APO702024 Notification
APO702024 Notification
APO702024 Notification
Headquarters Office,
Personnel Branch,
proposed to hold selection for formation of Group 'B' Panel for 4 (UR-3, SC-I, ST-
It is
Nil, PwBD Nil) vacancies for the post of Assistant Personnel Officer in Level-8 of
Matrix in Personnel Department against 70% Quota selection through the Centralized Computer
Based Objective Type Examination (CBT) conducted by DG/NAIR in terms of Railway Board's
letter No. dated 27.09.2024 & RBE No. 93/2024.
1) Eligibility Criteria:
(i) In terms of Railway Board's letter No. dated 27.12.2019 (RBE No.
216/2019), the following categories of staff holding posts
on a regular basis in Level—6
of 7ff CPC pay matrix and above with three years of regular service in Level—6 as on
01.01.2025 (including regular service rendered in the corresponding pre-revised grades)
are eligible to apply.
a. Group 'C' Ministerial staff of Personnel Department.
b. Group 'C' Ministerial staff of Stores and
Transportation (Traffic and
Commercial) Department, Statistical and Compilation Branch, Chief Law
Assistants and Stenographers of all Departments (Excluding Accounts
Department) who have an avenue for promotion to Group 'B' in their
Department but on the basis of option given to them have elected to be
considered for promotion to the post of Assistant Personnel Officer.
c. Group 'C' Ministerial Staff working in cadre post in any other Department of the
South Central Railway excluding Hindi organization and Accounts Department
but including Cash and Pay and Time office who have no for promotion
to Group 'B' in their
own Department.
(ii) The three (3) years of regular service should have been fulfilled as on 01.01.2025 in
terms of Railway Board's letter No. dated 27.09.2024.
Note: Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service and are being
considered for promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short
of the requisite
qualifying or eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying or
service or two years, whichever is less and have successfully completed their
probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have
already completed such qualifying or eligibility service.
2) Scribe and compensatory time to PwBD employees:
In terms of Railway Board's letter No. dated 09.12.2022 (RBE No.
162/2022), the facility of scribe and/or compensatory time shall be granted solely to those
eligible PwBD employees having difficulty in writing subject to production of a
certificate to the effect that person concerned has limitation to write and that scribe is
essential to write examination on his/her behalf from the competent Railway medical
authority as per proforma enclosed as Annexure —
The selection will consist of (A) Written examination (B) Medical Examination & (C) Viva-
voce and record of Service.
A) Written examination through Centralized Computer Based Test: In terms of Railway
Board's letter No. dated 19.03.2019 (RBE No. 53/2019) and letter No.
dated 04.12.2023 (RBE No. 134/2023), the written examination through the
Centralized Computer Based Test shall comprise of 100 marks consisting of 100% objective type
multiple choice questions only. The question paper will contain 110 questions that include 10
questions on Raj Bhasha which are optional. The duration of the written examination will be
Two hours. The distribution of questions will be as under:
a) Professional Subject including optional questions of 10 70 marks
marks on Official language policy and Rules
b) Establishment and Financial Rules 30 marks
c) Qualifying marks 60 marks
In terms of Railway Board's letter No. dated 08.10.2024 (RBE No. 93/2024),
there shall be no negative marking in written examinations held as part of Selections (70%)
where the final panels are made on seniority basis.
B) Medical Examination:
Those who qualify written examination (CBT) will have to appear for prescribed
in the
medical Examination as per Medical Manual i.e. Group 'B' (Non-Technical) for promotion
to Group 'B' post of Assistant Personnel Officer. Those who are found fit in the prescribed
medical examination will only be called for Viva-voce as per extant instructions.
C) Viva-voce and Record of Service: The following marks are allotted for viva-voce and
Record of service:
Max. Marks Qualifying Marks
i) Viva voce 25 30 (including at least 15 marks
ii) Record of service 25 under record of service)
Empanelment: Mere passing the written examination (CBT) would not make the
employees eligible for promotion to the post of Assistant Personnel Officer. In order to
qualify, apart from passing medical examination, a candidate must secure minimum
prescribed qualifying marks of 60 in the written examination, 15 marks out of 25 in
'record of service' and 30 marks out of 50 in 'Viva-voce' and 'record of service' put
him/her and forward the same in one bunch to this office for record. In case any eligible
reserved employee fails to attend the pre-promotional training on the specified dates, no
separate pre-selection coaching will be held and they will have to appear for the written
test without such pre-promotional training imparted.
