Official Ten Staff Handbook

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Welcome to TEN

The following tabs contain information regarding many of the policies and guidelines of
TEN. These policies are a condition of employment. Labor regulation laws require that all
employers maintain a published policy that is applied indiscriminately to all employees. If
you have questions or need assistance reviewing this document, please contact

Customer hours are:

9am to 8pm, Monday – Thursday

9am to 7pm, Friday – Sunday

Our main phone number is:


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Our website is:

Social media handles:

IG: @tensalonandspa (TEN Salon and Spa)
IG: @tenmedspa

Our address is:

6045 Sky Pond Drive, Suite R100
Loveland, CO 80538

Call 970-669-4836 and ask to speak with a manager.

Salon Managers: [email protected]

Human Resources: [email protected]
Guest Services: [email protected]
Marketing: [email protected]


These policies & guidelines are not intended to create a contract between the
employer and the employee. The employee should not rely on these policies as a
contract. Nothing in these policies and guidelines is intended by the employer or
should be construed by the employee as altering the “at-will” status of the employment

TEN, at its option, may change, delete, suspend or discontinue any part or parts of the
policies and guidelines at any time without prior notice as business, employment
legislation, and economic conditions dictate.
No statement or promise by a supervisor, manager, or department head, past or
present may be interpreted as a change in policy, nor will it constitute an agreement
with an employee.

Should any provision in these policies and guidelines be found to be unenforceable

and invalid, such finding does not invalidate all policies and guidelines, but only that
particular provision.

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TEN’s Mission Statement: Our mission is to help our clients feel good in their skin
inside and out. We use cutting edge technology and all the newest hottest things in the
industry to help you look better longer. One person at a time and all have fun while doing
it! Our goal is to help you smile more, worry less!

TEN’s Vision Statement: To inspire and empower people to embrace their natural
beauty, while enjoying the benefits of advanced beauty technology and exceptional
service. We create a global movement of women and men being unapologetic about
their enhancements. With us leading the way we will help our industry evolve to our
clients being open about their beauty secrets and to be bold! We help our clients smile
more and worry less , creating a ripple effect in their lives, because let's face it, happy
people make the world better!

TEN’s Values:

BEAUTY: Is natural, personal, and subtle.

TALENT: Crafting beauty is a highly desired skill
INNOVATION: Latest and greatest in the science of beauty.
PLAY: Life is too short not to enjoy as much as we can.
PURPOSE: to give back to our community and your families. We co create an amazing
experience that you can take home to your family, it has a ripple effect.

What TEN stands for:

● We are a top 10 premier salon/spa/medspa in Colorado measured by:
○ business success
○ raving fans/high client retention rates
○ low employee turnover rate
○ expert services that have the best technology
○ beautiful design inside and out
● as an employer:
○ competitive salaries and benefits
○ culture of excellence, team work, and fun
○ helping people develop to their maximum potential
○ continuing education

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● as a service provider:
○ excellence and consistency in taking care of clients, time after time
○ the client knows they’ll get the highest quality of service regardless of
who provides the service
○ using cutting edge technology to make you look better longer

TEN’s employee profile:

● Absolute personal and professional integrity
● Energetic and playful attitude
● Confident and real demeanor
● Unapologetic in our treatments
● Desire to learn and grow
● Teamwork. We only grow as a team and a desire to help others and help TEN
grow is imperative.
● Culture. Team members are expected to contribute to a positive culture of
growth at TEN that fosters an amazing work environment that employees are happy
to work in.
● Relentless focus on our client’s world class experience.
● Flexibility to work different days and times as the business needs.
● Multi-Faceted Contributions. From excellence in caring for our customers to
social media posts, to improving one’s knowledge and skills through training and
education, to keeping every corner of the building clean, you fill multiple roles as a
team member and we are all counting on everyone to do their part.
● Self-discipline, integrity, and commitment to ensure punctuality, attendance,
completion of duties, and hitting your goals.
● Respectful attitude with every client and every employee

Career Opportunities
It is our desire to see each and every employee achieve their highest potential. We will
do our best to provide the opportunity and offer training, education and guidance
whenever possible. It is our main goal to help you grow within the company and to keep
moving the ladder so you can keep growing in our culture!

Communication Policy
We are committed to creating a work environment that supports and empowers our
employees to do their best work. We believe that communication is key to achieving this

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goal, and we embrace an open email policy that allows employees to easily share their
questions, concerns and suggestions with management. In addition to email, each
manager has dedicated office hours on specific days.

If you feel you have been discriminated against in any way, you are encouraged to
express concern through this open-door policy.

Code of Conduct
Employees of TEN are to conduct themselves in a responsible, professional, and ethical
manner. It is expected that employees will hold each other responsible to maintain the
highest standards for themselves and the team. This means be willing to have necessary
conversations, hold and respect boundaries, and to be willing to say what your
boundaries are!

Should improper behavior happen, the management team will determine appropriate
means for proper resolution. Employees found to be conducting themselves in an
unethical manner may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including

Equal Opportunity Employment
Employees are hired based solely on TEN’s business requirements and the qualifications
of each individual candidate.

We will not tolerate nor condone discrimination due to age, race, color, religion, sex,
gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or any protected category. We will
comply with the spirit and letter of all local, state and federal laws pertaining to
employment. The same will apply when making decisions regarding termination of

Any questions or concerns regarding any aspect of this policy should be directed to the

Eligibility For Employment

Federal law requires both new employees and re-hires to provide documentation of
eligibility to work in the United States plus proper identification. A properly submitted

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form I-9 is required for employment. Employees must have and keep current your license
for hair, esthetics and nails.

Family Employment
TEN does allow family members and relatives of employees to be considered for
employment, provided they are qualified for the position and no conflict of interest exists.
Also, there can be no situation where a related family member can be in a position to
affect another member’s compensation or other work constraints. Hiring decisions will be
the exclusive responsibility of the Management.

