Whereto Animals

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Kindergarten Life Science

Living/Nonliving, Plants, and

UBD Stage 1
Establish Goals:
Kindergarden MN Science Standard
4 Life Science observe and compare plants and animals Identify the external parts of a variety of plants and animals
including humans. Differentiate between living and nonliving things. Observe a natural system or its model, and identify living and
components in that system.

What understandings are desired?

Students will understand that . . . . . . . . . .

 Goal topic: plants and animals
1. Difference between living and nonliving
2. Parts of a plant
3. Parts of an animal
4. Classification and comparing of plants and animals.

What essential questions will be considered?

 How are animals and plants interconnected?

 What would happen if there were no plants?
 Why are there different types of animals and plants?
What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Studnets will know. . . . . . Students will be able to . . . . . . . .

 Life cycles of plants  Name the parts of plants
 Living and nonliving things  Construct a plant or animal diagram
 Plant parts from parts that they are given.
 Plant types  Identify living and nonliving things
 Animal parts  Classify animals and plants
 Animal types  Classification of plants according to
 What is the natural system or their characteristics.
environment  Classification of animals according
to their characteristics.
UBD Stage 2
Collection of Assessment Evidence
Performance tasks:

 Planting Seeds: Students will plant a seed in a cup and record observations they
see in the growth of the seed. Students will be responsible for putting their plant
in the window and watering it.
 Head to Toe: Students will work in pairs and draw a life size picture of them.
Students will then label the part of the body and present it to the class.

Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, prompts, work samples, observations)

 Quiz on living and nonliving things

 Prompts on determining methods of categorizing animals.
 Work samples: worksheets, and journal pictures and labeling
 Observations on “planting seeds”

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

 Students will self- assess on “Planting Seeds”

 Students will self-assess on “Head to Toe”
 Students will reflect on characteristics on “What would happen if there were no
plants in the world?”
Students will be introduced to the unit by group discussion and bulletin board made from our brainstorming
sessions. At the beginning of a new segment of learning, we will make a new bulletin board to form T-charts and discuss
essential questions for each segment. A short letter to parents to explain the unit and types of projects their children will be

Students will be engage in books that relate to each segment. Students will create projects to promote learning and
understanding through different facets.

Student will go on a nature walk and to Quarry Hill and after will discuss what we observed with our eyes, ears, hands,
and nose. We will discuss essential question and as a group determine how those questions affect us.

Students will reflect their ideas and concerns about questions in journal, group discussions, and graphic organizers
done as a whole group. Students will be given feedback throughout the unit though self-assessments on the Alien performance
task, and did my plant grow? project.

Student will exhibit their understanding through the performance tasks and through weekly Test/Quizzes. I will
check for understanding through a thumb up and thumb down during lessons and additional work samples.

For students who are having difficulty with concepts of the lesson additional prompts when needed. Extensions
and more in-depth work will be available for those students who are at a higher level of learning.

Unit Schedule
Day 1

 Introduce the unit and briefly describe the assignments.

 Send home a letter to the parents describing the unit.
 Teacher will introduce Living and Nonliving things and as a group complete a
T-chart on Living and Nonliving things.

Day 2

 Lesson plan on Living and Nonliving things this will help students
differentiate between living and nonliving things. Students will learn what it
means to be living and sort living and nonliving into categories.

Day 3

 We will review day 2’s lesson and as a group do a smart board lesson on living
and nonliving things.
 Living and Nonliving Classification things worksheet as a whole class

Day 4

 Read book Living and Nonliving by Carol Lindeen .

 Students will journal on a What living plants do we eat?

Day 5

 Introduce the life cycle of plants and what they need to grow and survive.
Read the book

 Learn new song “A seed needs”

 Students will plant their own plant and record what it looked like and if they
watered it.

Day 6

 Quiz on living and nonliving things.

 Show and Tell on favorite Living and Nonliving thing
Day 7

 Introduction the different parts of the plant and their function. Read the
book The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
 Students will put together the parts of the plant given pieces.