The syllabus for the 70% selection to the Group 'B' post of Assistant Personnel Officer
in Personnel Department as circulated by Railway Board vide letter No. E(GP)2022/2/4
dated 07.11.2022 is enclosed as "Annexure-B".
a. It should be ensured that wide publicity is given to this
notification amongst all the staff
concerned. It is the personal responsibility of thePersonnel Officers/Controlling Officers
of the units to ensure that the notification reaches all the eligible employees in time.
b. Employees who fulfill the eligibility conditions shall submit their applications in the
prescribed proforma (Annexure-A).
c. The applicants should fill all the columns in the application form.
d. The applicants should put their signature with date on the application form. (Repeat
signature and date both are compulsory, otherwise applications are liable to be rejected).
e. The filled in applications should be submitted by the candidates to their supervisory
officials on or before 14.11.2024.
f. The supervisory officials should forward such applications duly affixing their signature
and date in each of the application invariably and forward them in
one bunch under
covering letter to the Personnel Department/Cadre Controlling Officer where the service
register and personal files of the employees are maintained
on or before 15.11.2024.
g. The Personnel Officer/Cadre Controlling Officer will check the correctness of all the
particulars in the application with the service registers and other relevant records and
certify of each item of the application duly affixing signature with an
the correctness
endorsement as 'checked and verified'.
h. Controlling officers/heads of the units have no discretion to entertain any application
received beyond the last date. The applications received beyond the target date should not
be entertained and the same should be disposed off at divisional/extra divisional level
rejecting them on account of late receipt under advice to this office.
i. The Personnel Officer/cadre controlling Officer should forward the scrutinized and
checked applications duly affixing their signature and date in each of the application and
send the same in one bunch under one covering letter furnishing the details in the
prescribed proforma (Annexure-I)) addressed to Dy.CPO/Gaz. on or before 21.11.2024
Further, the details are also to be sent in soft
copy (MS Excel format) in the format
enclosed as Annexure 'D'.
Only those applications of candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions should be
forwarded. Candidates who do not fulfill the eligibility conditions should be informed by the
Personnel Officer/Cadre controlling Officer duly indicating the reasons for rejection.
Staff who are on deputation/leave/sick etc. should also be notified to enable them to
submit their applications through proper channel in time. It is the responsibility of the concerned
officer to bring the notification to the notice of staff
on deputation/leave/sick etc. under clear
acknowledgement and a copy of which may be sent to this office for record.
In case an employee is holding an ex-cadre post, details of his/her post in regular cadre
with the date of entry on regular measure should be furnished.
Employees who have responded to this notification are also equally responsible to appear
for the CBT examination on the scheduled date and time.
In case of any enquiries they the following Telephone/Mobile Numbers.
may contact on
Railway No.
Ch. OS/Gaz 88180
Dealing Clerk 85437
5) 1m ortant dates:
Date Subj ect
Last date for submission of the applications by the candidates to their
supervisory Officials.
Last date for forwarding the applications by Supervisors in one bunch to their
respective Personnel/Cadre controlling officers concerned.
Last date for
forwarding the applications duly scrutinized and checked to
Dy.CPO/Gaz by Personnel/Cadre controlling officers concerned.
It is brought to the notice of concerned Personnel Officers that under no circumstances
the dates mentioned above should be changed and theapplications should be submitted on or
before 21.11.2024 without fail. Applications forwarded after the due date i.e. after 21.11.2024,
would not be entertained under any circumstances and if the applications are delayed at the
Divisional/ Unit level, concerned Personnel Officer will be held responsible.
Applications received beyond the target date should not be entertained and the same
should be disposed off at the Divisional/Extra-Divisionallevel, rejecting them on account of late
receipt under advice to this office.
A (Application), Annexure —
B (Syllabus) & Annexure -
C (Scribe
Declaration) & Annexure-D (Excel Format).
a a
for Principal Chief Personnel Officer
C/- Dy.CPO/Gaz: may arrange to upload the notification in the SCR website
C/-Secy. to PCPO: for information and requested to ensure that the applications from the units
are received in time, to process the selection further.
a a
for Principal Chief Personnel Officer
Sl. (for Gaz* Section use)
Annexure-A th
Application for the Group
'B' post of Assistant Personnel Officer (APO) in Level-8 of 7
CPC Pay Matrix against 70% Selection Quota in Personnel Department
1 Name of the employee
(In Capital/Block letters)
2 IPAS No. (11 Digit)
8 Controlling officer
9 Date of Birth
10 Community (SC/ST/UR)
Yes mention PwBD category Required
11 Whether belongs to PwBD (Yes/No)
12 Educational Qualification(Highest qualification)
13 Date of Appointment
Demand of
Grants, Budgetary and Financial Reviews.