Criminal Convictions
Criminal convictions are taken seriously at TEN. We reserve the right to disqualify any
applicant for employment that has been convicted of a criminal offense.

Furthermore, should an employee be convicted of a crime while employed, TEN will

make every effort to evaluate the nature and circumstances of the conviction. With the
safety and wellbeing of co-workers at stake, convicted employees may be subject to
appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Threats of violence and acts of violence are strictly prohibited. Employees threatening or
committing acts of violence will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and
including termination. Report any such activity to the Management.

Weapons are generally defined as guns, knives and other objects universally considered
a weapon by the vast majority of society. A “weapon” can also be any object which would
do harm to another when used as such. TEN shall deem any such object a “weapon” for
the purpose of enforcing this policy.

Possession of weapons is prohibited on company property. Any employee on company

premises in possession of a weapon will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up
to and including termination.

Drugs & Illegal Substance Abuse

Possession of illegal drugs or other illegal substances is not permitted on company
property, or while on duty in the employment of TEN. Furthermore, employees are not
permitted to report for duty while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or other

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illegal substances. Employees failing to adhere strictly to this policy will be subject to
disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Right to inspect and test

TEN’s management reserves the right to inspect persons and property (including but not
limited to computers, e-mails, voice-mails, lockers, purses, personal effects and similar
items) on TEN’s premises at any time and without notice.

TEN also reserves the right to require an employee undergo drug or alcohol testing,
whether randomly or for cause. Refusal by the employee may be grounds for disciplinary
action up to and including termination.

Sexual Harassment
It is TEN’s objective to provide a working environment free from discrimination, bulling
and sexual harassment and conduct commonly referred to as sexual harassment. This
objective is targeted at both employees and clients.

The E.E.O.C. (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) has provided a broad

definition of sexual harassment. It is general in nature and may not always be clear when
evaluating everyday situations.

“Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when

1. submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or

condition of an individual’s employment,
2. submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis
for employment decisions affecting such individual, or client, or
3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an
individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
working environment.”

Sexual harassment refers to behavior inappropriate in the workplace because it is

offensive, unwelcome behavior. Both sexual harassment, and accusations of sexual
harassment, are disrupting to the work environment.

If you, a co-worker, or client experience what you believe to be sexual harassment or

accusations of sexual harassment, report it promptly to the Management. Any such
discussion will be kept confidential. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including
termination will be taken against any individual for sexual harassment charges
determined to be valid.

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In addition we have added a section for our Spa Providers on the proper draping
techniques and requirements. This can be found in the Spa Provider Handbook.

Conflict Of Interest
TEN employees may not perform services at another salon/spa/medspa. In addition, TEN
employees may not perform services outside of the work environment that directly
compete with the offerings at TEN.

Personnel File
TEN maintains a confidential personnel file for each employee. Files are controlled by
Management. Employees must acquire permission to view his or her personnel file from
Management. These files are the property of TEN, and no documents may be altered or
removed by the employee. Every reasonable effort is made to keep the information
confidential. Access is limited to staff members who require access to perform their job
functions. Copies will not be distributed to any third party unless mandated to do so by a
court of law.

Should TEN receive a request for confirmation of employment, the only information given
out will be position held, and dates of employment. The same will apply to any request
for information about an employee, unless TEN has the employee’s written consent.

Punctual attendance is mandatory for efficient job performance. In cases of absence for
any reason, notify Management as well as the front desk as soon as reasonably possible.
Poor attendance, absence without notification or habitual tardiness will be subject to
appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Employees are expected to be on the premises during their scheduled work hours. Any
exception to this rule must have management approval.

Spectrum of Work Responsibilities

Whereas most of an employee’s activities will be to perform their main function (e.g.
servicing clients as an esthetician), employees will be expected to perform general duties
(e.g. clean-up, social media, calling clients…) as well as branching out to other
professional activities that they’re qualified and/or licensed to perform. If a service

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provider is open on the book to take a client, they cannot refuse the client without
management approval. Service providers are expected to take walk-in clients.

TEN’s employees are to park in the rear of the building or beyond the third row in front,
leaving close parking spots in front and all spots on the side for our clients.

Work Schedule Requirements Schedule

Management needs: Given the varying nature of clients’ needs , employee work
schedules may need to adjust to business requirements. Variation of work schedules,
including working on Saturday and/or Sunday, is an imperative of our business and a
condition of employment.

Employee needs: Any deviation from your work schedule must get the formal approval of
your manager. An employee’s willingness to work under certain conditions of hours and
flexibility is a key factor in hiring. Inability or unwillingness to honor that commitment,
regardless of perceived “available” different hours, may be cause for discipline up to and
including termination. Warnings and/or termination will be the consequence for failure to
notify a manager of any schedule change.

With variations in workload based on client and business needs, overtime may be
necessary. Overtime is mandatory when required by management, and is a condition of
employment. Overtime must be approved by management before being incurred. For the
purposes of overtime, TEN's work week is Sunday through Saturday.

Staff Meetings
Group meetings are occasionally scheduled. Every effort is made to schedule these
meetings during the hours worked by the majority of employees. Employees will be
notified of mandatory meetings in advance. All employees are required to attend
whether or not it falls inside of their work schedule. Short daily “huddles” will also be held
regularly and involve select or all employees at work at the time as Management

Required meetings will always be on paid time. An example of this is TEN’s “UNITED staff
meeting. You must receive approval from your manager if you cannot attend. NO call-No
show will result in forfeiting your monthly retail bonus.

