Midterm Exam Name: ID Number
Midterm Exam Name: ID Number
Midterm Exam Name: ID Number
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
ID number:
This is a closed-book exam, but you are allowed a single sheet of notes. Calculators are allowed,
but no phones, pads, or laptops. Each question is marked with its number of points (one point
per expected minute of time). Start by answering the easier questions then move on to the
more difficult ones. You can tear off the spare pages at the end of the booklet and/or use the
backs of the pages to work out your answers. Neatly copy your answer to the allocated places.
Neatness counts. We will deduct points if we need to work hard to understand your answer.
For all relevant problems, assume the following transistor switch model:
1. [12pts] Verilog.
In the space below write out the Verilog code for a module that implements an FSM with the
behavior of the following state transition diagram. The FSM has a one-bit wide input named
x and a one-bit wide output named y. The arcs in the diagram are labeled with values for x
and y as “x/y”.
1/1 0/1
S1 S2
2. [6pts] Boolean Optimization.
Find the minimal sum-of-products form for the following Boolean function. Hint: use a K-map.
3. [10pts] Combinational Logic Design.
Consider the design of the combinational logic block that takes as input an unsigned 3-bit
integer, X, and produces a 2-bit integer output, Y , where Y = Xmod 3.
(a) Derive Boolean expressions that represent the output signals, y0 (the least significant
bit) and y1 (the most significant bit) in terms of the inputs x2 , x1 , x0 . You don’t
need to simplify the equations.
(b) In the space below neatly draw the gate-level circuit diagram for y0 . Use simple
logic gates with any number of inputs.
4. [12pts] Finite State Machine Design.
Consider a finite state machine circuit designed to compare 2 4-bit strings. The circuit accepts
one bit at a time from each string over 4 clock periods. It produces a 0 at its output as long as
the strings match in less than 2 bit positions and produces a 1 at its output once they match
in 2 or more bit positions. After 4 clock cycles, the output stays constant until the reset signal
is set to 1 to re-initialize the circuit.
(a) Draw a state transition diagram for the finite state machine.
(b) Write down the logic equations for combinational logic parts of the circuit. Assume
that you are using flip-flops with a built-in reset.
5. [6pts] CMOS Logic.
Draw the single, complex gate, transistor level CMOS representation of the following functions:
(b) F = (A + B)C
6. [8pts] Gate sizing and function.
1 Size the following gates for equal pull-up and pull-down resistance.
2 Determine the logical effort of each gate input.
3 Determine the logic function of each gate.
Assume that in this technology NMOS and PMOS devices have the same mobility (i.e. for
Wp = Wn , Rp = Rn ).
7. [10pts] Voltage Transfer Characteristics (VTCs).
You are a new college graduate in Low-Joule Inc. (A low-power microprocessor company).
Their technology has the following parameters: Vth,N = 0.3V and ∣Vth,P ∣ = 0.4V , Rn = 2kΩ∗µm,
RP = 3kΩ ∗ µm at Vdd = 1V .
(a) Draw the voltage transfer characteristics of the inverter with Wn = Wp = 1µm
and label VOL , VIL , VOH , and VIH . Determine the noise margins NM H and NM L .
Determine the short-circuit current that flows through both transistors during input
transition from 0 to Vdd .
(b) In attempt to save on short-circuit current, you propose to operate the circuit at
0.6V . Draw a separate VTC for a raising and a falling transition marking the
VOL , VIL , VOH , VIH where applicable. Determine the noise margins NM H and
NM L . Determine the short-circuit current that flows through both transistors during
input transition from 0 to Vdd . Assume that at Vdd = 0.6V transistor on resistances
Rn = 5kΩ ∗ µm and Rp = 15kΩ ∗ µm.
8. [6pts] Switching.
Determine the switching energy drawn from the supply for the following circuits (neglect all
capacitances except C1 and C2 shown on the schematics). Assume Vth,N = 0.3V and ∣Vth,P ∣ =
0.4V and Vdd = 1V . Assume voltage on all the capacitors is 0V prior to the switching event.
Label the voltages at each node in the circuit after the switching event.
9. [10pts] Gates and Wires.
Calculate the delay from point A to point C in the circuit below. Assume that Rwire = 5Ω/2
and Cwire = 0.2f F /µm, Rn = 2kΩ ∗ µm, Rp = 4kΩ ∗ µm, γ = 1, CG = 1f F /µm. The unit-size
(1x) inverter at point A has Wp = 2Wn = 2µm. The inverters at points C and D are size 4x. For
calculations, use the π-model of the wire, for each wire segment. Wire segment AB is 100µm
long, segment BC is 900µm long, and segment BD is 200µm long. Wire width is 1µm.
(a) Draw the RC schematics of the circuit above and label all the resistances and ca-
(b) Calculate the values of all the resitances and capacitances in part a).
(c) Write the delay formula for the delay from point A to point C in terms of the
resistance and capacitance labels (not numbers) from part a).
10. Extra problem for EE241A students [15pts]
You are a new college graduate at Road Runner, Inc.—a high-performance processor startup.
Your first task is to design a buffer circuit that will minimize the delay between an inverter
of size Wp = 2Wn = 1µm and the microprocessor bus wire load of CL = 200f F . Assume that
Rp = 2kΩ ∗ µm, Rn = 1kΩ ∗ µm, γ = 1 and CG = 1f F /µm.
Having taken EE241A, you jump right at it and determine the number of inverters needed
to minimize the delay, keeping the Wp /Wn = 2 sizing in each inverter for equal pull-up and
pull-down. You also pay attention to not inverting the logic function.
(a) How many inverter stages need to be inserted to minimize the delay?
(b) Given the number of stages in a), determine the delay value.
(c) After determining the optimal number of stages, you run-off to your boss and tell
her about the solution. She smiles and says she can do even better by sizing all
the buffering inverters at a Wp /Wn = 1 ratio. Determine the logical effort of one
inverter pair (back-to-back inverters) sized with Wp /Wn = 1 ratio, compared to your
standard inverter with Wp /Wn = 2 ratio.
(d) Now determine the number of inverter stages with a Wp /Wn = 1 ratio, which are
inserted to minimize the delay.
(e) What is the delay value given the number of inverter stages in d)?
Spare page. Will not be graded.
Spare page. Will not be graded.
Spare page. Will not be graded.
Spare page. Will not be graded.
Spare page. Will not be graded.