Asme2a Sa 388
Asme2a Sa 388
Asme2a Sa 388
SA-388 /SA-388M 1998 SECTION II
4.3 Couplants having good wetting characteristics 7.1.1 As far as practicable, subject the entire
such as SAE No. 20 or No. 30 motor oil, glycerin, volume of the forging to ultrasonic examination. Be-
pine oil, or water shall be used. Couplants may not cause of radii at change of sections and other local
be comparable to one another and the same couplant configurations, it may be impossible to examine some
shall be used for calibration and examination. sections of a forging.
4.4 Reference Blocks containing flat-bottom holes 7.1.2 Perform the ultrasonic examination after heat
may be used for calibration of equipment in accordance treatment for mechanical properties (exclusive of stress-
with 4.1.1 and may be used to establish recording relief treatments) but prior to drilling holes, cutting
levels for straight beam examination when so specified keyways, tapers, grooves, or machining sections to
by the order or contract. contour. If the configuration of the forging required
for the treatment for mechanical properties prohibits a
4.5 DGS scales, matched to the ultrasonic test unit subsequent complete examination of the forging, it
and transducer to be utilized, may be used to establish shall be permissible to examine prior to treatment for
recording levels for straight beam examination, when mechanical properties. In such cases, reexamine the
so specified by the order or contract. The DGS scale forging ultrasonically as completely as possible after
range must be selected to include the full thickness heat treatment.
7.1.3 To ensure complete coverage of the forging Recalibration is required for significant changes in
volume, index the search unit with at least 15% overlap section thickness or diameter.
with each pass.
NOTE 1 High sensitivity levels are not usually employed when
inspecting austenitic steel forgings due to attendant high level of
7.1.4 Do not exceed a scanning rate of 6 in. /s noise or hash caused by coarse grain structure.
[150 mm /s].
7.1.5 If possible, scan all sections of forgings in Reference-Block Calibration The test
two perpendicular directions. surface roughness on the calibration standard shall be
comparable to but no better than the item to be exam-
7.1.6 Scan disk forgings using a straight beam ined. Adjust the instrument controls to obtain the re-
technique from at least one flat face and radially from quired signal amplitude from the flat-bottom hole in
the circumference whenever practicable. the specified reference block. Utilize the attenuator in
7.1.7 Scan cylindrical sections and hollow forgings order to set up on amplitudes larger than the vertical
by angle-beam technique. When practicable, also exam- linearity of the instrument. In those cases, remove the
ine the forging in the axial direction. attenuation prior to scanning the forging.
NOTE 2 When flat-surfaced reference block calibration is specified,
7.1.8 In addition, examine hollow forgings by adjust the amplitude of indication from the reference block or blocks
angle-beam technique from the outside diameter surface to compensate for examination surface curvature (an example is
as required in 7.3.1. given in Appendix A1).
7.1.9 In rechecking or reevaluation by manufacturer DGS Calibration Prior to use, verify
or purchaser use comparable equipment, search units, that the DGS overlay matches the transducer size and
frequency, and couplant. frequency. Accuracy of the overlay can be verified by
7.1.10 Forgings may be examined either stationary reference blocks and procedures outlined in Practice E
or while rotating in a lathe or on rollers. If not specified 317. Overlays are to be serialized to match the ultrasonic
by the purchaser, either method may be used at the transducer and pulse echo testing system that they are
manufacturers option. to be utilized with.
7.2 Straight-Beam Examination: Choose the appropriate DGS scale for the
cross-sectional thickness of the forging to be examined.
7.2.1 For straight-beam examination use a nominal Insert the overlay over the CRT screen, ensuring the
214 MHz search unit whenever practicable; however, DGS scale base line coincides with the sweep line of
1 MHz is the preferred frequency for coarse grained the CRT screen. Place the probe on the forging, adjust
austenitic materials and long testing distances. In many the gain to make the first backwall echo appear clearly
instances on examining coarse grained austenitic materi- on CRT screen. Using the Delay and Sweep control,
als it may be necessary to use a frequency of 0.4 shift the screen pattern so that the leading edge of the
MHz. Other frequencies may be used if desirable for initial pulse is on zero of the DGS scale and the
better resolution, penetrability, or detectability of flaws. backwall echo is on the DGS scale value corresponding
to the thickness of the forging. Adjust the gain so the
7.2.2 Establish the instrument sensitivity by either
forging backwall echo matches the height of the DGS
the reflection, reference-block technique, or DGS
reference slope within 61 Db. Once adjusted, increase
method (see Appendix X3 for an explanation of the
the gain by the Db shown on the DGS scale for the
DGS method).
