Weld Fatigue2
Weld Fatigue2
Weld Fatigue2
Engineering Structures
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/engstruct
Keywords: Fatigue failure is one of the most encountered problems with dynamically loaded engineering structures. A
Fatigue crack initiation sophisticated assessment approach to tackle fatigue is the strain-life concept, which enables the consideration of
Life prediction many different aspects, such as mean stress effect, size effect, surface roughness, or net section yielding.
Strain-life Originally developed for base material, the present work aims to enable its reasonable application to welded
Cyclic loading
components. However, there are two significant problems. On the one hand, the strain-life approach does not
Laser scan technology
provide any recommendations on weld modeling, which means that the geometry of each assessed weld has to
be known. On the other hand, the majority of the available material properties correspond to base material.
Especially conventional approximation formulae, which relate strain-life fatigue parameters to more accessible
data, such as static properties or hardness measurements, predict poor results if applied to weld material. The
first issue is tackled by incorporating the real weld geometry into the assessment through 3D laser-scanning. The
latter is addressed by proposing fatigue properties for welded components. After showing that conventional
approximation methods do not accurately describe the fatigue behavior of weldments, thoughts on adjusting the
slope of the strain-life curve, based on comparison to other fatigue approaches and least-squares fitting using
experimental data, are presented. Additionally, recommendations are provided on the statistical size effect,
namely the highly stressed area and the Weibull exponent. By using the proposed parameters for the strain-life
concept, significant improvement in terms of prediction accuracy compared to conventional parameter esti-
mation methods was observed. The proposed model is able to explain more scatter of experimentally determined
fatigue lives than state-of-the-art stress-life fatigue models for welded components.
1. Introduction stresses is not possible or other essential prerequisites for the applica-
tion of standard methods are not fulfilled. Due to recent developments
Welding is a frequently used method to join different components of [2–4], the strain-life approach (also referred to as the local concept)
engineering structures. Especially in steel construction, welding is of may become more accepted by practitioners. Using this approach, ob-
high importance. In such assemblies or whole structures, proofing fa- served characteristics, such as plastic yielding and mean stress effects,
tigue strength is often design relevant. The issue of fatigue is based on a can be taken into account. In contrast to the stress-life concepts, where
complex procedure of damage evolving in the material due to the cyclic fatigue failure is defined as through-section cracking, the estimated
nature of the loading. This process of crack initiation on a micro scale cycles in the strain-life concept usually refer to crack initiation. Even
happens long before the crack becomes detectable by non-destructive though the local concept is not new, its application may seem chal-
testing methods or visual inspection. Due to this complicated damage lenging due to several different possibilities to consider mean stress
process, engineering approaches to ensure safe fatigue design depend effects, or to allow for plasticity. Besides, several material properties are
heavily on phenomenological assumptions and experimentally obtained required. For this very reason, it is appreciated that an enhanced ver-
data as well as safety considerations. sion of the strain-life concept is considered in a recent design guideline
More advanced design approaches exist, yet struggle to become [3], enabling design against fatigue for base material.
equally accepted compared to established concepts, such as the nominal The application of this fatigue approach to welded joints remains
stress, the hot-spot, or the notch stress concept [1]. Nevertheless, so- more challenging as this case is not covered in the recommendations
phisticated concepts are necessary if either the definition of nominal provided in [3]. In the area of a weld, material heterogeneity exists
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Niederwanger).
Received 24 July 2019; Received in revised form 6 October 2019; Accepted 7 October 2019
Available online 25 October 2019
0141-0296/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Niederwanger, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109774
resulting from the welding process. The material in the heat affected other words, while estimations in low cycle fatigue lead to significant
zone and the weld material itself show individual microstructures and, underprediction, overprediction for high cycle fatigue results was ob-
therefore, diverging material responses [5,6]. Besides their different served. This is an indicator that the slope of the strain-life curve is not
material properties, the spatial distribution of these zones may not be accurately represented by currently available material data sets.
