Citation Ultra Checklist - Blank

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1. Preflight Complete……………………...….……………Complete 1. Brakes……………………………………………….……………………Check 1. Landing Gear……………………………………………………………….Up

2. ATIS & Clearance………………………...…...………….Received 2. Engine Instruments……………………………………Check Normal 2. Flaps…………………………………………………………………………...Up
3. Wheel Chocks……………………………….……………..…Remove 3. Flight Instruments………………………………………………….Check 3. Ignition…………………………………………………………………….…Off
4. Cabin Door………………………….……….……….Close and Lock 4. Thrust Reversers…………………………………….Check and Stow 4. Climb Power……………………………………………………………….Set
5. Passenger Briefing………………..…..………………….Complete 5. Deice Systems………………….Check (when icing anticipated) 5. Pressurization…………………………………………………….….Check
6. Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses, and Rudder 6. Anti-Ice Systems…………………………………………………….Check 6. Annunciator Panel…………………………………………………..Clear
Pedals…………………………………………..…Adjust and Secure 7. V1, Vr, V2, Fan Speed Setting…………………………………….Set 7. Engine Sync……………………………………….…………As Required
7. Fuel Quantity………………………….…………Check and Verify 8. Crew Briefing………………………………………………..….Complete 8. Yaw Damper………………………………………………...As Required
8. Flashing Beacon……………….……………………….………….…On 9. Passenger Advisory Lights………………………….…As Required
9. Standby Flight Display Switch….……………..TEST then On SIMPLIFIED TAKEOFF DATA CHART 10. Anti-Ice/De-Ice Systems……………………………....As Required
10. Air Conditioner……………………..…………………..….………..Off 11. Landing / Recog Lights……………………………….……As Desired
WEIGHT 16,300 lbs. 15,500 lbs. 14500 lbs. or
or less or less less
STARTING ENGINES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Airport 2000 ft. or 4000 ft. or 6000 ft. or

below below below ***TRANSITION ALTITUDE***
1. Engine #1………………….……………………..…………………..Start Temp 7˚C to 45˚C 10˚C to 42˚C 10˚C to 42˚C
2. Engine Instruments……………………….……..Check Normal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Ground Idle Switch…………………....High (for BATT start) V1 98 KIAS 95 KIAS 92 KIAS
4. Pressurization Source Selector…………………..…..Normal 12. Altimeters…………………………………….…Set 29.92 (1013 mb)
5. Engine #2…………………………………….………………….……Start Vr 102 KIAS 99 KIAS 96 KIAS
13. Air Conditioner………………………………Off (above 18,000 ft.)
6. Engine Instruments…………………………..….Check Normal 14. Pressurization………………………………………………………..Check
V2 112 KIAS 109 KIAS 106 KIAS
7. Ground Idle Switch…………………………………………………Off
8. External Power…………………………………………….…Remove SE Climb Speed 169 KIAS 165 KIAS 161 KIAS CRUISE
9. Generators………………………………….………………………..Gen
Takeoff Fan 94.5% N1 95.0% N1 95.0% N1 1. Cruise Power………………………………………………………..…….Set
BEFORE TAXI 2. Anti-Ice / De-Ice Systems…………………………..…As Required
SE Climb Fan 80.0% N1 90.5% N1 90.5% N1
1. Air Conditioners, Fans, Temp Control…….…As Required DESCENT
2. Avionics Power Switch…………………………………………….On
3. FMS……………………………………………………………….Verify On 1. Defog Fan……………………………..Hi (15 min. before descent)
4. DC Amps/Volts…………………………………………….……..Check
2. Pilot and Co-Pilot Foot Warmers……………………………..Close
5. Pressurization……………….…………..Set Altitude and Rate 3. Air Flow Distribution……………………………………………Cockpit
1. Passenger Seats…………..…Confirm Positioned for Takeoff
6. Antiskid…………………………………………………………Check On 4. Windshield Bleed Air Valves……………………………………..Max
2. Flaps………………………………………………………..Set for Takeoff
7. Avionics Cooling Fans……………………..…………Verify Flow 5. Windshield Bleed Air Switch…….……Low / Hi (as required)
3. Trims (3)…………………………………….…………….Set for Takeoff
8. Standby Gyro…………………………………………….……..Uncage 6. ATIS……………………………………………………………….….Received
4. Initial Altitude……………………………….Verify Set and Correct
9. Trims……………………………………..……………..Check and Set 7. Pressurization…………….…………………………………Confirm Set
10. Flaps…………………………………….……………….Check and Set 8. Anti-Ice / De-Ice Systems……………………….…….As Required
11. Autopilot…………………………………………………………….Check
12. FMS…………………………………………………..……………Program ***CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. Speed Brakes……………………………………..Check and Stow
14. Flight Controls…………………………..………Free and Correct -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15. Avionics……………………………………..………….Check and Set
5. P/S Heat……………………………………………………………………..On -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. Inverter Synchronization………………………………….…Check
17. AC Inverter Switch……………………………………………..Check 6. Ignition……………………………………………………………………....On
7. Anti-Ice/De-Ice Systems…………………………..On (if required) 9. Altimeters…………………………………………Set and CrossCheck
18. CVR………………………………………………….…..Test and Erase
8. Anti-Collision Lights…………………………………………………….On 10. Lights……………………………………………………………As Required
19. Transponder.............................................................ON
20. Lights…………………………………………..…………..As Required 9. Landing/Recog Lights……………………………………..As Desired
21. Passenger Advisory Switch…………………..…..Pass Safety 10. Transponder……………………………………………………………….On
11. TCAS………………………………………………………….………….TA/RA
12. Radar……………………………………………………………As Required
13. Annunciator Panel………Clear (except GROUND IDLE light)