reference slope. Instrument is now calibrated and flaw Back-Reflection Technique (Back-Reflec- sizes that can be reliably detected can be directly read
tion Calibration Applicable to Forgings with Parallel from the CRT screen. These flaw sizes are the equivalent
Entry and Back Surfaces) With the attenuator set flat bottom reflector that can be used as a reference point.
at an appropriate level, for example 5 to 1 or 14 dB, NOTE 3 The above can be utilized on all solid forgings. Cylindrical
adjust the instrument controls to obtain a back reflection hollow forgings, and drilled or bored forgings must be corrected to
approximately 75% of the full-screen height from the compensate for attenuation due to the central hole (see Appendix X4).
opposite side of the forging. Scan the forging at the
maximum amplification setting of the attenuator (attenu- 7.2.3 Recalibration Any change in the search
ator set at 1 to 1). Carry out the evaluation of discontinu- unit, couplant, instrument setting, or scanning speed
ities with the gain control set at the reference level. from that used for calibration shall require recalibration.
SA-388 /SA-388M 1998 SECTION II
Perform a calibration check at least once every 8 h the amplitude reference line. It is preferable to have
shift. When a loss of 15% or greater in the gain level the notches in excess metal or test metal when possible.
is indicated, reestablish the required calibration and When the OD notch cannot be detected when examining
reexamine all of the material examined in the preceding the OD surface, perform the examination when practica-
calibration period. When an increase of 15% or greater ble (some IDs may be too small to permit examination),
in the gain level is indicated, reevaluate all recorded as indicated above from both the OD and ID surfaces.
indications. Utilize the ID notch when inspecting from the OD,
and the OD notch when inspecting from the ID. Curve
7.2.4 During the examination of the forging, moni- wedges or shoes may be used when necessary and
tor the back reflection for any significant reduction in practicable.
amplitude. Reduction in back-reflection amplitude may
indicate not only the presence of a discontinuity but 7.3.4 Perform the examination by scanning over
also poor coupling of the search unit with the surface the entire surface area circumferentially in both the
of the forging, nonparallel back-reflection surface, or clockwise and counter-clockwise directions from the OD
local variations of attenuation in the forging. Recheck surface. Examine forgings, which cannot be examined
any areas causing loss of back reflection. axially using a straight beam, in both axial directions
with an angle-beam search unit. For axial scanning,
7.3 Angle-Beam Examination Rings and Hollow use rectangular or 60 V-notches on the ID and OD
Forgings: for the calibration. These notches shall be perpendicular
7.3.1 Perform the examination from the circumfer- to the axis of the forging and the same dimensions as
ence of rings and hollow forgings that have an axial the axial notch.
length greater than 2 in. [50 mm] and an outside to
inside diameter ratio of less than 2.0 to 1.
8. Recording
7.3.2 Use a 1 MHz, 45 angle-beam search unit
unless thickness, OD /ID ratio, or other geometric con- 8.1 Straight-Beam Examination Record the follow-
figuration results in failure to achieve calibration. Other ing indications as information for the purchaser. These
frequencies may be used if desirable for better resolu- recordable indications do not constitute a rejectable
tion, penetrability, or detectability of flaws. For angle- condition unless negotiated as such in the purchase
beam inspection of hollow forgings up to 2.0 to 1 order.
ratio, provide the transducer with a wedge or shoe that
will result in the beam mode and angle required by the 8.1.1 In the back-reflection technique, individual
size and shape of the cross section under examination. indications equal to or exceeding 10% of the back
reflection from an adjacent area free from indications;
7.3.3 Calibrate the instrument for the angle-beam in the reference-block or DGS technique, indications
examination to obtain an indication amplitude of approx- equal to or exceeding 100% of the reference amplitude.
imately 75% full-screen height from a rectangular or
a 60 V-notch on inside diameter (ID) in the axial 8.1.2 An indication that is continuous on the same
direction and parallel to the axis of the forging. A plane regardless of amplitude, and found over an area
separate calibration standard may be used; however, it larger than twice the diameter of the search unit. The
shall have the same nominal composition, heat treat- extent of such an indication shall be accurately measured
ment, and thickness as the forging it represents. The along with variations in amplitudes of reflections.
