Iso 9141 1989

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First edition

Road vehicles - Diagnostic systems -

Requirements for interchange of digital

routiers - Syst&mes de diagnostic - Caractkristiques de I'kchange de
donnees numeriques

ISO 9141:1989

Reference number
IS0 9141 : 1989 (E)
I S 0 9141 : 1989 (E)


Foreword ............................. ............................... iii

Introduction .................................... ..................... iv

1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Normative references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

3 Definitions ................................................
4 General configurations ......................... ...
5 Signal and communication specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ISO 9141:1989
6 serial communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Initialization of the ECU prior to

7 Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a787d6f21e02/iso-9141-1989
...................... 6

8 Requirements of the diagnostic tester ....

9 Requirements of the ECU.. .................... .................... 10

10 Requirements of the wiring ........................................... 12

O I S 0 1989
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writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 O CH-1211 Genhve 20 O Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
I S 0 9141 : 1989 (E)

IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the I S 0 Council. They are approved in accordance with I S 0 procedures requiring a t
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard IS0 9141 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22,
Road vehicles. ISO 9141:1989

I S 0 9141 : 1989 (E)

This International Standard has been established with a view to specifying the
following desirable features for the diagnosis of electronically controlled on-board
systems :

1) determination of the electrical requirements of a diagnostic system so that

diagnostic equipment having at least minimum functional capability as specified
herein will be compatible with any on-board diagnostic system designed in
accordance with these specifications;

2) limitation of the number of contacts on electronically controlled systems for

unidirectional and bidirectional diagnostic communication;
3) transmission of identifying information, as well as operational status
information including actual values of parameter and required values.

The diagnostic communication is expected to fulfil one or more of the following aims:
ISO 9141:1989
a) to determine if a system is
functioning correctly;
b) to carry out an inspection;

c) to locate deviations from specification and achieve economic repair;

d) to confirm a system has been restored to correct operation;

e) to reset or adjust system operating values in an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) in

strict accordance with the vehicle manufacturer's instructions;

f) to give recorded information related to service activities.

This may be accomplished by way of one or more of the following:

a) identification of the components in a system;

b) output of diagnostic information from an ECU;

c) examination of a wide range of sensor and operating parameter values;

d) carrying out specific actions;

e) changes in data held in the ECU in strict accordance with the vehicle
manufacturer's instructions.


Road vehicles - Diagnostic systems - Requirements for

interchange of digital information

1 Scope 3.5 system : Assemblage of components performing a

specific function, for example an assemblage of an ECU with its
This International Standard specifies the requirements for set- associated sensors, actuators and interconnections.
ting up the interchange of digital information between on-
board Electronic Control Units (ECUs) of road vehicles and 3.6 ECU : Abbreviation of Electronic Control Unit.
suitable diagnostic testers. This communication is established
in order to facilitate inspection, test diagnosis and adjustment
of vehicles, systems and ECUs. 3.7 bus: One or more conductors connecting two or more
ECUs together with the puipose of communicating with the
This International Standard does not apply when system- test equipment .
specific diagnostic test equipment is used.
3.8 NRZ: Abbreviation of Non-Return-to Zero - a method
of representing binary signals in which there is no change of
This International Standard does not apply to the use of
flashing code techniques.
signal levels between two successive bits of the same logic
2 Normative references 3.9 baud rate: Number of binary elements of information
transmitted per second on one line.
ISO 9141:1989
The following standards contain
provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International 3.10 LSB: Abbreviation of Least Significant Bit.
Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this InternationalStandard are encouraged
3.11 MSB: Abbreviation of Most Significant Bit.
to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC 3.12 initialization: Process to activate an ECU for starting
and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International communication.
3.13 key words: Identifier of a set of specifications for the
IS0 4092 : 1988, Road vehicles - Diagnostic systems for subsequent serial communication.
motor vehicles - Vocabulary.
This set of specifications defines:
ISOITR 7637-0: 1984, Road vehicles - Electrical interference
by conduction and coupling - Part O: Generaland definitions. - the specific function of each communication line;

- the format of the digital information such as the

protocol, number and meaning of each of the words
3 Definitions exchanged;and

For the purposes of this International Standard, the following - if a redefinition is desired, the format of data such as
definitions apply. baud rate, data coding, word length.

