Iso 10604 1993

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First edition

Road vehicles - Measurement equipment

for orientation of headlamp luminous
V6hicules routiers - gquipement de mesure de /‘orientation des
faisceaux lumineux 6mis par /es proecteurs

ISO 10604:1993

Reference number
IS0 10604:1993(E)
IS0 10604:1993(E)


IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide

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of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
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Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
International Standard IS0 (
10604 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Sub-Committee SC 8, Lighting and signaling.
ISO 10604:1993
Annex A of this International
Standard is for information only.

0 IS0 1993
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland


Road vehicles - Measurement equipment for

orientation of headlamp luminous beams

1 Scope IS0 1176: 1990, Road vehicles - Masses - Vocabu-

lary and codes.
This International Standard specifies the dimensional,
mechanical and optical quality criteria for equipment
to measure or to verify the orientation of the luminous 3 Definitions
beams emitted by the headlamps installed on road
motor vehicles excluding mopeds and motorcycles. For the purposes of this International Standard, the
following definitions apply.
The equipment also allows evaluation of the quality
of the luminous beams by visual means. Quality cri- test area floor: Delimited area on which the
teria for photometric devices are given in clause 12,
vehicles are placed to measure or to verify the orien-
and enable a more objective evaluation to be carried
tation of the luminous beams emitted by their head-
out. lamps.
ISO 10604:1993
This International Standard lays down the require-
ments for
3.2 reference plane: Plane characterizing the test
area floor.
a) the floor on which the vehicles are placed;
3.3 vehicle direction: Direction parallel to the refer-
b) the vehicle preparation; ence plane and to the median longitudinal plane of the
vehicle standing on the test area floor.
c) equipment using a distant screen;
3.4 headlamp: Lighting device able to emit at least
d) optical equipment with installation and operating a main beam, a dipped beam or a front fog beam but
instructions; with a single aiming even if different beams can be
e) photometric devices (see clause 12).
3.5 beam axis: Reference axis according to beam
pattern requirements.

NOTE 1 In the case of reciprocally incorporated lamps,

the beam axes of the beams emitted by the same headlamp
may be different.
2 Normative reference
3.6 aiming screen: Screen on which the headlamp
The following standard contains provisions which, beam pattern can be observed.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this International Standard. At the time of publi- 3.7 optical block: Device focussing the headlamp
cation, the edition indicated was valid. All standards beam on an aiming screen and allowing a vertical
are subject to revision, and parties to agreements displacement of the aiming screen or of the beam
based on this International Standard are encouraged image, calibrated on an inclination scale.
to investigate the possibility of applying the most re-
cent edition of the standard indicated below. Mem- 3.8 optical apparatus: Optical block mounted on a
bers of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently frame allowing positioning and alignment of the op-
valid International Standards. tical block in front of the headlamp.
IS0 10604:1993(E)

3.9 screen reference point: Intersecting point on a) maximum distance between the tracks 0,9 m
the aiming screen of a light ray parallel to the vehicle
direction originating from the lens centre of the b) minimum overall width:
headlamp under test, in the reference position in the - for passenger cars 2m
case of an optical apparatus. - for any motor vehicle 2,3 m
c) minimum length
3.10 reference position of optical apparatus:
Position of the optical block and of the inclination - for passenger cars 4m
scale so that the reference point on the aiming screen - for any motor vehicle 8,5 m
represents the vehicle direction.
However, in the case of equipment intended exclus-
3.11 inclination: Tangent, expressed in per cent of ively for checking one type or certain types of defined
the up- or downward angle with regard to the vehicle vehicles, the dimensions of the rolling tracks may be
direction? limited to the useful zones for this type(s) of vehicle.

3.12 lateral deviation: Tangent, expressed in per 4.3 The rolling tracks shall be sufficiently level in
cent of the lateral angle with regard to the vehicle di- order not to deviate from the reference plane*) by
rection. l) more than the following tolerances (see figure 2):

- over a length of 2 m, the floor may not be lower

than 4 mm under the reference plane,
4 Test area floor
- beyond 2 m, the floor has to be situated between
4.1 The test area floor is composed of two rolling two limiting planes opening out in the form of a
tracks which are clearly indicated on the floor. wedge with gradients of 2 mm/m.

