Geophysical Study of Ada Tepe Occurrence in Eastern Rhodopes
Geophysical Study of Ada Tepe Occurrence in Eastern Rhodopes
Geophysical Study of Ada Tepe Occurrence in Eastern Rhodopes
Universiy of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Sofia 1700, Bulgaria
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The low sulfidation epithermal gold occurrence Ada Tepe is located on the
north-eastern border of the Momchilgrad depression in Eastern Rhodopes. The use of
gravity, aeromagnetic, gamma-ray spectrometric data on 1:50000 scale and electric
and magnetic data on 1:10000 scale allows more detailed determination of the Ada
Tepe occurrence geological structure to be obtained. The south-north, east-west, north-
west and east-northeast oriented faults and their knots, as well as the areas of intensive
hydrothermal alterations were marked according to geophysical data. The main
geophysical anomalies related to the gold-silver-bearing mineralization in Ada Tepe
occurrence were separated. Based of the outlined geological, geophysical and
geochemical criteria three areas were distinguished favorable for epithermal
mineralization prospecting.
180 Tzvetkov
Ada tepe
Skalak Dazhdovni
Chinka Goliamo
1 2 3 4
a b
6 7 8 9
Zvanarka -90
Kaljik dere
Ovchary -120
Fig. 2. Total magnetic anomalous field ∆Ta map of the “Ada Tepe” occurrence.
of them is located near Ada Tepe Peak Additional attention deserves the
and follows northwestern direction. fact that within the limits of the
The statistical analyses of the aero complicated tectonic knot, determined
gamma-ray spectrometric data on 1:50 from geophysical data, intensive
000 scale allow construction of maps of hydrothermal alterations were
the parameter F = U.K/Th and the established in quartz-sericite-adular
radiogeochemical specialization of the facies and monoquartz facies, as well as
rocks based on potassium and thorium the best expressed gold anomalies from
contents (Portnov, 1987). A well the soil sampling data were observed.
expressed maximum of the parameter F
and a break in the correlation between
these radioactive elements (K, Th) were
detected. They are due to the RESEARCH OF THE
determined increase of potassium and GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF
decrease of thorium contents in the ADA TEPE OCCURRENCE BASED
occurrence area. These anomalies are ON DETAILED GEOPHYSICAL
often directly related to the process of DATA
potassium metasomatism of the rocks In order to obtain a more detailed
and are considered favorable for picture of the geological structure of
epithermal mineralization prospecting. Ada Tepe occurrence area, detailed
Similar anomalies were also registered geophysical studies were performed.
in the areas around Shtarbina, Skalak, They include apparent resistivity four-
Podrumtche villages as well as in the electrode profiling, very low frequency
region of the Sarnak deposit. This is the (VLF) profiling and magnetic research
reason to presume that in the indicated over a 100 by 25 m network. The
areas can be expected with considerable PSDV-1 receiver constructed in Sofia
degree of authenticity the presence of University of Mining and Geology was
hydrothermal alternations that in these used for the acquisition of the VLF data
parts of Eastern Rhodopes are in close (Lozenski and Tzvetkov, 1971).
relation to the gold-silver-bearing Readings for vertical Hz and horizontal
mineralization. Hy magnetic components were taken
along the lines stepwise at 12,5 m
All areas mentioned above are in intervals (6, 25 m over line 17). The
the periphery of the intensive gravity source frequency is equal to 16 kHz.
and magnetic maxima of Goliamo Based on the graphs of the apparent
Kameniane, which are predetermined resistivity and radiowave frequency 16
probably by the presence of ophiolite kHz magnetic components, as well as
rocks slabs – high density slab of on the composed magnetic (Fig. 2) and
orthoamphibolites, unaltered electrical (Fig. 3) maps on 1:10 000
ultramafites, schists with garnet, etc., as scale the main lithological boundaries
well as high magnetization slab of and faults were outlined. Since the
serpentinites. These slabs might tolerate terrain is quite covered by Paleogene
a screening effect on the movement of sediments (Goranov and Atanasov,
the ore-bearing solutions and their 1992) the geophysical data essentially
presence has been presumably a facilitates the tracing of the east-
beneficial precondition of the gold- western, north-southern and north-
bearing ore localization. western orientated structures. Figure 4
illustrates the constructed geophysical
Geophysical Study of Ada Tepe Occurrence 183
Zvanarka 0
Kaljik dere
Ada tepe 300
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 km
Fig. 3. Apparent resistivity map of the “Ada tepe” occurrence
profiles and geological section with orientated faults of quartz veins and
results presented along line 17 that also disseminated sulphide mineralization
passes trough Ada Tepe Peak. The exact filling were marked. The typical
location of line 17 is shown in Figure 5. corelatation of the profiles for these
The Karous-Hjelt filter is applied to the conductive zone anomalies are shown in
VLF data (Karous and Hjelt, 1983) and Fig. 5. In some occasions in such zones
the filtered data are given in Figure intensive pyritizations with contents of
4(b). pyrite from 1-2 to 10 % is observed.
According to the resistivity and The subequatorial conductivity zones,
VLF profiling data east-western determined using electrical profiling
184 Tzvetkov
depth, m
0 a
Hz/Hy, F, %
-40 b
ρa, Ωm
∆Ta, gamma
0 d 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 m
m e
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 4. Geophysical profiles and geological section over “Ada Tepe” occurrence
a) VLF current density pseudo-section; b) VLF horizontal Hy, vertical Hz magnetic field
and filtered data F, c) apparent resistivity ρa, based on the symmetric four-electrode
profiling; d) anomalous magnetic total field ∆Ta; e) geological section.
1–Sandstones, argillites, limestones; 2–Breccia, breccia conglomerates, sandstones; 3–
Metagranites; 4–Sericite-adular alterations; 5–Silica alterations; 6–Faults. 0 – pipeline
186 Tzvetkov
Fig. 5 Map of the geological, geophysical and geochemical criteria, related to the
gold- silver-bearing mineralization of the ”Ada Tepe” occurrence
Lithological criteria: 1 – Metagranites; 2 – Biotite and hornblend-biotite gneisses,
amphybolites; 3 – Paleogene sediments; 4 – Rhyolite tuffs; Mineralogic and
geochemical criteria: 5 –Argillic alterations; 6 - Quartz-sericite-adular alterations; 7 –
Silica alterations; 8 – Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite; 9 – Gold; 10 – Pyrite; 11 – Gold
anomalies from the soil sampling data a: a) > 0,02 ppm b) > 0,1 ppm; Structural
criteria: 12 – Faults; 13 – Thrust faults; Geophysical criteria: 14 - Area of increased
radochemical specialization, according to gamma-ray spectrometric data; 15 - Apparent
resistivity maximum, related to silica alterations; 16 - Gravity maximum, associated
with local uplifting of the high density “ophiolite” rocks; 17 – Faults, marked by: a)
apparent resistivity data. b) magnetic data; 18 –Quartz-sulphide veins, according to: a)
apparent resistivity data, b) VLF EM data; 19 –Area favorable for gold-silver-bearing
mineralizations searching: а) well expressed, b) supposed
Geophysical Study of Ada Tepe Occurrence 187