General Communication

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The Bulletin Boards placed in the break rooms, display notices and announcements for
employees to review. It is the responsibility of each employee to be aware of information
posted. The same responsibility applies to reading messages on any electronic
communication platform used by TEN for employee communication (e.g. the GroupMe

Employees will be required to clock in and out of work electronically. They will be
expected to honor their work schedule and report the hours they actually worked. Failing
to clock in and out correctly which results in corrections, must be avoided as it wastes
company resources. Any time clock corrections that are needed due to one-off
circumstances, must be emailed/messaged to your direct manager within 24 hours.
Employees are allowed one (1) correction per pay period. Further corrections will result
in verbal or written disciplinary action. Dishonesty in reporting worked hours is grounds
for immediate termination.

Meal Breaks
All hourly employees are required under Colorado law to take a “meal” break when
working 5 continuous hours or more. Meal breaks are for 30 minutes and are unpaid.
“Meal” break schedules may vary from employee to employee based on their specific
schedule. For service providers, meal breaks must be scheduled in SalonBiz.
Consumption of food is only allowed in the break room. It is every employee’s
responsibility to clean up once finished.

Employees are allowed two paid 10-minute breaks in an 8-hour workday, one before and
one after the “meal” break. Times of day may vary from employee to employee based on
work schedule and every employee is entrusted to take their breaks when it least affects
our clients / our business. Employees are able to use their personal cell phones during
these breaks and on their lunch.

In the same way that we ask our clients not to have any unsupervised children at any
time, employees may not bring unsupervised children to the salon unless they are
getting a service themselves. If you stop by the salon with your children, please make
sure they remain under your supervision.

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Employees are responsible for their personal tools. They may not borrow another
employee’s tools without their specific approval. TEN will make some tools available to
employees as part of their shared work area. It is each employee’s responsibility to take
proper care of them, and leave them in their proper place once finished with their
scheduled work time.

Employees are expected to always keep their working area clean and free of clutter. If
not busy with clients, they’re also expected to pitch in and help in common areas and
other areas of the building. We all want to work in a clean environment. Please help
keep it that way.

Shared Work Areas

All work areas are shared over the course of TEN’s opening hours. Besides proper
cleaning of the area, and proper care of tools,employees are asked to keep any personal
decorations in line with TEN's mission and brand while maintaining a level of
professionalism and cleanliness. Personal decorations will need to be removed from the
station at the end of the scheduled shift, along with personal tools, in the event that the
employee shares the work space with another employee.

Guest Services Podium

Only authorized staff is allowed behind or around TEN’s podium…namely guest relations
staff and management. A maximum of 3 staff members behind the front desk at any
given time. Service providers must stay out from behind the desk, unless the Guest
Services staff gives temporary permission. This helps maintain a level of professionalism
as clients enter the salon. Cash tips remain in a locked box behind the front desk. Service
providers may request to receive their personal cash tips from the box by a front desk
staff member at their convenience.

Dress Code, Piercings, and Personal Hygiene.

TEN requires employees to wear a minimum of 50% black to foster a professional image
and easy staff identification by our clients. In certain cases, a management pre-approved
professional uniform may also be worn.

Spa employees, due to the nature of their work, and guest services at the spa desk, may
wear scrubs in black or other solid professional color.

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Our image is that of an upscale salon and spa. Please be responsible for looking neat,
clean, stylish, and professional. If your clothes look like you’re going to the farm, gym,
beach, or if you question if an article is appropriate, you should change. Because of the
nature of our business, hairstyles, hair color, make-up, fingernails and toenails are to be
current and well maintained, every day, as our clients look at us as examples of our work.

For dress code specifics, if any, please refer to the current policy posted in the employee
break rooms.

Should the dress code not be honored, you may be asked to go home and change.

As an expression of respect to our guests and to maintain professionalism, gum chewing

is only allowed in areas where clients are not allowed.

It’s vitally important that our clients want to be around us. Employees are responsible for
ensuring that they maintain good standards of cleanliness and personal hygiene while at
the workplace. All matters relating to personal hygiene will be handled sympathetically
and, where relevant, with medical confidentiality.

Finally, at the risk of overstating the obvious, a quote from Salon Pro Magazine: “Did you
know that 0% of guests will tell you they are offended by your breath or body odor? And
70% will not return!”

Medical Attention
TEN requires employees to notify management when medical attention is required for
any reason, accident or illness of any employee and also every guest while on premises.

Reporting Personal Information Changes

Employees must notify Management whenever there is a change in their personal
information on file with TEN. This includes address, phone number, income tax
withholding information, emergency contacts and any information which may impact your
insurance coverage.

Gifts, Entertainment & Meals

TEN employees cannot accept any items that may act as a bribe in exchange for services
rendered at TEN from clients or suppliers of TEN. Any gifts received from clients or
suppliers must not interfere with the quality of services or processes of charging clients
for services rendered. i.e. Christmas gifts are welcomed, but an employee of TEN may
not discount services based on the receiving of this gift.

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Visitors, such as family members or friends, can be shown around as long as there is no
impact on ongoing services. They cannot be left unaccompanied except in the retail area.
Employees may not have any children left unsupervised at any time on TEN’s premises.

Personal Property
TEN is not responsible for personal property of employees in facilities, vehicles or
parking areas. Any personal items brought on premises and deemed inappropriate by
TEN, will be removed without notice. As always, be considerate of the company’s image
as well as your image with clients and co-workers. Personal property beyond tools
required for your job may not be left overnight at TEN. Examples would be food, shoes,
clothing, etc.

Personal Safety
At TEN the safety of our employees is a top priority. We will make every effort possible to
ensure the safest working environment possible. If you have suggestions or concerns,
discuss them with management.

Food & Beverage

Without exception, food is strictly prohibited except in the employee break room. Food at
stations, treatment rooms, and especially the front desk never looks professional and is
prohibited. Beverages are OK at employees' workstations provided they are handled
carefully and look classy. e.g. no McDonald’s soft drink cups.