In the case of use for symmetrical three-wheeled ve- PREVIEW
The slope of the reference plane (longitudinally
as laterally) may not exceed 1 %.
hicles, the test area floor will need a central rolling
as well

track for the third wheel. (

4.4 The rigidity of the rolling tracks shall be suf-
ficient to ensure that they stay within the tolerances
4.2 The rolling track minimum dimensions shall be ISO 10604:1993
when the heaviest vehicles are placed on the test
as follows (see figure 1):
area floor.
Dimensions in metres

0,9 max. 8,5 min.
(4 min. for cars)


Figure 1 - Test area floor dimensions

I) Inclinations and lateral deviations of light rays emitted by a headlamp can be measured directly on the aiming screen with
regard to the reference point: for example, at 10 m in front of the headlamp, 1 % corresponds to a distance of 0,l m on the
2) The reference plane can, for example, be made of straight sections of 2 m placed on the first part of the rolling tracks and
adjusted to have the same slope. The tolerance of 4 mm can thus be checked easily by 4 mm gauges.

IS0 10604:1993(E)

Reference plane

1 % max.

Horizontal plane

2 mm/mu L 1 % max.

Figure 2 - Test area floor tolerances

5 Vehicle preparation Drive the vehicle on to the test area floor and bring it
gently to a halt on the headlamp checking point with
the steering in the straight ahead position.
5.1 Unload the vehicle and fill the fuel tank to attain
the complete vehicle kerb mass as specified in
IS0 1176.
Distant aiming screen

Except for semi-trailers,

disconnect any trailer.
6.1 A wall or panel approximately perpendicular,
within + 5”, to the rolling tracks may be used as an
Remove any excessive accumulation of mud, ISO snow10604:1993aiming screen, provided that it satisfies the following
or ice which could affect
the vehicle attitude.
Check that the headlamps are clean and dry. a) The reflectivity shall be sufficient and the ambient
lighting low enough to be able to observe the lu-
Seat a driver of approximately 75 kg on the driver’s minous beams on the screen clearly.
b) The distance in front of the headlamp shall be at
Check the tyres and inflate them to the pressure pre- least 7,5 m, the most practical distance being
scribed by the vehicle manufacturer for normal driving 10 m because a 1 % inclination then corresponds
conditions on the road. to 0,l m on the screen.
For vehicles in public or commercial use that have
cargo that is generally located in the vehicle when cl The screen height shall be at least I,5 m and its
width at least 3 m for a fixed screen at 10 m;
driven, the vehicle should be left with this cargo in its
normal location in the vehicle. movable screens can be smaller but at least
0,6 m by I,8 m.

5.2 Bring vehicles with pneumatic suspension and 6.2 Clearly indicate either the intersection with the
seat corrector to the normal road position. reference plane or a line parallel to. it with the indi-
cation of its height above the reference plane on the
Set any levelling device to the “0’‘-position. aiming screen (see figure 3).
IS0 10604:1993(E)

6.3 For each vehicle placed on the test area floor, 6.4 Draw two vertical lines symmetrically on the
draw the intersection with the median longitudinal screen, the distance between them being equal to the
plane on the aiming screen. distance between the lens centres of the headlamps
to be measured.
The marking of the median longitudinal plane on the
aiming screen can be done by indicating the inter- The heights of the lens centres above the reference .
secting points of two symmetrical axes of vision and plane marked on these vertical lines above the refer-
by drawing this line in the middle between them. It is ence plane indicate the screen reference points.
necessary to check whether the references on the
vehicle body used for the vision are still symmetrical 6.5 Draw the characteristic lines of the beam pat-
and have not moved as a result of collisions or repairs. terns to be verified or measured with reference to
If the references are based on the wheels, these shall these reference points, taking into account the incli-
be equipped with tyres of the same make and type, nation prescriptions for these luminous beams.
and the same degree of wear per axle.
6.6 If a movable screen is used, follow a similar
procedure in order to align the reference point in the
correct position for each headlamp.

