Exploring Figurative Language in The Kite Runner N

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JOLLT Journal of Languages and Language Teaching October 2023. Vol.11, No.

https://e-journal.undikma.ac.id/index.php/jollt p-ISSN: 2338-0810
Email: [email protected] e-ISSN: 2621-1378
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33394/jollt.v%vi%i.7867 pp. 786-797


Indarti, 1Nabhan Ali Fikri, 1Marsandi Manar
Faculty of Communication and Language, Bina Sarana Informatika University, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]
Article Info Abstract
Article History Figurative language analysis in a novel involves examining the author's use of various
Received: July 2023 literary devices and techniques to enhance the narrative, evoke emotions, and create a
Revised: August 2023 deeper understanding of the text. This analysis goes beyond the literal interpretation
Published: October 2023 of words and delves into the layers of meaning and imagery that contribute to the
………………………………… overall richness of the story. The purpose of this study is to seek the types of figurative
Keywords language found in the novel The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini and to
Semantics; analyze their meanings. The Kite Runner is a historical fiction novel, sets in
Figurative Language; Afghanistan in the 1970s with the social and political conditions of the Soviet invasion
Novel; and the rise of the Taliban dictator. Using descriptive qualitative content analysis, this
study reveals that there are 72 sentences containing figurative language and there are
nine types of figurative language. Those are metaphor (15%), simile (32%),
personification and, synecdoche (9%), metonymy (13%), both paradox and symbol
(4%), hyperbole (7%), and apostrophe (3%). The findings show that the dominant type
of figurative language in the novel The Kite Runner is simile. This study sheds light
on the author of the novel The Kite Runner effective use of figurative language to
enhance the narrative, convey emotions and enrich the readers’ experiences. Thus, this
paper provides an in-depth analysis of figurative languages found in one of the great
historical fictions.
How to cite: Indarti, D., Fikri, N. A., & Manar, M. (2023). Exploring Figurative Language in the Kite Runner Novel:
Unveiling Semantic Depths for a Deeper Narrative Understanding, JOLLT Journal of Languages and Language
Teaching, 11(4), pp. 786-797. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33394/jollt.v%vi%i.7867

Figurative language is a part of semantics that refers to a type of artistic and imaginative use
of vocabularies to convey ideas figuratively, in order to enhance communication and to emphasize
the intended message. Figurative language refers to language that conveys ideas beyond the most
literal interpretation (Swarniti, 2022). Figurative language serves as a tool to assist readers in
delivering messages and information effectively. Figurative language is an approach to explicit a
feeling or an idea by comparing two different objects, similes a thing to something has similarity in
between or treat inanimate object like animate creature (Swarniti, 2022). The use of figurative
language is seen more compelling to convey the message because (1) figurative language allows
readers imaginative enjoyments of literary works, (2) it is a form to deliver other imagery into verse,
creating the abstract concrete, (3) figurative language is able to add emotional intensity rather than
merely informative statements, and (4) as a tool for concentration and at the same time as a tool to
state something clearly Perrine (1992) as cited in Ketaren, et al, (2021).

