Report A4

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Assignment 4

Sudhanva Joshi - 202310202022


1 Pass Transistor based MUX, Sizing

To minimize the average delay from input (A or B) to output (Y) in a pass-transistor
logic-based MUX, we size the transistors as follows with transistor length L = 0.18 µm.
H= =2
To achieve optimal performance, the widths are chosen in the following ratios:
NMOS width = Wn , PMOS width = Wp
Note: Voltage levels are adjusted for clarity. We observed rise and fall times on our
waveforms, corroborating with printed values for time instances.

(a) Ratio, Wp = 4, Wn = 2 (b) Ratio, Wp = 5, Wn = 1

Figure 1: Wp > Wn

(a) Ratio, Wp = 2, Wn = 4 (b) Ratio, Wp = 1, Wn = 5

Figure 2: Wp < Wn

The netlist used is given below (netlist given in folder).

Figure 3: Q1 Netlist

The following readings are observed:

Figure 4: Wp = 3, Wn = 3

Figure 5: Wp = 4, Wn = 2

Figure 6: Wp = 5, Wn = 1

Figure 7: Wp = 2, Wn = 4

Figure 8: Wp = 1, Wn = 5

Our optimal ratio is approximately when ratios are Wp = 1W & Wn = 5W .

Note: This is calculated by trial and error substitution of various width ratios, & as a
result is only an approximation. This can be verified by observing our waveform curve

2 Pass Transistor MUX, Shannon’s Expansion
We know Shannon’s Expansion for given boolean function with n inputs is:

f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = xi · f (1, x2 , . . . , xn ) + x′i · f (0, x2 , . . . , xn )

The given function which we will expand is as follows.

f (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = x1 · x2 + x1 · x3 + x1 · x4 + x2 · x3 + x3 · x4 + x2 · x4

Expanding our function:

f (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = x1 · (x2 + x3 + x4 ) + x′1 · (x2 x3 + x2 x4 + x3 x4 )

f (x2 , x3 , x4 ) = x2 · (x3 + x4 ) + x′2 · (x3 x4 )

f = x1 · (x2 + x3 + x4 ) + x′1 · (x2 · (x3 + x4 ) + x′2 · (x3 · x4 ))

Converting MUX into OR & AND Gates as:

Figure 9: MUX Gate Conversions

2.1 Circuit Diagram

Given below is the Circuit Diagram for our expanded function.

Figure 10: Circuit Diagram

2.2 NGSpice Netlist
Note: We use 2 inverter chains as repeaters to get clean proper voltage levels for our
signals (Complete netlist is in folder).

Figure 11: Q2 Netlist

Our Input Signals are run as follows (Voltages adjusted for clarity).

(a) Input Signals

(b) Truth Table

This can also be verified by a quick Verilog Simulation.

Figure 13: Verilog Cross-Check

2.3 Minimum Transition Time

Assuming we have taken the following definitions:
ˆ Rise Time (trise ): Time taken for a signal to transition from 10% to 90% of its
maximum value.
ˆ Fall Time (tf all ): Time taken for a signal to transition from 90% to 10% of its
maximum value.
We’ll analyze our graphs with respect to the corresponding co-ordinates for the given
voltage levels.
10% of 1.8V = 0.18V
90% of 1.8V = 1.62V

Figure 15: Rise Time Values

Figure 16: Fall Time Values

(a) Time Rise (b) Time Fall

Figure 14: Comparison of Rise and Fall Times

Our minimum trise & tf all (approximately) are:

trise ≈ 4.309 · 10−11 s

tf all ≈ 2.577 · 10−10 s

The I/O combinations corresponding to these readings are:
Inputs, Minimum Rise Time:

f (x1 = 1, x2 , x3 , x4 )

Inputs, Minimum Rise Time:

f (x1 = 0, x2 , x3 , x4 )

Paths for charging and discharging the circuit output are observed in the initial circuit

2.4 Equalizing Transition Times

To ensure balanced charging and discharging paths, the circuit design requires:

ˆ Equal Transistor Count: Charging path (VDD to output) and discharging path
(output to ground) should have an equal number of transistors of the same size.
ˆ Repeaters: Insert inverters at appropriate nodes to maintain signal integrity and
drive strength.

This setup helps achieve minimal delay by balancing the pull-up and pull-down strengths

3 GCD Design
ˆ Initialize Registers: On reset, both registers for A and B are set to zero.
ˆ Load Inputs: When the load signals are active, inputs A and B are loaded into
their respective registers.
ˆ Swap Operation: If the swap signal is high, the values in registers A and B are
ˆ Subtraction Operation: If the subtract signal is active, the value of B is sub-
tracted from A, and the result is stored in A.
ˆ Output Result: The result Z is updated based on the current values of A and
B; if either register is zero or if A = B, Z holds the non-zero or equal value.

3.1 State Diagram

Our states are defined as follows.
ˆ S0 → Begin (Initial)
ˆ S1 → Swap
ˆ S2 → Subtract
ˆ S3 → End
Given conditions and outputs are described here.
ˆ X>0 (if X > 0)
ˆ X≥Y (if X ≥ Y )

ˆ Subtract: X = X − Y
ˆ Swap: X, Y if X < Y
ˆ Load: Load X, Load Y

Figure 17: State Diagram

3.2 Circuit Diagram
The next state expressions can be defined as follows:

N S1 = (S0 ∧ (XR > 0) ∧ (XR ≥ Y R)) ∨ (S2 ∧ (XR > 0))

N S0 = (S0 ∧ (XR > 0) ∧ (XR < Y R)) ∨ (S1 ∧ (XR > 0))
ˆ S0 , S1 , S2 , and S3 represent the current states.

ˆ XR > 0 and XR ≥ Y R are input conditions guiding state transitions.

The logical operations are denoted as:

ˆ ∧ for AND

ˆ ∨ for OR

Given below is the Circuit Diagram related to Control Unit.

Figure 18: Circuit Diagram

3.3 Control Unit Implementation
Given below is the FSM implementation related to Control Unit.

Figure 19: FSM Module

3.4 Datapath Unit Implementation
Given below is the FSM implementation related to Datapath Unit.

Figure 20: Datapath Module

We use the following testbench for both c. and d.

Figure 21: Testbench Module

3.5 GCD Compute

Figure 22: GCD Solution

Figure 23: Testbench Readings


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