longitudinal plane


Reference plane
ISO 10604:1993

Figure 3 - Alignment on distant aiming screen

7 Optical apparatus 8.3 Relative vertical displacement of the beam im-
ages on the screen shall be possible at least for beam
axis inclinations between 0,5 % upwards and 2 %
7.1 The apparatus shall be of robust construction downwards. Calibration on an inclination scale allow-
and the materials used shall withstand wear and cor- ing a reading to the nearest 0,l % shall be possible.
rosion to ensure that correct functioning is not im-
8.4 The reference position of the inclination scale
shall correspond either
7.2 The apparatus shall be easy to handle.
a) to the zero of the scale (the scale thus indicating
7.3 An alignment device shall enable the optical the beam axis aiming inclinations), or
block to be oriented laterally to the median longitudi-
nal plane of a vehicle. b) to the value 1 % downwards on the scale (the
scale thus indicating the aiming inclinations for the
This alignment may be possible either cut-off of European dipped beams).

a) on the vehicle body; or

8.5 The zero of the inclination scale shall be adjust-
b) on the vehicle wheels. able. It shall be impossible to change this adjustment
without tools.

7.4 A centring aid shall allow the optical block to be

centred easily in front of the headlamps. 8.6 The optica block shall be provided with a device
which indicates any error in its vertical alignment ex-
ceeding 0,2 %. This device shall be adjusted during
7.5 Vertical displacement of the optical block with a the installation of the apparatus according to the
simple, strong device shall be possible, to allow the longitudinal slop 3 of the reference plane, after which
measurement of headlamps
situated between
0,25 m and 1,2 m above the reference plane. This
it is sealed.

condition is considered to be met if the optical centre
can be positioned between 0,275 m and 1,I 75 m 9 Test apparatus
above the reference plane.
ISO 10604:1993
However, in the case of equipment intended exclus- 9.1 The apparatus for the tests comprises the fol-
ively for checking one type or certain types of631c327d4112/iso-10604-1993
defined lowing.
vehicles, the upward stroke of the optical block may
be limited to the useful zones for this type(s) of ve- 9.1.1 Slab, horizontal to less than the nearest
hicle. 0,02 %, to be used as a support for the optical ap-
7.6 During this vertical displacement, the change in
the alignment of the optical block in relation to that 9.1.2 Projection equipment, whose lens centre is
at 0,75 m above the reference plane shall not deviate situated 0,75 m above the slab and 0,8 m from the
by more than 0,2 % in inclination and 0,3 % laterally. optics of the optical apparatus: this equipment can
project, through its lens diaphragm 15 mm in diam-
7.7 The apparatus shall be provided with the eter, a grid of orthogonal straight lines equidistant by
necessary adjusting devices to compensate for the values corresponding to 1 % - its axis, representing
effect of any wear on the inclination. It shall be im- the vehicle direction, being projected horizontally to
possible to change this adjustment without tools. less than the nearest 0,02 %.

9.1.3 Horizontal straight line, at the vertical of the

8 Optical block projection equipment lens approximately at the same
height on the slab and perpendicular to the axis of the
8.1 The diaphragm of the optics shall be larger than projected grid.
an area delimited by a circle 220 mm in diameter and
two horizontal lines 120 mm apart, symmetrical to the 9.2 Install the apparatus to be tested, calibrated for
circle centre. a horizontal reference plane, on the slab (9.1 .l) ac-
cording to the manufacturer’s instructions so that its
8.2 The aiming screen shall have indications of the optic is 0,8 m in front of the projection equipment
reference point and the characteristic lines of the lens (9.1.2). Centre the optical block on the projection
beam patterns necessary for aiming. These charac- equipment and align laterally on the perpendicular
teristic lines are positioned with regard to the beam straight line (9.1.3) with the aid of the apparatus
axis which is represented by the reference point. alignment device.

IS0 10604:1993(E)

