Australian/New Zealand Standard: Underground Mining-Shaft Equipment Part 4: Conveyances For Vertical Shafts
Australian/New Zealand Standard: Underground Mining-Shaft Equipment Part 4: Conveyances For Vertical Shafts
Australian/New Zealand Standard: Underground Mining-Shaft Equipment Part 4: Conveyances For Vertical Shafts
AS/NZS 3785.4
Originated as AS 3785.4—1992.
Jointly revised and designated as AS/NZS 3785.4:2002.
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© Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the
Jointly published by Standards Australia International Ltd, GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001
and Standards New Zealand, Private Bag 2439, Wellington 6020
ISBN 0 7337 4665 9
AS/NZS 3785.4:2002 2
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Committee ME-018, Mining Equipment, to supersede AS 3785.4—1992.
The objective of this Standard is to provide requirements for the safe design and
manufacture of conveyances for vertical mine shafts.
This Standard is Part 4 in a series of Standards on shaft equipment for underground mines
as follows:
3785 Underground mining—Shaft equipment
3785.1 Part 1: Drum winding overwind safety catch systems
3785.2 Part 2: Friction winding arresting systems
3785.3 Part 3: Drum winding gripper systems
3785.5 Part 5: Headframes
3785.6 Part 6: Guides and rubbing ropes for conveyances
3785.7 Part 7: Sheaves
3785.8 Part 8: Personnel conveyances in other than vertical shafts
3785.4 Part 4: Conveyances for vertical shafts (this Standard)
This edition includes the following technical changes from the previous edition:
(a) In Clause 3.2, the definition for ‘attachments’ has been amended.
(b) The definitions for ‘design rope break load’ and ‘rope break force’ have been deleted.
(c) The formula in Item 6.2.1(a) has been amended, and references to design rope break
load have been deleted.
(d) Clause 6.3 has been amended.
(e) Item 7.1(k) has been included.
(f) Clause 10.4 has been amended and redrafted.
(g) Clause 11(a) has been modified.
(h) Items 11(b)(iii), 12(f) and 12(g) have been included.
(i) Item (f) of Appendix A has been included.
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The term ‘informative’ has been used in this Standard to define the application of the
appendix to which it applies. An ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and
3 AS/NZS 3785.4:2002
1 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................ 4
2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS .................................................................................. 4
3 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................ 5
4 RATING ..................................................................................................................... 6
5 MATERIALS.............................................................................................................. 6
6 STRUCTURAL........................................................................................................... 6
7 COMPONENTS.......................................................................................................... 8
8 CONVEYANCE GUIDING ASSEMBLIES ............................................................. 10
9 WELDING ................................................................................................................ 10
10 INSPECTION AND TESTING ................................................................................. 11
11 TEST CERTIFICATE ............................................................................................... 12
12 MARKING................................................................................................................ 12
This Standard specifies requirements for conveyances used in vertical-shaft mine-winding
installations, including fixtures on the conveyance, but not suspension pins for connecting
head rope, tail rope attachments or gripper assemblies.
NOTE: Information that should be provided by the purchaser and supplier are given in
Appendices A and B respectively.
The following documents are referred to in this Standard:
1654 ISO system of limits and fits
1654.2 Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts
1657 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders—Design, construction and
1710 Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic testing of carbon and low alloy steel plate—Test
methods and quality classification
3637 Underground mining—Winding suspension equipment
3637.1 Part 1: General requirements
3637.2 Part 2: Detaching hooks
3637.3 Part 3: Rope cappings
3637.4 Part 4: Drawbars and connecting links
3637.5 Part 5: Rope swivels and swivel hooks
3637.6 Part 6: Shackles and chains
3670 Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic testing of universal beams and columns
3785 Underground mining—Shaft equipment
This is a free 6 page sample. Access the full version online.
AS/NZS 3785.4:2002 Underground mining - Shaft equipment -
Conveyances for vertical shafts
This is a free 6 page sample. Access the full version online.
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