Day 8

 T-chart Plant similarities and differences in plants

 Matching game worksheet of plants Basic plant parts

Day 9

 Introduce plants and flowers found in Minnesota and sort them intro classify
them according to flowers and plants.
 Student reflection

Day 10

 Worksheet Growing Seeds

 Record plant observations and discuss the results
 Make a chart on the growth of plants as whole class.

Day 11

 Test/Quiz on Plant parts and life cycle

 The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle

Day 12

 Read book What Do You Do with a Tail Like This? By Steven Jenkins and Robin
 Students will journal on ideal animal with specific parts given to by the teacher.
 Present to the class your ideal animal.

Day 13

 Read Animals Grow New Parts by Elanine Pascoe and Dwight Kuhn
 Journal on ideal animal and why?
Day 14

 Read book Animal Grow New Parts by Elanine Pascoe, and Dwight Kuhn
 Review classification and characteristics of animals
 Matching game with partners

Day 15

 Students will learn about characteristic of animals and classify according to them.
 Students will work in pair on Alien creature.

 Students will record the growth of their plants.

 Discuss and graph the results as a whole class.

Day 16

 Quiz on Animal parts


Day 17

 Read book Living and Nonliving by Angela Royston.

 Review what makes something Living and Nonliving.
 Make a chart on things that are living and Nonliving
 Walk through the school and outside and with our eyes, ears, and nose observe all
the living and nonliving
 Discuss as a class all the things we observed with our eyes, ears, and nose.

Day 18

 Aquarium
 Identify the Living and nonliving parts
 Chart our findings as a class

Day 19

 Field trip to Quarry Hill

 As a list of all the objects, we saw at Quarry Hill.
 Put them into a sort the objects into categories

Day 20

 Students will design an ecosystem from parts given to them and students will work
in groups of four.
 Record the growth of plant and discuss as a class what has happened.
 Graph the results
 Assessment on plant growth
1 2 3 4 5
Group T-Chart Lesson Plan on Smartboard Group discussion Lesson Plan on
Of Living and Living and Lesson on Living things Plant Growth
Nonliving things Nonliving & Living and nonliving plants we eat and and planting
& video worksheet “ L&NL Classification Journal our seeds
things” worksheet

6 7 8 9 10
Test/Quiz on Lesson Plan on T-chart on Discussion on MN Record Plant
Living and Plant Parts differences on local flowers and growth and
Nonliving Things Plant Differences have picture prediction
& Show and Tell and worksheet examples worksheet
matching game Student Reflection Growing Seeds

11 12 13 14 15
Test/Quiz on Plant Lesson Plan on Journal on your Lesson Plan on Performance Task
parts and life cycle Animal parts with ideal animal and characteristics of “Alien” & present
Compare and why? animals & color to class
contrast group and cut matching Record growth on
worksheet game with partner plant

16 17 18 19 20
Test/Quiz on Lesson Plan Aquarium Field Trip to Group Activity
Animals Review Living and Identify Living and Quarry Hill design and
Nonliving Nonliving worksheet t-chart environment for you
& Nature Walk components Living and animal (Day 13) in
nonliving Journal
Resource List

1. Living and Nonliving worksheet

2. Classify Living and Nonliving worksheet
3. Crayons
4. Markers
5. Glue
6. Living and nonliving pictures
7. Living/Nonliving Quiz/Test
8. Living and Nonliving by Carol K Lindeen
9. Living and Nonliving by Angela Royston
10. Seeds
11. 8-16oz cups
12. Planting soil
13. Watering cans
14. Pictures of local MN flowers
15. Worksheet for plant growth
16. Test/quiz on Plant growth and life cycle
17. Compare and contrast worksheet
18. Journal notebooks
19. Scissors
20. Sheet on body parts
21. Roll of paper for Alien performance task
22. Video on Living and nonliving things (multimediaEducationTown.com) or youtube.com
23. The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
24. A seed needs song
25. Parts of a Plant
26. Self –Assessment Plant
27. A sunflower seed needs worksheet
28. Plant pictures
29. Plant parts
30. Celery
31. Food coloring
32. Parts of a plant worksheet
33. What do you do with a tail like this? By Steven Jenkins and Robin Page
34. Animal pictures
35. Poster board
36. Animal parts song
37. Animal parts matching game
38. Camera
39. White boards with markers
40. Permission slips for Quarry Hill
41. The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle
42. Animals Grow New Parts by Elanine Pascoe and Dwight Kuhn
Reference List

