Natural Law

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Franz S.

Dc{\or JD- \A
Nafucal Larll ilh0 foundnhon cf D€eieion-Mahit"X
1z oa and sq€t\co thctt hurna,rug aro a {ts fla5t advanccd t isrms - tA Cxn(Dit

t'"2.A, i{ ls etq}cd +hctt (?od crr.ateJ in Ftis ouln aM t'l,acrrss 9t) es* d

gimilar\*e,nco euggotts this no*ron br^ e,ngharidnq humans'advanred <oqrifivo abi\itr<,s. Our'hct
u a v
ratronot t{naqhl u\alo\ss u6 +o dix<fn oaorol dis+inchons, u,rdqq@dillq ,rr"qf
isie!{ Ol4ufOnq.ltis

cllsternrnen* be linl{.d.tD Natural Lqu) furlhrr {are rratutg e.o.iettntt,

Nahlral Larrr is in $oren into *lne tC/ huO\aft ,di our tmorol eO arrd

inttueru ohoiccs. \rlc (\d oufsc brr\cfd lrorq itt 'Iicorhon tllhatter of st)b-

___-va ra
6on'ra,{ouS\g-, ntortr4 ol<t* oiqni{icrcnt dcciriorl-rndy,nq morrrent of ou. lilcs. forn per>onol rctatoish.ips fu
\J v-- \7-

nema"rrks this l,trnsloss tOcr D6 .cll ensu(r {hcrt ouc ao*ions

tpi$ our fundawuentat vo\ueS"

Scvtral corn(non <,{^'ticc\ ditcrnrnqs retated tz nafucol lorrj af rsg rn ouc tiv suah os:

t^)6 a wattel oc we oro o{ lheditomma urhe-lhcr w<, ;r or \0O fuW,

{tc ettotl.nd Snd 1-trg o$(cr. (2) trh€n o friend <rrn4i6., rn us alpo'-rt q srcrot {hcrt ctotd pot<,rrhiattft horr.A

€'lhar6 wgorc *otn $c,tulwrr rnainte' '

orrr .higtd's trust ond ey tho +cuth *c hortn , (t)tO

our a.ce if we otos<rvg <l, In cal {{n4+ lacnetlt of tho

.the w intJsJ +o -|tern or rornc.nn 6itent to a,roid corrtti

gnitv *{neso cpnt\icks oc cli(awrmos stra; it's undenic<blg flrrtt

oificant in decision^rvtqL.i {qce holh sidcs iefd o^d burdos sirnultdnlou5l

l*ourtlen {o naful^6{ tou, a.5 ouc c-a 65 ul C-aln dltcrnrr,as

clisu€rc$,^0Nent ar\A uit crl urhqt is -trut od

ln sr of\ gafural uaul is an ssstlrlicrl tool r di -[nr h oltnica\ dttt-mmas wo*tott

e!u \t s 5st o{\c.t ,.lS mal-fr 4gcigiong otr rhost volocs

thcsa di\ornvrvcs <an be we c6{c^ {ace b.\itres. Hrourercf

-the ,(\(^ \t s o[ Netural 1-q.g, rrg, cd{\ to chooss urhat is lea.d; .t e,-\hicat

bohoVloc ir\ oor achgns

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