RF Assignment

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RF & Microwave

 Submission Deadline – 15/11/2024
 Hard Copy should be submitted in C-102

1. Write the expressions for 𝐸̅ and 𝐻

̅ fields for a short-circuited 𝜆/2 coaxial line resonator,
and show that the time-average stored electric and magnetic energies are equal.

2. a) Consider the resonator shown below, consisting of a 𝜆/2 length of lossless

transmission line shorted at both ends. At an arbitrary point z on the line, compute the
impedances 𝑍𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑍𝑅 seen looking to the left and to the right, and show that 𝑍𝐿 = 𝑍𝑅∗
Also comment on the generality of this condition.

b) A Transmission line resonator is made from a length 𝑙 of lossless transmission line

of characteristic impedance 𝑍0 = 100Ω. If the line is terminated at both ends as shown,
find Q of this resonator.

3. A circular cavity resonator is to be designed so that it resonates at 10GHz at its dominant

TE Mode. If the cavity of made out of copper and it is filled with the Rogers RT/Duroid
5880 (𝜀𝑟 = 2.2, 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛿 = 0.0009) .Find the dimensions of the waveguide. (consider
RF & Microwave
4. Design an 1:2 Unequal Split Wilkinson Power divider. The power ratio in the two
output arms should be 3 = 0.25. Also, give the widths of the microstrip lines for each
of the arms if we are designing the P.D using RT/Duroid 5880 substrate.
(Hint: For design part, give the values of the impedances of the arms and the isolation
resistor. For microstrip line widths use ADS Software)

5. Calculate all the impedance values required to design a 1:4 Power divider circuit and
draw a neat diagram of the circuit as well as the microstrip line based layout, with all
impedance and isolation resistor values. Suppose you have to design this using
microstrip lines with RT/Duroid 5880 substrate, determine the microstrip line widths
using ADS Software.

6. A 40 dBm power source is connected to the input of a directional coupler having a

coupling factor of 15 dB, a directivity of 35 dB, and an insertion loss of 1 dB. If all
ports are matched, find the output powers (in dBm) at the through, coupled, and isolated

7. Derive the even and odd mode characteristic impedance values for the single section
coupled line coupler.

8. Explain about the unequal phase velocities in the even mode and odd mode of a single
section coupled line coupler. Also explain any one method used to make these phase
velocities equal.

9. A microwave resonator is connected as a one-port circuit, and its return loss is measured
versus frequency. At resonance the return loss is 14 dB, while at 2.9985 GHz and at
3.0015 GHz the return loss is 11 dB (the half-power points). Determine the unloaded Q
of the resonator. Do this for both series and parallel resonators.

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