3.1 inspection: See IS0 4092. 3.14 header: First group of serial data transmitted to the
diagnostic tester after initialization (if required) before further
data exchange commences.
3.2 test: See I S 0 4092.
The header consists of
3.3 diagnosis: See I S 0 4092. - baud rate synchronization pattern;

3.4 diagnostic tester: See I S 0 4092. - key words.

This non-built-in equipment may be used in the vehicle. 3.15 bit time: Duration of one unit of information.

I S 0 9141 : 1989 (E)

4 General configurations - a logic "O" is equivalent to a voltage level on the line of

less than 20 % VB for transmitter, 30 % for receiver;
4.1 ECU shall have one ( K I or two (K and L) communication
connections for inspection, test and diagnosis. Vehicle battery - a logic "1" is equivalent to a voltage level on the line of
voltage VBand common return G to the diagnostic tester shall greater than 80 % V Bfor transmitter, 70 % for receiver.
be provided either from the ECU or from the vehicle. If lines K
or L from two or more ECUs are connected together, the re- In addition, the slope times shall be less than 10 % of the
sulting system is called a bus system. bit time. The slope times are defined as the time taken for
the voltage to change from 20 % to 80 %, and 80 % to
Line K is defined as the line which provides information in a
20 % VBfor transmitters.
serial digital form from ECU to the diagnostic tester. Line K may
also be used bidirectionally, in which case it may carry com-
mands or data from the diagnostic tester to the ECU. Line K In the case of NRZ-code the bit time is defined as half of the
may also be used to initialize the serial communication. time between the 50 % levels of successive rising or falling
edges of alternating "1" and "O" bits.
Line L is defined as a unidirectional line from the diagnostic
tester to the ECU. When it exists, it may be used to initialize the Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the worst case on signal levels.
serial communication and/or to carry commands and/or data.
For electrical specifications of diagnostic testers, see 8.5 and of
It can be seen from the above, in that the communication on
ECUs, see 9.2.
line K may be unidirectional or bidirectional, and that line L may
or may not exist, that only the four following configurations
may be used: 5.1.2 For present economic reasons the baud rate shall be
limited to 10 kbaud and will be revised as technical and
1) bidirectional line K with unidirectional line L;
economic factors allow. The minimum baud rate shall be
2) unidirectional line K with unidirectional line L; 10 baud.
3) bidirectional line K without line L;
The transmission speed of the address (see 8.31, if used, shall

4) unidirectional line K without line L.

be 5 baud.

Other initialization may be used, as an alternative to using theISO 9141:1989

K- and L-lines, in any of these cases.
5.2 Communication
ECUs using any of the above configurations and whicha787d6f21e02/iso-9141-1989
do not 5.2.1 The schematics used are shown in figure 5.
run free may have their like communication lines linked on a
5.2.2 The capacitance contributions of the diagnostic tester
Figure 1 shows the various possible system configurations in- and cables, CTE, shall not exceed 2 nF.
dicating the role of each of the communication lines K and L.
The sum of the input capacitances of all ECUs (CE,-u) on the
4.2 If any ECUs, either of one type or in combination, are bus, the capacitance of the on-board serial communication
linked on a bus, the system designer shall ensure that the con- line, CoBw, the capacitance of the diagnostic tester and its
figuration is capable of correct operation. For example, data cables, CTE, and the baud rate, BR (NRZ-code), shall be
from one ECU shall not initialize the serial cornmunication of chosen such that the following inequality holds :
another ECU on the bus and an initialization signal shall not
cause more than one ECU to respond simultaneously; it may, 10-4
however, initialize a number of ECUs on the bus which then BR <
respond in an orderly sequential manner.