known, and is, as a consequence, difficult to consider in computations. Therefore, a parameter fitting with experimental results of welded
An engineering approach to this issue is the fitting of free parameters components seems promising to improve the prediction accuracy of the
based on experimental data. concept. Consequently, the contribution at hand investigates the
Regarding the application of the strain-life approach, several adaptation of the strain-life approach to welded joints, especially em-
methods are available to determine the necessary cyclic material phasizing the determination of the fatigue strength exponent, the fa-
properties. Besides the experimental determination, other approaches tigue ductility exponent, and the Weibull exponent from fatigue test of
suggest the approximation of these values from more available prop- welded joints manufactured in S355 mild steel. While the use of the
erties or hardness measurements. Such relations have been fitted to local notch strain approach for the assessment of welded joints is not
existing data, and their validity and accuracy have been critically as- new, its application to scanned weld geometries in combination with
sessed [7,8]. In most of these approaches, e.g., [7,9–11], parameters incorporating support effects and deriving adjusted material parameters
describing the slope of the Wöhler-curve are set to constant values for a is a novelty to the best of the authors’ knowledge.
variety of different steel grades. Roessle and Fatemi [10] as well as After a brief discussion of the theory behind the strain-life concept,
Lopez and Fatemi [11] reported that no sufficient correlation was found the methods used in the present work are explained in Section 3. Sec-
between these parameters and measured hardness values. Un- tion 4 focuses on describing the proposed model, whereas Section 5
fortunately, these two parameters influence the estimated fatigue lives provides information about the different experiments used for the fit-
the most [12]. ting and evaluation process. Afterward, the results are presented in
The local notch strain approach is frequently used to investigate the Section 6, before conclusions are drawn and prospect for further re-
fatigue behavior of base material, for instance [9,13–18]. A modifica- search is given.
tion of the model, proposed by Jesus et al. [19], incorporating failure
probabilities has been recently applied to engineering problems 2. Theoretical background
Despite its widespread use for base material, the strain-life concept’s The strain-life equation consists of two parts. The first one, initially
application to welded components is much less common. One potential proposed by Basquin [36], describes the fatigue behavior of a material
reason for this is that it is challenging to incorporate the weld geometry in high cycle fatigue, where linear elastic material behavior is assumed.
since, unlike with other concepts, no recommendations regarding the Therefore, the relation links the applied elastic strain amplitude εae to
modeling of the weld exist. For the local notch stress approach, usually, the reversal to fatigue crack initiation 2N .
a fictitious notch radius is defined to enable the calculation of stresses
σ ′f
at the notch. By doing so, Neuber’s micro support theory [23] is auto- εae = (2N )b
E (1)
matically taken into account and, therefore, the effects of the stress
gradient considered [24]. For an in-depth discussion of the fictitious The parameters σ ′f and b are material dependent properties and la-
notch stress concept, the interested reader is referred to the literature beled the fatigue strength coefficient and the fatigue strength exponent,
[25], where an overview of recent developments in the field is pro- respectively. E is the modulus of elasticity. The second part of the ap-
vided. proach relates the reversals to crack initiation to the occurring plastic
As sophisticated as well as convenient the definition of a fictitious strain amplitude εpe and is known as the Coffin-Manson equation [37].
notch radius might be, the concept is not quite applicable to the local εap = ε′f (2N )c (2)
notch strain approach since the latter is based on the idea that the fa-
tigue behavior of an arbitrary notched specimen is identical to that of a The fatigue ductility coefficient ε′f and the fatigue ductility exponent
test specimen loaded under the same cyclic deformation [26]. If a fic- c are material parameters as well. By combining Eqs. (1) and (2), the
titious notch radius is applied, its value obviously influences the mag- strain-life relation in its basic form is obtained.
nitude of the stresses and strains at the notch. In the effective notch σ ′f
stress concept, the fatigue strength is simply adjusted depending on the εa = (2N )b + ε′f (2N )c
E (3)
radius used [27]. With the strain-life concept, however, this is not
possible as its reference is the fatigue behavior of a test specimen, at Another assumption of the strain-life approach is that the material
least theoretically. Therefore, the chosen radius has a significant impact behavior can be described by the stabilized cyclic stress-strain curve.
