Ultrasonic Asme B31.3-2022
Ultrasonic Asme B31.3-2022
Ultrasonic Asme B31.3-2022
(3) four or more relevant rounded indications in a (2) for sizes >DN SO (>NPS 2) and :5DN 450(:5NPS
line separated by 1.5 mm(1116 in.) or less, edge to edge 18), once in each 1.5 m(S ft) of welding examined
(3) for sizes >DN 450 (>NPS 18), once for each
344.5 Radiographic Examination welded joint examined
344.5.l Method. Radiography of castings is covered in (d) Each type of material and each size and wall thick
para. 302.3.3. Radiography of welds and of components ness shall be considered separately in applying the
other than castings shall be performed in accordance with transfer method. In addition, the transfer method shall
ASME BPVC, Section V, Article 2. For the purpose of image be used at least twice on each type of weld joint.
quality indicator(IQ!) selection, for welds with reinforce (e) The reference level for monitoring discontinuities
ment, the thickness used shall be the nominal wall thick shall be modified to reflect the transfer correction when
the transfer method is used.
ness, Tw, plus the allowable external reinforcement and
internal reinforcement(protrusion) combined. 344.6.2 Acceptance Criteria. Acceptance criteria shall
be as described in(a) or(b).
344.5.2 Extent of Radiography (a) A discontinuity is unacceptable if the amplitude of
(a) 100% Radiography. This applies only to girth and the indication exceeds the reference level and its length
miter groove welds and to fabricated branch connection exceeds
welds comparable to Figure 328.S.4E, unless otherwise (1) 6 mm(% in.) for Tw :S 19mm (% in.)
specified in the engineering design. (2) Tw/3 for 19 mm(% in.) <Tw :S 57mm (2% in.)
(b) Random Radiography. This applies only to girth and (3) 19 mm(% in.) for Tw > 57mm (2 1/4 in.)
miter groove welds.
(b) The fracture-mechanics-based ultrasonic examina
(c) Spot Radiography. This requires a single exposure
tion acceptance criteria in Appendix R may be used if all
radiograph in accordance with para. 344.5.1 at a point
requirements of Appendix R are met.
within a specified extent of welding. For girth, miter,
and branch groove welds, the minimum requirement is 344.7 In-Process Examination
(1) for sizes :5DN 65(:5NPS 21/z), a single elliptical
exposure encompassing the entire weld circumference 344.7.l Definition. In-process examination comprises
(2) for sizes >DN 65, the lesser of 25% of the inside examination of the following, as applicable:
circumference or 152 mm(6 in.) (a) joint preparation and cleanliness
For longitudinal welds, the minimum requirement is {b) preheating
152 mm(6 in.) of weld length. (c) fit-up, joint clearance, and internal alignment prior
to joining
344.6 Ultrasonic Examination {d) variables specified by the joining procedure,
including filler material
(22) 344.6.l Method. Examination of castings is covered in
(1) (for welding) position and electrode
para. 302.3.3; other product forms are not covered. Ultra
(2) (for brazing) position, flux, brazing temperature,
sonic examination of welds shall be performed in accor
proper wetting, and capillary action
dance with ASME BPVC, Section V, Article 4, except that the
(e) (for welding) condition of the root pass after
alternative specified in(a) and(b) below is permitted for
cleaning - external and, where accessible, internal -
basic calibration blocks specified in T-434.2.1 and T-
aided by liquid penetrant or magnetic particle examina
tion when specified in the engineering design
(a) When the basic calibration blocks have not received
(f) (for welding) slag removal and weld condition
heat treatment in accordance with T-434.1.S, transfer
between passes
methods shall be used to correlate the responses from
(g) appearance of the finished joint
the basic calibration block and the component. Transfer
is accomplished by noting the difference between 344.7.2 Method. The examination is visual, in accor
responses received from the same reference reflector dance with para. 344.2, unless additional methods are
in the basic calibration block and in the component specified in the engineering design.
and correcting for the difference.
{b) The reference reflector may be a V-notch(which 345 TESTING
must subsequently be removed), an angle beam search
unit acting as a reflector, or any other reflector that 345.1 Required Leak Test
will aid in accomplishing the transfer.
Prior to initial operation, and after completion of the
(c) When the transfer method is chosen as an alterna
applicable examinations required by para. 341, each
tive, it shall be used, at the minimum
piping system shall be tested to ensure tightness. The
(1) for sizes :5DN SO (:5NPS 2), once in each ten
test shall be a hydrostatic leak test in accordance with
welded joints examined
para. 345.4 except as provided herein.