If lines K and L are used for purposes other than inspection, i= 1

test and diagnosis, care shall be taken to avoid data collision
and incorrect operation in all modes. The value, BR, shall be divided by 2 for 24 V systems.
Figure 2 shows the possible bus connections of the various
If this calculation results in a baud rate greater than 10 kbaud,
types of ECUs including different means of initialization.
reference shall be made to 5.1.2.

5 Signal and communication specifications As an example, a bus system can be chosen as follows:

5.1 Signal n = 5 (number of ECUs)

5.1.1 For proper operation of the serial communication, both CEcu = 2 nF

ECU and diagnostic tester shall correctly determine each logic Then BR < 6,6 kbaud
state as follows : CoBw = 3 nF

IS0 9141 : 1989 (E)

1 p-y Free-running diagnostic line

2 TA, Initialization

3 Data and commands


4 I ECU 7-L Data

Data, commands and initialization

Data, commands and initialization

5 iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW by Initialization

a switch

ISO 9141:1989
6 Initialization
Data and commands

7 pqq jlDataData, commands and initialization

Diagnostic bus lines

Data and commands

Initialization only

%Diagnostic bus lines



The arrow indicates direction of data flow

The switch indicates initialization

Figure 1 - Possible system configurations

I S 0 9141 : 1989 (E)

K-line Diagnostic tester


Address 5 baud I Address



Manual control
for actuating



4 Direction of data flow on the K-line for diagnosis


Direction of data flow initialization command included from diagnostic tester to ECU either on the
K- or L-line
E (
Means external initialization

ECU solution Nos. 1 and 2: ISO 9141:1989

When these types
are connected on a bus, particular means of comparing signals between lines K and Lare
necessary in order to avoid unintendeda787d6f21e02/iso-9141-1989

ECU solution Nos. 3 and 4:

These types cannot be connected on a diagnostic bus unless separate wake-up lines exist or specific means
prevent unintended initialization of any ECU by the exchange of data.

Figure 2 - Bus system of various types of ECU

Diagnostic tester VB
Data flow


Logic 1"
1 I Logic "1"
- î --- received


20 O/O
Logic "O"
sent received

t [ Ground I

Figure 3 - Signal voltage levels, data flow from the diagnostic tester to ECU : worst-case values

I S 0 9141 : 1989 (El

"B Data flow
- Diagnostic tester

Logic "1"
I 100% t -------- - - - - - - - - - _ _ Logic "1"

I Maiains I I

Logic "O" 4 Logic "O"
sent received

Figure 4 - Signai voltage levels, data flow from ECU t o the diagnostic tester: worst-case values

Vehicle (clause 9) Diagnostic tester (clause 8)


-1, I (
ISO 9141:1989

Figure 5 - Communication - Schematics

6 Initialization of the ECU prior to serial distinguish it from the maximum logic "O" duration of
corn munication the 5 baud address and the minimum period of ground-
ing by wire;
For those ECUs which require initialization in order to com- b) a 5 baud address code which shall comprise a one-
municate with the diagnostic tester, this initialization may be byte word constructed as the key word on lines K and L
achieved by one of the following: simultaneously, or on line K or L;
- through specific external means other than line K or NOTE - The ECU may recognize an intialization signal on line
line L (e.g. a configuration of sensors, push-buttons or turn- K, or L, or both.
ing the ignition key to "on"); - through a ground connection applied to lines K andlor
- through an initialization signal output from the L for a duration greater than 2 s.
diagnostic tester which may be one of the following : These choices are shown in figure 6.

a) a logic "O" of duration 1,8s f 0,Ol s on lines K and L Alternatively, the communication may be free-running (not
simultaneously, or on line K or L; this time is chosen to requiring initialization).

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