4. Works Programme -
Financial justification of Works Surveys Preparation of
- -
Estimates -
Capital Budget Control over Capital Expenditure Reappropriation of
- -
7. Rules and procedure relating to Tenders and contracts for execution of works and
Procurement of Stores, M&P Programme and RSP.
8. Procedure for Possessing and finalizing Audit Objections and Draft Paras.
9. Delegation of Powers.
Railway Board.
a) Classification of Services and Categories;
l) HOER;
m) PME & Mandatory Health Check-up;
n) Medical decategorisation and absorption of medically de-categorized staff in
alternative posts.
a) Overall Earning & Expenditure, including staff expenditure, Operating Ratio;
b) Manpower planning; Book of Sanctions & Scale-check;
c) Supernumerary posts & Redeployment;
d) Surrender, Creation, Extension & Transfer of posts; Vacancy Bank after POSP;
e) Work-study & Job Analysis; Bench-marking & Right-sizing; Yardsticks;
f) Duty Rosters; Link Diagram; Crew Link & Power Plan;
g) Work-charged posts;
h) Initial &
In-Service Training, Refresher Courses; On-the-job Training, Multi-skilling,
Future Training needs & systems;
i) Central Training Institutes, Training Centres in Zones, Divisions & Workshops; Plan
Head 65
a) Formal & informal interaction with recognised trade unions and associations;
b) PNMs, Staff Councils & PREM at various levels;
c) Role of JCM and Labour Tribunals & Labour Commissioner;
d) Facilities trade unions & associations.
and privileges to
e) Related Industrial & Labour Laws PLB; The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; The
Industrial Relations Code, 2020; The Trade Unions Act, 1926; The Factories Act,
1948; The Employee's (Workmen's) Compensation Act, 1923; Minimum Wages
Act, 1948; Contract (Regulation & Abolition) Labour Act, 1970; Payment of Wages
Act; Industrial Relations Codes 2020; Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal Act 2013).
a) Staff Grievances Redressal Mechanisms;
b) SBF5 Railway Institutes, Railway schools & colleges, scholarships,
c) Ex-gratia payment,
d) Incentive Bonus Scheme;
e) Sports Incentives & cultural competitions, extra-curricular activities;
f) Excursions, tours and holiday camps; co-operative Societies;
g) Medical assistance;
h) Quarters —
types, allotment & retention rules.
a) The Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 & related instructions scope and
b) The Railway Servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1968 & related instructions;
Schedule of Power; procedures, application and implications.
a) Retirement rules, types & benefits;
b) Old and New Pension schemes; Final Settlement rules under various circumstances;
c) Qualifying Service;
a) Use of e-Office,
b) Future of IT in Personnel Management.
Certificate for person with specified disability covered under the definition of
Section 2 (s) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of Section
2(r) of the said Act, i.e.
persons having less than 40% disability and having
difficulty in writing.
This is to certify
that, we have examined Mr./Ms/Mrs.
(name of the candidate), S/o /D/o a resident of (Village/PO/PS/District/State),
aged yrs, a person with (nature of disability/condition), and to
state that he/she has limitation which hampers his/her writing capability owing to
his/her above condition. He/she requires support of scribe for writing the
2) The above candidate uses aids and assistive device such as prosthetics &
orthotics,hearing aid (name to be specified) which is /are essential for the candidate
to appear at the examination with the assistance of scribe.
Letter of Undertaking by the person with specified disability covered under the
definition of Section 2 (s) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition
of Section 2(r) of the said Act, i.e. persons having less than 40% disability and
having difficulty in writing.
a candidate with (nature of
disability/condition) appearing for the (name of the
examination) bearing Roll No. at (name of the centre) in the
(District) (name of the State). My educational qualification is
Centralised CBT for Gr.B Selection -
APO 70% for the vaeaney eyele 2025-26
If a
Railway NU Name of the applicant I-PASN0. HRMS ID Designation Mobile No. Email Place of m)sting workshop' DOB Community PwBD or not
Ye;, PwBD whether PmposedExam
Name Controlling officer
(DD/MM,'YYYY) (UWSC/ST) (YcwNo) category entitled to CiW
scribe (Yes/No)
41 5 16
1101 11 112 1131 1141 151 16 117 [181