Chapter 21 (Lecture)

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Second Homecoming and

the Liga Filipina

Chapter 21
Arrival in Manila with Sister

•June 26, 1892, Rizal and his sister Lucia

arrived in Manila. (Hotel de Oriente
facing Binondo Church)

•Rizal went to Malacañan Palace to seek

audience with General Eulogio Despujol
Visiting Friends in Central Luzon

•The next day, Rizal boarded a train in Tutuban

Station and visited his friends in Bulacan,
Pampanga and Tarlac

•On the next day (afternoon), the homes he

had visited were raided by the Guardia Civil
which seized some copies of the Noli and Fili
and some “subversive” pamphlets.
Founding of the Liga Filipina
• Rizal attended the meeting of the patriots at the
home of the
Chinese-Filipino mestizo, Doroteo Ongjunco, on
Ylaya Street, Tondo, Manila.
• Rizal explained the objectives of La Liga Filipina a
civic league of Filipinos desire to establish its role in
the socio-economic life of the people.
• The elected officers: Ambrosio Salvador(president);
Deodato Arellano(secretary); Bonifacio
Arevalo(treasurer); Agustin dela Rosa(fiscal)
Constitution of the Liga Filipina
• La Liga Filipina aimed to:
▪ Unite the whole country
▪ Protect and assist all members
▪ Fight violence and injustice
▪ Support education
▪ Study and implement reforms
• Motto : Unus Instar Omnium (One Like All)
• The aims of the Liga were to be carried out through
the creation of a governing body composed of the
Supreme Council, the Provincial Council, and the
Popular Council.
•All Filipinos who have at heart the
welfare of their fatherland are qualified
for membership
•Every member pays an entrance fee of 2
pesos and ten centavos as monthly dues.
•There are 7 duties which members of
the Liga must follow
Rizal Arrested and Jailed in Fort Santiago

•July 6, Rizal went to Malacañan to

resume his interviews with the governor
general. During his interview Despujol
suddenly showed him some printed
leaflets which allegedly found in Lucia’s
pillow cases.
• Pobres Frailes (Poor Friars)
• They were a satire against the rich Dominican who
amassed fabulous riches contrary to their
vow of poverty.
• Rizal denied having those leaflets
• He was place under arrest and escorted to Fort
•The following day, Gaceta de Manila
published the story of Rizal’s arrest

•It produced indignant commotion among the

Filipinos, particularly the members of the Liga
Arbitrary Deportation to Dapitan
• Same issue of the Gaceta contained Despujol’s decree deporting
Rizal to Dapitan (one of the isalnd in the south).
Reasons for Rizal’s deportation:
1. He had published books and proclamations of very doubtful
loyalty of Spain.

2. In his arrival in the Philippines there was found bundle of hand-

bills entitled 'Poor Friars’.

3. His last book El Filibusterismo was dedicated to the memory of

three traitors to their country (Burgos, Zamora and Gomez),

4. The end which he pursues in his efforts and writings is to tear

from the loyal Filipino the treasure of our holy Catholic faith.
• Shortly after midnight of July 14, He was brought
under heavy guard to the steamer Cebu which was
sailing for Dapitan. Under Captain Delgras, on July 17
they reached Dapitan.
• Captain Delgras handed Rizal over to Captain Ricardo
Carnicero, Spanish commandant of Dapitan.
• He began his exile in Dapitan which would last 4

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