1.0 Faq
1.0 Faq
1.0 Faq
This post will take care about all questions except those about units which will be
addressed in the 2nd post of this thread arrrh
Q: Do stat bonuses from different friendly units but same Talent stack?
E.g. "Double Bolster".
A: Yes they stack, as long as it fits the maximum bonus of the “effective
offence/defence” rule p19.
Q: Troops Modifier
Some Troops have a special rule that states the unit gets +1 Attack per miniature.
How does this interact with the "not greater than +2" modifier limitation from pg
19 of rules?
A: Special rules (troops and divinity cards) are an alteration of the original
stats, and as such are not considered as a modifier.
Q: Must powers that "move" a unit obey all walk rules? Do you have to follow
boundary rules for Mighty Throw?
Several powers mention ways to move a unit (Charge, Divine Storm) e.g. "Move up to
2 areas". For the "move", must they follow walk rules (even though it is not
described as a walk action), or does this "move" suspend restrictions like a full
area, lava, etc? Rules imply must have movement.
A: Yes, any effect (power or anything else) that moves a unit follows all walk
rules applied to this unit, unless specified otherwise.
Q: Can a Troop that has been deployed be redeployed using their Activation Card?
A: No, recall manoeuvre is the only way to get them back on the board.
Q: It seems the troops special rules that change an attack to an Area attack are
sometimes explicitly non- mandatory (Mechanical Warriors), sometimes not
(Toxotai)...should they all be the same or was this done on purpose?
A: Assume this is correct as written.
Q: Troops that are tied to a Hero or a God
There are some Troops that have Recruitement cards (Satyrs, Lava Golems) but they
may only be recruited by a specific unit. What should we do with these Recruitment
card ? Trash them ?
A: These cards should not be used as these troops may only be played when a
specific God or Hero is in the recruitment pool and their cost is 0 RP.
Q: When exactly in the Combat Sequence (pg 16, Player Aid) does Evade happen?
This matters if a flying unit in my army evades an area attack from another of my
units. Who selects the alternate target? Me or my opponent?
A: Between the “choose a target” phase and the “declare any guard” one.
Q: When a unit has a power that states it cannot be attacked, does it prevent any
opponent from attacking the area of this unit with an Area attack (Aphrodite,
Apollo...) ? Or is it possible to attack the other units in the area except the one
that cannot be attacked ?
A: Area attack targets all units in an area, and then resolves separate combat
sequences, against each target in the area, one at a time.
In the case of Apollo power, the power would prevent you from targeting him, but it
wouldn’t prevent you from targeting other units and resolving the other combat
In Aphrodite’s case, you simply would have to pay an Art of War card or she would
ignore the area attack.
Q: Range Zero Attack on Full Area: Movement. There are also a few spots on a couple
of maps where the shape of the areas makes it such that two adjacent areas can
still have an obstacle area between them when drawing line of sight. Was this
In order to use the "full area = range 0 or 1" rule while targeting, must you have
the movement to be able to move into the area (but can't because it is full), OR is
the ability to attack not dependent on your move (ie you are adjacent but don't
have enough remaining movement to reach it)?
A: It’s not dependent on your move (you don’t have to be able to move into this
area), or you initial ability to go there. Still, you need to have a line of sight
on the full area in which you want to attack, you can’t if there’s an obstacle, as
on some maps’ aeras.
Q: Is it allowed to search for a card in the deck we know we won’t find ? It may
make shuffle the deck.
A: The player doesn’t say which card they are searching for, but they have to take
one card no matter what.
Effects that may make this happen will be modified to avoid this (see Leader).
Q: Tartarus Cage’s wall: French rules state monsters and divinities "may never walk
through this boundary" while english rules only prevent them from walking and
Which is the right one ?
A: monsters and divinities cannot move through this boundary.As always, the unit
has to follow the walk normal rules.
Q: Highs boundary: What exactly does "behind the arrowhead" mean? What exactly does
"in front of the arrowhead" mean?
