About Logic Gates
About Logic Gates
About Logic Gates
lorQld Q'{aEtQ
Rtaqr ldott't
q[\qx sais :rlleltEtl/qqEoEs/efl .€t-oq/s
Qrfito tctu, rt it{lotrte
nt{lu: es/oE/eoes
ciarrq) c0tlt:
uegct <,ll<,td .ttttatsatto) Svcl IQqtrqtro) e,ia, eJAr[drs qr{ qoee-qsari orr
[iorptott aieol-q aJryololl cttdlr,t-qq/o(-hoqeott ,rbqornu s.i(il-lsl-t/83 tpRwt220t9l
SingleFile-5-l( ott Gtqat-e bscn ,rqtcqt g,,rr,t stelcrdl seqtofl ebe) aro) il a,roq}
q)Eer-q qil rr)cqr-zor crrcns)rli a,ir) l?rel?-] eaqroil a],.r). qea
cp[r,16,6fl o11qq1
elarorr{ orqqo{i ehs uretl}rs Brrutroilari qarcflsagr seor{ ate).
> altot. er.s.aidls{l (uta0rs lQraet)orr airtd er[arqs{I, arror. er.s.aidlrfl (urerl]rs lsraeDd
s rulou, q-q[Qlar aigcr-a, erfiro r ou,,riE{io,re.
> a,rr-r Erlirqg{l ([Qraer)orrE6c,q ellilqg{I, lfuaer [dorpr, e{lilqlcle, rlir{161:1q.
> Erldrqr.{l (ur.[9r. aad arr.Rr.)orr a,irrd er[ilqsfl, RrHer [&orpr, qrfirqr6qe1, ,ri€fl01,re.
> Gqtatsgfl, qtcntaa)o{l sQe'I, s.1.uoetv at}61 Gteot, c1i€fl61c1q.
> Gutats4l, (uralirs liraer)o0 sile1l, s\.uoerry arbor Qleol, 11irfl61:1q.
> Ileltatsa{I, ,jvern e)alQrs E.ielao Ead nrc{lar (rtclor, rlig{lortrle.
> etlilc4l, ,J,/erd arreql)rs ord 6a.qcre aileqlJrs firaq oi]S, ,rir0orrre.
> Itrgr lfu aerrfasrde{l darrar
> Frtrr urerDrs [$laqrrfisrdls{l darrar l- G,o,r,urll, urerln-rs lsrHerofl sa)dlarrc&o
> erre{ojtfisldr/l oarrar -]
> oll?rq e)serol aafasrdlon firc)sa trdcl
> lirdsa &rdc{-Eoa3
Ertra N0.349 qrNr ctqrzrtt'L E,? lr. Y,ooo/-
rrqiq orui
Rules and Ordcrs (Othcr than thosc publishcd in Parts I, [-A, and I-L) made
by the Governmcnt of Gujarat undcr the Gujarat Acts
2l't September, 2019.
Sachivalaya, Gandh inagar,
No.GII/SIV831PRE/122019/SinglcFi!c-5-K:- [n cxercise ofthe porvers conferred by section ]8 ofthe Richr
rree and Co^rnpuliory EducarionAct,200! (J5 oiZOOS;, the Corcnimeni ;iC;J*;;;:;-b;
makes the toJlotving rules further to amend the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Educltion Rulej.
2012, namely: -
l- (l) These r1l^e.s^may be called the Right of Children to Free and Conrpulsory Education (2"d
12) They shall extend to whole ofrhe State of Guiarat.
(3) They sharl come into force h'orn rhe date oft6eir publication in trrc
o/ficial Ga.ette.
2. In rhe Right of chirdren to F.ree.and compursory Education Rures,
20r2, in Rure 24, after crause (u). dre
follou'ing clauses shall bc addcd, nanrely: -
"(h) 'fhere shall
be an annual. cxamination in the fifth class and
i. rhe eighth class at the end ofe'en,
acadernic vear, rvhich shall be conductcd as a puJoroir...*ori.-il;t"Ui,B
during the academic year, .;;i,,.1"a i" tlre school
(i) lf a child fails in the anttual examination
refcrrcd to in clause (h), he slall bc s.i'en ilddirionrl
ot declararion of rhe resutf of su.h ;,,*"i;;;;;;;i;,i;;:' """', rsrro*rrredarc
0) lfa ehild fails in thc re-exatnination as specified
class or cighth class as thc crs(i in clausc (i), the scSool 1as to <lerai* rhat
ild rn rilth
rn.\ t,.] rr r n" i ,;i )li;i;",1 sccks atrm iss iou i. rnorchrrer
l[.t"o''' iriiiiri m i-,i't',I.n cretai.ecr earricr, ir.respectivesc.oor,
be enrollcd in (he satnc ira,r.l,,rri'irr "riiii
of his
(k) Arry chiJd who is cnlolled
itt ntlrltitry school, shall rrut be hcld
crcn)cnrary educariou uxccpr fr,
Lrrrck u*til Ilc c(,rur)lL.res tlrc basic
l,iouiriiin'ineiiii",,i? i,, .i1,,," til.
ll:,,,tli]lr1rt:ll::11",i',1,' Pti'nntv sclto,l shall be erperrctr [r.*r sueh serr.r.,r u,rir he cr.r.rpreres
By order and in the nanre of the Covcr.rror
of Gujarat,
Joint Secletarv to Gcrver.nrrrent
IV-B Ex -349
covERNo,,ENr a.*,il?;,L*, o*DuTNAGAR