The consumption of any alcoholic beverage by employees is strictly prohibited on the

premises, except in the break room when enjoying a “shift drink” at the end of shift after
you’ve clocked out.

“Shift drinks” are restricted to one 4 oz. glass of wine or one 12 oz. beer each prices at
$3.00 or any soft drink at $0.50. Payment is on your honor and placed in the designated
bucket. Not respecting this limit or not providing payment is cause for disciplinary action
up to and including termination. You must be 21 years or older to have an alcoholic shift
drink. Shift drinks may never be served to clients and only TIPS trained GS staff are
allowed, per our liquor license, to serve alcohol to clients.


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TEN is promoting a friendly environment for the sake of our employees and our guests.
Smoking of any substance, vaping included, is not allowed on the TEN premises or in
front of the building.

Personal Business
Promoting any personal business venture or side-gig with clients on TEN’s premises is
not allowed. Personal discussions with clients and “small talk” are encouraged to build
rapport and create a great experience, but also make sure there is time for discussion
about retail products, addons, and other services from which our clients may benefit.
The same applies to posting information or having any related products on the premises.
Exceptions can be made by management on a case-by-case basis (e.g. raising awareness
for a worthwhile cause or a nonprofit).

At TEN Salon and Spa, we recognize that cell phones have become an important tool for
communication and business-related tasks. However, in order to ensure the highest level
of service for our guests and maintain a professional work environment, we have
established the following guidelines for cell phone use by employees:

Cell phones may be used on the floor and in the dispensaries (for Stylists) (including
Guest Services) for business purposes only, such as accessing training videos, taking
before and after photos, and posting on social media related to TEN Salon and Spa.

Personal cell phone use is not permitted on the floor, and phones should be kept on
silent at all times.

If employees need to use their personal cell phones for non-business purposes, they
must do so during designated break times in the break room.

We expect all employees to use discretion and limit personal cell phone use to avoid
disrupting the guest experience or interfering with their work responsibilities.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in disciplinary action up to and including

We trust that our employees will use good judgment and follow these guidelines to
ensure a professional, productive, and welcoming work environment for all

Usage of business systems

Business systems, SalonBiz in particular, are to be used within the employee’s allowed
sphere of access. Using somebody else’s SalonBiz code is strictly prohibited regardless

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of the intended objective and can be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including

Compensation at TEN is currently based on either hourly salaries, commission, or both.
All employees are classified as non-exempt except for management. Compensation is
based on performance. Hourly salary rates are established by mutual agreement
between the employee and TEN. Employees are placed on a specific compensation
range based on their performance against a number of specific benchmarks.

Incentive compensation may be given out as well based again on performance against
benchmarks and will usually be of a team bonus nature.

Whereas all employee compensation is confidential, salary ranges along with their
respective performance benchmarks, as well as incentive compensation plans are shared
with all employees. Salary review will be performed once a year at a minimum, either on
the anniversary date of hire, or 12 months from last salary increase as the case may be.

Authority to change compensation or responsibilities

The only two people that have authority to change an employee’s compensation or major
responsibilities are the Owner or the General Manager. Management must get such
authorization for those activities but can change minor responsibilities as needed for the

Tips submitted by a guest as cash will be given directly to the employee. Tips submitted
as part of a credit card payment will be included in the employee’s payroll.

Hours of work performed by hourly employees over 40 hours during TEN’s work week
(Sunday thru Saturday) qualify for payment at a rate of 150% of the employee’s regular
hourly pay. All overtime must be approved in advance by management to qualify.

All hours during a work week that are calculated in the total for overtime must be hours
actually worked. PTO days, personal days or any other non-working benefit days do not
count in the calculation of overtime.

Payroll Deductions

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As required by law, TEN withholds all appropriate taxes from employee earnings, as well
as social security (FICA) and Medicare, and any other applicable deductions (e.g. health
insurance premium, salary advance reimbursement…).

Pay Advances
Pay advances are available to employees after a minimum of six (6) months employment
and in good standing. Advances may be approved for purposes related to work (e.g.
professional tools, education). They typically cannot exceed the net earnings of one pay
period. Any remaining amount on a salary advance is due and payable to TEN on
termination and will be deducted from the employee’s final paycheck. All Pay Advances
must be approved by Ownership or the Operations Manager.

Reimbursement of Expenses

Expenses to be reimbursed by TEN must be approved by management prior to incurring

them. To receive reimbursement, you must furnish a receipt for all expenses. If you
require an advance for expenses, see Management.

Performance Evaluation (P.E.) Reviews

Periodic performance evaluation reviews will outline the competencies you need to
perform your job functions successfully. Your contributions to TEN are also reviewed and
documented. Management will discuss job requirements for your duties and identify your
specific skills. Together you will establish plans for your growth and development. All
performance reviews will become a permanent part of your personnel file.

Although there is an obvious link between P.E. and compensation review, the two will not
necessarily be related in time.

Advancement/promotion is linked primarily to 1) sustained performance in all applicable

metrics and 2) business needs.


Confidential Information Security

As a matter of course, employees of TEN will have access to confidential and proprietary
information appropriate to the nature of a given employee’s function. This information
includes but is not limited to trade secrets, personnel information, pricing, client lists,

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financial results, contractual agreements, intellectual property and marketing/sales
strategies. It is critical that we protect our clients and our business. It is a condition of
employment that you not unduly obtain this information without a professional purpose,
disclose this information to third parties or use it for personal gain whether during or after
employment. Disclosure of TEN’s confidential and proprietary information without
express written approval is prohibited.

Any disclosure of the Company’s confidential and proprietary information would cause
immediate irreparable harm to the Company, not easily remediable by damages or other
remedies at law.

