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UNIT – 1: Semiconductors
Semi Conductors, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, doping, p and n type semi conductors, semi
conductor diode characteristics, Zener diode and its characteristics. Applications of semi conductor
diodes and zener diodes. Comparison of tube devices and semi conductor devices
UNIT – 2: Rectifiers & Voltage Regulators
Concept of rectifiers half wave and full wave Rectifiers, Rectification efficiency and ripple factor.
Qualitative explanation of filters. Various types of filter circuits and  and L filters.
Concept of voltage regulation, circuits and its explanations, zener diode regulator, shunt regulator,
series regulator, emitter follower and IC regulators
UNIT – III: Transistors
pnp and npn transistors, biasing, bias stability, configuration of transistor, equivalent circuit of
transistor, derivation of voltage gain, power gain, input and output impedance of common emitter
transistor and its characteristics. Comparison of these properties in common base (CB), common
emitter (CE) and common collector (CC) configurations.
UNIT – IV: Amplifiers
Quiescent operation: DC and AC load line and quiescent operating point. Self bias operation with
AC signal in the linear region of characteristic. Classifications of amplifiers class A, B, C etc. R-C
coupled amplifiers based upon i) operating point ii) Coupling and iii) frequency. Gain at mid
frequency, lower and upper cut off frequency, high frequency and low frequency compensation.
UNIT –V: Power Amplifiers
Class A power amplifier for small signals, large signal power amplifiers, push pull amplifiers,
different stages of push pull amplifiers, complementary symmetry power amplifiers.

Reference books:
1. Microelectronics
Authors: Jacob Millman and Arvin Grabel
Publishers: McGraw Hill International
2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
Authors: Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky
Publishers: Prentice Hall of India

Other Books:
1. A Textbook of Electrical Technology – Vol IV (Electronic Devices & Circuits)
Authors: B.L. Theraja and A.K. Theraja
Publishers: S. Chand & Company
2. Principles of Electronics
Author: V. K. Mehta
Publishers: S. Chand & Company
3. Electronics – I (In Hindi)
Authors: D. Kumar, J.P. Mishra and D.C. Tyagi
Publishers: Nav Bharat Prakashan, Meerut
4. Electronics – I (In Hindi)
Author: Y. D. Sharma
Publishers: Asian Publishers, Muzzafarnagar

Third Semester Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
DEE 301 Basic Electronics
Question Bank – 2014
UNIT – 1
1. What is semi conductor? Explain the properties of semi conductor materials.
2. What is energy band theory? Differentiate between conductor, semiconductor and insulator on
the basis of energy band theory.
3. What are the types of semiconductors? Also discuss the effect of temperature on semiconductor.
4. What is doping? What is the need of doping in semiconductors? How P type and N type
semiconductors are formed?
5. What is p-n junction diode? Explain the formation of potential barrier in a p-n junction.
6. Explain the working of p-n junction diode with the help of circuit diagram. Discuss the behavior
of p-n junction diode under forward and reverse biasing and draw its V-I characteristics.
7. What is varactor diode and where it is used?
8. The saturation current density of a p-n junction diode is 250 mA/m2 at 300K. Find the voltage
that would have to be applied across the junction to cause a forward current density of 105 A/m2
to flow. (K=1.38x10-23 J/K)
9. Write short note on:
a) Properties of conductors, semiconductors and insulators.
b) Breakdown voltage and Knee voltage
c) Limitation on the operating conditions of p-n junction diode.
10. Write short note on:
a) Zener and Avalanche breakdown phenomenon.
b) Junction and diffusion capacitance of a p-n junction diode? Si
c) Diode equation E1 = 20V E2 = 4V

11. Determine the current I for the network in figure 1 2.2 Kohms
12. Determine the current I1 and I2 and ID for the network of figure 2.
13. Determine V0 for the network of figure 3
Fig 1
14. Determine V0 for the network of figure 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d.
D1 3.3 Kohms D1(Si)
E=20V I1
Vi=Vm sin(wt) Vo
D2 ID 0V Vo R
I2 D2(Si)
1 Kohms
5.6 Kohms
Fig 3
Fig 2 0V Fig 4a

V Vo Vi=Vm sin(wt) Vo Vi=Vm sin(wt)
Vi=Vm sin(wt) R Vo

Fig 4b Fig 4c Fig 4d

UNIT – 2
15. What is a rectifier circuit? Explain how a p-n junction diode can be used as a rectifier.
16. Explain the working of half wave rectifier. Find out its Irms, Iav, ripple factor and rectification
17. An A.C. supply of 230V is applied to a half wave rectifier circuit through a transformer of turn
ratio 10:1. Find (i) output dc voltage (ii) the PIV. Assume the diode to be ideal.
18. A half wave rectifier is used to supply 50 V dc to resistive load of 800 ohms. The diode has a
resistance of 25 ohms. Calculate the input ac voltage required.
19. Explain the working of full wave rectifier (center tapped) and find out its Irms, Iav, Ripple factor
and rectification efficiency.
20. Explain the working of full wave bridge rectifier and find out its Irms, Iav Ripple factor and
rectification efficiency.
21. A full wave rectifier uses two diodes. The internal resistance of each diode is 20 ohms. The
r.m.s. secondary voltage form the center tap to each end of secondary winding of the
transformer is 50 V and the load resistance is 980 ohms. Find ( i) the mean load current (ii)
total power dissipation in diodes.
22. The four diode used in rectifier circuit have forward resistance of 1 ohms each and infinite
reverse resistance. The a.c. voltage is 240 V (r.m.s) the load resistance is 480 ohms. Calculate
(i) the mean load current ( ii) total power dissipation in diodes.
23. What is ripple factor? Explain different types of filter circuits and show their output wave
24. Explain the working of a zener regulator with the help of circuit diagram.
25. A zener diode of 10 V is connected in series with an unknown resistance and the combination is
connected across a 40 V d.c. supply. Find out the minimum value of resistance if the maximum
zener current is 50mA.
26. Explain the working of DC regulated power supply.
27. Write short notes on:
a) How capacitance and inductance can be used as filter.
b) Working of shunt voltage regulator
c) Working series voltage regulator

28. What is transistor? How it is biased? Explain the flow of charge carriers in a transistor.
29. Explain the advantages of transistor over vacuum tube triode.
30. Explain the different configuration used in a transistor amplifier. Compare their properties.