on the fatigue behavior. After initial hardening or softening, the stress-strain hysteresis loops are
Nevertheless, some works covering the application of the strain-life said to maintain steadily after some cycles [38]. If the peaks of these
approach to weldments exist. The origins can be traced back to Mattos stabilized hysteresis loops are connected for different load amplitudes,
and Lawrence [28]. Lawrence et al. [29] as well as Testin et al. [30] the cyclic stress-strain curve is obtained and is often expressed through
also assessed weld toes using the strain-life concept, assuming a worst- the Ramberg-Osgood [39] relation.
case notch stress concentration factor. Skorupa [31] predicted fatigue 1/ n′
σ σ
lives using stress concentration factors based on measured weld radii ε = εe + ε p = +⎛ ⎞
E ⎝ K′ ⎠ (4)
and misalignments. Years later, Saiprasertkit et al. [32,33] proposed to
determine effective notch strains at the weld using a notch radius of Masing behavior and memory effect are assumed to be valid. As
1 mm in combination with modeling the different material zones of the they are not detailly covered in the present work, the interested reader
weld and applying an elastic-plastic material law in the FE calculation. is, therefore, referred to the literature, e.g., [26,37].
They also derived approximation factors, which can be used to obtain Before solving Eq. (3), one needs to determine the elastic and plastic
the effective strain at the notch alternatively. strains and their amplitudes. This is either accomplished by using an
Previous research showed that the application of the strain-life elastic-plastic material law in the finite element (FE) model, or by
concept to welded components is feasible based on its theoretical calculating stresses according to the theory of linear elasticity followed
background. However, depending on the chosen material parameters, by a plasticity correction. The present work incorporates the latter
accurate predictions were achieved only for a specific range of cycles, option by utilizing Neuber’s rule [40], which assumes that the product
and substantial deviations were observed for other regions [34,35]. In of stresses and strains remains constant. The basic idea is expressed via
A. Niederwanger, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109774
1/ κ
Eq. (5). A
nst = ⎛ ref ⎞
⎜ ⎟ .
⎝ 90% ⎠ (8)
σ2K 2
σε = n t
E (5)
The reference area Aref is defined as 500 mm2, and the Weibull
The left side of the equation above represents the local (corrected) exponent κ is set to 30 for steel [2]. The parameter κ can also be esti-
notch stress and strain, while the right side indicates the elastically mated through the expected scatter Tσ according to Eq. (9), [49].
calculated ones. If an FE-calculation is used, the product of the nominal 1.34
net section stress σn and the elastic stress concentration factor Kt is κ=
log10 Tσ (9)
replaced by the stress value obtained from the finite element post
processing. The link between σ and ε is achieved through the Ramberg- The stress distribution in the nearfield of a notch also affects the
Osgood relation, Eq. (4). By doing so, the equation reduces to one un- fatigue life of a component. Whereas a slight stress gradient has a ne-
known variable. Solving Eq. (5) is an iterative task as the local stresses gative impact on fatigue behavior, steep ones are less harmful. Eq. (10)
cannot be expressed explicitly. attempts to describe these effects mathematically.
5 + Gσ
2.1. Mean stress correction nbm =
kbm (10)
The effects of mean stress on the fatigue behavior of a component The stress gradient at the notch Gσ is expressed in relative terms,
should not be neglected [41,42]. For welded constructions, mean stress which means that it represents the percentage stress decrease per length
independence is often assumed, yet the influence of mean stress is ob- unit. Eqs. (10) and (11) demand a dimension of (1/mm). The parameter
served as well, and, therefore, taken into account in the present work kbm is determined as follows.
[1]. Different methods to incorporate mean stress into the strain-life
approach exist. The contribution at hand, uses the energy-based ap- Su 7.5 + Gσ
proach by Smith, Watson, and Topper [43]. The authors of the concept kbm = 5 nst +
Su, bm 1 + 0.2 Gσ (11)
proposed that the product of the maximum stress σmax and the strain
amplitude εa governs fatigue crack initiation. Based on this assumption, The reference tensile strength Su, bm for steel is defined as 680 MPa.