1. www.HaveFunTeaching.com
2. Science for Ohio web page
3. www.firstschoolyears.com/science/resources/games/ourselves/living/living.htm
4. Colorodo writing project
5. http://worksheetplace.com
6. www.abcteach.com
7. www.kidsparkz.com
8. www.toolsforeducators.com
9. www.lessonplant.com
10. www.atozteacherstuff.com
11. www.amphi.com
Key for Quizzes/Test

#1 Circle the nonliving things


#2 Plant Life Sequence

1. Plant seed
2. Water seed
3. Plant grows

Label Parts

1. Stem
2. Flower
3. Leaf
4. Root

# 3 Animal Parts circle

1. Legs, nose face, tail, head, eyes, mouth, ears

Circle the nonliving things



Circle the parts this animal has.

Legs Noes Face Wings

Tail Hair Head

Eyes Mouth Ears


Draw animal with the following parts

tail ears


Name ______________________________________________

Put the life cycle of the plant in order 1 2 3



Name ______________________________________________

Day Draw picture of Did you water your

plant plant


Lesson Title: Living and Nonliving Date: Day 2

Teacher’s Name: Jennifer Kling

Grade level: K

Materials needed for the lesson:

 “Living and Nonliving”
 “Classifying Living and Nonliving chart
 “What do I see outdoors & indoors living and nonliving chart”
 Crayons
 Glue
 Pictures of objects found in your classroom and outside on playground

What is the lesson objective?

 The student will develop criteria for living and nonliving
 Classify things according to that criteria

Standards/benchmarks addressed:
 Differentiate between living and nonliving things.

Anticipatory Set:
 Make a graphic organizer and have student name living and nonliving things
and write down on the board.
 Brainstorm on what makes something living or nonliving
Teaching/Instructional Process:
 read “Living and Nonliving” by Carol K. Lindeen
 Book questions
o What do living things have in common?
o What are characteristics of nonliving things?
o What makes something living or nonliving?
 As a class have children name object to determine if it is Living and nonliving on
worksheet given

Guided practice and monitoring:

 Nonliving and Living practice sort
 Walk around to monitor students and prompt when needed

 Review what makes something living and nonliving

Independent Practice:
 Living and Nonliving Sort worksheet
What plants do we EAT?
Lesson Title: Planting My Seed Date: Day 6

Teacher’s Name: Jennifer Kling

Grade level: K

Materials needed for the lesson:

 From Seed to Dandelion

 Differ types of flowers and plants

 Water

 Soil

 Digital camera

 Computer

 Worksheet A sunflower seed grows

What is the lesson objective?

 The learner will understand that plants have life cycles
 The learner will observe the changes in the life cycle
 The learner will able to place in the correct order the sequence the different
growth stages of a plant.

Standards/benchmarks addressed:
MN Life Science

Anticipatory Set:
 Learn song “A seed needs”

Teaching/Instructional Process:

 Read the book From Seed to Dandelion

o “How do you think these plants or flowers got here?”
o “How quick did they get here?”
o “How long did it take them to grow this size?”
o “What do they need to grow?”
o “What would happen if plants don’t get what they need to grow?”
 Discuss the different stages of the cycle of a plant
o Seed, seed sprouts, roots, stem, leaves and flowers

Guided practice and monitoring:

 Plant the seeds in a cup and soil
 Every other day students will water and record it on their sheet
 As a group review the different stages of the life cycle on the board.
 Will take pictures each week to record growth

 Review the life cycle in the book
 Essential for plant survival

Independent Practice:
 Worksheet on plant cycle
Lesson Title: Plant parts Date: Day 7

Teacher’s Name: Jennifer Kling

Grade level: K

Materials needed for the lesson:

 Plant parts

 Glue

 Live plants

 Celery

 Food coloring

 “The Tiny Seed” by Eric Carle

 Markers

 Plant pictures

What is the lesson objective?

