Botany Ecology

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Nho,h Gyf, h1j droph1tm ? Brl clty dis t-u-s s {-lru diF$crmt kin d s

of hq drophY M rllith tx-Gnn PtoA'

Ovin uutY wcf plo-cos 0"{'t cotlcd

plonf that qfCIrN in ttlo-kl

'Jl#--'* Hqs ay
; -': rrui ttr

l'rt-ctq on uroltx $uvfo"to'

soil ol-\d thws {toab
E,r-l Pisuio'

+tn-u{$ tgyf : Poobs or {hLtL G\re

ii ,390$,{d:g*Vb"1-*!}
bwb *t''"t t ton g p
[i:-e-d t0 su-bslqoht|n trotr-d)'' ottx S urlcts-'
kj-t-p 'thcrn {tuo' ttn g On t1r
tr: Ng rnPhto te h av L (CIn tact
hu dv o nlru ben 3 The
iii, Sy]5n.Xgg 'l l =+--
ed ond noF
utrirf, urcltt{ r bt i nq cornptc+rutq 8ur'brncrq

oLoott d in the rnt'r'd'

tr Hq dv i t\o'
h\9'iPn!l: t rhcse crxe
i,, , Sy,g*oq.g 'oq*.d +o .S*bsnaruno bg t'h tiv
su_brnutgcd in ^**Tno

root sqsKrn '

t:13 Vcrtitntxio
in urr-&rr ond pcrxl\ i
-Itre'ee liuu pol'tL''1
rr\ Arnnhi biow: P lo'n{t
u,t -a

cr l'Y '

LL'" 'S rrqi tto-tr'ici

d, En-um*t*bt thu rvrorpholoclLcrr-Q- rr-dcptcr-'tionS ol h g d'ophqttn?
AI pgl'r-
p Poo tt ojtt. cr-bstnt ox pooxlg cltvetope d
PoObS Co-P$ cr.lte \ruPlacld
Oy roob pockets
r.ltrdurtd , u..nb^rOrrchcd Lov) poorlg
*, pOobt 0!ro aducn li t-ou-n r
ckurtopt d '
LgO,rJLhE , -erF..^^. rrnrr,r
ond eithrx tong ond "riubon ,Shnoe-d.Ov
^^A ,.,ir.,hnn -shopcd 'or
Lk*tff;n. rhin
cincll disstcted . wi*r
o,R urp?y crrylnra
prct thrirr 'c.'yla.u
-;;;,ig-i.or* olrc rorge cnd
cootLd uith ulo'T'
S lcnn I
{c SRnn is long, sltndcx

tho onorcnvLto-L ndopLaLio

n oF hgdro P h lt(h
J Lisl ouL
Ax * ruti clc t s to hctllg o,bs enf'
* epi durrri s l's "ihin u'ro-ttt d eells

qe s to l{10-b& ono ta holltl o'b stnt

)r All hYdvophHK^ Conuo'in ftef(frchqrn&'
he-lpt in cjeseoLtA eLchcttge, and buolrurtl
I-t-uncrion ?
poo*lg deuctopcd
# tocrhonrr6-L tigsut. crlre'

.P vgLcm is Poovlg cltvetoPed"'

| crccor-nF on eto-ssi{:ic'orion
o I x. tuo phg l'tr'
+ ln tvitt o- bvie-

', E r:i nncr a[ s i

'lh e se Cr.lro rnannuats an d cornple k *hci'Y li lc
A? ,i\/1.--
G u Lti.{,Shuyb ptttiod'
Lx""Tri bolir'r
\ete urithin
q/u-on tit'iul' of utotq durin I
ii, S.*Stgtt 3 lhese obsorhin lunqc unuo'ltY

,*^t sLoson and 8Fo^rt ir diHevmt ptranr Pont-5

in {h; Form oF rnuciltqe'

trl S{t-rn - oPunt io
leof Atoc
? rhtsc' Glti. ptxuunicr{ plcrnl-$ , uhich con
,iii, \Jon
- S*ct4:1h
oF clroughb'
ruithsto.rrd prc,longtcl Ptxiod
tr, I Cawrort&1ft.0'

odcr-proLions 0F tutoPhgt(6 ?

Eruutmuq-o-ke *hc rY\oYpholcqicuL

'I-*.nsiue ch? nq SptO"d 0\rtfl
I I G]re lonc1 utri I h

b.r id{" 0rc-0.n '

and tvuoo[ cclps G\t wtell dttralopcd'
.ii , Poor hafvg wt?th
r S{urns &}te, .sbu.rr-nt cl , tuoodq. hcurcl curd
*hick bovk'
hOivs 0^{ W&u tocr-t{nge
SK{.nq *fic ,.rtuo"llt1 C'uuted bg
{vl Srncrl| , E co-te
ti k-e cl-n d
ve d um'd .
trl |g6uu6 0Yt- u ut-Y ffLtrch 'bo wducu thc Ta'te- of
into sp?ntn
sOrnau'r-nne,t rnoclih"ccl
Prorrslpir ahion

6. giue ?n cle tcril *hc. o-no,homlcot cldopho-Ft-ons ShoLcn bg

rurophq K^ ?

fltpidurntis is covttcd wim thic.r cr.lticlc

,tir €-pidulttv^ri s
ctlls nno{ hcrve Si\ico crgsuo-1s.

{iil epidevmni$ roc! be' roull-itaqutcd"I

tnn Fintd to 1o rutr epi d ttnti s 0 f
iru, Sto* ato c$L gtntvcrllg
L5 in so ntc pl K '
I o.utr, ond prth en
L in Pi

we.ll deilelspld.
U ) Mcthanrm-t
bl s sue' etYc' rc lcrtiuelg
11l6titue l'9 wte tl dc-ue to pe d"
I \iGhur-tcr-vr H sstr'a

*{" sio o' D iFkrr cn L-iott primorq clnd

DeFinc pto-nr SLLCCLs
gtcondur-g sLLcce'6tions

Prirnurg on SetondGYY Succc-ssis1-1


\n bcqini*q x -ft octurrts tbonded "rctanl-q

* 1_t octwrs
iK soit it' P'tnent'
s Soit is cr.btmb
* & htrrotu' is pttntnt
+ No hu-rnw.
of * R.uprodu'clitlg $'t'ru-c'twttn of
* LuProdu-cttuo st'trJ'L{urteh
conrr'rnunit-t1 ore uhsent octt'-P ontt 0rte' PTtbtftt"
* Ocrwt5 in irrvo lutrnent CI{ * ocrurls in i1-'lllgrlveroenb 0t
li\.rclftV BboXer, lcul Sboq(h
* pionG{ rnrrunr.unirg c,omt^ by0fo * Pionurl corftr{\unitl (Om(A
oubsida ltono occur-po-n tt q nrigrcmt':
* Long P.rotL6t X StoW p.,oLr,$s

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