Eq. (3) is, after some rearrangements, modified to According to [3], nbm cannot be <1, which means that the stress gra-
dient at the notch can only increase the estimated fatigue life, but not
σmax εa E = (σ ′f )2 (2N )2b + σf ′εf ′E (2N )b + c . (6) decrease it. The last part of Eq. (7) refers to the macro support theory,
but is implicitly considered in the local concept; hence, set to 1.
The left part of the equation above is labeled the Smith-Watson-
The support factor is incorporated into the assessment approach
Topper damage parameter (PSWT ).
through a shift of the PSWT -life curve. Mathematically, this is expressed
via Eq. (12).
2.2. Size effects
PSWT = np (σ ′f )2 (2N )2b + σ ′f ε′f E (2N )b + c (12)
A possible way to incorporate size effects into the assessment of
welded joints is the use of a highly stressed volume [44] or a highly
stressed weld length [45]. Muniz-Calvente et al. [46] recently showed
2.3. Material parameters
an alternative method, also based on Weibull’s weakest link model
[47], to incorporate size effects. In the present contribution, a different
One drawback of the strain-life approach might be the need of
approach, originally proposed by Liu and Zenner [48,49], incorporating
several material parameters, as opposed to most of the stress-life con-
the highly stressed area, is used since it is recommended in the guide-
cepts, which only requires two (three if the knee point of the Wöhler
lines [2,3].
curve at the fatigue limit is considered). These material properties can
According to [2], the support factor np is split into three parts that
either be determined through experimental testing or by using an es-
allow for different effects.
timation method. The literature provides various of these approxima-
np = nst nbm n vm (7) tion methods [7–9,56,57]. Park and Song [58] provide a comprehensive
overview and discusses prediction errors. Most of these approaches try
This relation was orginially developed for base material. As size
to link the cyclic material properties to static ones, as they are more
effects are reported to influence the fatigue lives of weldments too
easy to obtain. Others, e.g. [10,11,59], try to relate them to hardness
[50–52], it appears reasonable to include these effects into the present
measurements. The present work focuses on deriving material proper-
ties according to the Uniform Material Law (UML) [8,9] and the FKM-
The statistical support factor nst incorporates the size of the highly
method [56], as they are reported to have superior prediction ac-
stressed area around the notch. The larger the region of high stresses,
curacies compared to other concepts and only require static material
the greater the probability of crack initiation. The literature provides
parameters [2]. The approximation formulae of both methods are
different suggestions on how to measure the highly stressed region of a
shown in Table 1. Since the FKM-method does not provide re-
component [45,52–55]. We opted for the 90%-area as it is a tangible
commendations for K ′ and n′, they are determined using the following
measure, which is straightforward to interpret. Additionally, by setting
compatibility relations [26].
a percentage contribution limit instead of weighting the areas with
respect to the Weibull exponent κ , the determination of the highly
Table 1
stressed area was independent from any material properties. Thus, the Recommendations for strain-life parameter estimations. *for Su⩽633 MPa.
subsequent parameter optimization process could be decoupled from
σ ′f b ε′f c K′ n′
the FE-computation, which saved a significant amount of time and
(MPa) (–) (–) (–) (MPa) (–)
enabled a more detailed post-processing and parameter fitting. Ac-
cording to the definition, it involves all parts of the surface that are UML [9] 1.5Su −0.087 0.59 −0.58 1.65Su 0.15
within the 90% stress range of the maximum stress value [54]. The FKM [56] 3.1148(Su )0.987 −0.097 0.338* −0.52 – –
statistical part of the support factor follows to
A. Niederwanger, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109774
b σ ′f 3. Methodology
n′ = and K′ =
c (ε′f )n′ (13)