A: Highs is not a boundary, it is a boundary modifier, so it comes in addition to
the basic boundary properties the arrow is laid on.
When a boundary wears an arrow, non-flying Units adjacent to this boundary gain +1
range, ignore obstacles when determining whether a target is visible or not and
gain +1 offence when attacking at Range 1+ if tracing a line of sight crossing this
boundary in the direction of its arrowhead.
Terrain effects
Q: What is the rule for River Styx movement through rift?
In English rules, "Each rift area costs 2 of the unit’s movement to enter." which
precludes some divinities from crossing. But French rules reportedly say "costs 1
extra to move through"?
A: The rule is “Divinities and monsters cannot end their activation in this area.
They may only move into a rift area along the path of skulls, and only if they are
able to leave in the same activation by spending enough move points to move through
the rift.”
Q: What is the effect for Swamp?
Player Aid says Walk or Run reduced to 1. Rulebook says cannot Walk, Run max is 1,
must stop and end activation when entering. Which is correct?
A: The rulebook is correct : you cannot Walk, Run max is 1, must stop and end
activation when entering.
Q: which are the correct Lava rules ?
BoW video shows units "jumping" over the Lava, but rules don't mention that and
just say "if a unit enters an area of dormant lava, they become the target of a 5
dice attack". Has the rule changed and this omission was done on purpose?
Dormant Lava rules:
• no unit may end their movement in Dormant Lava,
• when you move one of your units through dormant lava, you choose in which
adjacent non-lava area your unit goes without resolving the 5 dice Lava attack,
• when your unit is thrown into any lava area, you choose into which adjacent non-
lava area it falls back after resolving the 5 dice Lava attack.
Q: Are Rocks 3D elements like columns and trees ?
A: Rocks are 3D elements, that materialize the blocking effect of the terrain, they
cannot be removed by any means, it will be specified on any power that would be
wrong about that.
Q: Do you get the rocks bonus to attack at range 0 on a rock ?
A: No, the rocks rules becomes this : “Terrain effect: units cannot walk, run, or
deploy into a rock. Units in this area gain +1 range, they ignore obstacles when
determining whether a target is visible or not and they gain +1 offence when
attacking at Range 1+.”
Q: Is it possible to attack a unit in a full Rock area even if the attacker does
not have the Climb talent ?
A: Yes, nothing prevents this from happening in the rule.
Q: Are every areas around the slopes affected by the slopes bonus ?
A: The bonus provided is only taken into account when targeting an area down the
Q: Can you elect to recruit an omphalos card for 1RP even if there are still troops
available to recruit?
A: No, the rule is crystal clear about that, doing otherwise would break the
balance of the recruitment phase.
Q : Is it possible to search for a card that will not be found in the deck ?
A: No. The talent is changed to this :
“At the end of this unit’s activation, its owner may choose a friendly unit of
troops in the same area as the Leader.
The friendly unit’s owner may search their deck for 1 activation card of that unit
if there is any remaining in their deck, show it to everybody and add it to their
If the friendly unit belongs to the active player then it may be activated
immediately by discarding one of its activation cards. This Leader activation
counts towards the maximum number of unit activations allowed for this turn. This
activation does not require an art of war card to be discarded. If the friendly
unit does not belong to the active player then it may be activated immediately by
discarding one of its activation cards. This Leader activation counts towards the
maximum number of unit activations allowed for this turn. This activation does not
require an art of war card to be discarded.”
Q: Does a petrified unit still stop an enemy movement entering its area ?
A: Yes.
Q: For Permanent powers which cost an Aow (eg Atalanta's Dodge), can it be used
only once, or can it be used multiple times as long as the Aow is paid?
Question arises because powers are usually only usable once per turn.
A: The one time per turn limit only affects active powers and special attacks. Any
other power is triggered when the corresponding situation arises, there’s no
Q: Are a unit's tokens removed from other units when the unit is destroyed or
eg. if Medusa is destroyed do petrified units lose the token?
