D100 Dungeon Q&A V1.0

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Compiled from Question asked via BGG and D100 Facebook Group.
Any text shown in Red has changed from the original
I will only correct Errata content relevant to game mechanics and do not intend to direct you to any misspelt words or punctuation.

Table E-Encounter Result 11-20 Special Section should Read “(Fly, Surprise, Pack)”

Table G-Geographic Result 100 should Read “TREASURE ROOM: You have found a treasure room,
roll 1d10 and multiply the result by 20 to discover how much gold you find and
then roll on Table TC x1 or TABLE TB x2 or TABLE TA x3 times.
Q: What is the purpose of the black pips in the charts for equipment with the title 'condition'. What is this and
how does it affect the game?
A: The condition refers to the items state of repair, when you gain an item you shade in the number of black dots on the
repair track of the character sheet for the item.

Q: How does equipment get damaged?

A: Armour gets damaged most of the time by offsetting damage during combat, but at times the tables may instruct
items to suffer damage.

Q:The different things to do before starting a new quest (healing, training, shopping etc.): is the order given or
can i choose it myself?
A:The order of things to do before starting a new quest can be handled in any order you like, some can be skipped, but
each may only be performed once, and the first one titled "Refresh Tracks" cannot be skipped.

Q: Regarding condition of items. If we get items and we shade pips, does it mean all items we get are damaged?
What about items I buy?
A: Items that are bought are new items and have no damage pips shaded. Items that you find have a number of pips
shaded as listed for its condition. Another aspect that was intended is when a item is sold that is damaged its value
should really be reduced by the sum it would have cost to repair it to a new condition. Example - an item with a value of
500 costs 100 to repair just 1 pip. To sell this item with 1 pip of damage would reduce its value to 400 and so the
character receives 400.

Q: After calculating the damage caused by an attack and subtracting the monster's defence, does the full
remaining damage get applied to each monster in a pack? Or does the first monster take as much as possible,
with any extra spilling over to the second monster, etc.?
A: The extra is spilled over to the next and so on until all damages has been applied or they are all defeated. However
don't forget that combat occurs simultaneously and so even if the character kills the monster/s they will still have an
attack for the round.

Q: While doing the Area step of my turn, I rolled on Table M (Mapping) and got an area with a door. Therefore,
I rolled on Table D (Doors) and got Lever (LVD). The text reads: Roll equal to or less than the number of Levers
you have to open, [S: Opens, Remove 1 lever pip] [F: Closed/To open test JAMMED DOOR - Test: Str -10
[S:Open][F:-1HP,+1 time] (Strong)] Do I roll 1d6, 1d10, or 1d100? And What is "the number of Levers you have
to open"? I see a Levers track on my character sheet but nothing is marked off. Do I have 0 levers in this case
and need to treat it as the jammed door?
A: Levers found throughout the dungeon shade in a pip on lever track of the character sheet. When you need to roll to
find out if you have pulled a lever that unlocks a door you are trying to pass through, roll 1d10 if this is equal to or less
than the number of levers shaded on the lever track of the character sheet, you have activated the lock of the door and it
is open, remove a lever pip on the lever track, otherwise it is jammed and needs to be forced.
Q: When rolling on a table, for example the encounter table, if the roll plus the modifier is less than 1, does it
mean no encounter, or is the minimum a 1 regardless of what the final value is? Same for maximum rolls, is
maximum 100?
A: A roll that yields a negative result such as -10 is treated as 1 whilst a roll that scores a result of over 100 is treated as
a roll of 100.

Q: When I escape from monster I stay in the area or go back from where I came from (or alternatively escape to
any known exit that does not require additional time/actions)?
A: Stay in the area, it is assumed the areas you are mapping are huge and offer plenty of places to hide or be hidden
from, monsters that escape you will not return to the area, but monsters you elude will be encountered again the next
time you revisit the area. Especially as you have alerted them that your in their dungeon and going around attacking
them and their friends.

Q: So, I found a Trapped Chest on a Geographic Roll. I failed. Does the chest disappear or can I have another go
at it?
A: The way intended was it could be checked again and again until opened or you kill yourself trying. Each failed
attempt is adding to the time track and so anything triggered will need to be dealt with as normal.

Q: It's taking me ages to go through the second intro dungeon because finding weapons is not easy! For this
quest do you roll on the weapons table when you get an Objective Item?
A: Yes exactly right

Q: How does defence work?

A: DEF has two ratings. DEF is deducted from an attack dealt to a specific location. For instance when a monster hits a
character in the head, only an item equipped to the head will provide DEF, which is deducted from the monsters damage
dice. The other defence is a DEF bonus, for any items that are equipped(items like magic rings or talismans or perhaps a
weapon with defence benefits). They are added together as a combined value (combining items with a + to def rather
than just a DEF rating) , The higher the defence bonus a character has the more chance it will prevent damage. So any
natural damage roll (unmodified) a monster makes that is equal to or lower than your character DEF bonus prevents
damage, the amount is the Def bonus. So for instance a monster rolls a 1 for damage to the characters head, the
character has a def bonus of 1, 1 point of damage is prevented, then further damage is prevented if the character had a
head item equipped and could be further reduced if the player decides to offset the damage to a shield or the head
armour worn, damaging the armour instead of the character. It probably sounds confusing, but in your first few games it
will be unlikely you have a Def bonus, so to begin with you will not need to worry about that rule, by the time it is in
play you will have all the other combat procedures in hand and it will flow. And of course losing an expensive belt item
really is painful, lol especially at the start when you're just starting out, in games i have played the dungeon has be vile,
unforgiving and I have been forced to cut my losses on what should have been a relatively easy quest and others have
been a clean sail, it's all on the roll of the dice.