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Figurative meaning, vocabulary and semantic have an immense link that will improve
vocabulary richness. It can be found in written as well as in oral expressions. (Collie & Slater, 1987
as cited in Rohani, et al, 2018) propose four reasons to identify figurative language; first, it attempts
relevant original material, cultural content, language enrichment and personal involvement.
Figurative language provides a useful point to enhance reading, speaking and writing skills. Since
figurative language is persuasive, it can enhance knowledge, insight and anything related to the
context and can hold the interest of the readers (Hutauruk, 2019). (Lakoff & Johnson, 2003 as cited
in Rohani, et al, 2018) argue that daily metaphors in a language are culturally as well as perceptually
Some scholars proposed different types of figurative language. One of them is Perrine (1992),
who offered twelve categories of figurative languages, as follows; (1) Metaphor is a figure of speech
that compares two different things by stating that one thing is another thing, without using the words
“like” or “as”. For example, I’m in stunned of your moon eyes. Ordinary human eyes are being
compared, yet the word “moon” refers to the characteristics of the eyes. (2) Simile is the two things
are explicitly compared and indicated by a word or phrase such as “like’, “as”, or “seems”. For
example, the kid looks a lot like his father. In that remark, the comparison word “resembles” is
applied. (3) Personification is the process of familiarizing an animal, object or idea with human
characteristics. This expression personifies in animate objects by making them act like human. For
example, the powder gently touches the baby. In this verse, the powder is seen as a human being
who can cuddle a baby. (4) Synecdoche is the application of part for the whole. For example, I didn’t
see your nose last year. The speaker uses ‘nose’ as part of a person in this sentence, which is a
synonym. This shows that the speaker has not seen you in the past year. (5) Metonymy is the use of
something closely related to the thing. For example, she addicted to the bottle. It is another way of
saying that she drinks too much alcohol, so it is stated by using metonymy. (6) Paradox is an obvious
contradiction that is still true to some extent. A figurative word refers to a statement that seems
contradictory, unbelievable or absurd but is in fact true. For example: There is life after death. This
statement contradicts because some people do not believe in life after death. (7) Symbol represents
something more than it is. It means a logo that uses a well-known word or phrase with a unique
meaning. For example, he wrote the letter in red ink. Anger is symbolized in red ink. (8) Allegory
is a story or set of descriptive words or phrases that has a deeper meaning than its subsequent
The allegory has been characterized as a set of linked symbols in some cases. For example,
Andy accompanies the children. The first way Andy goes with his children and the second way Andy
goes with the children but not his children. Allegory is a term used to describe a phrase that has a
second meaning. (9) Hyperbole is an exaggeration and used to express something or a state in a way
that is more extensive than the usual. For example, I told you a million times. This sentence is
exaggerated because the speaker means nothing to what he says and a human cannot say a million
times. (10) Apostrophe is used to tell a person who is not there or something that is not human as if
it is still love and can respond to what is said. For example, Talion said to his dead son: “O Mueza
my son, Mueza my son! If only I had died for you, my son. Mueza, my son!” In this example, Talion
apostrophes his dead son. (11) Understatement means speaking less that one means. It does not
dramatize things and instead presents them simply, in contrast to the exaggeration. For example, a
queen said,”Please come to my hut”. The queen’s phrase is clearly tone down because it says less
than it means; what she really means is a palace or a kingdom, not a hut. (12) Irony is the exact
opposite of what one means. For example, your handwriting is so beautiful and I cannot read it. This

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is a sarcastic phrase because the speaker is saying the exact opposite of what he meant when he reads
the handwriting.
Plethora studies related to the figurative language have been conducted by using many
sources. (Swarniti, 2022) found that symbol is the majority figurative language in “Easy on me”
song lyrics. She also detected other figurative languages in the song lyrics, such as allusion, ellipsis,
and metonymy. (Nehe, et al, 2022) analyzed figurative language contained in Maleficent movie and
revealed some types of figurative language, such as simile, irony, understatement, symbol, allegory,
paradox, hyperbole, metonymy and synecdoche. The majority type of figurative language in
Maleficent movie is simile. Meanwhile, (Nainggolan, et al, 2021) investigated what types of
figurative language and what the meaning of each figurative language is on Joe Biden’s victory
speech. They found that there were 86 sentences contain figurative languages, and there were 5 types
of figurative languages: metaphor, personification, hyperbole, simile, and litotes, and the most
frequent appear is metaphor.
Novel is one of literary work of fiction that dealing with realities found in society and it
usually uses figurative language to make more interesting and building more imaginary to the readers.
Novel is built through intrinsic elements such as events, plots, characters, backgrounds, perspective
and others (Hasanah, et al, 2018). According to (Aliyev, 2021) the characteristic features of a novel
are a verbal object, being written, having 30.000 – 100.000 words range or more, exclude non-
linguistic elements, such as photographs, maps, diagrams, tables, and drawings, and are intended by
authors to tell fictional stories (p. 21).
The Kite Runner is a great, unforgettable and heartbreaking fiction novel, which tells about
the exceptional friendship between a wealthy boy and the son of his father’s servant. It presents a
beautiful story set in a country with numerous conflicts and war. The novel is about the power of
knowledge, the price of betrayal, the possibility of redemption, and the influence of fathers over
their sons (The Bookish Elf, 2000). The language used by the author, Khaled Hosseini in The Kite
Runner novel reflects the characters’ backgrounds with a large variety of words and expressions in
Parsi language, such as the honorific title Agha, which shows respect for the masters from the servant,
naan, samosas, biryani, pakoras, which are related to food, and many more. This helps readers to
captivate the authentic atmosphere from the author. The setting covers several decades (1970 – 2002),
countries (Afghanistan, USA, Pakistan), and political contexts (Soviet, Taliban). The Kite Runner
delivers massages about humankind that could enlighten the readers to one of world great histories.
It is very engaging to analyze figurative language using this novel. Therefore, this paper aims to
analyze the figurative language in The Kite Runner novel to reveal its figurative languages and their
literal meaning. Thus, this paper is expected to contribute in-depth analysis of figurative language
found in one of classic novel.

