CT-1 - Q.P& Key - Batch - CRC - 501 - 1230 PM
CT-1 - Q.P& Key - Batch - CRC - 501 - 1230 PM
CT-1 - Q.P& Key - Batch - CRC - 501 - 1230 PM
- otff
College of Engineering and Technology
Answer ALL'The Questions
When the valence d orbitals of the central metal ion in octahedral complex are split
energy levels in cFT, which orbitals are raised to higher energy?
(a) r.l*y and d,,2-y2 (b) d*y, dxz,Brd dvz
b. i. calculate the energy of the
[Ti(H:o)o]3+complex with a wave number of 20,000
cm-1? (5 Ma.rks)
ll. which among the foilowing comprexes
have rarge crystar fierd spritting in each
pair with erppropriate justificatip.n?
(5 Marks)
(l) 3-
[Co(]{zO)ol2* and [Co(HzO)o]3* (2) [Co(CN)o]3* and 1Co(NH:)013*
7a. Give the steps for Slater's rule and using
it, calculate zeff foran electron residing
in 2p Ievel for F- ion (Z for Fluorine
atom is 9).
b. i. [)raw the cis and trans isomers of
[Co(NH:)Br(en)z]2+ complexes. (5 Marks)
ii. Calculate the magnetic moment of (Et+N)z[FeCI+12-
and [Ni2*1H zO)a)Clz
complexes. (5 Marks)
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College of Engineering and Technology
SRM lnstitute of Science and Technology
Kattankulathur - 503203
Answer ALL The Questions
1 When the valence d orbitals of the central metal ion in octahedral complex are split in
energy levels in CFT, which orbitals uru ,u'ii"O to higher energy?
(d) d,2-v2 and d.2
2 The crystal field splitting energy (Ao) is inversely proportional to
(b) number of d-electrons
3 ln which of the following octahedral complexes of chromium, will the magnitude of As
be the lowest?
(a) [CrCtol3-
4 How many geometrical isomers are possible for [Co(NH:13(NOz):J complex
5 The number of unidentate ligands in the complex ion is called
b) Coordination number
ii. Write short note on linkage and hydrate isomerism in coordination compounds. (4
Explanation on linkage isomerism with examples - 2 marks
Explanation on hydrate isomerism with examples - 2 marks
b. i. Calculate the energy of the [Ti(HzO)o]3.complex with a wavenumber of 20,000 cm-1
? (5 Marks)
1 kJ/mol = 83.6 cm-1 -l mark
1 cm'1 = 7/83.6 kJ/mol- 1 mark
So, 20,000 cm'l= 20,000/83.6 kJ/mol = 239.23 kJ/mol _ 2 marks
Unit - 1 mark
ii' Which among the following complexes have large crystal field splitting in each pair
with appropriate justification? (5 Marks)
(1) [Co(HzO)o]2* and [Co(HzO)o]3" (2) tco(CN)ol3-and [Co(NH3)6]3*
(1) [Co(HzO)o]3*- 1 mark
Explanatlon based on cation with higher oxidation state has larger value
of Ao -
1.5 marks
(2) [Co(CN)o]3-- 1 mark r1.'
Explanation based on Ao increasing with increase of ligand field strength
- 1.s
7a. Give the steps 1'or Slater's rule ancl using it, calculate Zeff for an electron residing
in 2p level for F- ion (Z for Fluorine atorn is 9).
Slater rule steps : 5 marks
Calculation of Z* f or a 2p electron in F- ion
, F: (1s2)(2s2,2p6) - 1 Mark
. Rule 2 does not apply - 1 Mark
. Shielding constant 5 = (7 x 0.35)+ (2 x O.gS)= 4.15 (2 Marks)
Z* =7-S = 9 - 4.15 = 4.85 (1 Mark)
b, i. Draw the cis and trans isomers of [Co(NH3)Br(en)2]2* complexes. (5
Diagram of [co(NHE)Br(en)z]2* complex showing cis isomerism 2.5
- marks
Diagram of [co(NHE)Br(en)2]2* complex showing trans isomerism
- 2.5 marks
il. calculate the magnetic moment of (EtaN)2[Fecla]2-and
INi2-(H20)6]clz complexes.
(5 Marks)
Magnetic moment of (EtaN)2[FeClq]2-; d6 , €- distribution _ €3e t3ze 4 unpaired
, e-,
Magnetic moment: 4.9 BM (2 Marks)
Magnetic moment of [Ni2-(Hzo)o]clz - d8 , e' distribution t.zg e2g, 2 unpaired
- e-,
Magnetic moment: 2.82 BM (2 Marks)
Units: 1 Mark
Nsanur orsBcE! TrtilNomY
(nrryJhboridiyu"./ra a, r'd
College of Engineering and Technology Set-2
SRM lnstitute of Science and Technology
Kattankulathur - 603203
Program: B.Tech Date: ll/09/2023
Course Code & Title:2lCYB10lJ & Chemistry Duration: I 2.J0-l.20pm
Year&Sem: IYear&ISem N{ax, Marks; 25 marks
Answer ALL The Questions
6. a. Discuss spectrochemical series and its importance? Explain the influence of cyanide
in fluorine. (5 Marks)
7 a. i Calculate the wavelength'of the light absorbed by [Ni(HzO)o]2*complex with a
wave number of 25,000 cm'l? (5 Marks)
ii. Calculate the magnetic moment of K:[Fe(oxalate):] 3HzO and KzCuCl4 complexes.
(5 Marks)
b. i. Draw the cis and trans isomers of [Co(en)zClz] complexes. (5 Marks)
ii. Explain briefly about high spin and low spin complexes with examples. (5 Vfaikg
College of Engineering and Technology Set-2
SRM lnstitute of Science and Technology
Kattankulathur - 603203
Answer ALL The Questions
calculate the shielding constant and effective nuclear charge for a valence
electron in fluorine. (5 Marks)
Calculation of Z* for a valence electron in F
. F: (1s2X2s2,2pt) - 1 Mark
, Rule 2 does not apply - 1 Mark
. Shielding constant 5 = (6 x 0.35) + (2 x 0.85) = 3.8 (2 Marks)
. Z* = Z_S = 9 - 3.8 = 5.2 (1 Mark)
7 a. i Calculate the wavelength of the light absorbed by INi(HzO)o]2* complex with a
wave number of 25,000 cm-1? (5 Marks)
Wavelength (A) = fOt/*ave number in cm-1 = 108/25,000 = 4000 A (O marks)
Unit- 1 mark
ii. Calculate the magnetic moment of K:[Fe(oxalate):] 3HzO and KzCuCl+ complexes,
(5 Marks)
Magnetic moment of Kc[Fe(oxalatqp 3HzO; ds , B- distribution - t3rs E's , 5
unpaired e'; Magnetic moment: 5.91 BM (2 marks)
Magnetic moment of KzCuClq i de , e- distribution - eag tszg, 1 unpaired e' ;
Magnetic moment: 1.73 BM (2 marks)
Units: 1 Mark
b. i. Draw the cis and trans isomers of [Co(en)zClz] complexes. (4 Marks)
Diagram of [Co(en)zClz] complex showing cis isomerism - 2 marks
Diagram of [Co(en)zCl2] complex showing trans isomerism - 2 marks
ii. Explain briefly about high spin and low spin complexes with examples. (5 Marks)
Explanation based on strong field and weak field ligands influencing magnetic
properties of transition metal complexes - 3 marks
Examples - 2 marks