9.3 Set the projection equipment to obtain an image

a < 0.2q
which is as clear as possible in. the axis of the pro-
jected grid on the apparatus screen. This adjustment
shall correspond to focussing at a distance of at least
10 m.
c) the equidistance errors between the projected grid
9.4 The image on the apparatus screen shall at least lines are limited so that in accordance with the in-
include a central rectangle delimited by deviations of dications in figure 4:
9 % to left and right and inclinations 3 % above and
below the grid axis. In natural daylight without direct 6,8 < + < 7,2
sunlight, the haze of the grid lines over the whole of
this area shall be limited so that an inclination variation 2,9 < + < 3,l
of 0,l % of the image on the screen is easy to per-
9.7 The errors of the characteristic position lines on
the screen shall not exceed 0,l % lateral deviation or
9.5 The alignment accuracy of the grid axis with re- inclination.
gard to the reference point on the apparatus screen
shall be such that: 10 Apparatus installation
a) the error in lateral deviation does not exceed
10.1 The apparatus platform or suspension shall al-
0,3 %,
low the optical block to be placed in front of all the
headlamps of any road vehicle placed on the test area
b) the error in inclination does not exceed 0,2 % over
floor in such a way that its optics are not further than
the inclination scale interval between 0,5 % up-
0,9 m from the test area floor as shown in figure 1.
wards .and 2 % downwards from the reference
10.2 This platform or suspension shall be such that

9.6 The:-quality
of the image in the central rectangle
during the displacement of the apparatus, the vertical
alignment of the optical block does not vary by more
delimited by deviations of 7 % to left and right and by than 0,2 % inclination from its mean value over the
inclinations 3 % above and below the grid axis shall
ISO 10604:1993
whole useful zone 2 m or 2,3 m wide (see 10.4).
be such that:
10.3 In the case of transverse guiding of the appar-
a) the haze of the grid lines is negligible; atus, allowing lateral alignment by one single oper-
ation for all the headlamps of a vehicle, the alteration
b) the curvature of the sides of this rectangle is Iim- of this lateral alignment shall not exceed 0,3 % devi-
ited, in accordance with the indications in figure4, ation over the whole useful zone 2 m or 2,3 m wide
to: (see 10.4) .

Figure 4 - Grid deformation

IS0 10604:1993(E)

10.4 However, in the case of equipment intended 12 Optical apparatus with photometric
exclusively for checking one type or certain types of
defined vehicles, the range of horizontal movement devices
of the apparatus given in 10.2 and 10.3 may be limited
to the useful zones for this type(s) of vehicle. ‘12.1 Beam axis photometry

12.1.1 If photometric devices are incorporated in an

optical apparatus, one of them at least shall allow
11 Installation and operating measurement of the luminous intensity in the beam
instructions for apparatus axis (of main beams).

12.1.2 This device shall be calibrated in kilocandelas

up to at least 125 kcd, or in equivalent lux at 25 m up
to at least 200 lx.
11.1 Each unit of apparatus shall be accompanied NOTE 2 The measurement results will therefore be ap-
by a technical booklet which gives the installation and proximately the same as measurements made in a
operating instructions. darkroom.

12.1.3 Calibration shall be verified using a lamp the

11.2 The installation instructions shall include at diameter of which does not exceed 120 mm and
least the text of clause 4 with figures 1 and 2 and the which emits white light with a colour temperature
conditions, in order to satisfy the requirements of between 2 800 K and 2 900 K.
7.6, 10.2 and 10.3.
The relative error between 10 kcd and 112,5 kcd, or
between 16 lx and 180 lx at 25 m, shall not exceed
15 %.
11.3 The operating instructions shall also include at
least the text of clause 5 and the conditions, in order
12.2 Beam photometry
to satisfy the requirements of 9.5a): (
a) in the case of 7.3a), even if the vehicle body is 12.2.1 If the optical apparatus is equipped with sev-
inclined laterally by more than 1 %; ISO 10604:1993
eral photometric devices for measuring or comparing
luminous intensities in different directions, in order to
b) in the case of 7.3 b), even if the vehicle wheels are assess the orientation and the quality of the luminous
offset by more than 3 mm in the longitudinal beams, their relative sensitivities shall not differ by
sense. more than 10 % in the useful ranges according to the
photometric prescriptions for these luminous beams.

11.4 The operating instructions shall further indicate 12.2.2 The sensitivity variation of these photometric
the significance of the markings on the inclination devices with the entry location on the optics shall be
scale and the aiming screen. verified using a pinpoint light source placed success-

11.5 If the apparatus includes photometric devices, - in front of the optical centre,
the technical booklet shall explain at least their func-
- 70 mm to left and to right of this centre,
tion and their correspondence to the photometric
prescriptions of the different headlamp beams.
- 50 mm above and below this centre.
For each photometric device, the weakest of the five
responses shall be at least 80 % of the strongest.

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