Kelompok 2
Kelompok 2
Kelompok 2
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B. Discussion
Pragmatics helps us go beyond the literal meaning of words and utterances and
focus on how meaning is constructed in context. When we communicate with other
people, there is a constant negotiation of meaning between the listener and speaker.
Pragmatics is concerned with this negotiation and attempts to understand what people
mean when they use language and how they communicate with each other.
Semantic refers to the meaning or interpretation of words, phrases, sentences, or
even larger units of text. It's a fundamental concept in linguistics, computer science,
artificial intelligence, and various other fields. The study of semantics aims to
understand how words and sentences convey meaning and how we comprehend and
interpret that meaning
In one iconic scene, Jules Winnfield (played by Samuel L. Jackson) and Vincent Vega
(played by John Travolta) are having a conversation in a car while on a mission. They
discuss the difference between American fast food and European fast food, specifically
hamburgers. Jules mentions that in France, they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese a
"Royale with Cheese."
Semantic Meaning:
1. The semantic meaning here refers to the literal definition of the words and
phrases used. In this case, "Quarter Pounder with Cheese" and "Royale with
Cheese" have the same core meaning they both refer to a specific type of
hamburger with cheese.
Pragmatic Meaning:
2. The pragmatic meaning, on the other hand, considers the implied or contextual
meaning of the dialogue. In this context, Jules and Vincent are hitmen engaged in
a dangerous mission. Their conversation about fast food serves to humanize them
and create a sense of normalcy and relatability. It adds depth to their characters
and creates a humorous moment, providing a contrast to the violent world they
In this example, the semantic meaning relates to the literal definition of the
words, while the pragmatic meaning is more about the subtext, context, and the
impact of the conversation on the overall tone and characterization in the film.
Semantic Meaning:
In the movie "The Lion King," there's a scene where Simba, the lion cub and
future king, is told by his father Mufasa about the circle of life. The semantic
meaning of "circle of life" is a literal interpretation of the continuous cycle of
birth, life, death, and rebirth in the animal kingdom.
Pragmatic Meaning:
In the movie "Pulp Fiction," there's a scene where Jules, a hitman, says the
phrase "Does he look like a bitch?" when discussing a tense situation. The
semantic meaning of this phrase is straightforward—it's a question about the
appearance of someone. However, the pragmatic meaning in this context is
aggressive and confrontational, suggesting that the situation is tense, and Jules is
challenging the behavior of the person they are discussing.
In both examples, the semantic meaning is what the words directly mean,
while the pragmatic meaning is the interpretation influenced by context, tone, and the
speaker's intentions.
C. Conclusion
In conclusion, the exploration of language meaning and use, as well as the
distinction between semantic and pragmatic meaning, illuminates the multifaceted
nature of human communication. This paper has delved into the intricacies of
language, emphasizing that meaning extends far beyond the mere dictionary
definitions of words. Semantic meaning provides the foundational building blocks,
representing the literal sense of words and phrases, while pragmatic meaning
enriches our understanding by incorporating context, intention, and the dynamic
nature of communication.