Research Design
This paper applies qualitative research method, specifically content analysis method.
Qualitative research is the way of people to interpret the social action and understand about the
reality of individuals in their mind. Qualitative research uses interviews, diaries, journals, classroom
observations and open-ended questionnaires to analyze and to interpret the data from visual and
textual materials and oral history (Tiarawati & Ningsih, 2019). Qualitative content analysis concerns
with any kinds of analysis of speech, scripts, text, are categorized and classified (Rohani, et al, 2018).
In this study, content analysis is an analytical approach based on settled categories and types and is
used to interpret meanings of figurative language.

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Research Object
This paper analyzes the using of figurative language in the novel The Kite Runner written by
Khaled Hosseini. This novel was first published in 2003 in English and has been translated into 42
languages all over the world including Indonesian ever since. It had been adapted into motion picture
in 2007. The English version of The Kite Runner novel contains 371 pages. With the situation of war
caused by Russians invention to Afghanistan in 1970’s as the background, the novel told the story
about two boys namely Amir whose came from “ethically superior” Pushtun tribe and his loyal friend
and servant, Hassan whose came from “ethically inferior” Hazara tribe and their struggled to be free
from the Taliban dictators. The Kite Runner is mostly narrated by Amir and the story is told from his
point of view as an adult looking back across his life journey.

An instrument is a procedure to assemble data. This study applies checklist instrument. A
checklist is a model that is used to record, to extract, and to identify data. Checklist is particularly
effective at registering the occurrence of types, tasks, events, and patterns. Checklist can be used
when collecting data for pattern detection, when reverse raw data into useful information, and for
data collection on the frequency of events, problems, irregularities, and other similar parts. This
instrument is easy to use and allows users to display collected data in simple and recognizable
formats, such as table or a chart (Digital Healthcare Research, 2023). According to (Rohani, et al,
2018), checklist provides flexibility and can be used for evaluating database. Checklist obtains a
concise and coherent description of the correspond in terms of objects, functions, dialogue states,
selections and estimate usability. One of the functions of checklist is to count the number times each
behavior occurs. Several benefits of using checklist are; (1) it is easy to prepare, (2) it can be used
to gathered data from large numbers, (3) precise data can be collected, (4) it can be made reliable.
Below shows the research instrument used for this study.

Table 1
Research instrument

Type of research instrument Checklist

Objective To collect data of figurative language in novel.
Source of data 371 pages of English version novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Grand Theories Theory of figurative language by (Perrine, 1992)

Data analysis
As the initial step, the writers began the analysis by reading the complete 371 pages of the
English version of The Kite Runner novel comprehensively in order to find the expressions
considered contain figurative language. The second step was the writers highlighted and marked the
sentences contain figurative language, pay special attention the using of non-literal and imaginative
words. The third step was checklist and note taking the words, phrases and sentences containing
figurative language. The fourth step was classified and categorized the expressions based on the
types of figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification, synecdoche, metonymy, paradox,
symbol, hyperbole, and apostrophe) by using the checklist form. The fifth step was the writers
interpreted the meanings of figurative language found based on the theories applied in this study.
The next step was involving co-rater who is a post-doctoral student to cross checked the
classification and the analysis of the findings of figurative language. Finally, the results are presented
and described statistically and draw conclusions.