test surface finish on the calibration standard shall be Planar indications shall be considered
comparable but no better than the item to be examined. continuous over a plane if they have a major axis
Where a group of identical forgings is made, one of greater than 1 in. [25 mm]. In recording these indications
these forgings may be used as the separate calibration corrections must be made for beam divergence at the
standard. Cut the ID notch depth to 3% maximum of estimated flaw depth.
the thickness or 14 in. [6 mm], whichever is smaller,
and its length approximately 1 in. [25 mm]. Thickness 8.1.3 In the back-reflection technique, discontinuity
is defined as the thickness of the forging to be examined indications equal to or exceeding 5% of the back
at the time of examination. At the same instrument reflection. In the reference-block technique, indications
setting, obtain a reflection from a similar OD notch. equal to or exceeding 50% of the reference amplitude
Draw a line through the peaks of the first reflections providing that they travel, are continuous, or appear
obtained from the ID and OD notches. This shall be as clusters.
PART A FERROUS MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SA-388 /SA-388M Traveling indications are herein defined level which would be universally applicable to such a
as indications whose leading edge moves a distance diversity of products. Ultrasonic acceptance or rejection
equivalent to 1 in. [25 mm] or more of metal depth criteria for individual forgings should be based on a
with movement of the search unit over the surface of realistic appraisal of service requirements and the quality
the forging. that can normally be obtained in the production of the
particular type forging. A cluster of indications is defined as
five or more indications located in a volume representing 10.2 Heavy austenitic stainless steel forgings are
a 2 in. [50 mm] or smaller cube in the forging. more difficult to penetrate ultrasonically than similar
carbon or low-alloy steel forgings. The degree of attenu-
8.1.4 Reduction in back reflection exceeding 20% ation normally increases with section size; and the
of the original measured in increments of 10%. noise level, generally or in isolated areas, may become
too great to permit detection of discrete indications. In
8.1.5 Amplitudes of recordable indications in incre-
ments of 10%. most instances, this attenuation results from inherent
coarse grained microstructure of these austenitic alloys.
8.2 Angle-Beam Examination Record discontinuity For these reasons, the methods and standards employed
indications equal to or exceeding 50% of the indication for ultrasonically examining carbon and low-alloy steel
from the reference line. When an amplitude reference forgings may not be applicable to heavy austenitic steel
line cannot be generated, record discontinuity indications forgings. In general, only straight beam inspecting using
equal to or exceeding 50% of the reference notch. These a back-reflection reference standard is used. Because
recordable indications do not constitute a rejectable of attenuation, use of flat-bottom hole reference stan-
condition unless negotiated as such in the purchase dards or angle-beam examination of these grades is
order. normally impracticable.
SA-388 /SA-388M 1998 SECTION II
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1. TYPICAL TUNING LEVEL X2.2 To utilize curve, establish amplitude from
COMPENSATION FOR THE EFFECTS OF ASTM reference block to coincide with values from
X1.1 The curve (Fig. X1.1) was determined for the
following test conditions: X3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON THE
Material nickel-molybdenum-vanadium alloy steel DGS METHODS
(Specification A 469, Class 4)
Instrument Type UR Reflectoscope X3.1 The DGS method was developed to determine
Search unit 118 in. [30 mm] diameter quartz flaw sizes by comparison to a back wall echo produced
Frequency 214 MHz on the part to be ultrasonic tested. The derivation of
Reference block ASTM No. 3-0600 (aluminum)
DGS curves is extensively covered and can be found
Reflection area of ref- 0.010 in.2 [6.5 mm2] in nickel-molybde-
erence curve num-vanadium alloy steel in standard texts on ultrasonic testing, and will not be
Surface finish 250 min. [6mm], max, roughness covered here. The distance or thickness of the forging
(A) to be tested, as noted on the overlay, must be
accurately defined on the CRT screen. The back reflec-
X1.2 To utilize curve, adjust reflectoscope sensitivity
tion (B) of the part must be established and suitable
to obtain indicated ultrasonic response on ASTM No.
gain added. Flaw echo indications that appear can be
3-0600 reference block for each diameter as shown. A
sized via the flaw size curves (C) on the overlay. Item
response of 1 in. [25 mm] sweep-to-peak is used for
(D) depicts the transducers that the overlay works in
flat surfaces. Use attenuator to obtain desired amplitude,
conjunction with and (E) depicts the series of curves
but do testing at 1 to 1 setting.
that the overlay scales are matched to.
SA-388 /SA-388M 1998 SECTION II