The student will be able to name and construct a plant given parts with 100% accuracy.

Standards/benchmarks addressed:
 Indenify the external parts of a variety of plants and animals
including humans.

Anticipatory Set:
(“The Hook” -- something to excite the student about the subject matter)
 Read the book “The Tiny Seed” by Eric Carle
 Display different types of plants
Teaching/Instructional Process:
(Input, modeling, and checking for understanding)
 Introduce the vocabulary with words and pictures and relate back to “The Tiny
o Stem
o Root
o Flower
o leaf
 Introduce different plants that are in the class
 Explain parts and function on those plants
 Explain the differences between the different plants
 Celery experiment
o Have children hypnotize of what will happen to the celery went put into
the colored water
o Review the next day what happen and why

Guided practice and monitoring:

 Students will be given all the parts of the plant
 Students will color the parts
 Student will construct the plant and glue to paper
 Teacher will monitor students and prompt when needed

 Review the parts of the plants and their functions

Independent Practice:
 Bring in different pictures of plants to put on our bulletin board and review the
different parts.
Student Reflection Journal

1. What would happen if there were no plants in the world? Draw a

picture of what the world would look like.
My Garden

This is my garden, I'll plant it with care,

Here are the seeds I'll plant in there,
The sun will shine,
The rain will fall,
The seeds will sprout and grow up tall.

A Seed Needs

To the tune of "Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay"

I see you are a seed,

Tell me what do you need,
I need some soil to grow,
And then the sun to glow,
Water to make me wet,
Air for my leaves to get,
Space for my roots to spread,
Now I'm a plant.

Iram Khan


I took a little seed one day

About a month ago.
I put it in a pot of dirt,
In hopes that it would grow.

I poured a little water

To make the soil right.
I set the pot upon the sill,
Where the sun would give it light.

I checked the pot most every day,

And turned it once or twice.
With a little care and water
I helped it grow so nice.

Dick Wilmes
The Little Plant

In the heart of a seed,

Buried deep so deep,
A tiny plant
Lay fast asleep.
"Wake," said the sunshine,
"And creep to the light."
"Wake," said the voice
Of the raindrops bright.
The little plant heard
And it rose to see,
What the wonderful,
Outside world might be.

Little Brown Seeds

Little brown seeds so small and round,

Are sleeping quietly under ground.
Down come the raindrops
sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle.
Out comes the rainbow,
twinkle, twinkle, twinkle.
Little brown seeds way down below,
Up through the earth they grow, grow, grow.
Little green leaves come one by one.
They hold up their heads and look at the sun.

Package of Seeds

They can't see their pictures,

they can't read the label --
the seeds in a package --
so how are they able
to know if they're daisies
or green for the table?

It sounds like a fancy,

it sounds like a fable,
but you do the sowing,
the weeding, the hoeing,
and they'll do the knowing
of how to be growing.

Aileen Fisher

Five Little Seeds

Five little seeds,

Five little seeds.
Three will make flowers,
And two will make weeds.

Under the leaves,

And under the snow,
Five little seeds are
Waiting to grow.

Out comes the sun,

Down comes a shower.
And up come the three,
Pretty pink flowers.

Out comes the sun,

That every plant needs,
And up come two,
Funny old weeds.

Five Little Peas

Five little peas in a pea-pod pressed,

One grew , two grew, and so did all the rest;
They grew...and grew...and did not stop,
Until one day the pod went...POP!

Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow

Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow,
Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow,
Do you, I, or anyone know how
Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow?