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Research Findings
The beginning of analysis is on the types of figurative language found the novel The Kite
Runner. The data indicated that nine out of twelve types of figurative language proposed by (Perrine,
1992) found in novel The Kite Runner. Table 2 below presents the frequency and presentation of
occurrence of figurative language, listed from the most to the least occurrence.

Table 2
Figurative Language in Novel The Kite Runner
No Figurative Language Frequency Presentation (%)
1 Simile 24 33%
2 Metaphor 11 15%
3 Metonymy 10 14%
4 Personification 7 10%
5 Synecdoche 7 10%
6 Hyperbole 5 7%
7 Paradox 3 4%
8 Symbol 3 4%
9 Apostrophe 2 3%
Total 72 100%

As can be seen from table 1 and figure 1 above, in novel The Kite Runner, there are 72
sentences contain figurative language. Nine of twelve types of figurative language proposed by
(Perrine, 1992) are found in the novel The Kite Runner. The emerging can be reviewed as follows:
simile occurs in 24 sentences or 32%, metaphor occurs in 11 sentences or 15%, metonymy occurs
in 10 sentences or 13%, personification and synecdoche occurs in 7 sentences or 9%, both paradox
and symbol occurs in 3 sentences or 4%, hyperbole occurs in 5 sentences or 7%, apostrophe occurs
in 2 sentences or 3%. From the findings, we can see that the majority type of figurative language in
novel The Kite Runner is simile.
As a type of figurative language, in terms of metaphor, a word or a phrase is recognized
metaphor-related if its contextual meaning differs adequately from the basic meaning of the word,
and if the contextual meaning can be related to the basic one based on some kind of similarity
(Poppel, 2021).
Excerpt 1:
“It was Rahim Khan who first referred to him as what eventually became Baba’s famous nickname, Toophan
aga or Mr. Hurricane.” (Chapter 3, page 12)

In the excerpt 1, the phrase Mr. Hurricane is a metaphor that describes Baba’s characteristics,
who are very strong, danger, terrifying and unpredictable.

Excerpt 2:
“Children are not coloring books. You don’t get to fill them with your favorite color” (Chapter 3, page 21)

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In the excerpt 2, the phrase coloring books is a metaphor. It serves as a reminder that every
child has their characteristics that parents should not deny. Every parent has trouble with their
children occasionally and not everyone can live up to certain expectations. In terms of simile which
is a kind of figure of speech that makes an analogy by showing similarities between two different
things. It is formed to make an unusual, interesting and emotional by using words such as “like”,
“as”, and “than”, or by verbs such as “appears” or ‘seems” (Siregar & Pane, 2020). There are 24
sentences contain simile in the novel The Kite Runner. Below are some excerpts of simile in the
novel The Kite Runner.

Excerpt 3:
“Baba was impossible to ignore, even in his sleep. I used to bury cotton wisps in my ears, pull the blankets
over my head, and still the sounds of Baba’s snoring, so much like a growling truck engine” (Chapter 3, page

In the excerpt 3, the clause like a growling truck engine is simile because it portrays of Baba
having a strong imposing personality who always attract attention, even while he is sleeping and his
snoring is compared to the sound of a car engine.

Excerpt 4:
“Taliban scurried like a rat into the caves” (Chapter 25, page 362)

In the excerpt 4, Like a rat into the caves describes about people of Taliban who are full of
fear and runaway to a safe place because of attack of Northern alliance. The next figurative language
found in The Kite Runner novel is personification which is a type of figurative language describing
the non-living matter or inanimate object as if having humanism attitudes. There are seven sentences
in novel The Kite Runner contains personification.

