:
- The product (CT ratio)x(VT ratio) shall be automatically limited to prevent overflow of kW
indication on the meter
- The product (CT ratio)x(VT ratio) shall be automatically limited in MID versions to prevent the
rollover of the kWh meter before 4000 h, as stated in MID regulation.

2.7.4 Dmd and pulse outs configuration menu

MODBUS: read and write mode Table 2.7

Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
1010h 2 Integration time for dmd power UINT 32 Value min = 1
calculation Value max = 30
1012h 2 Ton (Ton time for pulse output UINT 32 Value min = 0 (30ms)
square wave) Value max = 1 (100 ms)
1020h 2 kWh per pulse relevant to digital UINT 32
out 1 (if existing)
1022h 2 kWh per pulse relevant to digital UINT 32
out 2 (if existing)

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

2.7.5 Other functions configuration menu

MODBUS: read and write mode Table 2.7

Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
304353 1100h 1 Display mode UINT 16 Value min = 0 (Full, default)
Value max = 1 (Easy)
Any other value = Full
304354 1101h 1 Tariff management enabling UINT 16 Value min = 0 (OFF)
Value max = 1 (ON)
Any other value = OFF
304355 1102h 1 Home page selection (EM only) UINT 16 Value min = 0 (page 0, default)
Value max = 19 (page 19)
Restrictions in case of display mode = Easy
Any other value = page 0
In ET always = 0
304356 1103h 1 Measurement mode selection UINT 16 Value min = 0 (A)
Value max = 1 (B)
Any other value = A
304357 1104h 1 Wrong connection (Installing help) UINT 16 Value min = 0 (ON)
management enabling Value max = 1 (OFF)
Any other value = ON
304358 1105h 1 Wrong connection (installing help) UINT 16 Bit 0 = 1 means: Wrong voltage sequence
status Bit 1 = 1 means: Phase 1 inverted
Bit 2 = 1 means: Phase 2 inverted
Bit 3 = 1 means: Phase 3 inverted
Bit 4 = 1 means: Phases 1 and 2 exchanged
Bit 5 = 1 means: Phases 1 and 3 exchanged
Bit 6 = 1 means: Phases 2 and 3 exchanged
Bit 7 = 1 means: Phases 1, 2, 3 exchanged

In EM/ET330 only a bit at a time can be 1.

In EM/ET340 more bits can be 1.
In any case a sequence of wiring modifications
is needed until the wiring is correct (all bit=0)
304359 1106h 1 THD calculation enabling (EM330, UINT 16 Value min = 0 (OFF)
ET330 and ET340 only) Value max = 1 (ON) = DEFAULT
Any other value = OFF
304360 1107h 2 Secondary start-up current of the UINT 32 Value weight: Ampere*1000
run hour meter Value min = 10
Value max = 6000
Default value = 10
The primary start-up current shall be multiplied
by CT ratio.
Only in EM330 , ET330, ET340.

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

2.7.6 Active tariff selection

MODBUS: read and write mode Table 2.7

Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
304608 1200h 1 Tariff mode selection (tariff UINT 16 Value min = 0 (via digital inputs)
management via digital input or Value max = 1 (via serial comm.)
serial comm.) Any other value = via digital in.
304609 1201h 1 Tariff number selection via serial UINT 16 Value min = 1 (tariff 1)
comm. Value max = 2 (tariff 2)
Any other value = tariff 1
If 1200h = 0 (tariff via digital input), this
parameter is “read only” mode

2.7.7 Serial port configuration menu

MODBUS: read and write mode Table 2.8-7

Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
308193 2000h 1 RS485 instrument address UINT 16 Value min = 1 (default)
Value max = 247
Any other value = 1
308194 2001h 1 RS485 baud rate UINT 16 Value 1 = 9.6 kbps (default)
Value 2 = 19.2 kbps
Value 3 = 38.4 kbps
Value 4 = 57.6 kbps
Value 5 = 115.2 kbps
Any other value = 9.6 kbps
308195 2002h 1 RS485 parity UINT 16 Value 1= no parity (default)
Value 2 = even parity
Any other value = no parity
308196 2003h 1 RS485 Stop bit UINT 16 Value 0 = 1 stop bit
Value 1= 1 (default)
Value 2 =2 (only if parity is even)
Any other value = 1 stop bit
308197 2004h 1 Max number of words readable UINT 16 Value = 50 (words)
with a single Modbus request

Note: The number of stop bits is fixed to “1” if parity is EVEN.

2.7.8 Reset commands

MODBUS: read and write mode Table 2.8-8

Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
316385 4000h 1 Reset of all partial and tariff UINT 16
Value=0: reset done
meters, kWdmd and kWdmdm
Value=1: execute the command
peak (and run hour meter in
All other values produce no effects
316386 4001h 1 Reset of total energy meters (only UINT 16 Value=0: reset done
for non-MID versions, X option) Value=1: execute the command
All other values produce no effects
316387 4002h 1 Reset of run hour meter (EM330, UINT 16 Value=0: reset done
ET330 and ET340) Value=1: execute the command
All other values produce no effects

Series 300 Communication Protocol

Energy management

2.7.9 Serial number

MODBUS: read only mode Table 2.8-9

Modicom Physical Length VARIABLE Data Notes
address address (words) ENG. UNIT Format
320481 5000h 1 Letter 1 (from SX) MSB: ASCII code
Letter 2 (from SX) LSB: ASCII code
320482 5001h 1 Letter 3 (from SX) MSB: ASCII code
Letter 4 (from SX) LSB: ASCII code
320483 5002h 1 Letter 5 (from SX) MSB: ASCII code
Letter 6 (from SX) LSB: ASCII code
320484 5003h 1 Letter 7 (from SX) MSB: ASCII code
Letter 8 (from SX) LSB: ASCII code
320485 5004h 1 Letter 9 (from SX) MSB: ASCII code
Letter 10 (from SX) LSB: ASCII code
320486 5005h 1 Letter 11 (from SX) MSB: ASCII code
Letter 12 (from SX) LSB: ASCII code
320487 5006h 1 Letter 13 (from SX) MSB: ASCII code

2.7.10 Note
The default value shall be automatically assigned to the parameters when an out-of-range or invalid
value is written.

From rev. 2.7 to 2.8:
- assigned a memory address to Neutral current
- changed the name to some variables to have the same indication as in VMU-C and programming

From rev. 2.8 to 2.9:

- added TDH, run hour meter and An in EM330

From rev. 2.9 to 2.10:

- added EM331 ID code

From rev. 2.10 to 2.11:

- modification of “1.3 Application notes. RS485 general considerations” (point 1)
- introduction of electrical limits in “3.1 Maximum and minimum electrical values in EM/ET300 SERIES”

Series 300 Communication Protocol


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