Body Systems WebQuest

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Skeletal System

Go to MEDtropolis - Virtual Body choose language and choose “skeleton”. Then click on “Zoom In.” and
investigate the bones.

Go back to “The Human Skeleton” and click “Bones Narrated” to answer the following questions.

1. How soon does the skeletal system begin to form?

2. How many bones are in a human body?

Go to KidsHealth-Minerals to answer the following question.

3. Why do we need calcium and list 3 food sources that contain calcium.

Find the answers to the following questions at Amazing Facts.

4. What is the longest bone in your body and where is it located?

5. Where are the smallest bones in your body located

6. Where are the majority of your bones located?

Go to Bones! to find the answers to the next question.

7. Are your bones alive?

8. What is the soft jelly like stuff in the middle of your bones and what does it do?

Go to Sprained Ankle to discover what a sprain is.

9. What happens when you sprain your ankle?

Take the Kid’s Health Quiz.

Record Results here: _______.

Muscular System
Muscles are attached to your bones to help them move. Without muscles you couldn't move at all! Muscles
also give us strength. Muscles are constantly doing simple things like helping you blink or breath. They also do
harder chores like help you run, jump, and play. So how do they work?

Explore Your Multi-talented Muscles .

1. Do you have more bones or more muscles? How do you know?

2. Describe the job of each type of muscle and is the function voluntary or involuntary?

a. Cardiac muscle-

b. Smooth muscle-

c. Skeletal muscle-

3. Write 4 interesting facts about muscles. (You can explore the links “More on this topic”)

a. _________________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________________________________

Then look at Get Body Smart and Muscle Anatomy explore the different muscles and how they control

4. What is the scientific name for the muscle referred to as “six pack”

When you finish, you may complete the virtual knee surgery.

5. Which knee did you perform surgery on?

Respiratory System
What's a respiratory system? Breathing and the way your body uses oxygen is called respiration. We must
breath to live. The organs used to help you breathe and use oxygen make up the Respiratory System.

Learn about the Respiratory System Click “Slideshow”

1. List the four major areas air travels through after leaving the mouth/nose.

2. What is the function of the alveoli?

Look at Breathing.

Pull on the diaphragm to explore how this muscle helps you breathe.

3. What is the purpose of the diaphragm?

Investigate coughing and sneezing at Washington Post Health.

3. Compare a cough and a sneeze. What are the similarities and differences? Draw a double bubble for

Take the Respiratory System Quiz

Or Take this Respiratory Quiz

Record Results here: _______.

OPTIONAL: You also may want to watch the video at this Asthma website.
Circulatory System
Your heart works constantly to keep your blood moving throughout your body. Your pulse is part of the
circulatory system. In an average lifetime the heart beats more than two and a half billion time , without ever
pausing to rest.

All About Your Heart at KidsHealth.

1. Where is the heart located in your body?

2. Explain how blood travels through your body.

Around and Around We Go Click on “Complete the Loop” and complete each task

3. Your blood circulates around your body approximately how many times a day?


4. How much blood is in the average person?

5. Your blood is a mixture of 4 parts listed below. Identify their function

a. red blood cells-

b. white blood cells-

c. platelets-

d. plasma-

6. Where are red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets produced?

7. Where does plasma come from?

Take the Cardiovascular Quiz. Record Results here: _______..

Nervous System
Your brain controls everything you do. It communicates with your body, keeps your body functioning, and
helps you think. It helps you do things you think about and also does things you DON'T think about. How does
it communicate and keep your body working so smoothly?

Anatomy of the Nervous System

1. How much does the brain weigh?

2. How does your brain communicate with your body?

3.Science Interactive Body Choose a gender – choose a body part – Explore how different body parts connect
to the Nervous System

To find out how the brain controls everything, go to Neuroscience for Kids: Lobes of the Brain.

5. Each part of the brain is responsible for specific actions. What are they? Put check marks in the
appropriate columns.

Frontal Parietal Occipital Temporal

Lobe Lobe Lobe Lobe
Making plans with your friends
Remembering your vacation
Figuring out how to make a web page
Playing soccer
Feeling the soft fur on a puppy
Listening to music
Watching a movie
Feeling pain when you stub your toe

Take the KidsHealth Nervous System Quiz. Record Results here: _______

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