Final Chem
Final Chem
Final Chem
Study Of Alloys
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Sangli
By Atharv Sawant
This is to certify that the CHEMISTRY project titled ‘STUDY OF
CONSTITUENTS OF ALLOYS’ has been successfully completed
by Atharv Sawant of Class XII in partial fulfillment of
EDUCATION (CBSE) in the year of 2024-25.
throughout the duration of the project. Then I would like to thank my parents and
friends who have helped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance has been
helpful in various phases of the completion of the project. Without their motivation
and help the successful completion of this project would not have been possible.
Atharv Sawant
An Alloy is a homogenous mixture of two or more metals or a non-metal. An alloy of
mercury with another metal is called amalgam. Alloys are usually harder than their
components but very often less ductile and less
malleable. Thus the hardness of gold is increased by addition of copper to it. The
melting point of an alloy is always lower than the melting points of the constituent
metals. Other properties such as reactivity towards atmospheric oxygen and moisture,
mechanical strength, ductility, color etc. also under goes a change when an alloy is
made from its constituents (metals). This change of properties is very useful and makes
an alloy beneficial.
1. Brass:-
It consists copper-50-90%.
Zinc. : 20-40%
3. Tin: 5-35%
Mn = 0.5%, Mg = 0.5%
5. Zinc. : 1-3%
6. Tin: 8-12%
The composition of alloys may differ slightly depending upon the quality of the alloy
though the main components remain the same.
Some common alloys:
Any alloy of mercury is called an amalgam. Most metals are
soluble in mercury, but some (such as iron) are not. Amalgams are
commonly used in dental fillings because they have been relatively
cheap, easy to use, and durable. In addition, until recently, they
have been regarded as safe. They are made by mixing mercury
with silver, copper, tin, and other metals. The mercury content of
dental fillings has recently stirred controversy, based on the
potentially harmful effects of mercury.
Brass is the term used for alloys of copper and zinc in a solid
about 60 percent copper and 40 percent tin. The use of bronze was particularly
significant for early civilizations, leading to the name "Bronze Age." Tools, weapons,
armor, and building materials such as decorative tiles were made
of bronze, as they were found to be harder and more durable
than their stone and copper predecessors.
In early use, the natural impurity arsenic sometimes created a superior natural
alloy, called "arsenical bronze."
Though not as strong as steel, bronze is superior to iron in nearly every application.
Bronze develops a patina (a green coating on the exposed surface), but it does not
oxidize beyond the surface. It is considerably less brittle than iron and has a
lower casting temperature. Several bronze alloys resist corrosion (especially by
seawater) and metal fatigue better than steel; they also conduct Heat
and electricity better than most steels.
Bronze has myriad uses in industry. It is widely used today for
Analysis of an alloy:
The complete analysis of an alloy involves two steps.
1. Qualitative Analysis:
2. Quantitative Analysis:
This involves determination of the components of the alloy. It involves the separation of
the components from the alloy quantitatively followed by determination of percentage of
each component volumetrically or gravimetrically.
In this project we will carry out qualitative analysis only.
Objectives of Project:
In this project, our aim is to know the various metals present in the given sample of
Uses of Alloys:
Hardness of gold is increased by adding copper to it. Also zinc is added to copper to
make copper hard in form of brass.
iii) To increase tensile strength:-
Nickeloy, an alloy of Nickel (1%), Copper (4%) and aluminium (95%) has high tensile
iv) To lower the melting point:-
Solder metal which is an alloy of Sn (30%) and Pb (70%) has very less meting point as
compared to melting points of Sn and Pb.
v) To modify the color:-
Iron gets rusted and corroded. Its corrosion takes place with time but stainless steel, an
alloy of iron and carbon get not rusted the composition of stainless steel is :
Iron - 98%
Carbon - 2%