Excerpt 5:
“Then I glanced up and saw pair of kites, red with long blue kites, soaring in the sky. They danced high above
the trees on the west end of the park” (Chapter 1, page 1)

In the excerpt 5, They danced is a personification type of figurative language. They refer to
the kites, which are flying and snaking by the winds in the sky. Khaled Hosseini, the writer of novel
The Kite Runner, describes the moving kites in the sky as dancing moves done by human.

Excerpt 6:
“The gun roared” (Chapter 10, page 116)

From the excerpt 6, we can assume that this sentence is a personification. It describes the
sound of gun, which is very loud and strong as if a lion roars. The word roar is used to express the
danger of the gun shooting down the enemy, as when the lion roars to indicate their overall power
in order to ward off intruders or enemies.
Meanwhile, synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that indicates to a
part of something is reversed to represent the whole, or vice versa. For example, the utterance “All
hands on deck” is a call for all of the crew to help (Farghal & Alenezi, 2022). Synecdoche indicates
when a sentence is used to denote the whole by pointing out important details just to simplify what
is being discussed.

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Excerpt 7:
“Baba takes wheels into the driveway” (Chapter 4, page 31)

Excerpt 8:
“March go to kitchen to eat our bread with no one to talk to Hasan” (Chapter 7, page 66)

From the excerpt 7 and 8, we can infer that the words wheels and bread in the sentence above
represent vehicles (a car) and food. Metonymy, a salient facet within the realm of figurative language,
constitutes a rhetorical device wherein an object or conceptual entity finds reference through the
utilization of a term intricately interconnected with it. Essentially, metonymy serves as a linguistic
mechanism through which a particular word or phrase undergoes alternation or assumes the role of
a surrogate, effectively encapsulating the essence of another word or phrase. In effect, metonymy
engenders a semantic interplay that enriches the text by imbuing it with layered connotations and
conveys intricate nuances that extend beyond the overt semantic surface.

Excerpt 9:
“My drinking Scotch or eating pork” (Chapter 3, page 18)
Excerpt 10:
“Baba and Rahim Khan smoking a pipe and sipping Brandy when I walked in” (Chapter 3, page 23)
Excerpt 11:
“Tree lined avenues and white house” (Chapter 24, page. 320)

From the excerpt 9, 10, and 11, The words Scotch and Brandy refer to the brand of alcohol
drinks, while white house refers to a building used as American Embassy in Kabul, the capital city
of Afghanistan. In terms of paradox where a word or phrase that seems contradictory or absurd but
it might turn out to be true when it is examined and taken to logical thinking.
Excerpt 12:
“World is not black and white” (Chapter 3, page 15)
In the excerpt 12, black and white is a binary view. It is like good and bad, rich and poor, beauty and ugly
and many more, but not all people accept the statement.
Excerpt 13:
“Life is not a Hindi movie” (Chapter 25, page 357)

Excerpt 13 present the example of a paradox sentence that means that life is not always perfect
and full of happiness, as it is described in most Hindi movies. In fact, life is full of drama, sadness,
and miserable moments. In term of symbol in literature which is a type of figurative language
whereas an image or object are used to represent something other than its actual and literal meaning.
Its function is to make a point about the nature of a story.

Excerpt 14:
“Sat on park bench near a willow tree” (Chapter 1, page 5)

From the excerpt 14, we can infer that willow tree, also known as weeping willow is associated
with grief, sad and mourning because the way raindrops run down its long leaves, as if the tree is
crying. Meanwhile, hyperbole is an exaggeration and used to express something or a state in a way
that is more extensive than the usual.

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Excerpt 15:
“And suddenly Hassan’s voice whispered in head: For you a thousand time over” (Chapter 2, page 5)
Excerpt 16:
“But he’s always buried in those books” (Chapter 3, page 16)
From the excerpt 15 and 16, the phrases of a thousand time over and buried in those books
are hyperbole. A thousand time over means the sense of hearing a voice at repeated time, while
buried in those books means that the main character has s very strong love for reading, thus he is
engrossed in reading. The last figurative language found in novel The Kite Runner is apostrophe
which is used to tell a person who is not there or something that is not human as if it is still love and
can respond to what is said.
Excerpt 17:
“The winds, I let you blow for me so that, with a tug of my string, I’d cut lose my pain, my longing” (Chapter
7, page 65)

Excerpt 18:
“The green kite was making its move. Let’s wait, I said. We’ll let it get closer. It dipped twice and create
toward us.” (Chapter 25, page 368).