Facilities Security
It is the responsibility of all employees to make sure the facilities and work areas are
secure. Any employee entrusted with facility keys shall make certain the facility is secure
when that employee is the last to leave. This includes, but is not limited to, turning off
appropriate lights, closing and locking all doors and windows and setting the security

Report any potential security risks to management.

Office Supplies, Postage & Company Accounts

TEN postage, postage systems, shipping accounts and accounts with various vendors
and suppliers are to be used for company business purposes only. Improper use of these
items may result in appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Phone / Cell Phones / Messages

Telephone systems, equipment and operators are in place to provide business services
of the company.

Access to the employee by their friends and family should be primarily by way of the
employee’s cell phone. The front desk/call center may be called in case of an
emergency. You will be notified of a personal call only in case of an emergency,
otherwise a message will be taken and placed in your mailbox.

Cell phone ringtones shall be turned off while on TEN’s premises. Cell phones may only
be used in the break room, and only when off the clock or on break. Furthermore, clients
should never see an employee with a cell phone unless they are taking before and after
photos or doing social media for TEN.


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Conserving energy and resources is a priority at TEN. Employees are required to
conserve electricity, water, supplies, toner/ink, and backbar in all reasonable ways. It’s
also important to keep our waste footprint as small as possible.

Computers and Related Equipment

TEN provides employees access to computers, printers, and other equipment on an
as-needed basis, to perform their job requirements. This equipment is to be used
exclusively for the business activities of TEN. Employees found to be using company
computer equipment for personal use may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action,
up to and including termination.

Facilities, equipment, products

Personal use of Company facilities, equipment, or products outside of conducting the
employee’s normal work-related duties is strictly prohibited. Within or outside of the
employee's work schedule. This would entail appropriate disciplinary action, up to and
including termination.

Company computer systems, connected to the internet, are connected for business
purposes only. Accessing the internet for personal use is prohibited. For protection of
TEN’s network and proprietary information, security measures have been installed on the
system. No employee shall, under any circumstances, attempt to disable or circumvent
these security measures.

Email & Electronic Communication

Company provided email is provided for business purposes only. Personal use should be
kept to an absolute minimum.

All emails, sent or received, are company records and as such are accessible to
appropriate staff members. Any Emails, or any other transaction, which one might think is
“private”, is actually open to TEN management if accessed while at TEN.



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An employee can request an unpaid leave of absence from TEN. The leave of absence is
subject to management approval. Employees must have maintained a minimum of 6
months of continuous employment to be eligible.

Impact on benefits
When on unpaid LOA of over 14 days, the employee loses the company contribution to
health insurance premiums which must then be covered 100% by the employee through
payment in advance. Health insurance can be kept as long as the employee is on
authorized LOA and pays for the premiums in advance of each pay period. Any LOA of 14
days or less will have no impact on benefits. Beyond 14 days, all benefits stop except for
product discounts which remain valid for 12 weeks from the start of the LOA. All benefits
are reinstated as soon as the employee comes back to work within the approved LOA
time period.

Personal Leave of Absence

TEN will make every reasonable effort to consider personal leave of absence. Unpaid
personal leave of absence requires written authorization from Management. Many factors
are considered when determining eligibility for personal leave of absence and it is
granted or denied solely at the discretion of TEN. When granted, the maximum allowable
is 30 days per calendar year.

Unpaid Family & Medical Leave

TEN employees are eligible to take unpaid leave as per the terms of the Family and
Medical Leave Act of 1993. Consult Management for details and notify management if
you choose to take this unpaid leave of absence

Parental Leave
A parental leave of absence is treated like any leave of absence and is unpaid time off.
The only difference: TEN’s contribution to the employee’s health premium will continue
for a period of 6 weeks (3 pay periods). The employee share must be paid by check to
TEN during that period. Should the employee decide to take more than 6 weeks off, they
then will need to pay the full premium after 6 weeks.

The employee’s plans should be made known to management as soon as possible. If the
employee is a service provider, they will be asked to help transition their clients, at least
temporarily, to other staff at TEN. The legal duration of parental leave, during which an
employee’s job is protected, is 12 weeks from the date of leaving. Past that period, unless
the employee has a written commitment from TEN to extend it, the employment
guarantee stops, and the employee is deemed to have resigned. Also note that although

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 19

employment may be guaranteed, circumstances on the employee’s return may require
different responsibilities, or a different schedule or both.

Funeral Leave
TEN will provide reasonable time off (1 day usually) for employees to attend funerals of
friends and loved ones. In the event of a death in the immediate family of the employee
(parents, grandparents, siblings, children), additional time off may be granted, subject to
management approval, to attend to family matters and funeral arrangements. The
employee can decide to take this time off against their accrued PTO or as unpaid time

Jury Duty
Notify management as soon as possible if you are summoned for jury duty. Time off from
work will be granted as necessary in compliance with applicable law. Employees may be
paid up to a maximum of $50 per day for the first 3 days only, if the jury duty day(s) fall
during their work schedule.

Severe Weather Closings

In the event the salon must close for the day due to severe weather or emergencies, TEN
will make every reasonable effort to notify you as soon as possible.

If weather conditions are so severe that you are unable to travel to work, contact
management or the front desk as soon as possible.

In either case, TEN will attempt to reschedule and make up for the lost work hours during
the same week.

Benefits to employees are provided at the discretion of TEN and TEN reserves the right
to modify or eliminate benefits without notice under conditions of law. The benefits listed
herein are intended to be a general description only.


TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 20

To qualify for Health, Dental, or Vision Insurance or PTO, an employee must have
completed a minimum of 1 year continuous employment with TEN and must have worked
a certain minimum of hours per week (see under each benefit). Employees scheduled for
less than 36 hours weekly are not eligible for certain benefits listed here. TEN reserves
the right to, without notice, revise eligibility requirements.