First the farmer sows his seed,

Then he stands and takes his ease,
He stamps his feet,
And claps his hands,
And turns around to view his land.


Walking with a partner,

Walking with a partner,
Make a ring, oh make a ring,
Oh, while we happily dance and sing.

Then the farmer waters the ground,

Watches the sunshine all around,
He stamps his feet,
And claps his hands,
And turns around to view his land.



A little seed for me to sow

A little earth to make it grow
A little hole, a little pat,
A little wish, and that is that,
A little sun, a little shower.
A little while -
And then, a flower!

I'm a Little Seed

(to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot")

I'm a little seed,

Brown and fat,
I haven't got a front,
And I haven't got a back.
Plant me in the earth,
Give me water each day,
I'll grow to be an apple tree,
While you play!

I dig a hole and plant a seed,

Cover it with dirt, and pull a weed.
Down comes the rain, and out comes the sun,
Up grows my plant,
Oh! What fun!

What Makes a Garden Grow, Grow, Grow

What makes a garden grow, grow, grow?

(Measure from floor with hand at three levels)
Lots of work with a rake and hoe,
(Pretend to rake and hoe)
Seeds gently planted in a row --
(pretend to plant seeds with thumb and index finger together)
That makes a garden grow, grow, grow.
(Measure from floor with hand at three levels)
What brings the seedlings up from the ground?
(With palms up, close to floor, measure at three levels)
Rain from the sky coming down, down,
(Raise hands high and flutter fingers down, down, down)
Bright yellow sunbeams shining round.
(Make arms into big circle overhead)
Help bring the seedlings up from the ground.
(With palms up, close to floor measure at three levels.)

Patricia Elizabeth Garner

The Gardener Plants the Seeds

(can be sung to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell)

The gardener plants the seeds.

The gardener plants the seeds.
High ho the derry oh,
The gardener plants the seeds.
2nd verse: The rain falls on the ground.
3rd verse: The sun shines bright and warm.
4th verse: The seeds begin to grow.
5th verse: Flowers grow everywhere.

I Will Plant a Garden

(to the tune of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm")

I will plant a garden green,

Then I'll watch it grow.
I'll dig some holes here in the dirt,
In a nice straight row.
With a dig-dig here,
And a dig-dig there,
Here a dig, there a dig,
Everywhere a dig-dig,
I will plant a garden green,
Then I'll watch it grow.

I will plant a garden green,

Then I'll watch it grow.
In the hole I'll drop a seed,
Then each seed I'll sow.
With a drop-drop here,
And a drop-drop there,
Here a drop, there a drop,
Everywhere a drop-drop,
I will plant a garden green,
Then I'll watch it grow.

I will plant a garden green,

Then I'll watch it grow.
I'll water each plant one by one,
They'll sprout up in a row.
With a squirt-squirt here,
And a squirt-squirt there,
Here a squirt, there a squirt,
Everywhere a squirt-squirt,
I will plant a garden green,
Then I'll watch it grow.


Seeds are funny, funny things,

Some have stickers
Some have wings
Some are big
Some are small
Some round and flat
Some like a ball.
Some are hidden inside of fruit
Some in pods or underground roots.
Some seeds are foods
And good to eat,
Like corn or beans
Or nuts for a treat.

A Daffodil

A little yellow cup,

A little yellow frill,
A little yellow star,
And that's a daffodil.


Sunflower, sunflower, standing straight and tall,

Sunflower, sunflower, you're the tallest flower of them all!
Sunflower, sunflower, when your seeds fall to the ground,
Sunflower, sunflower, by the squirrels they'll be found!
Lesson Title: Animal Parts Date: Day 12

Teacher’s Name: Jennifer Kling

Grade level: K

Materials needed for the lesson:

 What Do You Do with a Tail Like This? By Steven Jenkins and Robin Page

 Animal pictures

 Poster board

 Markers & crayons

 Scissors

 glue

What is the lesson objective?

 Students will classify animals according to four legs, two legs, and wings onto a
chart with 85% accacury.