Excerpt 17 and 18 shows that the winds and the green kite are apostrophe. Amir, the main
character, assumes that the winds guide the kite. Meanwhile, the green kite represents the enemy
who is making a move to get closer to his kite.
As presented in the findings, the majority of figurative language found in novel The Kite
Runner is simile. Simile is a figure of speech used to compare one object with another that contain
a couple of sameness; two things compared substantially feature one another by adding the word
‘like’ or ‘as’ Fadaee (2011) as cited in Muliawati,et al (2019). Furthermore, several similes
metaphorically use from animals to define meaning (Muliawati, et al, 2019). Taliban scurried like a
rat into the caves is an example of animal-reference to label people who has bad attitude to animals’
Meanwhile, the author of novel The Kite Runner uses metaphor to deliver an idea in a more
vivid and engaging way than merely using facts or details, since metaphor is a figure of speech used
to equal two seemingly unrelated objects or ideas. Metaphor can be used to describe people, places,
objects and hypothetical concepts (Santosa, 2023). In details, Newmark (1988) as cited in Fajrina
(2016, p. 80) describe that metaphors may be ‘single’ (one-word) or ‘extended’ (a collocation, an
idiom, a sentence, a proverb, an allegory, a complete imaginative text. Metaphor is universal,
although few people are not receptive of its existence, since human beings are often unaware talking
and thinking metaphorically (Usman & Marawdi, 2022). The phrase Mr Hurricane found in novel
The Kite Runner is an example of metaphor of a person’s characteristic that illustrate a strong, full
of anger, terrifying and unpredictable man.
Whilst metaphor functions by enlarging our comprehension, metonymy uses one entity to
stand for another that fit to the same conceptual domain (Birello & Pujola, 2023). The function of
metonymy is referential in nature; where one thing stands for another (Younes & Altakhaineh, 2022).
(Negro, 2019, p.1) writes two types of metonymies based on the domain-internal nature of
metonymic mappings: (1) source-in-target metonymies which the source domain is a subdomain of
the target domain, involve domain expansion consists of broadening the conceptual material related
with a domain. (2) Target-in-source metonymies involve domain reduction and consequent