Health Insurance
Eligibility calls for a minimum of 36 hours weekly, measured as a 12-week historical
average, with the waiting period being 6 months of continuous employment from date of
hire or re-hire. TEN pays for a portion of the employee’s premium. Coverage is available
for dependents. The remainder of the employee’s premium and 100% of all premiums for
dependent coverage are the responsibility of the employee. Employee’s share of
premiums must be paid through payroll deduction. Apart from the 1st of the month
following their 6-month anniversary with TEN, any eligible employee can join into the
health insurance plan once a year only during enrollment month (usually in April or May).

During a parental leave, the employee continues to bear the full personal cost of the
premium associated with health insurance. TEN continues to pay its subsidy of the
employee premium for a maximum of 6 weeks. During the 6 weeks for the personal
share of health insurance, and after 6 weeks for the total cost of health insurance, the
employee must make financial arrangements to submit payment of those costs to TEN on
a timely basis when they are due. Failure or lateness in submitting payment causes
termination of coverage, at which point the employee is offered to sign up under COBRA.
Full health insurance eligibility resumes as soon as they’re back and meeting the 36 hour
eligibility criterion.

For any approved (e.g., unpaid time off) or legitimate (e.g., accident, health issue) short
term absence which causes the pay period’s earnings not to cover the employee’s
deductions, the amount of the shortfall will be added to the deductions of the following
pay period. Short term absence is defined as being for 2 weeks or less.

For any approved Leave of Absence (LOA) of more than 2 weeks (except for parental
LOA), or any legitimate absence of more than two weeks, TEN’s subsidy of the
employee’s premium stops and the employee must make financial arrangements to pay
the full insurance cost when due. Should this not happen, TEN will place the employee
under COBRA administration. As for a parental LOA, eligibility resumes as soon as the
employee returns and meets the 36 hour/week requirement. No new waiting period will
be required.

Health insurance after eligibility loss (COBRA)

TEN, in accordance with Colorado and/or federal law, offers continued medical benefits
to employees who lose eligibility for coverage due to termination or other circumstances.

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 21

It provides employees and their qualified beneficiaries the opportunity to continue health
coverage under the company’s health plan for a specific limited time, usually 18 months.
The employee pays full cost of coverage, plus an administration fee if applicable. COBRA
administration is not provided by TEN, but by an outside company.

Management will provide details of this coverage and procedures for applying at the time
an employee loses eligibility.

AFLAC insurance
AFLAC offers a number of insurance possibilities (e.g. dental, cancer, disability, etc..).
Premiums are not subsidized by TEN. They are offered through payroll deductions with
some coverages being on a pre-tax basis, and some after-tax. Eligibility is on the 1st of
the month following the first continuous six months of employment, or during annual
open enrollment. Except for short term disability where one must be working 30 hours a
week minimum, there are no requirements for minimum hours. For any questions, please
reach out to the TEN HR administrator.

In case of a legitimate absence of less than 2 weeks which causes the Pay Period’s
earnings not to cover the AFLAC deductions, any shortfall will be added to the following
pay period’s deductions.

In case of a LOA of more than two weeks, the employee is expected to provide TEN with
upfront payment of the AFLAC deductions. Non receipt of payment will cause
cancellation of coverage.

Bonus Plans
Bonuses may be implemented for the different departments inside of TEN (e.g. Guest
Services, hair stylists, estheticians, etc..). These may change over time at management’s

All employees are eligible, part time or full time, after they have been employed for one
full month. The following reasons cause ineligibility:

● Unexcused absence or tardiness (10 minutes or more) at United staff meeting

● Being on probation or written warning at any time during the month
● No longer employed on last day of bonus period or when they are distributed

Workers Compensation Insurance

State and federal law governs eligibility requirements. All premium costs are paid by TEN.
Claims are paid directly to employees or health care providers. All employees are
expected to return to work immediately upon medical release.

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 22

Employees are required to report job-related injuries immediately. Failure to comply
could result in difficulty with the employee’s claim. Report all accidents or injuries to

All employees must obtain treatment for work-related injuries exclusively from
designated providers. Obtain this information from management.

Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI)

Starting in 2024, the FAMLI program will ensure Colorado workers have access to paid
leave when they face life circumstances that force them to choose between earning a
paycheck, or taking care of themselves or their family. Eligible employees may receive up
to twelve weeks of leave. Those who experience pregnancy or childbirth complications
may receive an additional four weeks.

If paid leave is taken, the Colorado FAMLI Division will pay employees up to 90% of their
wages based on a sliding scale and proportional to Colorado's average weekly wage.

Starting January 2023, employers with over 9 employees must pay into the FAMLI fund
at a rate of 0.9% of employee wages. The contribution is split so that TEN contributes
0.45% and the employee contributes 0.45%. More information can be found here:


TEN will be closed on New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve
(for service providers only), and Christmas Day for employees to enjoy uninterrupted time
with their families and friends. If a service provider’s usual schedule falls on one of those
days, time must be made up during that pay period. PTO can be utilized.

Paid Sick Time (PST)

● Eligibility for PST

○ PST eligibility begins when employment begins. There is not a minimum
number of hours to work to be eligible. All employees are eligible for PST.
● Maximum and carry forward of PST
○ The maximum PST balance that can be carried forward at any time is 48
hours. Any excess will be forfeit.
● “Borrowing” PST
○ PST can only be accrued and can never be borrowed.
● Earning PST

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 23

○ PST earned (accrued) is computed based on the actual number of hours
worked. The PST accrual rate is 3.33% for every hour worked (1 in 30 hours
● Scheduling PST
○ As PST is only to be used on as needed basis, it cannot be scheduled or
planned for. Management must be notified before taking PST. Clients
scheduled during the time planned for PST must be handled carefully and
moved to another date or another service provider before taking PST.
● Making up PST
○ PST time taken doesn’t need to be made up.
● Criteria for PST
○ Employers may require documentation from the employee if they take four
or more consecutive paid sick days.