Q: Do you pay HPs to cast from scrolls?

A: Yes using a scroll still costs str or hp to use.

Q: How do you revisit an area? Seems to me you can only go in 1 direction.

A: Each new turn you can move to any area through open exits, explored or unexplored. Any geographical feature will
still apply such as rivers or chasms, locked doors etc. You will encounter any Monsters you have escaped from that area.

Q: Do you have to go back to the entrance when you complete or fail your quest?
A: No once completed or failed the quest ends and no further movement is needed.

Q: So, I’m fighting this giant spider, I roll a 4 damage and a 6 for location. The location is “main weapon”. Now,
the giant spider has a DEF of 2. Do I just subtract the spiders DEF from my attack and that’s the amount of HP
the 8 legged freak looses since it don’t have a “main weapon”?
A: Yes that's correct the spider suffers 2 damage.

Q: So..im still confused on moving. I know the general concept but let's say I am at A and decide instead of going
on I was to backtrack and go through B... can I? And if so, how much time is used?
A: You can backtrack and go through rooms that you already made. Just follow the turn sequence. Adjust your
equipment if you'd like. Shade one on your time track then choose an exit. In this case its to a room that you already
visited. If you fled a monster from that room then you'd have to re encounter it, and if you searched there already you
can't search again. Then repeat the turn sequence for the next room you already visited and do that over and over until
you got to B. You would also be forced to back track if you reach a dead end but had available exits in a previously
mapped area. The game wouldn't expect you to head back to an exit that you couldn't possibly be able to get through,
for instance a locked door and you didn't have any lock picks, in that instance if the locked door was the only possible
way and all other exits met solid walls, you would be permitted to find a secret passage.

Q: If you roll for a locked door and fail (and do the results)when you roll again is it a whole new turn?
A: You don't need to try each turn, each failed attempt waste time and breaks a lock pick.

Q: So when you roll a blue room and you get Objective. Do you roll on the table to see what you get? The first
Quest is to get 3 Parts, would I roll on the Parts Table and obtain that Part for my objective?
A: Blue rooms in those quests and many of the Quests are just Empty rooms, later Quests like “Return of the Crown” or
the “Lich Lord King” make use of objective rooms. If you roll an objective item, you can roll on the table required for
the quest.

Q: So if I fight giant bats 2/3/3 do I get to roll on the parts table 3 times? One after defeating each monster? Do
the giant bats only count as one monster on the encounter sheet or should I write all three down individually. Do
I get three attacks from the bats, that is do I roll the attack dice three dice as if they are three enemies? Or do I
only attack once for all of them?
A: One part is rolled on the parts table, They only count as one monster on the encounter sheet and They attack once as
a single attack.

Q: What happens when you reach a dead end room, and every exit has been explored? So you've discovered
every limit to the dungeon. There's an unexplored locked door but I don't have a pick. Other than that the
dungeon is completely contained, fenced in.
A: You are permitted to create a secret passage through the rock to connect any 2 explored areas if no other movement
options exist. Page 17 of the rules.

Q:Do shields provide a defence bonus as well as offsetting damage? I rolled a kite shield that just says "4" under
the defence column of the item description. Does the "4" go into the "+ DEF" box of the offhand weapon on the
character sheet? I'm confused by this.
A: Shields don't have a natural DEF they take a real hammering when used and you decided when to block blows. The
shield rating decides the maximim amount of damage it can block from a single attack to any location. So with your
shield it will block upto 4 points of damage, but because shields are made to take a hammering each point blocked
shades half a pip on its repair track.

Q: I have question about combat (Page 8) the character can offset up to 2 damage to armour equipped to the
location struck in the form of repair damage and shade in 1 pip on the repair track for each point of damage
deflected to the armour. If monster deal 6 damage to my legs location(mail cuisse equipped). Damage = 6-1-2=3 is
this true? and can I choose to shade 1 pip on the repair track for +1 damage deflected (HP-2) or only shade 2 pip
for +2 damage deflected (HP-1)?
A: You deduct DEF value from monster's damage. Then if you like you can deduct up to 2 damage (if you have armour
on hit location). However if you do this, you have to shade in 1 pip in repair track for each damage point (up to 2) you
deducted this way.

Q: I understand the combat. I don't understand how you get xp from combat. I.e an unmodified roll less than 10
means you get a pip. Is that determining if you hit or calculating hit zone?
A: Just when you hit as you gain experience when testing Characteristics (D100 rolls).

Q: Do you rotate the map when you draw the next section? I thought I read today that you turn the map so the
exit is away from you when drawing the next part. I feel like my mind is interpreting that wrong.
A: Yes. Rotate the map so whatever exit you choose to use is pointing north before you map the next room. Then you
draw the next map space from the book as its pictured. It cant be rotated.

Q: So, I have encountered a giant spider. When attacking rolled a 6 for location hit (main weapon) and a 3 for
damage. No damage modifier for location but I'm using a knife which has -2 DMG so I subtract 2 from the
damage roll? (Wouldn't I have been better to not use a weapon?! Or can you only attack if you have a weapon?
A: Attacking without a weapon would be pretty dangerous, escape is a much better option. If you lose your only
weapon, it is probably wise to leave the dungeon (fail the Quest) and make sure you buy at least something for the next

Q: On the weapons table what does the R/H mean in the 'handed' column and does it affect anything?
A: R = range weapon. You can use it for range attacks. H = hand weapon for close combat use. Some of them can be
used either way having both options.

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