This section briefly describes some of the methods and measure-
ments used. For an in-depth discussion of these methods, literature
2.4. Alternative method recommendations are given in the respective subsections.
In addition to the described version of the strain-life approach, a 3.1. Root mean square error
modification of the concept, which recently established its way into the
design guideline [3], is investigated. The approach is based on the The sum of squared error (SSE) loss function is a commonly used
parameter PRAM , which is an enhancement of the Smith-Watson-Topper measure to compare the accuracy of different prediction models, or to
damage parameter that tries to incorporate mean stress effects more calculate residuals in parameter optimization methods [60]. The square
accurately [3]. The indices relate to the Research Association for Me- in Eq. (21) makes the measurement sensitive to outliers as the effect of
chanical Engineering. The standard strain-life equation is modified as large errors is over-proportional compared to small errors.
follows. n
SSE = ∑ (yi ̂ − yi )2
1/ d1 (21)
P RAM,Z ) if PRAM ⩾ PRAM,Z i=1
In the equation above, yi ̂ are the predicted values and yi the real
N= 1/ d2
⎪ ( P RAM
P RAM,Z ) if PRAM,Z ⩾ PRAM ⩾ PRAM,D (observed) ones. The root-mean-square error (RMSE) is obtained by
dividing the SSE by the number of predictions n and applying the
⎪∞ otherwise (14)
⎩ square-root [61]. The RMSE is more natural to interpret because it has
The fatigue strength is defined by the value of the damage para- the same dimension as the underlying data and represents an average
meter at 103 cycles. error.
PRAM,Z = np aP,Z (Su )bP,Z , (15) 1
RMSE = ∑ (yi ̂ − yi )2
n i=1 (22)
whereas no fatigue damage is expected beyond the fatigue limit
PRAM,D = np aP,D (Su )bP,D. The accuracies of different models predicting values of the same
dataset can be compared using RMSE. However, the comparison be-
Support effects are incorporated equivalent to the Smith-Watson- tween different sets of data is not possible as the measure is scale-de-
Topper approach using the parameter np according to Eq. (7). pendent [62].
The damage parameter PRAM is calculated using Eq. (17). Since fatigue assessment (and, therefore, the evaluation of the
model) ranges from a few cycles to a very high number of cycles, errors
(σa + kσm ) εa E if (σa + kσm) ⩾ 0
PRAM = ⎧ of equal magnitude (in terms of percent) in the latter region have a
⎩ 0 otherwise (17) significant impact on the RMSE, while those in the low cycle regime
only contribute marginally to its value. To address this issue, and also
The parameter k accounts for the material’s sensitivity to mean
because most fatigue material parameters are defined on a log10-log10
stress σm .
scale, we adapted Eq. (22) by applying the logarithm of base 10 to both
⎧ Mσ (Mσ + 2) if σm ⩾ 0 the estimated and the observed cycles.
( M
⎨ 3σ 3σ + 2 otherwise,
(18) 1
n 2
⎡log ⎛ yi ⎞̂ ⎤
RMSE = ∑ ( log10 yi ̂ − log10 yi )2 = ∑ ⎢ 10 ⎜ y ⎟ ⎥
n n ⎣ ⎝ i ⎠⎦ (23)
with i=1 i=1
Mσ = M Su + bM
1000 (19) 3.2. Mean absolute percentage error
Since this new method incorporates other (even more) material-
The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is another measure to
specific parameters than the original strain-life equation does, the
evaluate the accuracy of a model and is expressed via Eq. (24).
previously described approximation formulae (UML and FKM) are no
longer applicable. Therefore, the authors of the concept give re- 1 yi ̂ − yi
commendations based on heuristic determinations from a large number MAPE =
∑ yi
i=1 (24)
of experiments [3]. Table 2 presents the suggested values for steel.