31. Draw the common emitter configuration and explain the method of finding of input and output
resistance, voltage gain, current gain and power gain.
32. A transistor is connected in a common emitter configuration, in which collector supply is 8 V
and voltage drop across resistance Rc connected in collector circuit is 0.5V. The value of Rc is
800 ohms. If current gain is 0.96. Determine i) VcE ii) base current.
33. An n-p-n transistor at room temperature has its emitter disconnected. A voltage of 5V is applied
between collector and base, with collector having a higher potential, a current of 0.2
microamperes flows. When the base is disconnected and the same voltage is amplified between
collector and emitter, the current is found to be 20 microamperes. Find alpha (common base
current gain), emitter current and base current.
34. What are hybrid parameters? Explain hybrid parameters in common base and common emitter
35. Draw hybrid equivalent circuit for common emitter mode and find out the input and output
impedance, current gain, voltage gain and power gain.
36. What is thermal runaway in transistor amplifiers? Explain the stability factor of amplifiers.
37. With the help of circuit diagram explain the different type of biasing circuits. Also evaluate their
stability factors.
38. Draw the circuit diagram of potential divider circuit and find out its stability factor.

39. Write short notes on:
a) Quiescent point
b) Ac load line and dc load line.
c) Bandwidth of an amplifier
40. Draw the circuit diagram of common emitter amplifier. Draw its output characteristic and show
load line, Q point, input and output wave forms on the characteristic.
41. A common emitter amplifier has a load resistance of 6 K ohms and Vcc of 12V. Find the
operating point if zero signal base current is 20 micro ampere and beta is 20.
42. In an amplifier, collector load is 4K ohm where as quiescent current is 1 mA. (i) What is the
operating point if Vcc is 10 V. (ii) What will be the operating point if Rc is 5K ohms instead of
4K ohms.
43. What are the different methods of classification of amplifiers? Explain class A, class B, class
AB and class C amplifiers. Also mention their applications.
44. Draw the circuit diagram of RC coupled amplifiers. Find out its gain in mid frequency range.
45. Explain the frequency response of RC coupled amplifiers. Why gain is constant in mid
frequency range.
46. In a transistor amplifier when the signal changes by 0.02V, the base current changes by 10
micro-ampere and collector current by 1 mA, if collector load Rc= 5 Kohms and R L = 10
Kohms, find (a) current gain (b) input impedance (c) a.c. load (d) voltage gain (e) power gain.
47. Find the gain in db if(a) voltage gain is 30 (b) power gain is 100.

48. In an amplifier the maximum voltage gain is 2000 and occurs at 2KHz. It falls to 1414 at 10
KHz and 50 KHz. Find (a) Band width (b) Lower cut-off frequency (c) Upper cut-off frequency.
49. A single stage amplifier has gain of 60. The collector load Rc = 500 ohms and the input
impedance is 1 Kohms. Calculate the overall gain when two such stages are cascaded through
R-C coupling.
50. A transformer coupling is used in the final stage of a multistage amplifier. If the output
impedance of the transistor is 1Kohms and the speaker has a resistance of 10 ohms, find the turn
ratio of the transformer so that maximum power is transferred to the load.
51. Determine the necessary transformer turn ratio for transferring maximum power to a 16 ohms
load from a source that has an output impedance of 10 Kohms. Also calculate the voltage across
the external load if the r.m.s. terminal voltage of the source is 10 V.
52. Differentiate between voltage and power amplifiers.
53. Explain direct-coupled load class A power amplifier and find out its efficiency.
54. A power transistor working in Class A operation has zero signal power dissipation of 10 watts.
If the AC output power is 4 watts, find (i) collector efficiency, (ii) power rating of transistor.

55. A class-A power amplifier has a transformer as the load. If the transformer has a turn ratio of 10
and the secondary load is 100 ohms. Find maximum AC power output. Given the zero signal
collector current is 100 mA.
56. The ac power output of a class-A amplifier is 2W, If the collector efficiency is 40%. Find the
power rating of the transistor.
57. A class-A power amplifier has a maximum ac power output of 30W. Find the power rating of
the transistor.
58. Explain transformer-coupled class-A power amplifier and find out its collector efficiency.
59. Explain briefly the different stages of power amplifier.
60. Explain the working of a push pull amplifier circuit. Mention its advantages over class-A power
amplifier and also mention its efficiency.
61. Draw the circuit diagram of complementary symmetry push pull amplifier and compare its
advantages over push-pull amplifier.
62. A class A transformer coupled power amplifier has zero signal collector current of 50 mA. If the
collector supply voltage is 5V, find (i) the maximum a.c. power output (ii) the power rating of
transistor (iii) the maximum collector efficiency.
63. Write short notes on the following:
a) Heat sink
b) Driver stage
c) Output stage


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