Paid Time Off (PTO)

● Eligibility
○ To qualify for PTO an employee must have completed one year of
continuous employment and worked a minimum of 36 hours per week (Full
Time status). This is the same criteria for commission based employees as
well as hourly. Accrual starts on the pay period immediately following the
1st anniversary of their reaching full time status. The 36-hour status is
applied to a 12 week moving average. E.g. an employee can work 34 hours
one week, and 38 hours the following week, and that’s OK. PTO is based
on the hours you work.
○ Falling below 36 hours per week renders the employee ineligible for PTO.
● Impact of leave or change of status
○ Should the employee go on approved leave (e.g., parental, medical) they
will retain their eligibility when they come back to work. Eligible Full Time
employees may be approved to go to Part Time status while retaining their
eligibility for a maximum of 2 months.
● Carry forward
○ Employees are encouraged to take time off regularly. The maximum PTO
balance that can be carried forward at any time is 80 hours. Once the
accrual limit has been met, additional hours will not continue to be accrued.
When an employee uses hours from the PTO balance and the balance is
below the accrual limit, the accrual will resume.
● “Borrowing” PTO
○ Eligible employees may borrow unearned PTO up to a maximum of 20
hours or more if approved by management.

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 24

○ Any negative PTO balance (i.e., borrowed unearned PTO) will be deducted
from a departing employee’s last paycheck.
● Earning PTO days:
○ 1st year: not eligible for PTO but eligible for PST.
○ 2nd year and after: eligible after 36 hours worked per week based on a
rolling 13 week average.
○ PTO earned (accrued) is computed based on the actual number of hours
worked. The PTO accrual rate is 4% for every hour worked (1 in 25 hours).
● Scheduling PTO
○ Request for planned PTO must be submitted to Management at least 6
weeks in advance for approval. Existing client bookings are a major
consideration in granting the request.
● Making up PTO
○ PTO time taken doesn’t need to be made up.

Unpaid Time Off

Unpaid time off requires management approval. Business conditions are considered
when choosing to grant or deny these requests. Unpaid time off must be made up within
2 weeks.

Request for time off from part time employees:

● Approval:
○ The request must be made 6 weeks in advance to make any adjustments
to client bookings.
○ If the requested time off period shows any client bookings, the request will
need to be modified to accommodate client bookings.
○ Time off during the November and December holiday season will be
granted by seniority and business needs. Manager discretion will be used
when granting time off to assure client needs are being met during this
busy season.
● Making up time
○ Service providers will be asked to make up time that is not taken as PTO.
○ Non-PTO approved time off should be made up within a 2 week period.
○ When making up time, the goal is to minimize impact on clients, i.e. making
time up during similar days/hours.

TEN is a strong proponent of continuous professional education. TEN offers multiple
in-house classes taught by our educational staff. We will also offer classes taught by

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 25

various external educators. There typically will be no fee for classes taught by TEN staff.
Time spent in training is unpaid time. When class time falls during your work schedule,
TEN expects you to make it up over a 2 week period or sooner. Service providers are
expected to take a minimum of 2 classes per year. Failure to show at a scheduled class
taught by an outside instructor will cause the employee to be charged the full tuition for
the class. Failure to show at a class taught by TEN staff could trigger a $50 no-show fee,
unless canceled one week prior to the event.


1. Adjustment to this policy may be made for TEN’s education team

2. Periodic United staff meetings are not considered to be “education” and are
mandatory. They are on paid time.
3. Stylists enrolled in the New Talent Programs are on paid time while attending
“basic” curriculum as defined by the educational staff.

TEN will usually host a holiday party for employees and their S.O. (Significant Other) near
the end/beginning of the calendar year. The party entrance fee and food are
compliments of TEN as a thank you for work throughout the year. The event may also
include items for purchase such as games, drinks, etc. People that sign up and don’t
attend cause wasted resources and may be charged $100 per person as a payroll

Employee Product Discounts

● Eligibility: immediately after employment begins.

● Retail Products: With the goal of every employee using and knowing retail
products first hand, TEN offers all employees a 40% discount on most retail products.
Employee discounts on some products may vary. These transactions are handled by
a Guest Services member. Guest Services purchases must be rung up by a manager.
● Back Bar products: They can be bought at cost, plus 20% to cover sales tax,
processing/shipping, and overhead. Employee Back Bar orders are processed once
a month. Payment in full must be submitted at time of order. These transactions are
handled by TEN bookkeeping.

Employee Services and VIP Services

A valuable benefit of working at TEN is to receive services at an employee rate and
provide services to close friends and family. These options are each detailed below.

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 26

Any mode of payment can be used at time of service, but full payment is required on the
day of the service. The purpose of this policy is because significant additional
administrative costs are triggered when an employee forgets to pay on the day of service
and will be assessed a $50 fee to cover those costs.

Employee Services
Received from an employee on the clock for an employee off the clock

Eligibility for Employee Services:

● At TEN for a minimum of one whole month, and

● Minimum average of 24 hours per week for eligibility with normal restrictions. If
working less than 24 hours per week, the maximum benefit will be 1 LMS or 1 ABS
per month, and 1 eyebrow wax or tint-and-wax every two months.

“LMS” (Last Minute Service)

● Booked only within 2 hours of start of service

● Must be booked and processed in SalonBiz
● Employee receiving the service is off the book and off the clock.
● Employee performing the service is within their scheduled shift, on the clock, and
in dress code
● Not available on Saturdays and Sundays
● Salon Services are 50% except for add-ons which are priced at specific employee
● Spa and MedSpa services have different discounts ranging from 10% to 50%
depending on the service. Please see the spa manager for the latest discounts.
● LMS must be approved by management.
● Exchange alternative:
○ If the booking situation allows for two stylists to receive an LMS from each
other, this can be done if approved by a manager as an exchange LMS.
○ Both stylists are blocked and off the clock. As usual this must be reflected
in timekeeping.