A: When a unit is destroyed, any token they have placed on any other unit or on the
board stays where it is, unless specified otherwise.
Q: Do tokens "stack"? More specifically can you have multiple tokens (making the
effect harder to get rid of)? If you can, do you count the effects for each (making
it worse)?
Some powers (eg Echidna’s Poison) seem ambiguous as to whether they stack or not.
A: If nothing is specified, a unit can receive more than one token of the same
type. The stacking effect will be explained if it happens.
Q: For purposes of recall, are units that start on the board due to scenario
considered as already having been deployed?
A: Yes, they are considered as already having been deployed.
Q: Prisoners of Tartarus
A: The prisoners cannot activate and cannot free themselves. See the final rule on
liberating the prisoners.
Q: Ships
A: Flying units cannot deploy on ships. Ships rules say “ships can transport non-
flying units” (but no aquatic/flying units) and also that “non-flying, non-aquatic
units” can board a ship.
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Raph Moimoi
Posted,Feb 10, 2018 (edited)
Q: Molten Metal : in english, this power allows to attack every other non-flying
In french, it allows to attack every other units and Guard cannot be used.
A: This power allows to attack every other non-flying units and Guard cannot be
Q: In english, the power "Andromeda's Sacrifice" costs 1 AoW card, in french it's
A: French is the correct one.
Q: For Irresistible, if she is guarded does the attacker still lose an AoW card?
Yes, it seems the "wishes to attack" is the same as "attacks".
A: Yes, the attacker has to spend an AoW card even if the target is later modified
by guard.
Q: Revenge power in french : If a unit that caused damage to Aphrodite already has
a Revenge token : does it get another one ? (cumulative ?)
A: The correct rule is the english one, where you cannot cumulate Revenge tokens.
Q: Golden Arrows : What is the X value ?
A: there have been a mistake here, the correct attack values are : 9 to 6 PV x= 6
dice, and 5 to 3 PV x=5 dice.
Q: For multiple web tokens, can BOTH tokens be damaged in the same attack OR does
it take 2 rounds of attacking to remove them? If a friendly unit makes an area
attack in this area, does this also attack the web tokens ?
A: Each attack targets only 1 token at a time. Area attacks cannot target those
Q: If Archne only has 1 token left, does she place it on her target ?
A: Yes, she places up to 2 tokens.
Q: May he do both of his Active Powers on the same activation?
A: Yes, but you have to resolve Frenzy before Ares’ Wrath because Frenzy pushes
back the end of the activation until resolved.
Q: Leader of the Pack : does this power also affects Artemis ?
A: No, the dashboard should state “except Artemis”.
Q: Golden Bow : “make a Range 1+ attack with +1 offence, this attack ignores
obstacles.” May this attack be modified by terrain effects ?
A: Yes, this attack uses the normal offence stat and possible modifiers, this is
not a specific value tied to the power. This attack also prevents the target from
making an Evade manoeuvre.
Q: May she count the range of a full area as 1, as per the rules on page 17 ? If
this is the case, could she make her ranged attack from the rock, take a 0 distance
walk action, and then make a second attack from the rock, now counting the full
adjacent area as being at range 0 ?
A: The 3rd action has to be an attack with Atalanta being in the target’s zone or
an adjacent zone if the target is in a full area (the dashboard will of course be
If she attacks from a rock, she does not get the +1 offence bonus for her 3rd
action because it is a range 0 attack, and range 0 attacks do not gain a +1 bonus
when attacking from rocks.
Q: Fists of the Titan : is Atlas also concerned by his own power ?
A: No, the second part of the power does not affect Atlas himself.
Q: Does King of Thieves omphalos claiming still need to be played as an action even
though it doesn't cost an action (eg end walk before claiming) or does it act like
omphalos dropping where you can do it at any time (eg walk, claim, finish walk)?