The plasticity correction according to Neuber remains the same, but The division by the actual value yi scales the error measurement,
different values for the cyclic stress-strain curve are recommended. The allowing application and comparison across different data sets. Owing
respective suggestions for steel are shown in Table 2 and Eq. (20). to the missing power of two (compared to the RMSE), the MAPE is less
Values for the ultimate strength Su in Eqs. (19) and (20) are inserted in sensitive to outliers [62]. Furthermore, no subsequent modification is
MPa. required to apply it to fatigue models because the normalization to the
actual value equally weighs the percentage errors in low cycle and high
aσ (Su )bσ
K′ = cycle fatigue. However, this error measurement favors somewhat un-
(min(εlim; aε (Su )bε ))n ′ (20) derprediction as the maximum possible error is 100%, whereas the
maximum error for overprediction is not limited.
Table 2
Material parameters of the PRAM -method for steel, according to [3]. 3.2.1. Scattering bandwidth
aP,Z bP,Z aP,D bP,D d1 d2 aM The bandwidth (BW) of the scatter measures the difference between
20 MPa 0.587 0.82 MPa 0.92 −0.302 −0.197 0.35 the highest overprediction and the lowest underprediction in terms of
aσ aε ε lim
cycles to fatigue failure. If all values are over- or underpredicted, it
n′ bσ bε bM
0.187 3.1148 MPa 1033 0.897 −1.235 0.338 −0.1 represents the difference between the best and the worst approxima-
tion. Eq. (25) defines the bandwidth for the scattered values.
A. Niederwanger, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109774
entry of the data set. The Euclidian norm in Eq. (26) refers to least-
squares fitting. This is equivalent to the minimization of the RMSE as
the value n in Eq. (22) only scales the loss function and with regard to
the square root, the following applies to positive values.
∀ a, b ∈ +: a ⩽ b ⇔ a ⩽ b (27)
4. Proposed model
where Δσc is the fatigue resistance at 2e6 cycles (FAT class), Δσ is the
3.3. Nonlinear least-squares parameter fitting
applied stress range, and N represents the estimated cycles up to fatigue
crack initiation. Concerning the strain-life approach, the Basquin-rela-
The determination of material properties can be achieved using
tion is primarily determining the fatigue resistance in high cycle fatigue
parameter fitting algorithms and experimental data. In the case of the
and is expressed via Eq. (1).
strain-life concept, which represents a nonlinear relation between the
The slopes of the curves, which are illustrated in Fig. 2, are ex-
input and output parameters, we used an iterative method that focuses
pressed differently for the strain-life and the stress-life approach. By
on minimizing an error residual.
applying the logarithm to Eqs. (1) and (28), and taking the derivatives,
min ||f (x )||22 with fi (x ) = yi ̂ − yi the slopes are comparable.
x (26)
∂ log10 (Δσ ) 1
In the equation above, x represents the vector of input parameters =−
∂ log10 (N ) m (29)
and f (·) the errors between predicted and observed values for each
Fig. 2. Different definitions of the slopes of the stress-life curve (a) and strain-life curve (b).
A. Niederwanger, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109774
A. Niederwanger, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109774
Fig. 4. Overview of the three test series, including specimen geometry and experimental set-up. Red circles indicate the fatigue critical areas. (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
A. Niederwanger, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109774
Table 3
Details of experiments and specimens. *Loads were applied as forces in the FE
models; these values represent nominal stresses, calculated assuming an idea-
lized specimen geometry. †Values estimated from Brinell Hardness measure-
ments of the base material according to [10].
Specimen Stress Range* Stress Ratio Cycles E Su
No. (MPa) (–) (–) (GPa) (MPa)
A. Niederwanger, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109774
Fig. 6. Mesh and stress distribution (a) at the example of specimen S03-3. Comparison of highly loaded areas with 90% (b) and 80% (c) stress contribution limit.
Images show the fatigue critical area of the submodel used in the FE calculation.
computing time.
Fatigue lives were calculated using the formulae presented in
Section 2. Mean stress effects were taken into account through the
Smith-Watson-Topper damage parameter, and support effects were in-
corporated by determining both the highly stressed area and the stress
gradient in order to calculate the support factor np . Material properties
were chosen according to the Uniform Material Law (UML), the FKM-
method, the PRAM approach, and the model proposed in the present
work. The numerical results, including the comparison to experiments
and a statistical evaluation according to the metrics discussed in Section
3, are presented in Section 6.
