AEE 70% 2025-26 (CBT) Notification

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:;rmrr CflI£lf<.1£l/Headquarters Office,

CflTflTCfl" ~/Personnel Department,
B~/Rail Sadan
~I No. ECoRiPers/Gaz/Gr.B/Elect.! AEE-70%/2025-26 ~/Dated: 07.11.2024

The Sr. DEE- KUR, WAT & SBP.

~/Sub: Formation of Gr.B/Electrical Panel of AEE against 70% selection for vacancy
cycle 2025-26 in Electrical Department/ECoR.
1. Railway Board, vide letter No. E(GP)2024/2/28 dated 27.09.2024, has decided that Group
'B' selection drive for the year 2025-26 (from 01.01.2025 to 30.06.2027) shall be carried
out to fill up the Gazetted vacancies by holding 70% selection and 30% LDCE through
Centralized Computer based objective type examination (CBT) by NAIR.
2. Accordingly, it has been decided to hold Centralized Computer based objective type
examination (CBT) for formation of Group-B Electrical Panel of 12 (08-UR, 03-SC & 01-
ST) posts of AEE against 70% selection quota vacancy in Electrical Department of East
Coast Railway. The above vacancies include one carry forward vacancy of the preceding
selection year for PwBD in the category of HI (HH) as per Railway Board's Letter No.
E(GP)2022/2/20 dated 18.08.2022 (RBE No. 97 of2022).
3. The Centralized Computer based objective type examination for 70% selection shall be
conducted by DGINAIR on 09.03.2025 (Sunday) tentatively. Further instructions for
conduct of CBT will be intimated in due course.
4. Conditions of Eligibility:
I. As per Recruitment Rules for the Group-' B' post of Assistant Electrical Engineer
published by Railway Board vide Notification No. 2016/E(G)RRJ15/2/Electrical
dated 19.02.2019, Non-Ministerial Group-C staff of Electrical Engineering
Department and are holding the posts in Level-6 and above in the pay matrix with
three years of regular service in Level-6 and above in the pay matrix, are eligible to
appear for the selection.
II. Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service and are
being considered for promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they
are not short of the requisite qualifying or eligibility service by more than half of such
qualifying or eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and have successfully
completed their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with
their juniors who have already completed such qualifying or eligibility service.
III. The service will be reckoned as on 01.(n.2025.
IV. In terms of Rly. Board letter No. E(NG)I-93/PMII4 dtd. 18.01.93, time spent by the
Rly. Servant under training immediately before appointment to regular service will be
counted as service for the purpose of selection.

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V. Staff whose lien is maintained in the jurisdiction of ECoR are only eligible. Besides,
, .
the Staff whose lien is maintained In' EC:oR but working outside the jurisdiction of

ECoR will also be eligible. In-,such case, ~
have to submit their applications
through the Personnel Officers of the Divisions/Units where their lien is maintained
and this should be certified hy the concerned Personnel
Officers only.

5. Employees eligible as per the above eligibility conditions should submit their applications
~ . t ~ 't

to appear the above selection latest bV 18.11.2024 in the attached format (Annexure-A) to
the concerned Controlling Officers/Personnel Officers, as the case may be. The concerned
controlling Officers should send such options received immediately to the respective
Personnel officers who should scrutinize the candidature of the employees as per the
above eligibility conditions/verifying the respective Service Sheets and send the names of
the eligible staff only, in consolidated statements as per proforma attached so as to reach
this office latest by 22.11.2024 positively.
6. The concerned Personnel Officers should ensure that all the columns of the enclosed
proforma are properly filled-in before sending the statements to this office. Soft copy (in
excel sheet) of the· said statement must be sent invariably' to E-mail:
[email protected]. All the particulars filled by the applicants at Annexure- A
should be verified by Personnel Officers before forwarding to HOrs office. Their IPAS
numbers, HRMS ID, Mobile numbers and e-mail ID should be verified since the
examination will be conducted through CBT and all future correspondences with the
applicants will be done with their IPAS, Mobile number arid e-mail ID.
7. In case, any candidate is on leave or on deputation to other Railways/Units/office or on
sick list, the Controlling officer concerned and the offices where he/she last worked
should send necessary advice to the authority under whom he/she is working or the
Medical Authority as the case may be without fail and acknowledgements obtained.
8. The nature of physical disability of the candidates applied against PwBD category must
have such entry in their respective Service Records and it should be verified by the
respective Personnel Branch. Names of those staff who have not fulfilled the eligibility
criteria as mentioned above need not be forwarded.
9. Pre-Promotional Training (PPT)' for a period of 60 hours or 15 working days/On
line/Off line to the SC/ST candidates should be arranged by the Executive side in terms of
Railway Board's letter No. E(GP)2024/2/37(E. No. 3477173) dtd. 06.11.2024. The same
should be completed by 10.01.2025 positively and compliance ~ report. to be sent to this
office immediately. As it is mandatory, refusal, if any,.should be obtained in writing.
10. Objective and Scheme of Examination: The examination aims at a comprehensive
assessment of knowledge of the candidates related to their professional ability, Official
language policy, Establishment and Financial Rules. The formation of the panel will be
on the basis of 'Seniority-cum-Suitability'. Selection of candidates for empanelment is .
based on a (i) CBT Examination (ii) Viva-voce (with prior Medical Fitness test) and
Assessment of Record of Service by the Selection Committee.
11. eBT Examination: In order to bring objectivity to the Selection process, it has been.
decided by Railway Board vide letter No. E(GP)2022/2/4 dtd. 07.10.2022 read with RBE
No. 53/2019 that the CBT examination shall comprise of one Paper which shall have
100% Objective type Multiple Choice Questions only. The paper will be of 100 marks
with distribution as given below» "