A: It doesn’t count as a action for actions’ limit of the turn but it’s still an
action, so he can’t claim during an other action (walk, run …)
Q:For the purposes of powers affecting range (eg, Hecate's Black Moon), is Abyssal
Maw considered to be a range +1 attack?
A: This attack doesn’t state any range, so it cannot be modified by an effect that
modifies range.
Q: Charybdis is missing the "Huge" talent on the dashboard's English side. Was this
a misprint?
A: Yes Charybdis should have the Huge talent.
Q: Can Charybdis (or any unit with "Huge") move into an area (not using
Groundswell) with units since Huge implies that that unit takes up the whole area?
If not, if it runs into an area (while Huge is negated due to the use of a complex
action) what happens when the Huge reactivates at the end of the units activation?
A: Units with the Huge talent cannot run (this talent will be modified). So
Charybdis may only move with its Groundswell power, so she may never collect
Q: Is it possible for this unit to use both of its powers during the same turn ?
A: Yes, provided each power is entirely resolved before resolving the other.
Q: English version of Chiron's Wisdom is an active power.
French version is a passive power. Which is the correct version ?
A: This is an active power.
Q: Wisdom says "you may choose to draw a second card from your deck" : I think it
may mislead players as you draw 1 card at the beginning of your turn, not at the
beginning of an activation.
It would be clearer to say "At the beginning of Chiron's activation, you may draw 1
A: This text will be changed to “At the beginning of Chiron's activation, you may
draw 1 card. If you do, then each player may search their discard pile for an AoW
card and add it to their hand.”
Q: Doom of the Gods is a permanent power in english but is a passive power in
A: This is a permanent power.
Q: Should Echidna’s Poison be worded like "[...] If a unit has 1 or more Echidna’s
Poison Tokens [...]"? Seems that was the intent.
A: Yes, the wording should be this one : “When a unit with at least 1 Poison token
activates, it immediately suffers a 5 dice attack.”
Q: Echo is missing “target cannot retaliate against this attack” ; should she have
it ?
A: Yes, it should state “target cannot retaliate against this attack”.
Q: If Eurytion uses his Taunt power, is it possible for his owner to declare a
Guard for this attack ?
A: Yes, Eurytion may be guarded, nothing limits this.
Q: in english : movement is reduced to 1,
in french : movement is reduced by 1.
Which is the right one ?
A: The movement is reduced to 1.
Q: Is Geryon's Shepherd essentially just Guard or is there some nuance of
difference? Seems just like Guard.
A: This power is an upgraded Guard which works also in adjacent areas. Geryon has
to be in range to trigger this power.
Giant Spiders
Q: Was this an oversight on the devs' part, or was it intentional for them to not
have climb at all for balance purposes?
A: Spiders should have the Climb talent, it will be changed on their Troop card.
Q: If a monster is standing in the surroundings of Graeae and guards a non-monster,
must the attacker discard an art of war card to attack the guard (the monster)?
A: Yes, the target changes thanks to the Guard talent.
Q: Same question as Sisyphus, but about the eye. Does claiming the eye mean she
can't claim an omphalos? Will she drop the eye if Mighty Thrown, etc. Needs
official confirmation.
A: Every unit can collect an omphalos and uses the same rules. Graeae and Sisyphus
may collect other elements but this does not change their ability to get omphalos.
Their special token is played as if they were omphalos, so they cannot claim an
omphalos if they already claimed their token, same thing for any unit that claimed
the Eye of the Graeae, and it would drop as an Omphalos would with Mighty Throw.
Q: Is it possible to run during Hermes' Celerity?
A: Run action prevents from using passive powers, so Hermes’ Célerity is disabled
The power should state “Hermes ignores all talent and power that either modify his
walk actions or move him in any way”.
Infernal Artillerymen
Q: Special rule : 2+ (french version) or 3+ (english version) ?
A: the special rule is enabled with 2+ miniatures on the board.
Q: The last sentence of the Wall of Shields power: "It is declared instead of
Guard." Leonidas must choose one of either Guard or Wall of Shields, never both?
