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Unit: One

Life Science Science
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Unit: One
Lessons KinderScience Units
1-5 Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Introduction: Introduction:
Unit Big Idea: Students will Objective: Recognize objects and Objective: Recognize objects and
listen and explore to identify organisms as living and non-living. organisms as living and non-living.
the needs of living things.
On chart paper, build a “T” chart for Students will respond with “living” or
Week Theme: Plants living and non-living. Ask students to “nonliving” after each prompt:
give you examples to fill in the chart. Fish, house, toy, tree, pizza, horse
Main Text: Living and Science Lesson: Science Lesson:
Nonliving (Included)
Day One Objective: Students Day Two Objective: Students
Science Skill Focus: will ask and answer questions will identify and label the parts
Purpose/Question about living and non-living of a plant.
things as they listen to the
Vocabulary: living, nonliving, shared reading. 1. Lead students in a
experiment discussion about the parts
1. Read “Living and Nonliving” of a plant.
NGSS Standard(s): K-LS1 From
included book. Stop at 2. Use the provided plant
Molecules to Organisms: labeling printable to label
each “stop and ask” to
Structures and Processes: Use the parts of a plant with the
assess students’ learning.
observations to describe class. (Print either the color or
Encourage students to
patterns of what plants and black and white version.
answer and reflect on each
animals (including humans) Tape together creating one
question through thinking
need to survive. large plant. Print the label
aloud, turn and talks, and
calling on individual cards. Affix the plant to your
Essential Questions:
whiteboard. Then, allow
*How do you know that students.
students to come forward
something is living? 2. Refer back to your chart
and help you label the parts.
and give students an
*What do plants need to live opportunity to add to it.
and grow? How do you
know? Experiment/Activity: Experiment/Activity:
*Today we are setting up our bean
Week “I can statements”: experiment so that the beans have time 1. Bring a carnation (or like
* I can identify living and to grow.
plant) to the carpet. Lead
non-living things. the class in dissecting the
1. Introduce purpose/question as the first
step in the scientific method. Then carnation. Show the petals,
*I can state the needs and pose this question: “What does a leaves, stem, and roots.
parts of a plant. plant need in order to live?” 2. Introduce the motions and
2. Gather 12 beans, 3 Ziploc bags, a cup
of water, paper towels, and tape.
words of the flower song.
Needed Materials: 3. In one bag place 3 beans and a dry 3. Sing the flower song and let
• Beans (dried) paper towel. In the other two bags, students “teach” their
• Ziploc Bags place 3 beans and a wet paper partners.
• Celery towel.
4. Place one wet bag in a closet or
• Carnation other dark place. Tape the other two
• Food Coloring bags to a window.
• Cups (Class Set)
• Seeds Independent Practice: Independent Practice:
• Soil “Sort it Out” Cut and paste the “Label it!” Label the parts of a
• Included Printables pictures to show living and non- plant.

Directions: Cut and paste to sort the pictures.

Living Non-Living

Lesson 6 sort cards.
Lesson 9 quiz and trade cards.

living ©KinderScience


nonliving ©KinderScience

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