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highlighting of part a domain, such as part-for-part metonymies. The words Scotch and Brandy found
in novel The Kite Runner refer to the brand of alcohol drinks and these belong to the target-in-source
metonymy types.
In terms of personification, it is often described as a technique by which any non-human
entity is referred to a human characteristic, is used to enrich the description and to highlight a specific
characteristic of a non-human object (Fata & Apriliya, 2021). (Yuliana, et al, 2018) mention four
types of personification: (1) Conventionalized personification can be identified when the word is
familiar and available in the dictionary without considering the context of the sentence. (3) Novel
personification means that the basic human sense of creation can be taken but literal words cannot
achieve contextual significance in the dictionary. (3) Default personification is based on the default
interpretation of the basic human meaning. (4) Personification-with-metonymy appears when a
human definition expressed with the noun demanded for the argumentation structure, specifically
verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, but the noun was metonymically alternated by a non-human noun.
The sentence “The gun roared “found in novel The Kite Runner is an example of personification that
belongs to novel personification. The definition of roar is to utter a loud, deep cry or howl, as in
excitement, distress or anger. The gun roared indicates the power in order to ward off enemies.
Metonymy parallels and is frequently confused with the term of synecdoche. Synecdoche is
a rhetorical analogy and type of figure of speech in which a term that denotes a thing is referred to a
similar entity. Synecdoche is generally defined as a figure by which the name of the part is used to
stand for the name of the whole or vice versa (Hameed Ali, 2015). Furthermore (Hameed Ali, 2015)
classify synecdoche based on its use: (1) A part referring to the whole (features of people, things,
body parts, politics, historical synecdoche. (2) A general class name used to denote a specific
member of that or an associated class. (3) A specific class name that refers to a general set of
associated things. (5) A container is used to refer to its contents. Baba takes wheels into driveway is
an example of synecdoche found in novel The Kite Runner. The word wheels describe a complete
Meanwhile, hyperbole is a kind of figurative language where what is said does not match the
intended meaning and exceed the limits that the hearers think by using exaggeration (Aljadaan,
2018). (Burgers, et al, 2016) suggest three main elements of hyperbole. First is exaggeration that
used to emphasize the importance of something. The exaggerating statements in hyperbole are used
to stress the significance. Exaggeration has two kinds of scales; the quality scale and the quantity
scale. The second is the importance of the shift from the propositional meaning into what it is
intended to. The last is there must be a specific referent assigned when using hyperbole. For you a
thousand time over is an example of hyperbole found in novel The Kite Runner. A thousand time is
an exaggeration that refers to an action that has been done over and over again.
A sign or symbol is a meaning representation that appears implicitly and representatively
(Widyastuti, 2022). Understanding meaning through symbols is done intrinsically and extrinsically
by combining aspects; the author system or expressive, universality or mimetic, the reader or
pragmatic, and the literary work or objective Ratna (2004) as cited in (Widyastuti, 2022). (Kuczok,
2020) argues that in semiotics, a symbol is viewed as a type of sign that does not have natural link
between the form and the thing represented, but only has a conventional link (p. 237). An example
of symbol taken from novel The Kite Runner is the sentence Sat on park bench near a willow tree.
Willow tree is associated with grief, sad and mourning since its long leaves bench over the river and
it looks like the raindrops.
The next figurative language found in novel The Kite Runner is paradox, which is identified
as contradictory, interdependent and persist over time, demanding strategies for engaging and

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Indarti, Fikri, & Manar Figurative Language in the… … ….

accommodating tensions but not resolving them Smith & Tracey (2016) as cited in (Auld, et al, 2022,
p. 185). In other words, a paradox is a statement that appears to be self-contradictory at first but
makes sense after more examination (Atmaja, 2022). World is not black and white is an example of
paradox found in novel The Kite Runner. The word black and white contradict one another. It
represents the good and the bad, the rich and the poor, and many more.
Lastly, apostrophe can include personification, is an exclamatory figurative language and it
appears when a speaker breaks off from addressing the audience and directs the speech to a third
party such as an opposing party or some other person (Sayakhan, 2018). Furthermore, (Sayakhan,
2018) explain that apostrophe is a rhetorical tool in which the speaker speaks to an abstraction or an
inanimate object. While personification involves only giving human qualities, apostrophe involves
speaking to something. An example of apostrophe found in novel The Kite Runner is “The wind, I’ll
let you blow for me so that, with a tug of my string, I’d cut lose my pain, my longing” The main
character of novel The Kite Runner talks to the wind as if it is a living thing who will follow his

Figurative language is a thoughtful use of a diversity words to accomplish good impact for
the readers, the comprehensive language nature and an appropriate method to deliver ideas, emotions
and expressions. Figurative language deviates from ordinary or literal expressions to make the story
more engaging and captivating for readers. The author’s language style is naturally a mean of using
decent words to describe emotions, expressions and ideas that are biased and definite from everyday
language style. The author applies figurative language to generate the language presentation become
more engaging, affluent, broad, and fair, as well as highlight the perception being conveyed, building
particular atmosphere and presenting an aesthetic impact.
This research focuses on exploring types of figurative language in one of the literature
products, that is a famous and phenomenal novel, title The Kite Runner, written by Khaled Hosseini.
The study found 72 data contain figurative language in 9 types of figurative language, including
metaphor, simile, personification, synecdoche, metonymy, paradox, symbol, hyperbole and
apostrophe. The dominant type of figurative language in novel The Kite Runner is simile, followed
by metaphor and metonymy. These findings shed light on the author’s effective use of figurative
language to enhance the narrative, convey emotions and enrich the readers’ experiences.

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