A: The dashboard is correct.
Q: What about Marsyas’ Challenge and Hermes’ Célerity? What’s happening?
A: Marsyas’s Challenge does not alter the move ability of any unit, nor it moves a
unit, it only forces it to move towards Marsyas, like Eurytion’s Taunt, and only if
it didn't pay to ignore it.
Q: Does Stun need to inflict at least 1 wound to give a token to the target ?
Periphetes states clearly "regardless of the outcome", so Stun seems to have an
A: This attack has to inflict at least 1 Wound to be able to place a Stun token.
Q: Charge (for Minotaur or any unit with Charge, like Cholchidian Bull and Typhon’s
Tempest) Can the charging monster "backtrack"?
A: You can’t, it would look more like two charges than a “Charge”.
Q: The Minotaur's power lets you re-roll dice that you just rolled. it does not
allow you to add extra dice. So, if you've previously set aside a dice, then it's
not available for re-rolling.
A: That’s correct.
Q: Subterfuge: May Odysseus be activated for free as a 2nd activation ?
A: Yes.
Q: Subterfuge: Do opponents get the benefits of this power being in the same area ?
A: No, the power should be modified to restrict it to friendly units.
Q: English version of The Answer is a passive power, french version is a special
A: It’s a passive power.
Q: The omission of "may" for Hunter seems intentional.
A: Orion must re-roll blanks, it’s mandatory (he’s a monster hunter).
Q: May Orpheus be targeted by his Rapture power ?
A: No, the power should state “Orpheus cannot receive a Rapture token”.
Q: For Divine Shepherd, when does the recall occur...immediately or during normal
Recall (step D1)? Can it be used on an activation in which Pan takes a complex
A: This power is triggered as an active power, this does not count as the allowed
recall for this turn, but it follows the Recall rules. For example Pan being the
first activated unit may recall Satyrs, then Satyrs may be the second activated
unit of the active player.
Q: Judgment of Paris is a passive power, but it can only be played "at the end of
Paris' activation", so why is this power not an active one ?? What's the point ?
A: This is a passive power : it can be activated even if Paris is in the water.
Q: Does his Monster Hunter power prevent him from Guarding Special Attacks?
A: Yes, because to guard he would need to want to be affected by it, which he
Q: After Phoenix is destroyed but before using Out of Ashes, may its Activation
Cards be used towards being played as Art of War cards like a normal destroyed
unit's can?
A: As long as a unit is destroyed, its activation cards can be discarded in this
Q: Can Poseidon move himself with divine storm? It says any unit in his area...
A: No he can’t. It will be specified on his dashboard.
Q: Seems pretty clear the interpretation is: "he can manipulate the rock like an
omphalos, but it's not an omphalos so he can claim both omphalos and rock." Needs
official confirmation.
A: No, Sisyphus cannot claim an omphalos if he has collected the rock token. The
rock token is treated as an omphalos for purposes of claiming and dropping: if he
has claimed a rock token it is as he would have claimed an omphalos, he has no more
room to claim an omphalos, but he could drop his rock to claim omphalos if he want
Q: Scorching Metal : after a unit has resolved an attack against Talos, it
immediately suffers a 5 dice attack against which they cannot retaliate. Scorching
Metal does not count as Talos' retaliation. What’s the max range?
A: This attack is at Range 0.
Q: Does Ariane's Thread let him walk 1 area even if the attacking unit is in his
area and has Block? Seems yes since Power trumps Talent. Need confirmation.
A: The power trumps any talent.
Q: For Psychopath, does the "start of activation walk toward the closet unit and
attack it" count as his two simple actions? or does he still get to do step B3?
Seems Psychopath should not cost the simple actions.
A: The Psychopath power counts as 2 simple actions.
Divinity Cards
Q: How does the the stat boosts from divinity cards interact with the rules capping
the bonus to +2 ?
A: Divinity cards’ boosts are special rules like those of troops, as an alteration
of the original stats, they’re not considered as a modifier.