In this section, fatigue estimations, according to the previously de- UML 0.658 65.6% 22.0
scribed procedure, are compared with experimentally determined cy- FKM 0.716 68.8% 18.9
cles. Fig. 7 and Table 5 show the results for three sets of material PRAM 0.517 52.8% 20.8
parameters. All three yield to similar estimation errors, with the PRAM Proposed* 1.896 98.6% 5.1
method providing the best results. It is also seen that the error (distance Proposed, A90% 0.205 45.0% 6.2
to the 45°-line) varies significantly depending on the number of cycles. Proposed, A80% 0.195 40.5% 5.8
Regarding the proposed model, so far, only the fatigue strength ex-
ponent b has been modified. Its scatter bandwidth of 5.1 opposed to the
previous values. The least-squares optimization algorithm yielded va-
other values of 22.0, 18.9, and 20.8 for UML, FKM, and PRAM, re-
lues of c = −0.344 and κ = 18.85 for the 90% highly stressed area. If a
spectively, is promising for fatigue results. However, the first stage of
stress contribution limit of 80% was used ( A80% ), the values for c and κ
the proposed model (just adapting b) leads to significant under-
resulted in −0.338 and 15.43, respectively. The determined value of κ
prediction for all the investigated specimens as seen in Fig. 7.
is in accordance with estimations from statistical analyses of the ex-
The goal is, therefore, to take advantage of the model’s narrow
periments. The Weibull exponents, derived separately from experi-
scatter band and shift it upwards in order to reach an overall good
mental one-parameter Wöhler curves for each of the investigated series,
prediction accuracy. The approach chosen was to optimize the fatigue
are 24.4, 12.1, and 9.6.
ductility exponent c, as well as the Weibull exponent κ to find a
In order to avoid the risk of finding local minima, the optimization
minimum of the RMSE. The rest of the parameters were kept at their
A. Niederwanger, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109774
process was performed with different starting values for c and κ , all
leading to the same final values. Compared to the first stage of the
proposed model, where only the fatigue strength exponent b was ad-
justed, the scatter bandwidth slightly increased to values of 6.2 ( A90% )
and 5.8 ( A80% ), but both the RMSE and the MAPE improved sig-
nificantly as seen in Table 5. The prediction accuracy of the proposed
model is additionally illustrated in Fig. 8. Regarding the highly stressed
Fig. 9. Influence of the amount of experimental data used in the least-squares
area, a contribution limit of 80% leads to superior prediction accuracy
parameter optimization on the resulting fatigue ductility exponent (a) and the
in terms of RMSE, MAPE, and scatter bandwidth, compared to a value Weibull exponent (b). Boxplots illustrate the range of values, the 25%- and
of 90%. 75%-quantiles, and the Median.
To test the sensitivity of the parameter fitting process, we split the
available data into training sets containing different numbers of ex-
Table 6
periments. For each training set, the fatigue ductility exponent and the
Proposed strain-life material properties for welded components.
Weibull exponent were determined. The fluctuations and deviations in
the resulting values of c and κ are presented in Fig. 9a in the form of σ ′f b ε′f c K′ n′ κ
boxplots. A complete variation, including all possible combinations of (MPa) (–) (–) (–) (MPa) (–) (–)
A. Niederwanger, et al. Engineering Structures 201 (2019) 109774
Table 7
Scatter measurements in terms of cycles and applied load (expressed as applied
• Therefore, the present work focused on determining suitable mate-
rial properties that lead to an increase in prediction accuracy re-
force range ΔF , notch stress range Δσ , or the damage parameter corrected by garding the assessment of weldments. The fatigue strength exponent
the support factor PSWT / np ) of different models and experimental series. *not was derived from stress-life concept considerations, whereas the
applicable due to different specimens and set-ups. fatigue ductility exponent resulted from least-squares optimization
Series Experiment Notch stress Proposed with experimental results. The proposed values are b = −0.20 and c
y-axis – ΔF Δσ PSWT/ np = −0.34.
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