Probe MODBUS Communication Protocol: Buad 9600 1, NO (N)

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Xingtai Kunlun Machinery Co., Ltd www.kunlunsensors.


Probe MODBUS Communication Protocol

(1) Overview:
Modbus standard is used in our company’s communication protocol which mainly adopted RS232, RS485 and other telecommunication medium.
There are 2 alternative transmission modes in ModBus: ASCII ( American Standard Code of Information) and RTU ( Remote Terminal Unit). This protocol
uses the RTU
Buad 9600
Frame Format : 1 Start Bit, 8 data bits,1 stop bits,A total of 10. NO parity(N)
Probe to receive data format:
The first Read the
The first Read the
Function register number of CRC Low CRC High
Address register address number of
Code address registers bytes bytes
low registers low
high High
Probe upload data formats:
Function Register ………… Data Low CRC CRC
Address Data High bytes
Code Bytes ……… bytes Low bytes High bytes

Function Code:04 1. Read the Fuel level, Water interface and temperature values
2. When the query address 0 (When the broadcast mode), Connect only one probe ,Read probe address.
Function Code:06 Modify probe address, restore the factory address.
Address: Probe address 0x01-0xFF
Read the register number: 2 Bytes

(2):Response time
Get data response time : 500ms

(3): 04 function code example

example: 1.Read the Fuel level, Water interface and temperature values ,The

content and format of the data returned.

register contents

0000-0001 Fuel Level (4byte) unit:mm float Data Type Type ID:10007
0002-0003 Water Level (4byte) unit:mm float Data Type Type ID:10007
0004-0005 The average temperature of under Fuel level (4byte) unit:℃ float Data
Type Type ID:10007
0006-0007 A point temperature (4byte) unit:℃ float Data Type Type ID:10007
0008-0009 B point temperature (4byte) unit:℃ float Data Type Type ID:10007
000A-000B C point temperature (4byte) unit:℃ float Data Type Type ID:10007
000C-000D D point temperature (4byte) unit:℃ float Data Type Type ID:10007
000E-000F E point temperature (4byte) unit:℃ float Data Type Type ID:10007

suppose the probe address is No.2 :

Host query:
02 04 00 00 00 10 F1 F5
Probe response command returns
02 04 20 0E 45 B2 49 A5 44 95 1C 91 41 00 80 91 41 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AD CA
02(Probe Address)04(Fuction Code)20(The number of bytes of data received)
0E 45 B2 49 (Fuel level, 10007, Data Format, The actual value of float 45 0E 49 B2, Converted to decimal is 2276.5mm)
A5 44 95 1C(Water Level, 10007, Data Format , The actual value of float 44 A5 1C 95, Converted to decimal is 1320.7mm)
91 41 00 80 (The average temperature of under Fuel level , 10007, Data Format, The actual value of float 41 91 80 00 , Converted to decimal is
91 41 00 80 (a point temperature, 10007, Data Format , The actual value of float 41 91 80 00 Converted to decimal is 18.1℃)
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (b c d e point temperature is 0 ℃)
AD CA (CRC Check)
2. When the query address 0 (When the broadcast mode), Connect only one probe ,Read probe address.
Host query:
00 04 00 20 00 01 31 D1
Probe response command returns
00 04 02 00 07 C5 32
00(broadcast mode)04(Function Code)
02 (Received the number of bytes of data) 00 07(Probe Address)C5 32(CRC Check)

(4): 06 function code, for example: Modify probe Address, Restore Factory Address.
Parameter MODBUS Register Address (16Bit) Data

Modify Address 00 20 Data

Restore Factory Address 00 2e FFH(must be FFH)

For example, the address for the 2nd probe:

Host query:
02 06 00 20 00 07 C9 F1
Probe response command returns
02 06 00 20 00 07 C9 F1
02(Probe Address)06(Function Code)
00 20 (Register Address) 00 07(New Probe Address)C9 F1(CRC Check)
Host query:
02 06 00 2E 00 FF A9 B0
Probe response command returns
02 06 00 2E 00 01 28 30
02(Probe Address)06(Function Code)
00 2E (Register Address) 00 01(At present, the factory address probe 01)28 30(CRC Check)
(5): The measurement data type
Type numbers refer to the table:
Byte Quantity of
Number Data Type Identifier Value Byte of Storage
count Registers

10001 16-bit unsigned integer UINT16 2 1 AB AB

10002 16-bit signed integer INT16 2 1 AB AB
10003 32-bit unsigned integer _HL UINT32_HL 4 2 AB CD CD AB
10004 32-bit unsigned integer _LH UINT32_LH 4 2 AB CD AB CD
10005 32-bit signed integer_HL INT32_HL 4 2 AB CD CD AB
10006 32-bit signed integer_LH INT32_LH 4 2 AB CD AB CD
10009 IEEE Double Float_L IEEE_DOUBLE_L 8 4 AB CD EF 12 DC BA 21 FE
10010 IEEE Double Float_B IEEE_DOUBLE_B 8 4 AB CD EF 12 EF 12 AB CD

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