“ABS” (Advanced Booking Service)

● Booked in advance in SalonBiz just like a client

● Processed in SalonBiz after completion
● Employee receiving the service are off the book and off the clock.
● Employee performing the service is within their scheduled shift, on the clock, and
in dress code
● Not available on Saturdays and Sundays

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 27

● Salon Services are 50% except for add-ons which are priced at specific employee
● Spa and MedSpa services have different discounts ranging from 10% to 50%
depending on the service. Please see the spa manager for the latest discounts.
● Service providers cannot book/perform more than one employee ABS on any
given day. None on Saturdays and Sundays.
● Employee no-show or last-minute cancellation triggers a payroll deduction
equivalent to what a client would have paid for the service at no discount.
● An employee’s ABS can be bumped for the benefit of a client.

VIP Services
meant for Very Important People in an employee’s life

● Eligibility for service provider performing the service:

○ At TEN for one month, and
○ Tested out of training and/ or New Talent Program
● Booked in advance in SalonBiz just like a client
● Processed in SalonBiz after completion
● Employee performing the service is outside their scheduled shift and off the clock,
but still in dress code
● Service is subject to availability of physical space (stations/rooms)
● Maximum of four services per month per employee. No carry-over or accrual
● “VIP Charge” is the stated backbar cost of products used for the salon service
provided. For spa and medspa services, product charges are not in SalonBiz. See
management for the current VIP prices.


VIP Services are reserved for the small circle of Very Important People in your life. The
goal is to treat these family members and/or friends to a special service. VIP services
may not be used for existing clients at TEN. If a paying client at TEN is turned into a VIP
for employee benefit , disciplinary action may be pursued. Charging any VIP any amount
beyond the charge remitted to TEN is grounds for disciplinary action. It is a basic conflict
of interest.

Benefits can be modified or eliminated by TEN at any time under conditions of law.

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 28

Problem Resolution
The solution to most problems is often found through communication and patience.
Should there be an issue between two employees, first try to resolve it on your own. If
needed, please involve management or HR and we will make every reasonable effort to
assist in solving the problem. Do not leave issues unresolved.

Violation of Company Policy

Employees found to be in violation of company policy will be given official notice of the
infraction. All reasonable attempts to resolve the problem will be made to constructively
resolve the situation. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination,
may be taken.

Termination / “at-will” employment
Your employment with TEN is for no specific term and is at-will. This means that neither
you nor TEN has entered into a contract regarding the duration of your employment. You
are free to terminate your employment with TEN at any time, with or without reason or
notice. Likewise, TEN has the right to terminate your employment, or discipline, transfer,
or reassign you, with or without reason or notice, at the discretion of TEN.

Employees are strongly advised to familiarize themselves with those sections of the staff
manual that mention any risk of termination for non-adherence to a policy.

If an employee is terminated for a severe violation of policy, they will be escorted from
the premises immediately.

Leaving your previous job prior to joining TEN

If when receiving a job offer from TEN you are employed at another salon, TEN expects
you to: a) not procure any client information from your salon prior to leaving, b) not
contact any client prior to leaving (you may tell a client where you’re going IF they
specifically ask you), and c) give a one or two week notice with your prior employer as
appropriate. We respect other businesses and will always be ethical and expect our
team members do as well.

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 29

In addition, when leaving TEN, the same conditions are expected to be followed.
Specifically: a) not procure any client information from TEN prior to leaving, b) not
contact any client prior to leaving (you may tell a client where you’re going IF they
specifically ask you), and c) give a one or two week notice to TEN as appropriate. It is
unethical to not follow these expectations.

Sharing information with clients

Any client information is the property of TEN. Obtaining a client list by any means for the
purpose of recruiting their patronage is a breach of policy as well as a breach of ethics.
However, TEN believes in the client’s right to choose their service provider. If departing
on good terms, the service provider can share where they’re going with their clients
during their notice period.

Last payroll
As part of the normal processing of the last payroll, TEN will deduct all monies due such

● Amount due on employee advance

● Borrowed paid time off (not earned yet)
● Amount due on health or AFLAC insurance
● Any accrued but not yet paid fees
● All other lawful charges that may apply

Payroll may be withheld until employees with property of TEN have returned all items.
This includes electronic access and passwords.

Voluntary Termination of Your Employment

TEN will consider you to have voluntarily terminated your employment if you do any of
the following:

1. Resign from TEN, expressly or by implication;

2. Fail to return from an approved leave of absence on the date specified.
3. Fail to report to work or call in, or be absent from work without authorization.
4. Stay unduly out of reach from a communication standpoint without prior
5. Not have a valid license in the state of Colorado (for service providers).
Example: letting your license lapse.

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 30

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 31
TEN Employee Policies and Guidelines

● Initials:_____ I have read the policies outlined in this handbook. I understand that
while this is not an employment contract, I am bound to abide by the policies set
● Initials:_____ I further understand that TEN may modify, revise and update this
manual at any time. I am also aware that this updating may include additions or
● Initials:_____ I also certify that I have had ample time to discuss this handbook
and its contents with TEN representatives and I fully understand the contents.
● Initials:_____ With this knowledge I accept the policies outlined herein as a
condition of employment.

At-Will Employment
I understand that my employment is at will, meaning that the Company or I may end the
employment relationship at any time, with or without cause or notice. No one outside of
Management, has the authority to change my status as an at-will employee or to enter
into any contract of employment. Any contract of employment or enforceable promise
must be in writing and signed by both the Department Manager and the General
Manager; no oral statement can change my at-will status.

Employee Name [print]

_____________________________________ ________________________
Employee Signature Date

TEN Staff Handbook (ver 2024.02) | Page 32

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