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a) Professional Subject including optional questions

of 10 marks on Official language policy& Rules 70 marks
b) Establishment and Financial Rules 30 marks
c) Qualifying marks 60
d) All objective type questions carry equal marks. There shall be no negative marking for
incorrect answers in the CBT held as part of 70% selection.
e) The duration of the examination for 70% selection through CBT shall be of 02 hours.
12. Syllabus: The syllabus for AEE 70% selection is available at ECoR website: ~ Recruitment Info ~ Recruitment Information-» Click
here for HQ Notifications (S1. No. 211 of the year 2023)
13. Viva-voce & Record of Service'
Maximum Marks Qualifying marks
1. Viva-voce 25 30 (Including at least 15 marks in
2. Record of Service 25 the record of Service)
14. The Controlling Officers/Sr.DPO/DPO/WPO/SPO of concerned Unit/Division should
ensure that the ACRs/APARs of the candidates for the last five years i.e. 2019-20 to 2023-
24 completed in all respects, SRs & Personal files are kept ready with them and they
should send the same to Dy. CPO(Gaz) when called for.
15. In terms of Railway Board's letter No. E(GP)80/2/8 dtd. 31.10.91 only those candidates
who qualify in the medical examination of prescribed standard are eligible to appear in the
viva-voce test.
16. The above Notification is uploaded in ECoR website: ~
Recruitment Info ~. Recruitment Inforrnation-» Click here for HQ Notifications.

Application Format (Annexure-A)
;:rq . ~ /(J\lf Oy. CPO/Gaz
for Principal Chief Personnel Officer

$I f8 Rl fq/Copy to:
1. All Personnel Officers in HQrs.
2. Sr. System Manager (IT)/BBS for uploading in ECoR's website.
3. The General Secretary- ECoRSC/BBS, ECoRSU/BBS. ~~

'f'hl~'"~,~q; ~
for Principal Chief Personnel Officer

Page 3 of3
East Coast Railway (

1. Name of the candidate

2. I-Pass Number (in 11

3. HRMS 10

4. Designation

5. HRMS Linked Mobile No.

6. Email ID

7. Place of posting

8. Division/Workshop/Unit

9. Controlling Officer


11. Community (URISC/ST)

12. Date of initial Appointment & Grade

13. Date of Apptt.lPromotion to Level-6

14. Date of Apptt.lPromotion to Level-?

15. Whether belongs to PwBD category YES / NO (please tick)

(i) If yes, please specify the category with %age:

(ii) Whether Scribe is required YES / NO (please tick)

16. Date of Application

Signature of the Candidate

Countersignature of the controlling officer
(With Designation and seal)

(Note: Applications to be submitted on or before 18.11.2024)

Proforma of statement for submission of options by Divisions/Workshops/Units to HQs.

SN Name I-Pass Desgn. HRM Email Place Divisi Contro DOB Commu Whether Whether Date of Date of
No. S 10 of on/ lling (DD/MM nity PwBD Scribe is Apptt.l Apptt.!
(in 11 linked posting Work Officer IYYYY) (UR/SC category required Promoti Promoti
digits) Mob. shop/ /ST) (Yes/ (Yes/ on to on to
No. Unit No) No) Level-6 Level-7

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