1. Seats, Seat Belts…………………………………………………...Secure 1. Throttles…………………………………………………..Set Takeoff N1
2. Avionics & Flight Instruments…………………………….….Check 2. Airplane Pitch Attitude….Initiate Climb (use FD GA mode)
3. Radar Altimeter…………………………………………………..…....Set 3. Flaps…………………………………………………T.O. and APPR (15˚)
4. Landing Speeds……………………...Look Up, Set, and Confirm 4. Climb Speed……………………………………………………….…..Vapp
5. Landing Gear………………..…….Up (at positive rate of climb)
6. Flaps……………………Up at Vapp +10 KIAS (min 400 ft. AGL)
Weight – Pounds 7. Throttles……………………………………………………..Set Climb N1

*16300 15200 14500 13500 12500 11500 10500

Vapp 1. Thrust Reversers……………………………………………………..Stow
117 113 110 107 103 99 95
2. Flaps………………………………………………………………….…………7˚

3. Ignitions……………………………………………………………...Normal
4. Pitot / Static Heat…………………………………………………….…Off
5. Speed Brakes……………………………………………………….Retract
111 107 105 101 98 94 90
6. Anti-Collision / Recog Lights…………………………...As Desired
7. Anti-Ice / De-Ice Systems……………………………………………Off
*For use in an emergency that requires a landing at a weight in excess of the Maximum 8. Transponder…………………………………………………….Leave ON
Design Landing Weight of 15200 pounds. 9. Radar…………………………………………………….…Off or Standby

Landing Data……………………………………………………….Confirm
Crew Briefing……………………………………………….…..Complete

Avionics Power Switch………………………………………………..Off
Defog Fan…………………………………………………………………..Off
7. Passenger Advisory Switch……………………….……Pass Safety 3. Air Conditioner……………………………………………………….….Off
8. Passenger Seats…………Check Proper Position for Landing 4. Flaps…….…………………………………………………..………………….7˚
9. Engine Synchronizer……………………………………………..……Off 5. Throttles……………………..Off (after ITT stabilizes for 1 min.)
10. Ground Idle Switch…………………………………………………Norm 6. Passenger Advisory Lights………………………………………..…Off
11. Anti-Skid…………………………………………………………..Check On 7. Flashing Beacon Light…………………………………………………Off
12. Flaps……………………………………………………….……..As Desired 8. Standby Gyro…………………………………………………………Caged
13. Fuel Crossfeed……………………………………………………………Off 9. Standby Gyro Switch……………………………………………….….Off
10. Exterior L:ights…………………………………………………………...Off
BEFORE LANDING 11. Battery Switch…………………………………………………………….Off

Landing Gear………………………………….……Down and Locked
Landing Lights………………………………………………...As Desired

Engine Covers…………………………………………………..……Install
Pitot Covers……………………………………………………………Install
5. Autopilot & Yaw Damper……………………………………………Off 3. Battery………………….………………………………………..Disnegage
6. Annunciator Panel…………………………………………Verify Clear 4. Controls…………….……Strap (if windy conditions expected)

7. Pressurization………………………..….Verify ZERO Differential 5. Emergency Door Pin…………………………………………..….Install
8. Speed Brakes……………………………...Retract prior to 50 feet
*For temperatures below freezing:
6. Oxygen Masks…...Remove (If prolonged temps below 32˚ F)
1. Thrust Reversers………………………………..……Idle at 60 knots
7. Aircraft Stock Items (Liquids)………………………………..…Remove
Revised April 15, 2011

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