Standards/benchmarks addressed:
Mn Life Science
Classification of animal and humans according to parts.

Anticipatory Set:
Teach “Animal Parts” song
Teaching/Instructional Process:
 Ask the children “How do we get around from one place to another?”
 Explain that animals use their different parts for different reasons.
o Move
o Protection
o Eat
o Home

Guided practice and monitoring:

 As a class name 10-15 animals
 Classify them into categories of 2 legs, 4 legs, and wings

 Go through the book again and name the different parts and its function for the
 Sing the song as a whole class.

Independent Practice:
 In groups, classify pictures on to a chart with 2 legs, 4 legs and wings and
present to class.

Animal Parts Song

Animal, animal groups
Play together, stay together
Animal, animal groups
Form a fine bunch, munch together at lunch.

Ants crawl in a Colony.

Bees buzz in a Swarm
Clams burrow in Bed to keep themselves warm.
Chicks cling to a Clutch.
Rabbits get Down.
Monkeys tumble in a Troop.
See ‘em clown around.
Geese go in a Gaggle
Gorillas bring a Band
But what’s a bunch of birds with their heads in the sand?
From January to December, they are a member of a Group.

Leopards look before they Leap.

Lions purr in a Pride.
Fish go to School as they swim in the tide.
Whales pick a Pod.
Wolves howl in a Pack.
Ducks do a Paddling. Quack, quack, quack, quack
Sheep bring forth a Flock.
Elks get a Gang
But what’s a bunch of dinosaurs who just wanna hang?
From Juraissic to Cretaceous, they were bodacious as a Group.

Horses have you Herd?

Hens lay a Brood.
Swans bring a Bevy if they’re in the mood.
Kangaroos rule in a Mob.
Oxen crack a Yoke.
Quails croon to a lovey dovey Covey. It’s no joke.
Lobsters fall for a Line.
Rhinos come in a Crash!!!!
But what’s a bunch of snails who run the 100-yard dash?
Dynamo! Bravissimo!
All I know is they go SLOW! In a Group!
New Human Species

Performance Task

MN Standard:

Description: Students will trace their body in life-size form of a new species of human
and will label parts as given to them by the teacher. Students will have to color and add
detail to make it as real as possible.

Direct instruction for the whole class:

 Students will be given the chance to make a new species of human

 Student need to as creative
 Needs to be at least 5 parts labeled
 picture and correct labels will be given to each group
 Need to be colored

Group work

Students will be put into groups of three by the teacher.

Individual work:

Students will be assessed on:

 Group behavior
 Contribution
 Knowledge of product

New Species


 12-15 parts
 8 parts labeled  Added great
 5 labeled parts  Colored staying in detail
 Colored the lines  Colored
 Less than 3  Less than 2 staying in the
mistakes mistakes lines
 Student  Student  Less than 2
participation participation mistakes
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5  Student
1 2 3 4 5

*Note student participation low (onlooker) 1 --------- high( contributing) 5

Lesson Title: Explore My World Date:

Teacher’s Name: Jennifer Kling

Grade level:

Materials needed for the lesson:

 Worksheet How do I classify my world?

 How do I observe my World?

 Living and Nonliving by Angela Royston

 Pencils

 Markers

 White boards w/markers

 Pictures of objects in nature walk

What is the lesson objective?

Students will be able to classify living and nonliving things in a given ecosystem with
less than two prompts.

Standards/benchmarks addressed:
MN Life Science Standard Observe a natural system or its model, and identify living and
nonliving component in that systems.

Anticipatory Set:
 read Living and Nonliving by Angela Royston
Teaching/Instructional Process:
 review what makes something living and nonliving
 set rules of the nature walk
 remind children to use their senses to look for different things
 prompt children who are having difficulty

Guided practice and monitoring:

 as a group list all the things we saw outside on the board w/pictures
 Classify those objects into living and nonliving

 Review what makes something living
 Review our classification

Independent Practice:
 Complete worksheet with pictures “How do I observe my world”

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